The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cross thinks assuming that he has been sent to the world of dreams "I gest more meta bs to effect my self. I hope we don't have deal with things because thanks to the singularity its going be a jumbled mess."

Cross looks around seeing if the others are with him.
Brachi, Bara and Jize all blinked as they all fell into the black void, seemingly separated from each other...


For Jize, things appeared to be somewhat normal, being on the Sacred World of the Kais, finding herself among the other Supreme Kais present there, the ones of the East, West, North and South as well as the Grand Supreme Kai, everyone seemingly happy... until a certain pink-skinned devil came along... 

While having not fought him personally in her life, Jize was well aware of the evil Majin Buu and the havoc he had wrought across the universe... she had called out to Gervene for help, but she was unfortunately occupied with personal affairs and was therefore unable to intervene personally... learning of the fates of the other Supreme Kais... West and North being killed, South and the Grand Supreme Kai absorbed, and East clinging to life, it has caused nightmares within Jize... 

In her vision, she seemed to replay those events, watching as this pink devil came along... having also marked her as a target. Knowing that fleeing wasn't an option, given the speed and ferocity of the Djinn, all that Jize could do was to summon her trident and preparing to make her stand, wanting to buy time for the East Supreme Kai to kill Bibidi and seal Majin Buu away, praying that she herself wouldn't become one of his victims either...


Bara on the other hand felt herself being trapped once more... floating inside a tube, somehow suspended in place by whatever force was present within them like an invisible liquid... looking around, she recognized the surrounding area as a laboratory, or science station, with personnel moving about and chatting about the seemingly limitless energy she provided, as well as wanting to investigate what the secret was behind her physical being... how she was able to even recover when most of her body would be gone, the strange ability to magically transform anything into whatever she desired, mainly things edible to her... all for a single cause... to power one certain Arcrosian/Frost Demon warlord... so he could finally conquer not just the empires which were once held by Frieza, Cooler and King Cold respectively, but the entire universe... it population eradicated or enslaved and their planets ruined, stripped from their resources, sold to the highest bidder... or at worst being destroyed, when the planet was of no (longer) use to their leader... Bara cried out, crying out for Brachi to come and save her as she had done before... but there was no one who could hear her scream...


As for Brachi, she was having it worse... while floating inside the dark void, she could feel her surroundings shifting to what appeared to be a desert planet... a planet she remembered all too well... but in this case, it seemed to be some strange amalgamation of the two worlds she outright detested the most... 

Looking ahead, Brachi was witness to what she presumed to be one of the most vicious battles she and her creators had faced before... in one grotesque out of control version of a war of the worlds... she saw Martian forces making their stand against multiple Metar units, with casualties falling on both sides, structures being rebuilt, damaged or destroyed, defenses trying to keep any hostile unit from getting close... a version of Imperfect Cell battling some of her creators, with the bio-android having gained a rather mysterious and terrifying power boost, allowing the creature to keep up with the fighters in any way they possibly can... she saw her worst enemy... Siber, the Frost Demon, fighting off most of her new friends... the Humans Sheila, Tempest and Xeno, the android guards Celicia, Judy, Gina, Lea, Anne and Dielec... the offworlders Shonfu, Tamar and Busa... her fellow Saiyans Rabi and Seina... as well as her bestie Majin Bara... each of them fighting for their lives against this monster... and watching this all was a rather darkened image of what she thought to be Dr. Doom... but unlike the one she had seen, this being stood in a rather dominant coloring of red and black, partially surrounded by a red and black aura... with three other creatures whom she presumed to be demons, the three preparing to fight this horrid abomination... she couldn't recognize the red and black colored being right off the bat, but her mind couldn't help but to think of one demon which held this cursed power... Brachi growled as she tried to move about to help... but was shocked to discover that she herself was unable to move, her arms and legs weighing a million tons as if she was having sleep paralysis, which in turn caused her heart to beat faster... as if she thought that she wasn't noticed at all... or that she was already gone...

As she watched the three engage this dark persona, there was a sudden scream which were cut off that caught Brachi's attention... looking to her left, she saw the feet of Gohan and Videl being sucked inside the voracious tail from Cell, watching in disgust and horror as the thick bulges they made slid all the way down the tail and into the monster's body, with the tail itself having already marked Android 18 as its next target, when suddenly Tempest and Xeno landed beside Brachi on the ground, dead... their necks broken by Siber, whom had also blasted Celicia into oblivion... she saw as the Martian Base was virtually destroyed by the Metar, but the Martians managing to wipe out the Metar base itself in kind, when she saw one Metar ship leaving the place, when in an instant, the entire place and everyone on it except her was covered in red and black flames, as if each and everything had instantly turned into fire, before in a sudden flash, everything around her was gone... as if they had never been around to begin with... Feeling her heart thumping in her chest, Brachi called out to her friends... receiving no reply... yet in the distance ahead she saw the vague images of the other Breakers, watching as she saw images of Gervene and Bara being vaporized while she herself remained unscathed... as well as images of other beings familiar to the other Breakers suffering the same fate as Bara and Gervene... which to her felt as if she had nearly lost everything... Brachi couldn't even scream as the shock was just too great for her to even utter a single sound... her universe gone... the people she cherised most gone... only she herself remained... with only a few people either unknown or vaguely familiar to her... as if she was truly the last one of her universe... it was enough to send the amalgamate in a nigh-catatonic state, tears flowing from her eyes as she wanted it all back... trying to reach for something, ANYTHING that could possibly lead to her getting it all back... yet that solution still seemed so far out of reach... it was almost enough to drive her mad... mad with despair, mad with sadness... mad with rage! And with her own state as a composite being... fourteen people packed into a single body... what was their legacy? What proof did she now have that they had remotely even existed?!
Cross thinks as he watched versions of him self past "I was hoping to put this off for another year or two but I gest I am forced in the spot light." Wend he saw an highlight of one the versions he was confused how to feel or even if he should feel any thing. The fact was that he was not dealing the his past but the pasts of all those versions that ended up being apart of this singularly.
"What the hell!?" Bage tried to move back and away from Lucifer. He reached toward the angel and swiped at the air as he disappeared right before the detective's very eyes. Bage's head whipped around as he heard the ground cracking and attempted to escape by jumping into the air. But to his surprise, it seemed the Saiyan couldn't use his ki at that moment and began plummeting down into the abyss.

The moment of impact, Bage shot up to a bright sunny day, gasping and panting heavily before shielding his eyes from the blinding light. "Bage! Thank goodness, you're awake!" A familiar voice rang out, finally becoming clear in the Saiyan's eyes. "Are you alright?" The person talking was soon revealed to be Cabba. 

"Oh, come on, I didn't hit him that hard!! the idiot's bigger than you! Don't coddle him!" Caulifla huffed in annoyance, her arms crossed and she and Kale stood over Bage opposite Cabba. The taller Saiyan looked up at the three then at the surrounding area, his expression reading of worry and confusion. Why were they here? What the hell was going on?

"Breakers..." Bage mumbled, his silence seemingly worrying to others a bit. He rested his hand on his head and noticed blood over his right eye. 

"I didn't give ya amnesia, did I?" Caulifla pulled at his ponytail, forcing him to look into her eyes, "Speak up! It didn't hurt that bad, right!?" 

"Caulifla! Don't be so rough!" Cabba narrowed his eyes, swatting her hand away from the tall, confused Saiyan. As the two argued with one another, Bage stared at the air for a moment. He could remember it so clearly. Goku, Spina, Bernkastel, all of them. This didn't make any sense... There was no way all of that was just a dream. He was there... 

"Bage...?" Bage turned quickly, seeing Kale's concern as she helped him to his feet. "Are you okay?"

"O-Oh yeah... I'm fine, I just... What happened...?" Bage blinked a few times, trying to see if any of those times would return him to the Vortex. 

"See, he's concussed!" Cabba stated, "you were too reckless!" 

"Hey! Don't go snapping at me when he's the one who asked me to train with him! Besides, I bet his little girlfriend hit him way harder during the tournament!" The wild-haired Saiyan woman teased. Bage turned his head to Caulifla his cheeks instinctively turning red at the mention of a particular universe 7 Saiyan. "Look! He remembers! Don't get your boxers in a bunch." 

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Bage tried to reassure his three companions, smiling a bit through the now growing pain of a headache. "I just... Had a really weird dream while I was out, I guess." Caulifla smirked and started bouncing on the balls of her feet, ready to continue the supposed training session that was mentioned. "Atta boy, B! We're not gonna let you go without at least one of us going super Saiyan three! You'll never survive with those universe 7 Saiyans with just super Saiyan! Let's go again!"

"Absolutely not!" Cabba interjected, nudging the bigger one along and away from the other two. And with that, There was finally a moment of quiet between the four. It was clear Kale and Cabba had been a bit concerned with the injury Bage had sustained, but the Saiyan was too distracted by his own thoughts to notice. How could he have had such a vivid dream like that? Could he even call it that? The years he had spent learning... Adapting... Adjusting to a reality that wasn't even real. 

"Are you sure you want to do this...?" Cabba asked, suddenly cutting through the silence. He turned to Bage, his gaze much more serious than before. "How do you even know it will work with Panich?" Kale and Caulifla didn't move to stop the other's questioning, as he was curious about the same thing. Bage's heart started racing, terrified of the simple, yet a loaded question. "I don't. It sounds stupid but... I guess I wanna try. I think she likes me too, at least. So it's not like it's something out of thin air." 

"But it practically is." The more spirited of the group sat up, directing her retort at the tallest. "You're expecting to just pop on over to the next universe, say you traveled all that way because you like her and she'll be ecstatic to see you? She might think you're a total creep for even doing that! Or it could be the other way around too, where it seems like everything's perfect, but then she's the frickin psycho! We won't be there to save your ass from her either!" 

"... If she doesn't like you right away, then at least you'll be able to come back," Kale added. The taller Saiyan figured it was supposed to be a comforting thought, but somehow it only made the lump in his throat heavier. "Right?"

Seeing Bage's expression shifting in doubt, the others fell quiet. As his concern began growing in his expression, he could feel a sense of dread fill the air. The sunlight began to dull and the others' faces turned sinister. They each crowded behind him, whispering doubts into his ears about the entire situation. What if he was too weak? Did he really want to turn his whole life upside down for this universe 7 Saiyan he had just met? Then suddenly, like blown out flames, his friends disappeared in a mist of smoke. Bage abruptly looked up to see a figure standing in the distance, everything surrounding the two of them was dark. But as he looked closer, the silhouette was surrounded by a red film and appeared to be shorter than him. 

"You dare doubt me?" They said with anger in their voice. The figure turned around to reveal itself as Panich, her usual scowl resting on her face, only this time much more crazed and evil with tears running down her cheeks. "I open up my heart to you and you dare to doubt my love...? How unfair. You come to me professing your adoration, deceiving and abusing my already destroyed kindness but your thoughts are only concerned with yourself." Each step toward Bage seemed soft but cracked the foundation of this dark little world the both were encased in. The universe 6 Saiyan tried to stand but fell again and again as the ground stole his balance away. He began hyperventilating as Panich finally stood over him her expression of insanity and complete rage was clear and unearthly. "Am I just an accessory to you? Is this why you've been stalling in your search for me? You'd rather I be lost forever in the Reality Vortex than have to deal with your petty emotions!?

"No...! That's not-..." 

"The clock is ticking...You're either with me or against me. Every second you waste pushes me further away... And as it stands right now, you are nothing to me." Her face softened to a simple glare, raising her hands not to wipe the tears, but to grab the other by the neck. Bage was frozen in place as Panich now straddled him, her fingers slowly curling around his neck and closing his windpipe. He tried gasping for air, pulling his hands to her arms to pull her off of him but it was to no avail. He slowly lost his breath as tears landed on his face while Panich murmured one thing over and over again to him. 

"Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock."
"Whoa, what the--?!" Avalon said as he saw the scene with Lucifer. However, the moment he took a step forward, the ground shattered like glass under his feet. Instinctively, he turned to Berserk but all he saw was darkness surrounding him with the PowerPunk nowhere in sight.

He fell for what seemed like hours but felt like he went nowhere. Finally, he saw a figure appear, one similar to Berserk due to the wild red hair. As he grew closer, the image morphed into that of a smaller girl, one with a pastel red (Almost pink-like) hair color and a lighter blue skin than Avalon. The Ninja's eyes widen since he immediately knew who this younger person was. Picking up his feet, he realized that he appeared to be sinking into the ground like quicksand. As he struggled to free himself, he heard the faint voice of the girl before him.

"Avalon..! ...Big brother..!"


Avalon gripped on to an edge to prevent him from sinking further into the quicksand. However, when he looked down again, he noticed that he was knee deep in blood. His skin instantly grew pale and his eyes almost lost their color upon seeing the red liquid. It was warm on his skin, yet, it filled him with nothing but an icy embrace. He nearly froze at the sight, his breathing picking up in pace to indicate his panic. Yet, the voice of the young girl calling out to him brought him back to his senses. He desperately tried to pull himself out of the blood pool but something appeared to be holding him down. Not willing to look back at the blood, he desperately called out to the girl.

"Fayimi! It's me, Avalon! Remember? Your big brother?"

"Big brother..? Where are you..?" The young girl cried out.

"I'm over here! Think you can give me a hand?"

Finally, the young girl came into better view for Avalon. She looked similar to him and there was no doubt she was his younger sister. Her hair was wrapped up cutely with a red ribbon while her outfit matched that of a ninja with a mix of a forest dweller. She had a feather earring on one ear and a unique marking on her face that appeared to be more cultural than the ones Avalon had. The girl was young but appeared to be of the same age as Berserk. Upon seeing his younger sister, his worry and panic washed away, at least, until he saw the figure standing over her.

A very tall horned being came into view. He wore an elegant black suit with an overcoat. The being had many emblems and badges on his coat, all of various meanings. He was incredibly skinny but his face held a constant scowl. His eyes were nothing more than two black spots on his face that occasionally blinked, his pupil being a yellow slit. He had a single tail, thin and slender like him and ending in a triangular sharp arrow tip. His voice in particular stood out. A voice that not only filled Avalon with rage but it engulfed him in dread. A deep authoritative voice.

"What do you see, Mavis?"

Fayimi, called Mavis by this new being, stared down at Avalon with disgust. "A dirty being."

"Ah, you mean those filthy people of the Ninja Clan?" The man peered over the ledge to see Avalon holding on. His eyebrow perked in amusement. "I remember you."

"Talis!" Avalon shouted as he tried to pull himself over the ledge. The only thing driving him was pure rage. "Talis, what have you done to Fayimi?!"

"I've done nothing to her other than teach her how disgusting your people are. She's grown well." Talis smirked. "Are you still mad about me taking charge? I saved our world you know, and this is the thanks I get? Ungrateful gnat..."

"You pinned everyone against us! We had nowhere to run!"

"Well, if you were to simply give me the Scroll of Secrets, perhaps none of this would've happened," Talis shrugged. "But then again, your people like to hide things from others."

"Why do you want it so badly?! It'll be of no use to someone like you!"

"True, but I have someone who can use it." Talis placed a hand on Fayimi's shoulder. "I'm sure Mavis will be able to apply its knowledge to my bidding and create the utopia I desire. You are unaware of the true knowledge --the true power-- of that scroll."

"Even if I am, I'll never give it to someone like you!"

"Shame. Oh well..." Talis shrugged before snapping his fingers.

Avalon felt a strong tug on his legs and looked down to see his brothers, each one horribly mutilated, reaching out from the blood pool and grab him. The pull was strong and Avalon desperately tried to keep his grip, refusing to fall in the blood. More and more arms came out and thousands of voices, all from his people, blamed Avalon for their deaths. Avalon's face turned to Fayimi where he saw her stomp her foot on top of the hand gripping the ledge. The ninja let out a howl of pain as his young sister dug her heel in his fingers.

"You deserve the same fate as all the others," Fayimi said. "You are hiding the Scroll of Secrets from the world! Our world could be a utopia but all you do is hold everyone back..."

"Yes, Mavis... See how they hold us back? They have a scroll of so much power yet they keep it all to themselves... Isn't that selfish?"

"Yeah! It's horrible!"

"Fayimi, stop!" Avalon pleaded. "Don't listen to him! That's not the truth!"

"Truth?! What would you know about truth?" Talis snickered. "You're nothing but secrets and lies, your whole clan was. I simply want to enrich our people and create a better future..."

"You're twisting the truth! You were never gonna help anyone but yourself!" Avalon cringed as he felt his fingers slip from the ledge thanks to Fayimi. "Fayimi..! Please! Listen to me!"

"Shut up! You promised to save our family! You promised to save me..! You're nothing but a liar! All of you were!" Fayimi shouted before her tone lowered slightly. "And now you'll join them..."

"Finish him, Mavis..." Talis hissed sadistically. "I promise to make this world a better place without him."

With a nod, Fayimi lifted her foot and stomped down on Avalon's hand, causing him to slip off the ledge and land in the pool of the blood of his people. hundreds of hands latched onto the ninja as he desperately tried to escape but no matter how hard he tried, the grip was too much for him. Slowly, they dragged the ninja down to the unknown depths where the last image he saw was Talis waving goodbye to him before backhanding his younger sister over the ledge as well, far away from Avalon's position. All he could do was muffle a scream as he found himself sinking into the darkness.

Gogeta would feel a gust of wind rush from behind him followed by the image of Spina disappearing. Tiny specks of silver aura radiated in front of Gogeta, almost casting a temporary light to shield him from the darkness. Standing before him was a familiar Saiyan with silver hair and an aura of grace. Without saying a word, the Saiyan turned to the illusion of Bernkastel and got into a familiar stance. In a quick display of silver and white energy, the Saiyan launched her palm out create a shockwave to completely dispel the Illusion of Bernkastel with little effort. Although the two were still entirely engulfed in darkness, the bright silver hair of the Saiyan made a huge contrast to her surrounding. She kept her back to the Fusion, not uttering a single word.

Suddenly, the force holding Gogeta down would diminish, allowing the man to rise up. Only once Gogeta was entirely alone with the Saiyan did she finally turn around to face him. The aura dimmed down and it was then that her cat-like ears appeared. The amount of energy emitting from her small body was enough to choke the Fusion by the sheer amount of power she held. The strong gaze she gave to Gogeta matched the silver one Vegetto had, due to the confidence and authority behind them. She held out a hand that looked like cracked glass to the Fusion and a smile that loomed down on the warrior, giving him the sensation of warmth and respect. It was oddly familiar to him. Finally, the mysterious Saiyan spoke with a voice that seemed to somewhat praise the Warrior despite his display earlier.

"They had to chain up a powerful warrior like you to get a slight advantage? They're scared of you..." There was no doubt whose voice this was. "Tell me, have you gotten stronger, Geegee?"
Bernkastel narrowed her eyes at Gogeta, a twitch of her eyebrow threatening to break her forced composure. "A better warrior knows when to pick his battles. You don't, and it shows considering you're brazen enough to threaten me." She tensed her fists out of frustration; despite her best efforts, Bern no longer was willing to be patient with the fusion, and something he said triggered a rather visceral reaction inside her.

"My dog... a plaything... what is that supposed to mean?" Bern turned her head down at the ground, spacing out from the conversations around her. "I'm not... why..." She only snapped out of her trance when she saw the ground had dissolved into darkness all around them. Gogeta still stood before her, but everyone else just vanished. Where did they go?

"Why, Burn?" Gogeta's voice cut through the dead air, making Bernkastel look up at him in surprise. The mark on his forehead disappeared and his tone sounded like the one she was used to-- but it sounded hurt. Sad.

"...Why what?" Bernkastel asked nervously.

"I thought you liked being my buddy. But that was just a lie," he said. "Just like everything about you is a lie." As he stepped closer in a stiff manner, Bern stepped back looking more alarmed and confused. "I finally found out why everyone hates you; you walked them all into Doom's trap just cause you were bored. Dangling wishes over their heads like that Jirachi thing. I can't be friends with someone like that. Not after what you did to my brother."

"Who... how did you...?" Bernkastel was lost for words, actually unable to string together any coherent sentences. She was taken so aback that her mind just wasn't thinking. "Why do you know that? I swear! I didn't know that Doom could have erased anybody..."

"Did you not know, or were you so used to putting people in a discard pile that it didn't cross your mind?" He stared back at her with an accusatory stare.

"..." Bern gripped the skirt of her dress without a proper reply.

"It was only a matter of time Bern~ you can't keep a secret like that forever! He had to find out one day." A familiar girl's voice chimed in as Bern bumped into something behind her. Gogeta hung his head with forlorn loneliness, staring past Bern and at someone else. Two arms wearing long black gloves wrapped around Bernkastel's waist and held her tightly.

"Poor Gogie... being Bern's piece is really painful you know! But you did your best to endure it." Lambdadelta teased him. "I'm sad too... she forgot about me and replaced me with a loud beefcake slob like you. I know her better than anyone but even I'm not immune to her fickle nature. Emptyheaded idiots like us are just her 'type' I guess." Her hug became tighter on Bern but she didn't allow the witch to turn around or see her face.

"Don't listen, Gogeta! I really did want to be your friend! We're supposed to be buddies-- I'm trying to ne even though you make it so hard! I swear I'm not trying to fool anyone!" Bernkastel thrashed in Lambda's arms as she found it harder to move freely, or even breathe. "I don't think that way about either of you at all! I loved you Lambda! I still... I do..." Bern choked back the urge to vomit; this was something worse than a nightmare and she couldn't have ever anticipated it. "I'm so alone, Lambda...I wish you were here by my side all the time. Having friends doesn't replace you, honest! Please believe me. Both of you... I beg you."

"I wanna believe you Burn, but after all I heard and seen, I can't end up like everyone else you tricked. You don't even deny it-- you know what you did to countless people was bad. Even before you met the Breakers you did horrible things. You never cared, so why are you gonna care about me now?" Gogeta's tone was emotionless, looking down with a tear rolling down his cheek. "If you never got involved, everyone would be happy now. I'd have lots of friends. But you can't stand people being happier than you, so it's only fair we're all sad like you. You're terrible."

"Ain't that sooo sad? Ain't that a pity? Hey, Gogie, how does it feel to be used like that?! It must be terrible to have absolutely nobody to count on!" Lambda finally moved into Bern's vision, her face black with only red circles for eyes and a crescent-shaped smile on her face. "You reap what you sow Bern. This is what you deserve."

Bernkastel could only stare back with a look of horror. "N-no... this is all wrong... I-I really am going to be different! I don't think of people like that anymore. That's not me now! Things changed after you were gone Lambda! I can change even more!"

"What?" Lambdadelta's smile grew in size as she gave a shrill laugh. "People like you can't change! Everyone would be better off if it wasn't for your meddling... you messed everything up, and now you want to save face for it. That's so like you."

"Gogeta... say something!" Bern pleaded him to speak up for her, desperately hoping for him to change his mind.

"...I've got nothing else to say to you, you mean witch." Gogeta turned his back to her before walking into the darkness until his form vanished completely. Bernkastel hung her head as tears welled up in her eyes and a heavy weight came over her. Despite this, she refused to let them fall.

"You don't get to cry, you know. Villains don't cry." Lambdadelta raised a hand to grasp Bernkastel's chin, forcing her to stare ahead. "It's unfair. Shouldn't you be the one who isolated herself, Bern? What do YOU think?" She posed a question to the darkness, not budging at all under Bern's attempts to wiggle free. Bern shouted to let her go but Lambda's hand moved to cover her mouth, only muffled cries coming out. "Silence. Now you're going to listen."
Berserk herself standing alone on a street full of rubble and abandoned cars. Up ahead, she saw two girls her age with their backs turned to her, one dressed in cobalt blue and the other in dark green.

"Brute! Brat? Over here! Where did you guys come from?" She called over to them excitedly.

"Hey look, it's our loser sister." Brat nudged Brute with a snort.

"Figures she'd hang out with those loser Breakers since she can't do anything on her own." Brute crossed her arms. "Without us she's totally helpless. Then again, I am the strongest, so it's a bit tough competing with that."

"And she's not pretty enough to be all that charming. Maybe if she got that disaster hair in order, then she'd at least have that going for her," Brat twirled a pigtail with her finger with a smirk.

"Huh? Where's all that coming from?" Berserk was confused at their apathetic looks, hoping they'd be a little more excited to see her. "You should've seen what I've been dealing with, yaknow? They're lame grown-ups, but when they really put their minds to it, they're not bad to fight beside."

"Yeah, if you were their leader. Instead you just got an old man bossing you around. That's no better than when dad was using us as his muscle!" Brat scolded her. "That's why we took him out! We promised we wouldn't end up like that ever again! You don't even have your own territory, it's just a pile of garbage!"

"W-well I did get into the Metropolis recently... I'll need more free time but I'm busy..." Berserk stammered.

"Yeah, busy wasting time cleaning up other people's messes! When did you become such a doormat?!" Brute leaned in close with her sister into Berserk's personal space, making her recoil from her venomous tone. "You're a Powerpunk so start acting like one... otherwise, I'm gonna be leader and YOU'RE gonna take orders from ME, Berserk! You're a smart girl, so you'll at least be useful for that big brain of yours. Not much else since Brat and I will have to pull our weight for you in terms of strength."

"... I'm strong... I am..."
Spina stood up from the ground to stand on his two feet to face Kai after she said that. He noticed that his right hand had become transparent, phasing in and out as if it were trying to maintain balance. Raising his head so his eyes locked onto hers, Spina remained silence. There were no words, no sense of emotions. Nothing. Two individuals standing across from each other as more pillars shot up from the ground around them.

As the last of the pillars appeared, Spina decided to break the silence towards the one person he considered a friend. “Hanging on, what do you mean by that?” Blinking once, Spina’s eyes widened when he felt Kai’s hands on his cheeks; the distance between their faces were mere inches apart.

“Let go.”

The old Saiyan’s body felt heavy, as if the whole world were weighing him down. The sensation of Kai’s hands felt real as she touches, but the feeling quickly fades as sank to the ground before being consumed by another abyss of darkness. The falling felt endless as Spina attempts, struggling, to fly up, but it only makes him fall into the bottomless dark even faster.

Unable to see Kai from the above, flashes of light flickering around caught his attention. An influx of screens appeared around Spina that showcase various points of his life. Looking around frantically, a sudden flash of light appeared in front of the old Saiyan, revealing a giant screen that practically eclipse him in terms of size. His eyes narrowed upon seeing his own father, a man he had not seen in literal centuries. Standing over an incubator of the Spina as a baby, the father turns to the meter that determines one’s power level; It reads that he had a power level of a mere 5. The sheer display of disappointment was clearly shown on his father’s face. It quickly transitions to a much older Spina getting a stern lecture from both the King of the Saiyans and his son, Vegeta. Feeling the sense of humiliation, Spina dared his right hand to strike the child, only to be immediately defeated. In the pool of his own blood, battered with wounds, Spina was hopelessly outmatched, and waits for death by the hands of a mere child, before his father step in to plead with the royal family to spare his life. A contradiction of a Saiyan-like behavior, the father begs pathetically for them to reconsider on killing the warrior—they agreed, and instead opted to deliver the final to him as punishment for such deviance. 

Young Spina’s eyes widen as his father flung back as bits of his flesh flung out, just as the King and Prince turned their backs to walk away before fading into black. The next scene shows Spina standing over his father, covered in bandages, lying in bed. The father turns to Spina and uttered few words to say to weak and pathetic Saiyan. “Your death ought to not be shameful. We are Saiyans, my son, we deserved a death fitting for our vigor; a worthy death of glory.” Spina remained still after his final words before passing, as the intense rage and anger was visible on his face. 

In the rapid fire of transition scenes displayed on the screen, as Spina decided to go on a path to increase his strength. Become stronger, become fierce, become a Saiyan warrior worth of an intense battle. In a rampage and face constant near-death experience, the Saiyan was determined to harden himself to become an incredible warrior that fear no death, no challenge and his ever-growing vigor to overcome his own weakness. Many opponents that came in his wake was brutally killed in his effort to find a suitable opponent to die. A death-seeker, he had no qualms nor any bearings on relationships that they had, nor himself had. In his head, they were utterly meaningless. Then the screen slowed down, and focus on a single target, Kai, tilted her head. A capable warrior that shown him the concept of mercy, but furthermore, gave him a reason of life and granted him the ability to form bonds. Then a crack appeared across the screen before shattering into pieces.

Spina tried to reach out for her, only to fall once again. What felt like hours, the old Saiyan landed on the ground in the middle of abyss of darkness. Once again, he looked around and see nothing but a sea of darkness until his eyes lay on the mirror that seemingly appeared. Walking closer to the mirror, his eyes narrowed upon seeing Vegetto on the mirror. 

Vegetto stared Spina with a grim expression before uttering: “She means more than [they] ever will! Bring her back right now!!"

Then it switches to Cuki. “It's my fault I couldn't control an unstoppable power. And here I thought that Kai-girl you rambled about showed you the meaning of mercy. Well, you let her down.”

And finally, Bernkastel with her unmoving expression. “Do you intend to change things this time around, or will you go back to your old life as a thug skulking around for the next scrap of violence to entertain you?”

As these statement echoes around the Saiyan, Spina finally saw himself in the mirror—of his appearance before being suck away to this world. The mirror Spina raised his head with disappointment on his face. “How long do you intend to lie to yourself of your true desire?”

“I’m not lying.” Spina responded to himself.

“Do you admit that you purposely led to Doom’s strength, just so you can have that death of glory?”

“No. That’s not true.”

“How long will you delude yourself that these bonds, promises and mercy are nothing more than chains that suppress your desire? You are nothing more than stepping-stones. Humiliation will come once again.”


“How long until you finally decide to let go.”

Spina raised his fist and punched the mirror so hard that it cracks. Lowering his hand, he once again looked himself at the mirror, seeing a ravage warrior on the other side.  He looked at right hand; bloodied with shards stick out. Shaking rapidly, Spina tried to control his breathing as sweats dripped down his forehead. 


A flash of colorful lights appeared behind him, causing him to turn around; his eyes widening at the appearance of a figure levitating above him. Doctor Doom was hovering above Spina with a horde of all opponents, that Spina crossed in his path, coming out of the pillars. Among them was all the Breakers, Demi-Fiend, and people he met within Reality Vortex. Each of them had pure excitement and rage on their faces towards the old Saiyan. Slowly, Doctor Doom removed his mask, revealing to be Kai, causing the Spina to narrow his eyes. 

[align=center]How are you going to live now?​
How are you going to keep living now?​
You never changed.​

Immediately, everyone fires countless energy blasts at him. Like a rain of diamonds falling out from the sun, Spina leaped towards the air into the cluster of energy. Blasting him from all directions, Spina remerged from the explosions in his strongest transformed state, although critically injured, as he tried to get closer to Kai. 

You’ll never change, remaining like this until the day you die

Your true feelings have sunk to the bottom of a deep and dark swamp -

Yes, they’ve built and built until they’ve flooded over.​

Horde of enemies, including the Breakers, jumped onto Spina, throwing countless attacks at the Saiyan. Spina fought without mercy nor care as he storms through the cluster of opponents. Body parts flying, and screams piercing through his ears, Spina shouted for Kai, but the sheer number of enemies was overwhelming. Punched by Demi-Fiend, slammed around by Cuki, cut and slice by Cross. Spina roared in pain as he bashed through them. Yet, despite the desperation of reaching Kai, he found himself excited at the sheer number of enemies rushing him. Making a genuine smile as he puts up a fight, he fought them all with his might. No matter how much he beat, no matter how much he destroyed, they keep coming ad infinitum. His adrenaline pumping, his power rising at the eruption of new challenges, Spina roared like a mighty warrior ready to die.

Yet seconds later, he realized that what he has been doing. As Bernkastel grabbed Spina in a chokehold, Spina turned his sights to Kai, floating away from the scene. Crying out in pain, Spina blasted himself forward as more and more enemies piled him on. He extended his arm out to reach Kai, but it was not enough. As Kai fades, with a strange monster that he seen in his dreams earlier, appeared behind her, as Spina desperately stared until he was completely engulfed in the horde.

Gogeta grimaced a bit under the intense pressure of the all too familiar fire, still resting on his knees. He looked up in shock at the transformed Cuki, blinking in surprised in her speech. However, a small frown slowly etched its way onto his face, his eyes turning down. The man held no fear or anger towards seeing Cuki's transformed state; a heavy defeated look on his face clearly indicated his shame as his dual voice rung out meagerly.

"No...I'm...weak. I can't keep my promise to you."
Cross says "I gest it was more common than I wished too think."  As a woman stands next to Cross and simple nods. Cross says "This may be my fear of absorbing the other version of my self in a hope to save them as your other version as well." She Nods once more. He keeps watching and thinks "that way its hard for me too look away form this and I need to do some thing but what is it?"
Floating in this black void again, Brachi shivered... she watched as the other Breakers went on with their businesses, usually leaving her to her own devices while she herself did what she possibly could to train and increase her power... yet she still felt so alone... she deeply missed her friends and everyone she knew... why were there no clues to get them back? Why did Bara get brought back, but not Gervene? Why are the rules of the place she was in so different from what she knew? Will she ever get the others aside from Jize and Bara back? Why did she feel she was suffering the most out of everyone? Why did she feel she was clinging onto her past despite her efforts to associate with the others? Was she really that single-minded about what she wanted while also looking out for everyone else? Why... just why?! 

These questions raged within the mind of the amalgamate as she tried to make sense of it all... the nightmares of seeing her cherised friends and allies being killed or erased... the fear of being ostracized by everyone else as she was ripped from her own universe and ending up inside this hellhole as she had dubbed this place after the whole affair with Doom was done with... why did she feel so out of place? What has she even become?!
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