The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cross thinks "I hope that what I did tell Cuki sinks in because it was simple logic but it was true. I hope the living understand logic." Cross keeps reading the book.
Bernkastel's blood continued to boil through Lucifer's disparaging lecture, her distressed face growing with intensity as her aura began to flare violently. You! Always have something to say, don't you?! As if you know everything! I try, and try, and TRY! But nothing's working! And it's never enough! I'll only be hated no matter what I do so I won't bother any more! She was so angry she did not realize her thoughts were not vocalized. 

Uttering a growl, she moved her right arm to the side of her face while the shadow she cast on the floor began distorting. Maybe if Bernkastel were not in such a state, she could have stopped to think about what Lucifer said, but the damage had been done. Nothing got through to her other than one more person criticizing her for something she couldn't help. Why?! I did nice things that would make any normal person have friends!

FINE, I'll make sure everyone fears me so nobody can toy with me or mock me ever again! Starting with YOU as an example--! Out of blind rage, the Witch was readying an attack to unload the fury within.

However, it did not occur. Suddenly, the anger was replaced with stunned silence, causing her to let out a shocked gasp. Bernkastel squirmed her dangling legs from feeling unable to breathe but realized it was not an attack-- Gogeta was hugging her. "Eh.... ah..."

It was... warm. When was the last time she had felt the embrace of another person? It felt like eons ago. She couldn't even recall the warmth of when her mother hugged her for the last time. The touch of friends and family, even a pat on the head, from long ago were decayed memories in which she could barely recall their warmth. Lambdadelta was the only person who showed her any form of affection; one she had foolishly taken for granted. Realizing how absent that pampering love was imparted an unbearably painful weight, one that did not heal. Gogeta's body was hardened with dense muscle as opposed to a soft maiden's gloved arms. But it was comforting despite that-- fearing he'd change his mind about her any second, the small Witch clutched onto his vest in a childlike manner, her eyes seemingly glazed over behind a thick layer of tears brimming her eyelids.

"Do you promise?" She sniffled up at him.

Berserk shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Since she didn't understand the circumstances behind the words exchanged, it seemed like there was no single perspective that was black and white. Even if there were hard truths that were tough to swallow, Lucifer seemed to just purposely push either person off the edge which seemed a bit excessive to her. "I kinda feel sorry for them... Sounds like there's too much to unpack here. But they shouldn't leave it alone... I can't do that to my own sisters." Once Spina rudely entered, Berserk's look of pity quickly shifted to one of overt disdain. "Aw hell, it's the annoying geezer."

Bernkastel jumped at the sound of Spina's voice, looking like a deer in headlights realizing she was in a vulnerable position. She couldn't handle being scolded a second time for losing face by Spina, much less be open to more disparaging remarks. She immediately buried her face into Gogeta's chest, pulling his vest shut around her head as her body shook. 

"Go away... go away!" Came her muffled shout, causing several discarded objects on the floor to rattle.

"Psst. Hey Grandpa, read the room wouldya!" Berserk hissed at him in annoyance. "The girls just blew up on one another, talking about some Byakko guy... no idea how it got the way it did. I mean, Burncastle just saved Cuki's hide from getting drowned after all. Then Cuki got big mad outta nowhere and started yelling! Went downhill from there, and fast. Almost had a fight break out!"
Even though Bernkastel did not utter a single word loudly to deflect any of Lucifer’s criticisms, the small angel was aware of the raw, bubbling anger that was seeping through her movements that signals an attack was coming. His mouth broke into a sinister smile; his eyes, narrowing in the process, flare a hint red around his pupils as the anticipating to see the Witch of Miracles unleashed its utter cruelty, daring her so. Lucifer did not ready himself for retaliation of his own, but instead taunting her to test the limits to see if she’s adept of backing down and strive for another choice.

Yet, when Gogeta bear hug Bernkastel, and calm her down, Lucifer’s eyes dulled, and his smile disappeared. Instead, it was replaced with utter disgust at the sight. But his disgust didn’t end there. Bernkastel asking Gogeta to ensure a promise that he will never abandon her left him bewildered at the ordeal. A hence of hypocrisy, sighting to closed one’s heart yet allows the other in just as freely—a total stranger to the boot. “Oh, that’ll be one thing you’ll come to regret soon enough.” Lucifer warned, but was purposely vague to not narrowed down exactly what he meant by those words.

His thought process was interrupted by Berserk and Avalon questioning his methods towards the situation. “I’m merely seeking to push both of them to see their perspectives as flaw—don’t consider such as bashing if it’s the truth. If It wasn’t me, it’ll be the others.” Lucifer turned his attention to Avalon, with his expression unchanged. “You are certainly in no position to lecture anyone, Avalon. You came in here, wanting a fight, and disregard Cuki’s condition to do so. It's no wonder why your “god” had appeared before you, based on what had transpired today.” Lucifer tapped onto the caretaker once on her arm. “In the end though, as one continues to have the comfort of someone, another engulfs in misery of being alone. But rest assurance, eventually, both will suffocate as communication continued to be strangled.” Lucifer finished his piece, seeing that the situation won’t be resolved right now, and delayed once again. He’d turned to see Spina, wondering how he’ll handle the situation.

“Read the room? Are you an idiot? There’s no letters nor words to read.” Spina responded to Berserk seriously. After hearing what had transpired, he’d look around to see the damage done by the battle between Cuki and Avalon. He wondered if there was any damages caused Cuki and Bernkastel since both of them nearly got into a brawl once again, but nothing physical came out of it. Though, when Spina turned to see Bernkastel burying her face in Gogeta’s chest, the older Saiyan did not let any sympathized thoughts of the matter. Although, it’s the third time he witnessed the Witch expressing any emotion aside from malice. “Whatever lingering feelings out there. Quash it. We’re start fresh tomorrow.” Spina wasn’t interested of getting involved in this mess nor want to dwell on this any longer. “If you’re staying here, you can take the living room. The moment you act out, I’ll end you.” Spina’s eyes narrowed at Avalon before leaving to outside again, but he stopped to sense Cuki’s energy. He turned to the direction of the room Zenta took her in, before leaving once more.
"Is everyone here so hostile? I didn't even do anything to the hairy old guy..." Avalon mumbled, annoyed with how Spina treated him. Maybe I did take it too far with Cuki but what did she want to prove to people like them..? So far, they're jerks to each other! And that baby is right, Seilong hasn't shown himself to me. Did... did I take things in the wrong direction or am I still not worthy yet?

While he thought about his dilemma, he turned to see Zenta coming out of Cuki's room and closing the door behind him. The usual calm demeanor of the beast returned on his persona despite how he treated his student. Rather than pointing things out as he usually did, he can sense the hostility between the members and decided to let the subject rest. As he approached the group, Zenta's soft and tranquil voice seemed to bring slight ease to those around. At least he wasn't lashing out or sounded upset anymore.

"Well, today was certainly eventful, wouldn't you think? Why don't you all rest up and see what tomorrow will do for us?" Zenta said. "Perhaps a night of rest will clear our minds and heal any open wounds. I suppose we can address this topic a little more carefully in the morning when everyone is on equal terms and eating breakfast, yes?"

"What about Cuki?" Avalon questioned.

"I will make sure she receives a strict disciplinary lesson from me. She has embarrassed me a bit too much in front of the Breakers."

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh?"

"Of course! But I believe warm hugs and encouraging words never fixes a problem if people are too prideful to see their errors, let alone admit to them. Cuki is no different, so I will not give her that false pretense. If I do, she will never see the error of her ways."

Avalon lowered his gaze to the floor, not entirely agreeing with Zenta but he had no room to speak against it. He stared as some of the holes around the house began to fix themselves and took a step back. He turned to the Breakers and noticed that they did not react to the apartment fixing itself and assumed that they either didn't care or where already used to seeing weird stuff. His mind raced with the fight, the argument between Bernkastel and Cuki, and why Seilong did not show himself. Everything was backward to him and felt completely wrong. This is now how friends should act.

"Well, I think the furry guy is right. We should head to bed. I'll sleep in the living room as promised and I'll leave after breakfast. I... I think I caused enough damages here. I got my fight, so... yeah."
Cross says "your free to do as you wish but I trust that more of a Cuki choice Avalon. That goes for you as well Berserk." 

Cross says as a matter of fact "I hate to say it to you two kids(Avalon and Zenta) but what happened is good for a friendship. Friends tend to speak there minds with each other." Cross goes back to his book.
Gogeta kept his smile, nodding curtly.

"I promise."

He chuckled a bit at Bernkastel's extensive movements under the embarrassment, twitching around under the vibration of her shouting under his vest and giggling a bit.

"Hey! That tickles!"

The fusion relaxed a bit after the moment pass, having paid no attention to Spina or Berserk's conversation. He watched on silently as Zenta exited the room, listening to the conversation with Avalon and keeping a flat stare. Gogeta's eyes shifted towards Cross once the mage spoke, his eyebrows furrowing on deep thought of the advice given.

Whis did say I have to read people better...and make more friends. Friends tend to speak their minds with each other...hmmm...

Gogeta smiled to himself, his head turning towards Avalon.

Ok! Let's try being friends with this new guy.

Gogeta's dual voice curtly rung out in speaking in a concise tone. His smile remained as he spoke; the genuine intention to be friendly strong in his voice despite the actual content being completely against what the man's goal entailed in addressing Avalon's last statement.

"Why don't you just leave now? I don't think anyone really wants you here or wants to talk with you."
The caretaker took the young Lucifer, seeing the latter yawning. “It seems that nothing is left to be said about this ordeal. Pleasure to meet you, Berserk and Avalon. You definitely see the state of the breakers, don’t know if this influence your thinking upon joining, Berserk.” Lucifer chuckled. “Perhaps when everyone gets a good rest, things will be different tomorrow, and Spina might have another bout for the group to do. With that said, I’ll take my leave. Don’t kill each other during the night.” The caretaker and Lucifer left to their room.
"... That wasn't what I-- nevermind. What a dimwit." Berserk muttered under her breath, somewhat annoyed how oblivious, even dismissive Spina seemed to be about the state of his supposed teammates. She was concerned about a potential escalation but was relieved nothing happened. Turning to Lucifer's statements, she waved her hand. "Well, I'm only sticking around 'cause I'll get to fight a *real* strong opponent sooner or later from how rowdy they are." Whether she meant an enemy to the Breakers or otherwise, it couldn't be discerned. "But the Breakers'... erm, charisma I guess... leaves a lot to be desired. I only make friends with cool people like Mr. Gogeta, but we'll see how it goes with the other grown-ups." Berserk pondered about the apartment's strange properties, as typically when Brat and Brute fought things out, she made them fix up their house in order to forcibly make up. As a recent addition, she didn't have a place to help sort out such personal issues but her instincts as a sister allowed her to sympathize a bit.

After seeing them leave, she too seemed curious about Avalon's decision to stay. Based on what she saw, it was odd that a person who took down a Breaker was concerned about nightfall in a nearly-empty city. "Yeah! I thought you hated the Breakers, isn't that why you came here to get even with [her]?" Berserk was aware many people held grudges with the group, and concluded that 'Seilong' was someone who wanted reparations carried out on his behalf. To her, brutalizing an opponent the way he did could only have served that purpose, particularly if the killing method was slow and painful like drowning or suffocation.

Bernkastel didn't move from under Gogeta's vest, though she listened in on some of the conversations going on around her if muffled. Why do they make it sound so much easier than it is? she thought in dismay. This mess was worse than the last and thus harder to clean up, mainly because she didn't really know why it ended up that way. Not to mention she completely lost face. To let mere words hold power over me like that... Feeling agitation bubble up again, Bern decided just to stay put. The mental and emotional exhaustion of the day's events drained her, dozing off rather quickly.
"W-What? No! I don't hate the Breakers..! I-I just wanted to solve an issue I was having. I didn't know it would turn to this..." Avalon shook his head to Berserk before glancing at Gogeta. His frown worsens upon hearing his words. Damnit Avalon, you screwed up again, didn't you..? I can't seem to do anything right...

As the night overcame the city, Cuki woke from her unconscious slumber and sat up with a blank expression on her dimly lit face. The events of earlier echoing painfully in her head. The way she treated Bernkastel and Gogeta was unjust and it continued to eat her up inside. She felt unable to control her emotions due to the everlasting loneliness she felt while she watched everyone around her bond better with one another, well, mostly everyone. Lucifer's cold words lingered deep within her psyche and the more she thought about the events of today, the more truth Lucifer held behind his words.

He's right... I'm holding everyone back. I'm a weakling that's trying too hard to not feel lonely anymore. I'm... I'm the reason the Breakers are suffering. It's all my fault. Always has been... I can't let them risk their lives for someone like me... I refuse to hurt them anymore, it's time to do something for them..! I'll make things right!

The door to her room opened quietly, not stirring anyone in their sleep. She looked around the living room to see Avalon sleeping peacefully on the sofa while the others were in their rooms. The light of the Vortex moon lit up her home just enough for her to move around and pick out some items from the fridge. In quick haste, she started to make some food, but it was not for her. As she scrambled about, Cuki placed the small food item on a delicate looking plate before placing the cover on it. Grabbing nearby post-it notes, she simply wrote down one name and placed it on the tiny plate.


On a larger sheet of paper, she scribbled down some quick words and shoved two sheets in separate envelopes. She labeled one with Bernkastel's name and the other for Gogeta. She left the two notes on the dirty kitchen top and moved to the balcony sliding door. Very carefully, she slid it open and looked back at her home one last time as she held back her tears. Taking a deep breath, she whispered goodbye and slid the door closed behind her. She flew up to the roof where she was shocked to see Zenta up there, seemingly waiting for her.

"Leaving so soon?" The Master said with a light chuckle. "And without saying a final goodbye?"

"Master! I-It's not what you think!"

"I already know, Cuki. In fact, I encourage you to leave." Zenta sat down and tapped the floor next to him to urge her to come sit with him. 

"You're not mad..?" Cuki moved towards her Master and sat by him as indicated.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"I thought you would be disappointed in having me as your student. I'm just a loser holding everyone down... Lucifer is right, I'm just a pathetic weakling... I ruined the Breakers, not Geegee..."

"Never believe a venomous tongue as his, Cuki. While you certainly played a role, the others are not innocent either. Far from it, in fact. Many refuse to see the bigger picture of how traumatized you are. You constantly hid it but every time you saw Mr. Gogeta and Lady Bernkastel bond closer every minute, you felt yourself distancing farther and farther away and no matter how hard you try, no matter how high you climbed, you will never hold a candle to a man who knew Bernkastel for a few days, at best."

"How is that fair?! I worked my butt off for Kettles since Doom came knocking on my door. I helped her countless times and even saved her butt on some occasions and I don't remind her of it! Then come Byakko and Geegee and... and suddenly it all means nothing to her... Byakko was the one who tricked them, not me, so why am I getting the backlash for what he did..? She acts as if I never blame Byakko for what happened but I do! I try to move past it so I don't end up reminding myself how much of a failure I am! I got tricked too and because of my failure, it cost me everything!" Cuki started to break down into tears while she pressed her face into her palms. "While she has all the love and comfort from Geegee and everyone else, I'm stuck all alone with the weight of all my problems and failures on my shoulders..!"

"Cuki, no one is doubting your fighting capabilities but I believe that you are being held back by the constant feud you have with being alone and being accepted. I agree that Byakko is a major factor but I will also not ignore the way Bernkastel cannot see your side of the problem. Perhaps she refuses to or she does not understand, I am not sure. Either way, it is wrong. Mr. Gogeta will also have a rude awakening if he blindly trusts a being he knows very little about and I am afraid that will cause turmoil in their friendship. They cling so tightly to one another that they might end up blocking the advancements of others around them and that will lead to their downfall."

"I don't get it... how so? All they ever care about is themselves and each other."

"That is precisely the point. All it takes is for one of them to mess up and the illusion of the reality they both live in will come crashing down. Judging from our Lady's paranoia, she is hiding many things from Gogeta, and from the looks of things, she will continue to hide things from him, even if it means lying. Maybe Gogeta is fine with that, maybe not, I do not know." Zenta looked up at the moon as his tails swayed harmoniously behind him. "I learned from a wise hermit that a true friend is someone who will not judge you for your past or refuse to tell you theirs. Communication is the key, something I believe Lady Bernkastel nor Gogeta understands."

Cuki listened carefully to her Master as she gazed at the destroyed city before them as the wind gently swayed between her hair. Her trace was broken from feeling her Master's hand pet the top of her head. She sniffled, still feeling guilty about the problems she caused. Yet, despite her Master's way of approaching the manner, she saw that he tried to approach it as fair as possible, both to her and Bernkastel. It was there that she realized her errors. But she did not feel bad or cry, instead, the understanding of it all enlightened her, even lift her spirits from the dump she was in. Cuki's eyes widen as she looked up to her Master who smiled back t her. Before she could say much, Zenta spoke out.

"Well, I believe it is time for you to leave, yes? You have a wonderful world to explore."

"But... what about you? Wouldn't you be sad?"

"Of course, but nothing would fill me with more joy than to know you are finally out there discovering who you finally want to be. You will always be the joy in my life, no matter what." Zenta lowered himself so he met eye level with Cuki. "Just promise me you'll be careful out there. There are many foes we have yet to see, some even stronger than me. There is no shame in running from a fight you cannot win."

"Alright, I'll be careful." Cuki rose to her feet and stretched her arms over her head. "Hey Master, let me ask you one last thing... Do you really think I can change..?"

"I believe you can, and you will. You have an unbreakable will that none of the Breakers can ever hope match. Between you and Lady Bernkastel, I believe the true miracle maker is you, Cuki. While our Lady relies on magic to do the impossible, you face your fears head on to protect those around you. The only difference is that one is instant and the other is a journey."

Cuki's lower lip trembled as tears finally started to stream down her cheeks. Without warning, she rushed to her Master and hugged him as tight as she could, burying her face on his fuzzy chest. The Beast was caught off guard by her hug but rubbed her back to comfort the young girl. 

"Will you still be here?"

"Of course, I've nowhere else to go."

"I promise that when you see me again, I will finally discover who I am. I'll show Byakko he messed with the wrong person and he'll never bother me again!"

"I understand Byakko is not on good terms with anyone but please do not see him as your enemy. He... is very special to you. Please try to understand this as you carve your path. I am afraid I cannot tell you more. This is something you must discover on your own, Cuki."

Cuki stared at her Master and nodded before floating up in the sky and looking past the horizon to see where she will go. The sun was slowly peaking and the rays would soon wake up the Breakers. She turned back to her Master who stared while removing his visor, almost as if he wanted to get a better view despite not having eyes. Cuki whimpered under her breath before rushing back to her Master and hugging him one last time. She pressed her forehead against his and they both laughed while messing with each others' ears. Finally, Cuki gave her Master a kiss on his forehead before lifting off.

"Oh yes, one last thing, Cuki." Zenta said while putting his visor back on. "If you happen to see my buddy Whis along your travels, tell him to send me a souvenir. I am curious to know what he has been doing in his spare time. He still owes me a cup of tea! Ohoho~!"

"Heh, will do, Master!"

As Cuki lifted higher into the air, she waved off to her Master before dashing off towards the rising sun. She disappeared past the horizon, heading off to unknown territories and uncharted lands. Zenta watched his student fly off until her energy was far enough for him to ignore. He smiled before turning on his heel and hopping off the roof to the balcony where he entered the apartment once more.

As the morning finally rose, the infamous crows began to scream and cry outside the windows of the Breakers. Each one pecking and slamming against their windows. There was no smell of breakfast and the apartment felt still, almost eerie to a degree. Something was off than how The Breakers were used to waking up in the apartment. There were no pots or pans ringing, no water running, no TV turned on. 

Zenta sat on by the kitchen counter, sipping his tea idly as he waited for the Breakers to wake up. Avalon would be the first one to wake given how bright the sun was and annoying the crows were. He turned away to bury his face on a cushion in his attempt to block out the sun.

"Just five more minutes..."
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