The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Gogeta's eyes stared down at the letters on the paper, narrowing a bit at the first paragraph. A small frown krept in as he skimmed through, finishing out the entire letter and shutting his eyes. His mind was mostly incoherent in the flood of words that flushed through his brain, his own voice permeating through the words.

I did it again. Whis was right; I'm too sure of myself. I was so sure...maybe she would've stayed if I tried to be friends.

He then stifled a small, tiny chuckle to himself as he shook his head, clenching his free hand into a fist.

Alright then...I'll be waiting for you, Cuki. We'll make it a good fight...a great fight between friends!

Gogeta confidently broke out into a smirk, his eyes still narrowed in fierce determination to see the plan through. His head slowly turned; the iconic smirk and confident stare in his eyes identical to his counterpart, Vegetto, in slowly turning towards Bernkastel. He held the expression for a few seconds, before noticing Bernkastel's strange demeanor and frowning slightly.

"Is something wrong?"
Cross says "true growth is not given by the mighty only earned by one own work to grow." Before going back to his book and drinking his ice tea.
“Don’t lecture me. They were kind of enough to let you sleep here for the night. The night had passed. Now get out.” Spina ordered, with the seriousness of his voice radiating a murderous intention behind it, perhaps, still on edge when the caretaker creeped into his room throughout the night.

However, his attention shifted when everyone gathered in the kitchen, notably Bernkastel and Gogeta picked up letters specifically addressed to them. Noticing that Cuki wasn’t presence and couldn’t sense her energy anywhere. “The shitty brat isn’t around.” He then noticed Bernkastel’s expression didn’t change much. He thought that sleeping it off would at least make them move on already, but it still the sense of heightened emotions still lingers around.

“Oh, what’s in the letter?” Lucifer thanked Zenta for pouring tea in his cup. “Is it interesting? Or…” Lucifer made a sinister smile, after snipping tea. “Did you cause someone to run away.”
Bernkastel let out a small noise seeing what was nearly the spitting image of Vegetto towering above her. Reactively, she buried her face into the pillow entirely to block out him out of her sight as the anxiety bubbled up. Vegetto?! Why is he here?! No, it can't be, that's impossible...! When Gogeta asked her what was wrong, Bernkastel peeked up and tried to muster a response while trying to convince her mind it wasn't Vegetto standing in front of her.

However, when Lucifer posed his pointed question and she saw Spina come into view, she couldn't think straight. The contents of the letter easily could answer that question, but the idea of doing so was out of the question for her. Blood pounded in her eardrums and her face grew pale with panic as the intrusive thoughts set in. Hugging the pillow close like it were a shield, she held the letter in her fist with a vicegrip.

((You lost Vegetto, you lost me, and if you lose Gogeta--))
((Vegetto was right to leave the Breakers... they're nothing but villains.))
((This is all your fault! You're the problem!))

"I-I don't feel well. Excuse me--!" Bernkastel blurted out, ducking around Gogeta and making a beeline back to her shared bedroom, shutting without locking the door in her haste.

"... Okay?" Berserk scratched her head in confusion. "She looked like she saw a ghost. Then again, waking up to Grandpa's scary face, it'd make anyone run in the other direction so who could blame her?" She snickered.
Gogeta frowned in watching on, his eyes following Bernkastel all the way into their room. He paid little mind to Lucifer and Beserk's comments, his one track mind focused on one thing as he strode after Bernkastel in a steady walk towards their room.

He gently turned the door know, slowly cracking the door open a bit and peaking his head inside the room. His dual voice rung out with concern and was raised in pitch, his eyes glancing around in trying to find Bernkastel in the room.

"Hey ok? I'm still here."
The ninja dusted his scarf, keeping his stance against Spina. Even when Spina is obviously stronger than him, Avalon did not let up. He did not like Spina insulting Cuki after she fought as hard as she could. If this is how he treats his friends, I’d hate to see how he treats his enemies. I thought leaders were supposed to be more caring than this. I guess things are different across many worlds, huh?

Zenta quietly listened to the voices of each Breaker, taking note that mostly everyone was wide awake at this point and in the same room. While a few bickered amongst themselves, he patiently sipped at his tea. Only after a few moments of indulging himself in his mint tea did he finally speak up.

“By now I assume some of you know what is going on but for those who are unaware, I’ll explain a little in detail,” Zenta did not pay attention to the Breakers as he casually sipped his tea. “Cuki has left the Breakers in search of overcoming her weaknesses so she does not rely on others. She did not want to burden you all with her lack of power and confidence. I don’t think she could live with herself if one of you suffered an injury trying to save her. This worries me, she might find a battle beyond her capabilities and have no one to save her this time. Such a battle might result in her becoming a coin. Such a cruel fate bestowed on Cuki, honestly. She came here alone and died alone… I can only wish for the best.”

After another sip, the beast continued even after the departure of Bernkastel and Gogeta.

“I suppose things will begin to get awkward and lonesome for a few of you, then again, I am not sure how big an impact Cuki was in most of your lives. Perhaps things won’t change much judging from how I saw things. Either way, I believe we will meet her again one day, however, whether or not she wishes to stay with us rests solely on your shoulders, Breakers.”

As Zenta spoke about Cuki’s whereabouts, Avalon’s expression seemed to darken. Pain, guilt, and sorrow riddled across his face as he felt entirely responsible for what happened. Even when it was Cuki who asked him to go all out, he still believed he should have taken better judgment. Without knowing Cuki’s prior issues with Bernkastel or Gogeta, he only assumed that his interference caused the friction between the friends. He continued to beat himself up for the problems he indirectly caused until he felt an overwhelming sense of guilt arise.

Aw shucks… did I do this? I-I didn’t know they had problems before I came along… Why do I keep ruining everything? At this rate, I’ll never meet Seilong and save my sister. I caused a huge mess to these people all for wanting my own selfish desires… What do I do now..? Avalon bit his lip as he raced through his thoughts. He wanted to reach his goals above anything else but leaving the Breakers in their current situation wasn’t right either. He growled under his breath as he yanked at his horns before squatting down to carefully sort his thoughts. Fayini or the Breakers..? Little sis or the Breakers..?! What is more important now..? What is the right thing to do now..?!

"Anywho, that is a lot to take in in just a short morning," Zenta said after finishing his tea. "I believe we should begin fixing our name, right?"

"Alright fine! I've decided to stay!" Avalon said. "I think I should fix my wrongs and help you guys out on fixing your name. I think you guys aren't all bad, you just need to follow the path of righteousness! I can help you with that!"
Cross says as a matter of fact "I think once we have every one process what Cuki did chose to do then we should hear you out Avaion." He keeps drinking his ice tea and reading his book.
"Hey, I would have gladly helped in training her if she came to me;" Brachi said, "I'd love to help her out as a form of distraction for me..."

Brachi genuinely did care about Cuki, and she felt a bit upset that Cuki went this way, despite feeling this was something Cuki had to do.
Lucifer chuckled. “What a delightful summary of events of Cuki’s decision. But in the end, it's another way of saying that she was useless in the team, and detrimental to the goal of restoring the good name if these lingering feelings continue to waver in a continuous manner with no resolution. If she finds herself in a bind, well, that’s such a tragedy of a weakling.” Seeing Bernkastel run off, with Gogeta following suit was memorable in a sense. The cruelest witch is seemingly too exposed to the complicated emotions of humans that hover above. “Perhaps we should trim more useless fat on the team to become more efficient as well. The faster we get the good faith restored, the faster we can restore the original goal of the Breakers.” 

Remaining silent throughout Zenta’s explanation and Lucifer’s comments, Spina slightly lowered his head on the revelations that Cuki’s departure from the group. His eyes narrowed, and the expression of his face doesn’t show anything that he’s upset, angry or the combination of both. The old Saiyan turned to look at his right hand, the hand that slap Cuki down as a response for bringing his past. Balling his hand into a fist, Spina’s serious expression returned. “If that her wishes, fine. We'll move forward” He whispered to himself. Avalon’s declaration of joining the Breakers broke his moment of thought. “Huh…? Come again?”

The angel initially wanted to respond to Brachi’s phrasing on training Cuki, right in front of Zenta, her master. Yet, before laying out a response, Avalon’s declaration of joining the team cause him to shift his attention to that instead. “Another person wants to join the group. Why, that makes about four now.”

“No way.” Spina responded. “We already had five people already, and we got enough issues. Piss off to somewhere else.”

“Five…? Who are we missing?” Lucifer thought to himself. “There’s Zenta, Berserk, Gogeta and I join the Breakers. Panich… but she went off on her own. Maybe he’s referring to Lilith?” Although he was confused about the number of people, the small angel decided to challenge the old Saiyan’s objection to Avalon joining. “Why not? He seems to be a good sport, even though he’s quite invasive.” Lucifer said, not criticizing but rather encouraging such behavior. “I mean, do you have any idea of our task today as Zenta ask?” As Lucifer question the old Saiyan, the caretaker came down head and headed to the living room to turned on the television to watch the latest news on RNN.

“Well, uh.” Spina didn’t have an idea of what to do next since yesterday incident with Gogeta threw him off. “Not at the moment, no. Even then, the last thing we need is more people to add into our ranks. Bad enough that we got a brat that tags along, and now we got this bastard?” Spina was suspicious since he possibility of more drama could be cause by having too many people in the group. “Just give me a second, and I’ll see if there’s something we can do.”
Cross says as a matter of fact "I should note this to those that were not involved with the doom fight. That fight our group did not face what is normal hear if we died but actually dyeing. Lest say you and the rest of the people us are lucky were a lot nicer than that propaganda network(RNN) portrays us as, Avalon."

Cross says "Spina we do have an open door policy wend it comes to people joining and leaving."
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