The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cross says finishing his plate "You don't need to make it know you were watching what happened between Gogeta and Bernkestle, Berserk." Cross teleported his plate after it was cleaned to a place so the plate can dry. Cross thinks "I shooed cook for the group after saving those kids."
"Toilet paper?!" Avalon turned to Berserk and held up the scroll close to her face. "This is the ancient scroll of my village! It's full of endless wisdom and knowledge passed down for generations! And don't diss on Targog meat! You get used to its taste!" The man then turned to Bernkastel. "Oh, I know a type of milk that helps promote strong bones! It comes from the sores of the Yarung! When you pop 'em just right, they secrete this milk that--" Avalon felt a hand on top of his head. He looked up to see Zenta towering over him. It seemed menacing despite the smile the furry put. Something about that smile scared him. 

"Let us not feed Lady Bernkastel the wonders of your cuisine, yes?" Zenta said in a soft but oddly threatening voice. " She is a Lady of class, after all."

"U-Uhh, y-yeah..." Avalon quickly nodded as he watched Zenta ruffle his hair and make his way to Bernkastel's side. How can he make a sweet smile like that look so scary?! I can barely see his face but he sure is scary somehow...

"As far as I heard, there have been a couple of children that have been missing for a few days," Zenta informed Bernkastel. "Miss Berserk and Avalon mentioned that it would be a good idea to seek out and rescue these children since it will bring closure to their mothers. Mr. Spina also appears in favor as well. Finding them will certainly bring a lighter tone to your names."

As Bernkastel lifted the lid from the plate, she saw three small figures in the middle. They appear to be small transparent cakes that appeared nearly entirely of water or jello. They were Raindrop Cakes in the crude shape of a cat, a piece of candy, and a sphere. All of them were transparent and very beautifully decorated but it was obvious that this was a recipe that was extremely difficult for Cuki due to some deformation in the glass-like cakes. Inside the cat mold was a lavender-colored flower, frozen in time and surrounded by an amateur spread of purple food coloring from the inside. The candy mold had a cherry-blossom inside it and the same amateur spread of pink food coloring. The sphere mold held a stunning and vibrant blue flower, the petals of which stuck out from the mold due to how big it was. Each one had small traces of edible glitter inside and they seemed like treasures rather than food. A light coat of cookie crumbs and syrup decorated the top and side of the plate. Each mold representing Bernkastel, Lambdadelta, and Gogeta respectively. Regardless of the errors, it was still a gorgeous display of art and cuisine on one plate. It seemed almost... magical. 






"Well, when you guys are done eating, we should hurry up." Avalon yawned as he took a few more bites of the green meat. "Those kids ain't gonna save themselves you know."

"Indeed, perhaps we should take our snacks on the go," Zenta added before standing up. "Very well then, I will begin my slow walk towards the area and I will meet you there. The sooner the better."

As Zenta gracefully slid past the others to the balcony, he opened the door and hopped on top of the rail where he saw Spina.

"We should head out now, Spina. The others will follow shortly."

He stared slightly in the direction of where they needed to go and flicked his ears in multiple directions. With a reassuring nod, he took a step off the rail before instantly disappearing from view. 

"I happen to know where the forest is. It's on the other side of the city!" Avalon said to the others. "I want to go on foot but I also want to see how the Witch of Miracles uses her magic! I bet it's super cool."
Cross says as he is getting up "We shooed not need to go any were close to all out, do keep that in mind Avalon." Cross heads out to wait with Spina.
“Well, horrible cuisine and palate aside, off you go, Breakers. I’ll maintain the fort here… and don’t worry, we won’t be having any more visitors.” Lucifer said. “But this isn’t the time to show off strength, Avalon. Remember, the Breakers should be more focused on the steps for redemption. Not be distracted by trivia things right now.” Lucifer noticed that his tea was all gone. “We’ll handle the dishes from here.”

Spina dropped a half-eaten potato to the ground along with others chewed veggies as Zenta approached him. His raised his power significantly, for the others to follow his trail as he flew off to the direction of to the forest.

“Oh, I see that two of them had already started their journey. You best want to head out now.” Lucifer said.
After he finished wolfing down the food, Gogeta sprung up from his seated position and loudly yawned, patting his belly with a content grin.

"That was great Beserk! Really hit the spot!"

He then perked his eyebrows, his grin fading in hearing the spur from Lucifer about Zenta and Spina taking off already on the journey. Gogeta stared back at the small baby for a brief moment, his eyes soon turning towards Bernkastel in blatantly ignoring the suggestion with a blank stare until he was towering behind Bernkastel.

Looking over the plate of the sculpted raindrop cakes and having not processed the actual images of the people made in the delicacies, Gogeta smiled with a loud abrupt question.

"Whatcha got there?"
"Ehehe, it's no trouble for you Mr. Gogeta! Nothin' to it besides a few things from the spice cabinet. I-I'mma get goin' now, so don't be slow!" Berserk's fangirl demeanor reappeared given a simple compliment from the one Breaker she admired so much. Giddy, she made her way to the balcony and flew off for the forest in a crimson stream.

Bernkastel finished her glass of milk with a brief look of confusion at Avalon's nervousness around Zenta, but of course she didn't see his menacing smile from her spot at the table. Upon hearing Gogeta's inquiry she broke away from the sight of the raindrop cakes, blinking a bit to come out of her trance. 

"Oh, uh... I believe this is what Cuki left for me in the fridge. Seems to be some kind of jiggly dessert." Poking the sphere with a finger, she watched it wobble momentarily as if it were to pop. "A kitty, a candy, and a blue sphere." Bernkastel knew the symbolic meanings each mold had, but Gogeta was likely more interested in the food itself than the ideas represented. "Too much cake for breakfast is no good, but just one won't hurt," she said before scooping up the pink one with a spoon. The texture was a surprise, as it was smooth but dissolved nearly instantly in her mouth like water; a strange sensation for a dessert but it was more palatable than something gritty and sugary. 

"... it's good."

To go through such a troublesome preparation in the dead of night for me... A gesture like this wasn't one a person who hated her could bring themselves to make. Bern's mood faltered a bit having remembered the things she said out of anger on both occasions they had argued. Guilt crept up on her so much, she felt she did not deserve to have all the cakes to herself.

"Would... you like to try one? Of course, you ate so many eggs, you won't fully appreciate the dessert, but..." Bern trailed off toward him as she got out of her seat, placing the other two cakes in a hidden spot of the fridge before sliding open the balcony door . "If all goes well today, I'll let you choose one as a reward when we eat dinner. Sound good?" Whatever Cuki had written on Gogeta's letter didn't seem to upset him so she figured it would be considered a nice thing to share one with him.
Cross thinks "I gest he did not chose to what for the others." Cross simple teleports to were Spina was and starts to flying with Spina.
"Alright, it's time to go! I'll race you guys! Just head directly north from here and you'll reach a forest area! I think the furry guy and the angry grandpa should have made it there by now." Avalon said as he held up his hand, extending both index and middle finger. "Should be no problem with your magic, Bernkastel! I'll see you guys there!"

The man smiled at the remaining people left in the apartment before turning into a plume of smoke.

By the other end of the city, there was a large forest that seemed like an ocean due to how many trees there were. Near this edge of the city remained only a few people that did not run away, mostly because they were too far from most of the action but it was still apparent that damage still remained riddled across the entire city. Near the forest's edge was a small base with a group of investigators and the Metropolis police. They set up several barriers as to not have people bother the investigation. The search for the two kids also resulted in investigators and police officers from other towns and cities which were seen mingling within the group. Two law enforcement officers stood out and it was obvious that they were not from Reality City. 

Both of them were fiddling around with notes and talking between each other about the clues they found. They spoke to the officers around them and assigned a few to investigate certain areas.

"Looks like this will be a tough one, Holmes," One of the officers said. "We only have a picture of some footprints and a small shard of a... crystal?"

"Don't forget about the scene. Sometimes the environment can leave a much bigger clue, Petrovic." Holmes said while scanning his notes. "We should take this to the detective, he's got more experience."

Zenta would be the first to arrive at the scene. He placed his hands behind his back and walked closer to the base where all the officers and other officials were. A few of them took notice of the stranger and approached him carefully, asking to know who he is. While a few officials tackled Zenta's reason for being here, one officer ran to Petrovic and Holmes informing them of the newcomer. Both officers turned their heads to see the furry beast and then turned to face each other. In a moment of annoyance, Petrovic sighed and handed his notes to Holmes.

"Alright, I'll handle this. You take those notes to the Detective and see what he concludes from this." Petrovic said with irritation as he left to see what the issue was.

Holmes nodded and carried the notes to the scene of the investigation. He crossed the yellow caution tape and approached a tall man surrounded by other lesser officers. Once Holmes arrived, the other officers salute to the lead officer and backed away, allowing him to approach the man of interest.

"Sorry to bother you, Detective, but this is what we managed to find near the area," Holmes said while handing over the notes and files. "There was barely any physical evidence at the scene but we will continue to search further into the forest. Honestly, it's a huge relief to know you're here to help us. But, if I may ask... what made you decide to help us?" 

"Hey, excuse me! No one is allowed past this point. This is an ongoing investigation." Petrovic said as he approached Zenta. "I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave."

"Oh my, I apologize for my intrusiveness but my group and I wish to aid you in this investigation to find the two missing children," Zenta said while bowing his head. "They should be arriving shortly."

"Group? What group..?"

"I believe you will recognize them when you see them." Zenta chuckled to himself. "And rest assured, we mean no harm either."

"What? What are you talking about?"
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