The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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At that moment, Brachi, Bara and Jize turned up as well, wanting to see what was going on for real.

"From one mess into another..." Jize said, overseeing the bickering between Bage and Detective Goku.

"Story of my life..." Brachi muttered softly, making Jize frown at that.
Upon landing on Beserk and Avalon, Gogeta grunted in quickly springing up to his feet. The docile scowl moments before ignited in rage, his eyes wide to the brim. He listened to the others plead and make their case, yet despite the potential in making sense of it all, Gogeta broke out into a devilish grin.

“Your justice can die with you, Goku. Those people that died from that falling building did not deserve to live in this my world.”

A dark black and pink flame rapidly ignited up from underneath his boots, a bright shade of pink encompassing Gogeta’s hair this time instead of the blue. The Rose transformation barely had time to form, Gogeta’s grin disappearing under the effect of the black V on his forehead radiating a bright red.

“Stand down. You’re not ready for him.”

Gogeta grimaced, twitching violently. The aura swirling around his body vanished in an instant, yet the pink hair remained as black lighting crackled around his body while he clutched the side of his head.

“But you said I could take everyone! I be free!”

“Not him. Just wait, you will have time. Focus on the Breakers for now...focus on what she did to you.”

Gogeta twitched heavily, his breath labored. He scowled heavily, grunting in clear disagreement with whatever was being said in his head. He slow stood upright, however, the pink hair and grey pupils of the Rose transformation remaining in watching Detective Bage arrive and explain the Breakers’ innocence.
Prior to Bage's arrival.

"Yeah, tell me about it..!" That Goku guy isn't a pushover. Thank goodness Bage arrived in time or else we'd be toast." Avalon whispered back to Berserk as he rose up to his feet. He growled under his breath with Gogeta's rambling. It boiled his anger when he belittled those who perished, acting as if he had control of their fate. Without hesitation, Avalon gripped Gogeta's gi and pulled him close. "You bastard! Don't you ever speak about others like that..! You know nothing! You have no right to say who lives or who dies! This isn't your world, so cut your shit or I'll cut your throat!"

Zenta listened intently to what the RNN mentioned and let out a sigh, knowing the confusion it made. While he knew he did nothing wrong, he did not account for Spina's actions when he left the home. He decided to keep quiet about the incident, feeling that the last thing Spina needed was more drama in his life. He rose to his feet and made his way to Avalon as he handled Gogeta. The words the Fusion spoke made him shake his head in disbelief, yet, he decided to cut the quarrel between Avalon and Gogeta.

"I think that is enough, Avalon. No need to start another mess," Zenta said while placing a hand on Gogeta and Avalon's shoulders. "Release him."

"He thinks he can control who lives and who dies?! It's a sick joke to him!" Avalon said as his grip tightens on Gogeta's Gi. His eyes were wild and full of fury. It was odd to see this side of him as he seemed like a completely different character. "So why should I let go of this loser instead of beating his brains in?! Or break every bone in his body?! I outta feed him to the fuckin' dogs but that would be cruel to the dogs..!"

"Because if you refuse, I will put you down myself." Zenta's frown deepens. "The last thing we need is more problems between the Breakers. I will not hesitate to put you down, Avalon. Please, heed my warning."

There was a long pause between the three until Avalon shoved Gogeta away, scoffing under his breath and spitting near Gogeta's boot. The man walked away from the two and returned to Berserk's side. His usual carefree attitude was sour and there was no doubt that Gogeta struck a nerve with Avalon. He crossed his arms over his chest and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself down. At least when he was around Berserk, he felt better, even if she picked on him every once in a while. The man shot one last glare at Gogeta before turning his back on him. One day you'll lose everyone, and when you do, you'll be singing a different tune, muscle boy...

"S-Sorry you had to see that, Berserk..." Avalon said while taking a deep breath and ridding himself of his negative emotions. He forced a smile to try and cheer himself up. "He just... reminded me of a man, that's all... I bet I looked like a total nerd, huh? Just pretend you never saw that but there's no way you'd let me live it down, huh? Haha!"

"Now then, it looks like Officer Holmes and Officer Petrovic have gone missing. It would make sense to suspect us, given we were the last ones to see the two." Zenta shrugged before running his fingers through his hair. "My, my... what will you Breakers do now..?"
Spina’s eyes narrowed upon the sudden change of energy swirling around Gogeta—even if it had last for a brief second. Although Avalon had reacted much faster to Gogeta’s outright confession to Detective Goku’s accusation and took matters on his own hands, the old Saiyan knows that the pink-hair transformation anywhere. His eyebrows furrowed in anger, baring his teeth as his muscles tensed up. Despite the fact that Zenta had warned Avalon about making things worse—Spina instinctively raised his right arm, balling his hand into a fist.

Among the scuffle between Avalon, Zenta and Gogeta, and Spina gearing up—the one thing that stood out was the pink transformation. Detective Goku’s demeanor changed suddenly—Gogeta had admitted fault to his face and changed into that form. Despite the scuffle ending due to Zenta’s interference, the Detective rushed towards fusion rapidly, taking both of his hands out of his pockets.

In conjunction, the old Saiyan’s energy flare around rapidly, pushing others closed to him slightly. “No. The purple brat is right. I’ve tolerant this bastard long enough…!!” Spina shouted at Gogeta as veins erupted around his forehead. He hurled his fist with full intention to destroy him upon impact. Before Spina can connect his fist against the fusion, Detective Goku grabbed his arm to stop the punch from touching the fused warrior.

“Didn’t you hear him [Zenta]? You lot are already this deep. Don’t keep digging.”

Spina grinned his teeth in annoyance. “But that damn bastard…!!!”

The Detective turned to Gogeta with a strong, firm stance. “So you admitted fault to one, then. You’re coming with me—”

As Detective Bage shouted to stop, Detective Goku turned his head slightly, confused that he came to the Breakers’ apartment in such a state. “Bage? You were with them the whole time? Is that what you are saying?”
Cross says to Breakers "We on the clock so can we not fight till were off of it."

Cross says with a mix of annoyed and glad "So RNN can no longer get out the lawsuit by not having any one that knows how to use magic idioms."
Gogeta's eyes remained locked firmly on Detective Goku, his body tense in waiting to see the latter's actions. He barely moved in being yanked by his vest by Avalon, his eyes still forward towards Detective Goku and Spina throughout Avalon's threats.

Zenta arriving to stop the potential fight did little to gain Gogeta's attention as well, and he immediately clenched his hands into fists in seeing Goku approach. A devilish smirk rose in watching Spina lunge forward and proclaim his refusal to sit back any longer, but just as he saw the movement and prepare to fight, Gogeta's frown returned in seeing Spina being restrained.

His lips opened, prepared to shout in protest and launch forward to ignite the fight once again. Yet the same V adorning his forehead lit up a bright red once more, and Gogeta grimaced in staying back.

"Not. Yet. Wait..."

The mental message resonated loud enough within Gogeta's mind for telepathics to pick up on; the intense level of control used to restrain Gogeta requiring too much effort to avoid concealing Black's presence for the first time. Gogeta grunted in annoyance after a few seconds of grimacing in pain, stepping back in watching Detective Goku turn to face towards Bage.

His grey pupils then finally turned to the side, noticing Avalon spit down towards his boot. Gogeta did little to move out of the way, staring down at the gesture for a brief moment before glancing back up at Avalon with a perplexed stare; a clear disrespect to Avalon in not even recognizing who he was until now. Gogeta paused, taking a moment to look Avalon up and down, and suddenly erupted into a boisterous laugh. His cocky smirk throughout his laughter rose, his grey pupils locking onto Avalon in loudly disrespecting the man in his taunting through his laughter.

Gogeta shook his head once, his eyes lifting back and staring down Spina.
Brachi frowned upon seeing Gogeta suddenly with pink hair and gray eyes.

"What is that for a new form?" She asked, being completely unfamiliar with Super Saiyan Rosé in the first place.

She also looked around the area, having noted the commotion that took place between Avalon, Gogeta, Spina and Zenta, seeing that Zenta was trying to diffuse the situation in his own way, turning back to Gogeta, clearly annoyed, but taking a moment to keep her own cool.

"And are you THIS intent on just making things worse for us now that we have the authorities with us in this place?" She then asked, "those gray eyes of yours make me believe you're becoming blind to whatever is going on around you."

Jize on her turn was observing Gogeta, narrowing her eyes at him as she too took note of the pink hair and grey eyes.

'Hmmm... it appears that the sudden change in hair and eye color seems to have triggered a personality shift as well... this is nowhere near the Gogeta I've heard of in the past...' The Supreme Kai thought to herself.
Bernkastel sweated nervously as she tried to bring down any further tension, particularly glancing back and forth between Spina and Avalon. 

"Stop it, you're just itching to give him exactly what he wants!" She scolded Spina. "Gogeta just isn't feeling like himself; he fell ill all of a sudden and collapsed last night. Surely, he just hit himself on the head and it's disoriented him," Bern pleaded. "Just look at his forehead, it's got the same shape as the end table in our room!"

The small Witch tensed up with a confused stare when she heard Gogeta burst into laughter, causing her to turn around towards him. "What's so amusing!?  Callously confessing just to gloat about it is the last thing... we..." Bernkastel trailed off when she saw the pink hair on the fusion's head, looking confused. Is this a new transformation of some kind? But he isn't currently training... "Need?"

Berserk placed a hand on Avalon's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, a stern frown on her face. "Whatever you're wanting to do, it's a bad idea to try it front of that Goku guy... he's kinda scary." She was not easily intimidated by authority figures of any kind, but the Detective's demeanor was one of the few exceptions. "Say, did you notice that ugly tattoo on Gogeta's head? Tacky... but there's somethin' weird about it," she whispered to Avalon. "Really weird."

Bernkastel snapped out of her trance when Bage made his entrance just in time before things could get even more out of hand. "Finally! Yes, quickly! Tell Detective Goku-- we came straight here from the forest and agreed to help look for more of those bottles, yes?" She asked Bage in a hurried blabber.
"Yes! They were in this apartment with me, the Breakers couldn't have caused their disappearance." Bage nodded in agreement with Bernkastel as he came forward to coax Detective Goku to stand down. He sighed catching his breath from rushing over after seeing the news report, raising his hands in a surrendering gesture for the Breakers. "I asked them for help with my own investigation."

His eyes seemed to worriedly glance to Gogeta and Spina again, seeing as the two had nearly gotten into another bout while he was gone. Jeez, it was hard trying to be on their good side when they acted this way! "Yeah, we got off on a rocky start but I swear they had nothing to do with whatever happened today. You've got to trust me."
As Avalon backed away from Gogeta, the beast stood before the Fusion in confidence. He purposely seemed to be blocking his view of Spina and Goku, looking down at him since he was taller. There was a moment of silence before he turned his back to Gogeta, not fearing him or any move he will take. His large fluffy tails gingerly swayed in front of the Fusion's face as the Beast paid little attention to his fiasco. A childish smile appeared on his face, almost as if he tried to contain something. Laughter maybe? It was always hard to tell with Zenta. As dire as the situation is, Zenta kept his calm demeanor, as usual, while his passive voice tried to defuse the tension in the air.

"I would pay him [Gogeta] no mind, lately he seems to be putting on a comedy routine for his shortcomings. Anywho, more importantly, Bage speaks the truth about us, Detective Goku," Zenta nodded in agreement with Bage. "We were all with Detective Bage by the time we left the scene and returned to the apartment. We have not left since then. The missing Officers is not our doing, though, quite unfortunate on the timing." The beast cupped his chin within his hand. "It seems that we might have been framed, no surprise given our name. Holmes and Petrovic did mention that they speculate thieves were roaming the forest, perhaps they caught wind of the two Officers and are now holding them hostage? That or a monster roams the forest. The forest did have a... sinister harbinger, if that means anything."

"Yeah, you're right, Berserk..." Avalon sighed as the girl placed a hand on his shoulder. "I shouldn't do anything rash. It's just that..." He bit his lip and balled his hand into a fist and lowered his voice to match her whisper. "He sounded just like the man who took my sister and killed all my brothers. The talk about controlling another person's fate and not caring who lives or dies... It's just... not right!" He shook his head before a rage built in his tone as he lashed out to Berserk. "Just... shut up about him, alright?! I don't want to see you anywhere near him! Don't ever talk to him! I never want to see you alone with him! Do I make myself clear--" Avalon's eyes widen as he placed a hand over his mouth before waving the same hand frantically to Berserk. "N-No! Wait! I-I..! It's not--!"

Avalon lowered his gaze, unable to meet Berserk in the eyes after giving her such a rude remark. It was apparent he was ashamed at his reply to Berserk but he could not shake off his fury, at least, not right now. He truly cared about the girl so he hastily walked away from Berserk to sit on the sofa, almost as if to put himself on time-out for being so mean to her, even if it was just for a moment. The look on his face was a mix of guilt, rage, and sorrow. He tried his best to rid his mind of the situation and his emotions by staring mindlessly at the TV and listening to Zenta and Bage. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the couch, his face almost stoic but his mind clearly racing.

I'm so stupid... stupid, stupid, stupid! Useless! I can't do anything right..!

Zenta turned to Bage and Detective Goku, trying to offer the best case to prove their innocence.

"If the Officers are missing, perhaps we should offer assistance in finding them. If the people truly believe we are responsible, then bringing them back safely would help us prove our innocence, yes? It is less work for you and gives us one more chance to redeem this red reputation we were forced to bear. Of course, our dedicated leader would also have to agree to such a task. He seems to have a lot on his mind, so an assignment like this might serve him well. I am confident he will guide us in the right direction," An innocent grin formed on Zenta's lips as he opened his arms in a welcoming manner. "So, what do you think, Detective Goku? Our fate lies in your hands... Well, more like Lady Bernkastel and Mr. Gogeta's fate, but we all suffer the same, ohoho!"
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