The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Berserk listened to Spina and Lucifer speak before crossing her arms with a deep scowl on  her face. In front of her was yet another display of poor leadership from Spina; he didn't bat an eye about Cuki leaving and showed little concern for others from his own 'team', with insulting them to top things odd. She crossed her arms with an annoyed scoff.

"I don't think you understand your situation that well, so listen up, Gramps. It's BAD-- your reputation is pretty much rock-bottom. Whatever you're doing to help yourselves isn't working." Berserk jerked a thumb towards the TV playing RNN broadcasts as she made her way to the kitchen. "Which means you're in no position to be picky. And you lamewads need all the help you can get, seeing how much of a dumpster fire this so-called team actually is," she said while rummaging through the fridge for eggs, setting out the plate with Bernkastel's name on it.

"Yesterday was a mega flop-- I mean, you were pretty much done with my guys but since you were so distracted with trying to murder Mr. Gogeta, Sound used that teleport trick to slip right out," Berserk sneered over her shoulder at Spina. "I don't think vigilantism is a good fit for you. If you guys want to try fixing your name that bad, what about that Detective guy Lucifer mentioned yesterday? Is he your parole officer or something?"


A black cat's tail hung out from the edge of Bernkastel's bed connected to a lump under the covers, which trembled and muffled the sounds of sniffles. The tail twitched in alarm at the sound of the door opening, causing Bern's head to pop out and see who it is. She had a startled yet agitated look ready to tell off the unwelcome intruder, but Gogeta's tone and usage of her nickname made her intense look soften up. After carefully studying his features, she composed herself enough to reply.

"Y-yes, I'm fine... See?" Bernkastel sat up straight and tried to play it off in a lighthearted manner, but her face was red and puffy from wiping at it excessively, clearly not at its composure. She knew this and looked down at her lap with a frown, defeat evident in her voice.

"... No... I'm not. I don't want anyone to see me like this." Wiping at her eyes she let out an upset huff. "It's just-- I didn't think this would be so difficult. I was only trying to help but it did the opposite and now she's gone too!" Bern buried her face into the pillow as she began to uncontrollably cry. "What am I doing wrong? I was trying this time and I still messed up again! Why is it so hard to make friends?!"
Cross says "yes I can be annoyed with that "News" origination(RNN) because as far I concerned they failed to show a report that instigated hart and potently Ultraman were the instates of Mcknight café indent." Other news networks have reported on the report and its true Cross' announce with RNN is completely justified.
Gogeta kept his frown throughout Bernkastel’s confession, carefully slipping into the room and gently shutting the door behind him. He walked over to the bed, dropping onto the mattress next to where she sat and let out a heavy sigh.

“I wish I knew. Everytime I try to help or make friends, people get mad at me.”

He kept a small frown, turning his head towards her.

“It kinda bothers me...but Whis told me once that I am always so sure of myself. He said it’s good to be confident...but too much of that sets me up to fail. I didn’t listen though; to me, that meant I had to stop being me. I like being confident and strong, so I didn’t wanna give that up.”

Gogeta lifted his lips in a small half smile, his eyes softening.

“But maybe that’s why it’s not working for us; we keep just trying to be just be us. And maybe that’s not what’s best for our friends...maybe they deserve something...more. Something better than a brute or a mean witch.”
Lucifer chuckled when Berserk was critiquing Spina’s recent actions as of late. “Oh, youth, such a rebellious stage and able to see the past the constant issues of adults. Its giving me such nostalgia of someone.” The small angel was singing praises to the way Berserk carried herself, especially invading the cabins for food. “I don’t see anything wrong with gathering allies. The more the merrier they say, as long they aren’t dead-weight to the team, that is. And considering that Avalon drag Cuki around like a ragdoll, he’s definitely not dead weight.” 

Spina frowned when Berserk, Lucifer and Cross went against what he said. Despite his demeanor, the old Saiyan knows that they were right—perhaps adding more people into the ranks is good. But the problem is that practically all of them had troublesome background. Berserk was, in a way, responsible for the looters’ presence in the first place. Avalon seemingly had a similar divine deity residing within him just as Cuki—and if Byakko has an issue, there’s a possible instance that the same can be said about Seilong. Lucifer was the mentor of Demi-Fiend, and that alone, was enough. And Gogeta literally had Vegetto-Black resided him that exhibits malicious and murderous thoughts. He did not want to take any chances of letting his guard down at all—to do so would be absolutely foolish in his eyes.

“I don’t need some child telling me want to do. Don’t like the way I do things; you can leave at any time.” Spina paused for a second. “Whatever… if this bastard wants to join us, then fine. However, don’t think for a moment that you can get comfortable around me.” Spina turned to the television, to see anything noteworthy that can lead him to their next step.

“Well, to be fair, you recently just became leader.” Lucifer added on. “Not a good start. In fact, terrible, judging from what I was told, but you can’t make sweeping statements like that. A way to get your names out there should be done in a big way, something that can get a lot of attention that is contrary of your previous downfalls. Especially those that were considered “the most dangerous” to the eyes of the public.” He turned to Berserk. “And Detective Goku would reconsider his position; he’s more like an enforcer of sort. He operates outside of the common local laws of several cities. He part of the Detective Agency, but he rarely makes appearance compared to other members I’ve noticed. Especially, the Breakers made a deal with them—they have to restore their reputation, and if any instances of screw up, well, it won’t be a pretty sight if he comes.”

Spina crossed his arms, turning back at Lucifer. “A way to get our names in a big way…”
Cross says "out side of following the news and resolving those criminals thing and making shore the aid workers actually can do there gobs. Those are just 2 good ways of doing it." Cross starts drink form his glass of ice tea.
"Wouldn't the best way to rebuild our reputation being to help in rebuilding stuff? I mean, if they claim we usually destroy things, why not do things the other way? Go out and genuinely make moves to help people out?" Brachi offered.

"I take it you know that it won't be easy?" Jize asked.

"Of course I know; trust isn't given, it's earned. Perhaps if we can do our part in like, rebuilding stuff, treat the wounded or anything that does not involve punching the next best thing with the risk of causing collateral damage could help a lot more. It's just a suggestion on my part." Brachi replied.
"Bah, for a leader you seem to be clueless about leading your people," Avalon commented before jabbing a thumb to point towards Berserk. "Compared to this kid who handled four goonies all on her own, I think she's more a leader if you ask me. At least she's got sights on the bigger picture. ...She's also a bit nicer even though she rejected me..."

"And called you ugly." Zenta snickered under his breath. 

"I heard that..!"

But still, maybe the little guy [Lucifer] isn't wrong about getting their names out in a bigger way. I doubt stopping petty thieves will change much, especially when the city is left in shambles. Man, this is going to be tough...


"...and that concludes our report of the mysterious creatures. On to further news, the missing children have yet to be found. Today marks the third day and their parents have been begging for someone to help them. Law enforcement officials have found clues leading to the nearby forest and will prepare to do an investigation today."

"Please, someone find the children..! My son and his friend are such good little boys, we just want them back..!" One of the mothers cried out. "Please, someone, bring them back!"

"If you have any tips on the whereabouts of any of the two missing children, please call the anonymous hotline on your screen. Every little bit helps in these troubling times and anyone is free to help in the search."

Damn, those kids have been missing for that long? ...Hold on! That's it!

"Hey, did'ja hear that?" Avalon said as he turned to the TV and increased the volume for everyone to hear. He stared at the screen as they talked about the location of where the children might be located in. A forest not too far away from the city, just a short flight from the apartment complex. "You wanted to change your name, right? I bet finding these kids will fix your name!"

"Ah, that does sound like a good idea..." Zenta nodded as he listened carefully to the news. "It will certainly be a path worth walking."

"You saw how worried those mothers were, right? Even if the city still hates you, at least those moms will be thankful that you found their kids! Doing the right thing is always a step in the right direction y'know. Besides, justice will always rewards those who seek it and enforce it!"

"He certainly has a point but what decision will you take, Spina?" The beast said as he rose from his seat and addressing what Brachi said. "Helping the city will benefit as well but I doubt anyone would allow us to get near them. As for avoiding damages, you Saiyans have a nasty habit of doing quite the opposite, physically, mentally, and environmentally. At least, in every battle I have witnessed with you Saiyans, everything has resulted in shattering blows, explosive transformations, and a tad too much yelling." Zenta chuckled under his breath. "Habits are hard to change, as are the views of the people in the city. Ohoho~!"
Cross says as a matter of fact "I have to agree with Avalon if we are going do that thankless job on a smaller scale and this is as good a start as any."
Berserk thought about the announcement, cupping her chin with her hand pensively as she cracked open some eggs onto the pan. "Hmmm. Missing kids huh... grown-ups turn to mush around little kids! It'll definitely be big news. Plus, some of my old turf buddies would say that if you do a bunch of goody-goody stuff it gets parole officers off your back for a while." She nodded in seeming agreement with the idea despite it not being entirely to her tastes. "But I agree with Fluffy, we might have to do something about making you look less scary. It wouldn't kill ya to smile at least. Lessee if there's a toaster around here..."

"When you put it like that, we don't sound like good company..." Bernkastel blinked, wiping her cheeks off. It resembled a bit like what Lambdadelta said to her in that strange fever dream she had not long ago. At the mention of Whis, she looked down at her lap somberly, quickly surmising he likely decided to leave on his own accord for a bit. "Something better that they deserve... I never really thought about it that way." So many centuries went to thinking and behaving like a witch that Bernkastel had lost touch with her humanity long ago. It was how she got by in the Magic World but in the position they found themselves now, would the opposite be better?

Is that possible for a witch-- no, a 'thing' like me? Would I still be 'me'? Like Gogeta, she too had her own reservations about what it meant to change in such a way. Cruelty was closely tied with her self-preservation, but like everything else, it too has outlived its purpose with time.

"I guess I could give it a try," Bern conceded to the fusion hesitantly. "Etiquette and table manners is a start for changing people's impression of a brute," she trailed off and stared ahead at the door. "I'd rather not be a mean witch, but how does someone be nice when it's so tempting to give a rude person a good smacking? Maybe I need to practice talking to people more..."
Hearing the content of the news regarding the missing children, Spina didn’t protest the idea. “Hmph. I guess that’ll do. We’ll take on the case. I didn’t realize that there were people still lurking around. Perhaps they are on the outskirts of the city?”

Lucifer cringed when Avalon was going on and on about justice, although he seems to enjoy the enthusiasm. “Perhaps if you do a good enough job, our dear leader won’t be so hard on you.” When Berserk brought up how to make Spina look less frightening, Lucifer chuckled at the thought. “Perhaps a nice suit can be sufficient. And clean up that wild hair he has it going on. And definitely a good smile. Otherwise, people think you aren’t genuine about your actions.”

“Enough about me.” Spina said. “I don’t know what this suit is, but I can definitely smile.” The old Saiyan attempted to smile but came off as more intimidating than it should. “See? I can smile just fine.”

Lucifer had a blank expression on his face. “…Right.” He continued to sip his tea. “Well, you might as well get started now. Don’t want to miss this graceful opportunity. I, of course, won’t be coming along since I’m useless in this state. Try to not get yourself in more trouble? Or killed. Might want to inform the others about this new idea, so they have the gist of it.”
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