The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Once the others were a sleep Cross vanished in till before the first person would waken up.

The morning

Cross is reading a book even before the crows start screaming. Cross thinks "I gest the others are going to be getting up."
Upon the sounds of Crow screeching loudly that can be heard for miles. Their usual song of cries was now faced with the emptiness of Reality Metropolis. No sounds of people communicating with another; the empty roads and abandoned businesses. Cuki’s Apartment Complex was the only area that had any sense of life in city of utter silence.

Spina slowly opened his eyes when the light reflected on the windows hit his face. “Morning…” He muttered to himself as he attempt to wake himself. His vision, although blurry, was beginning to clear, Spina seen a figure standing over him. With no delay, Spina’s eyes narrowed and unleashed a powerful energy blast against the figure, engulfing them and taking half the ceiling with it. The old Saiyan jumped out of bed, thinking someone is out to attack him. Taking in a defensive position as his vision clears, seeing pile of debris falling down to the strange figure. “Trying to sneak on me huh? I’ll rip you apart.”

As the smokes clears from his initial energy attack, the figure turned out to be the caretaker that carries Lucifer around. Spina’s eyes widened upon seeing her. “What the hell are you doing creeping up on me as I slept?!”

The caretaker, appearing to be completely unscathed from the attack, not even her clothes had any burns on it, didn’t respond to Spina’s question. Instead, she stay motionless as she fixated her eyes on the old Saiyan.

The awkward silence that came, Spina darted his eyes elsewhere. “Whatever. Stay out of my room. Otherwise, you’ll be seriously hurt next time.” Spina exited out of the room as the caretaker’s eyes followed his movements.

“What a strange person.” Spina said, seeing Zenta in the kitchen, and Lucifer [struggling] climbing up on the chair to drink some hot tea.

“I see you’re a morning person, Zenta.” Lucifer said, finally getting on the chair, although it’s not the high enough for him to reach over the counter to get the cup of tea. “Oh, I wonder where she is… I hope she didn’t wander off again.”

“Hey, if you’re looking for her, she’s in my room, watching me sleep.” Spina said.

“Oh, morning Spina.” Lucifer said. “Ah, she’s doing that. She often does that sometimes. I wouldn’t worry about it.” Lucifer said. “She doesn’t bite.”

Spina’s expression didn’t change, turning away from Lucifer. “I see…” The old Saiyan tried to rationalized how the caretaker was able to take a powerful blast at point-blank range and came out completely unaffected by the attack. "...Questions for later." He went to the living room, seeing Avalon sleeping comfortably on the couch. Grabbing his leg, Spina yanked the ninja off and toss him on the ground. “It’s morning. Get up.”
The door leading into Bernkastel and Gogeta’s room swung open suddenly. Gogeta’s dual voice nearly rung out louder than the screeching crows in his heavy yawn; the man’s eyes were still partially shut as he groggily shuffled out into the living room.

He turned on his heel, paying no attention to Spina’s ragdolling of Avalon to wake the other man up. Gogeta shuffled slowly into the kitchen, smacking his lips together in waking up his jaw. He blinked in confusion, noticing the lack of cooked food in smell, glancing around a bit. His eyes soon found the two envelopes sitting on the table, his attention focusing in once he noticed one of the envelopes had his name on it.

Gogeta gently lifted up the parchment, looking it over in a sleepy confused state and lightly tearing open the envelope to read the letter inside.

“Huh? What’s this?”
Shuffling behind Gogeta was Bernkastel, who did not take well to being woken up by noises in addition to screaming birds. She hugged her pillow to her chest and had carried it out of bed-- with a plain look on her face it took a bit to notice it was quiet. Too quiet.

So far, Bernkastel was the only girl out and about... which was off. Squinting as she looked around, she approached Gogeta to see what he was staring at. "What's what? ...Hm? A letter?" There seemed to only be two envelopes, causing her to pick up the one addressed to her and break the seal after checking nobody peered over her shoulder.

The room Berserk claimed for herself had a crude smiley face drawn on the door in bright red, but it was shut. Muffled metal music could be heard from inside however.
"Whoa! Hey!" Avalon yelled as Spina fumbled with his body. "What the hell is your problem?!"

As Avalon slipped out of Spina's grasp, he skittered behind the sofa while trying to get a hold of himself from the very rude awakening. Just like everyone else, he was still groggy and unable to figure out where he was. "Sheesh, man! Is this how you wake up your friends?! I didn't even do anything to you, jerk! Gosh, you're worse than an untamed beast..."

Huh, I thought Cuki said she would make breakfast? Maybe she's not awake yet...

Dear Geegee,

I want to apologize again for treating you so harshly. It's not the person I really am. I guess you can say I was jealous but I think you're a great guy. I know I was a big meanie but I should not have taken it out on you, so I understand if you hate me for all eternity. I wish I could have told you how much of a cool guy you are but I was just so scared you'd laugh at how weak I was compared to everyone else. I wanted to show you that you are as strong as any other Breaker so you wouldn't have to worry about feeling left out but I ended up ruining it for you... I think you're a super cool guy, even if you happen to break some stuff.

I don't know much about your issue with Veggie [Vegetto] but between you and me, I think you're a lot better than he is. You're not as serious, you're funny, headstrong, and you're even cute! At least you got the guts to stick around through the bad stuff and I can totally respect you for that! I think if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll surpass Veggie in no time at all! Just keep an eye on your strength and try not to go overboard. The next time we meet, I promise to show you who the real Cuki is and treat you like a real friend. I hope you can forgive me for everything I've done and said to you. 

P.S. I always wanted to give you a good fight so I owe you a spar! I'll be a lot stronger the next time we meet, so no slacking off, Geegee!

Dear Kettles,

If you are reading this, chances are you've noticed I'm not home. I left the Breakers. I cannot keep holding you or the others down for being so weak. I refuse to see one of you get hurt protecting me when I cannot protect myself. I should not have lashed out at you the way I did and I apologize for making you believe I've been tricking you this entire time. This time, I'll take matters into my own hands and leave you guys alone. I've caused nothing but misery and mayhem between everyone. This is all my fault. I ruined the Breakers because I was so afraid of being alone. I'm such a coward...

I should have treated you better but the hold of my loneliness ate me up inside. Even as I was surrounded by the Breakers, I felt more and more apart as I watched everyone around me grow closer. I felt so... useless. I really wanted to be a part of your life but I saw how happy you were with Geegee and I just couldn't take that away from you. I wanted to make you happy too but I knew I could never match up to anything Geegee did... I was scared I would just end up boring you or making things worse. Well, I kinda did in the end... I can't live knowing I hurt you so I'm going away to better myself. Now you don't have to worry anymore and finally be happy. I just hope you can forgive me for ruining things, I just wanted to be like you. I will return one day and I will be a completely new person. I just hope that when we meet again, you would have changed too.

P.S. I hope you know how to cook without magic! If not, I left some recipes in a drawer next to the silverware. Also, check the fridge, I left you something.

"Glad to see most of you awake," Zenta said cheerfully. "Today is going to be quite interesting. As some of you noticed, there is no smell of a delicious and well-balanced breakfast. I think as of today, some of you will have to start cooking your own meals. I sure hope you all can cook, ohoho~!"

The beast seemed a little more cheerful than usual as he stood up to pour some more tea for himself as well as fill up Lucifer's cup.
Cross says as a pitcher of ice tea fills up a glass of his "I quite skilled in cooking thanks to alchemy, Zenta." Cross drinks some as he keeps reading his book.
Eventually, Brachi woke up from her meditation as she was disturbed by the crows, before moving out of her room to see where the others were, right as Bara and Jize also arrived at sensing Brachi move.

"Hey, where is Cuki?" Brachi asked.
Once Bernkastel finished reading her letter, one arm hugged her pillow tightly while the hand holding the paper became clammy. She stared up at Brachi with a vacant expression in her empty eyes.

"Not here. She went away a while."

The words written down on the letter floated around in her head as she felt chills come on. Placing a hand on her forehead, Bern felt the sensation of illness wash over her. Although the letter itself was quite innocuous, friendly if a little morose, the line about leaving for an undetermined time triggered a very unpleasant memory that resurfaced but a few days ago.

It happened again. It happened again, the panicked thought repeated in her head, flashing memories of Vegetto's back turned towards her. Except now it was Cuki's joining him. Again, but I tried differently. Why again?!

Her legs felt weak and her head spun so she quickly propped her back up against the counter, burying part of her face into her pillow while staring down at the letter forlornly for a few minutes. However it was hard to discern the mental turmoil inside her when Bern's face was usually blank anyway. Almost afraid to see Vegetto there like last time, Bernkastel forced herself to look next to her. Open vest and white sashed pants, no earrings; not Vegetto. Just Gogeta. She focused on him out the corner of her eye.

Berserk yanked her door open with an irritated manner as she stepped out into the living room with a case strapped to her back. "What a racket so early in the day. I can't get ready properly when half my room is covered in ceiling rubble," she grumbled before stopping amid the weird atmosphere of the apartment. Huh...? What's goin' on?
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