The blood in the hole left a small trail against the tree, no doubt bleeding out. On the dirt just off to the side had a thin trail of blood before suddenly disappearing and leaving a small imprint on the ground. It was faint but it was very obviously a Vortex Coin imprint. Whatever was attacked did not survive very long. Surrounding the faint coin imprint were the same tiny dot-like patterns that appeared to be scattered about in the area.
Close to the fallen tree where Avalon and Berserk investigated were clear indications of large footprints running to the stab wounds against the trees in question. The smaller footprints were seen scurrying away from the larger ones. They left a trail that leads up to the bloody tree where one pair of smaller footprints appeared to have been dragged against the dirt. The other pair ran off behind the bushes with the mysterious dots and larger footprints following it. A few leaves on the bush have tiny droplets of blood.
Close to the fallen tree where Avalon and Berserk investigated were clear indications of large footprints running to the stab wounds against the trees in question. The smaller footprints were seen scurrying away from the larger ones. They left a trail that leads up to the bloody tree where one pair of smaller footprints appeared to have been dragged against the dirt. The other pair ran off behind the bushes with the mysterious dots and larger footprints following it. A few leaves on the bush have tiny droplets of blood.
"Agreed, these small patterns don't look like any wildlife that lives here, unless there are some weird bugs crawling around," Avalon stared at the patterns with his magnifying glass. "And it's all over the place too. It's like these patterns appear out of nowhere. Is there anything in this world that appears and disappears without warning?"
As Avalon pondered the thought, he caught a glimpse at the large footprints on the floor and followed the trail before seeing the bloody tree. He lowered his magnifying glass to stare at the footprints and carefully followed them to the tree. The prints showed the person standing in front of the tree before turning to run off to the bushes.
"Hmm, looks like the big guy chased the small guys to this tree and something happened," Avalon decided to see if he could find any physical evidence but noticed the small imprint on the floor. "Hey, Berserk, I think you should come see this," He pointed at the faint coin imprint on the ground. "I think I found something. Errm, what is it? A circle with letters? It's hard to make out since it's so faded. It's also surrounded by those weird dots. It looks more concentrated here than anywhere else."
Zenta kept his ears upright, carefully listening to anything he deemed suspicious but frowned upon hearing Gogeta's words. The way he called the children weak and pathetic and disregarded those who perished in the Hart fiasco made him shake his head in disapproval. While he normally would stand against such nonsense, he decided to go against it, at least for now. Bernkastel's rebuttal did not make matters any better and Spina was a different case altogether. Things were no different than when Cuki was around. Still, he seemed to gaze at Gogeta silently while his ears twitched wildly.
The hostility and verbal miscommunication between one another are astonishing to me. Still, how odd of Gogeta to speak such things. He certainly said things in the past but not to this caliber. Even Bernkastel fell victim. I sense an imbalance in him. Something is clouding his mind and affecting his judgment...
Zenta let out an audible sigh but held strong to see forth the end of the day, giving the Breakers the benefit of a doubt. The beast remained close to the others but made sure he did not get in the way. As Bage approached him, his attention shifted to the large Detective as he bowed his head respectfully to the man.
"Oh, hello Detective Bage, I appreciate the worry." He lifted his head to greet the man with a smile. "I am fine, thank you. I, unfortunately, cannot see so I am using my ears to detect any sudden movements or noises that may lurk nearby. This forest feels putting, to say the least, and I sense things are not as they should be." Zenta then turned to the Breakers, trying to change the topic slightly. "And I would not worry so much about them, it is natural for them to misunderstand each other."
As Zenta made small talk with Bage, both his ears jerked towards the direction of Spina and Bernkastel and he quickly turned his head to face them. It was faint but his ears caught a tiny yipping noise within the bushes and some rustling. It was something small, maybe an animal, but it did not sound like it was happy. The beast pointed to the shrub.
"Something is there and it appears to be in distress."