The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cross says as a wall of force blocks the spit "So much of your statement is wrong Sound I truly don't know where to start on correcting it and I don't want to bother point out any of it."

Cross looks at Gray "I wonder if your still warm blooded in that form." The temperature in the battle field dropped to were reptiles start to hibernate.
Entertainment District [Ruined] of Reality Metropolis

After Bernkastel declared that she no longer held that position as leader, his attempt to escape had backfired. “Damnit… no, no. I can work with this.” Seeing that Spina was approaching them as power flourished around him, Sound needed to act quickly. “That’s surprising…? Aren’t you the strongest Breaker here, and you just let them boss you around? Aren’t you the cruelest witch, or, you got soft after your dog shat not the city?” Sound maintained the cocky smile. “Just need to get some kind of reaction and use that as a diversion. As long the others don’t—”

Sound’s eyes widened upon Slate and Grey readied themselves in battle position, transformed into their reptilian forms and jumped into battle. “Damnit, wait! I was just getting started here!”

Spina’s head dug deep within the pavement after Slate smashed him down. Dirt covered his mostly his face, expect for one eye. Narrowed and firmed as Slate’s face approached his neck, the old Saiyan grabbed the reptilian's mouth with bare hands. Lifting himself from the ground, pushing Slate backward with sheer strength. Standing on both of his feet, Spina’s facial expression changed; changing from firm and serious, to sheer excitement when they finally prompted a battle. Baring his teeth and his eyes darted in anticipation, he forced Slate back with a powerful shove. 

“Damn… such power. He was able to push Slate back.” Carnage spread his arms wide, leaping into the air as tentacles on his back erupted out of it, becoming blades. “Now that’s what I like it! A real challenge! You better live up to the rumors, the strongest of the strong!” He roared loudly, firing the bloodied blades towards their direction. “No weaklings allowed!”

Spina turned his head upward, seeing the barrage of blades coming towards him. He stepped forward, in front of Cuki, and raised his hand. Using a simple Kiai technique, he forced away Carnage's blades back easily as his focused shifted to Grey's Hydra forms.

Carnage grunted at the sheer display. “Keep fighting… I like it when they squirm!” He turned around, unleashing more bloodied blades again in conjunction with Grey's attack.

Mr. Sound gritted his teeth. “Fuck this. I’m bailing.” Grabbing all the items, including their stuff, he’d turned his back at the group, as the three provided an ample of opportunity and diversion to escape. Placing his headphones around his head, his entire body glowed brightly as he dashed forward to escape the battle.
Cuki crashed by her Master's feet as dirt filed upon her face. The sense of shame and embarrassment waved across the young girl while she tried her best to stop the group from fighting. She slowly lifted her face off from the ground, spitting out any rubble that got caught in her mouth. Her eyes remained at the floor but this time she refused to get up as she swallowed the reality of what happened. Even when Spina saved her she did not look in his direction. Her hands dig into the ground, clumping up dirt within her fists.

Zenta stared down at his student before turning to the fight. The transformations of Grey and Slate, as well as the murderous aura of Carnage, made him slump his shoulders. He normally did not like to fight but in this circumstance, his hands were forced. As Cuki slowly made her way up, she attempted to blindly rush Carnage once again but the back of her jacket was gripped by Zenta who promptly pulled her back.

"You must not fight this one, Cuki," Zenta said softly. 

"Why not?! Is it because I'm weak?! I said I was going to protect them, didn't I?!" Cuki said frantically. "I won't be forgotten again..! I'll show them how strong I am! I'm one of the stronger Breakers in this group, aren't I?!"

Zenta said nothing as he watched Cuki shove his hand away from her jacket.

"I'm not weak! I'm just as strong as them! I can do amazing things like them! I'm... I'm---"

Before Cuki could finish her statement, Zenta held a hand in front of her face.

"Very well, Cuki... I will allow you to fight only if you allow me to join you." Zenta smiled as he nudged his chin towards Carnage. "Besides, I doubt you are going to let him get away with calling you a weakling."

"No way! He's going down!"

Zenta petted the top of Cuki's head before vanishing and appearing before Carnage with a warm smile on his face. Cuki quickly rushed right next to her Master and got into the infamous Tiger Stance. Zenta mirrored Cuki's stance with his own. The killer-vibe Carnage let off did not scare him in the slightest and the beast seemed to be more interested in what kind of tea Cuki might make.

"You are quite the character. I do not like how you handled my student but so far I am not impressed by you." Zenta chuckled. "Well, humor me and my student."

Cuki's confidence dropped slightly since she did not say anything to Carnage; in fact, she grew nervous. His words echoed in her mind which caused her to worry.

Weakling..! You're nothing but a weakling..!
Bernkastel let out a dark chuckle watching Mr. Sound take off for the other exit on the street. "Where are you going?! Getting cold feet already, Fido?!" She shouted, before the sight of Grey transforming into what looked like a hydra forced her attention. Moving through the air to give one of the heads chase, she held out her hand. "I hate playing fetch with strays--"

A magical portal opened in front of her body for the chasing snakehead to go through, just as it closed in on her.

"But I think I'll make you pay for your insolence instead!"

On the other side the portal opened to show Mr. Sound from the front as she let out a jeer.


Berserk blinked in surprise, hovering over the edge of the skyscraper to face Gogeta as she let out a noise of dismay.

"Seriously? He's that strong? I guess it doesn't really count as a win if you didn't turn him into a coin, huh..." She put a hand on her chin going over the hypothetical math in her head. There was also no way of knowing the results if it were just Gogeta that fought Ultraman. After several moments of silence from her, she put her hands on her hips with a rising grin.

"Ooooh, I see what you're tryin' to do!" Berserk said in a playful tone. "You're just testing me to see if I'd cave and chicken out-- if I can really go through with it! But don't worry; I don't much look like it, but I used to fight giant monsters with my sisters back when we were kids!" She stated, ignoring the fact she technically was still a kid if only a teenager. "If it really is the Breakers like you said though, I better make sure they don't call dibs on the turf I marked this morning. Nothing personal, Mister Gogeta, I just can't let 'em reverse-Uno my Finder's Keepers rule. Villains don't have time for etiquette like that, but that's how the cookie crumbles for our lifestyle, y'know?"

Without giving a chance to hear his response, Berserk bolted off into flight, a crimson light trailing behind her in the sky as she followed the energy signal on the visor. "Guess it's farther off than I thought... may as well go and disarm the buildings I rigged on the way there-- otherwise my turf's gonna be rubble knowing how accident-prone those guys are!" She said to herself as she ducked into a graffiti'd building.
Entertainment District [Ruined] of Reality Metropolis

Slate slid back against the ground, using his claws to slow down the momentum. Afterward, he came rushing forward again and jumping over Carnage after his blood blade attack and hurried for Spina again, this time spreading his claws to slash as much of him as he could. His arms swung over and over with incredible precision, hoping to slash an artery on the Saiyan.

"Congrats for knowing basic science!" The head fighting Cross scoffed as it tried to clamp it's sharp jaws down on him. He had to admit it was a little colder, but as long as he was I his hybrid form, he was able to radiate some of his human heat through his body. The Hydra head fighting Brachi, Bara and Jize hissed as it darted to assess their position. Seeing as they tried to steer clear of his mouth, it sprayed a projectile of acid into the air all around them letting it rain down. "Don't be shy! I can take you all at once!"

As Bernkastle opened up the portal, it seemed it was too late before Grey's snout slammed into Mr. Sound, before trying to pull its neck back out of the portal, snarling at falling for such a trick.
The three moved around to avoid the acid rain, with Bara turning herself into a spinning sawblade with Brachi picking her up and tossing her to the Hydra head attacking them, using a barrier to repel the acid that was about to fall on her for this instance, before dashing to a different spot to catch her Majin bestie as she reformed herself to normal.

Jize on her turn used a form of telekinesis to bring up rubble to first surround herself as a basic form of shielding against the acid rain left around, before hurling the debris into the Hydra's direction to distract it, as Brachi fired a Destructo Disc, while Bara fired a projectile which began to teleport around the area to confuse the Hydra and leaving it open to attacks from the others. It should be noted that it was an energy projectile that was moving all over the area and not Bara herself.

It was also notable that Brachi, Bara and Jize were keeping their attacks limited to at least at a direct target, not using any of their bigger attacks which would likely cause collateral damage which in turn wouldn't help in fixing their image in the first place. They've already established that they were merely defending themselves and that the robbers fighting them were the aggressors, so they had to at least maintain that image for themselves while also keeping an eye on the others.
Cross says "Its hard to tell with you hybrids some times and it really did not cost me any thing to test." The acid rain became acid ice and was lunched at Slade.
Entertainment District [Ruined] of Reality Metropolis

Having already dashed the area in a few meters, Mr. Sound hurried to get out of the city to get away from the battle, leaving behind his comrades to fight against the Breakers. “Those damn fools… all they think about is licking their fists and challenge the Breakers. Am I the only one who actually want to seek out an easy life?” He had an annoyed expression on his face. “Damn girl… I bet she knew about this! She knew that Carnage’s characteristic somehow. Oh, I outta give that brat a piece of my mind.” A portal opened right in front of him, seeing one of Grey’s head came out of it and tackle him. Due to his momentum, Sound was propelled backward, tumbling through multiple shattered buildings until he came into a complete stop.

“Ahh…! Porca miseria…!” He cursed in agony as he held onto his torso to place some pressure on the discomfort resulted from the crash. “How did she…” Mr. Sound’s thoughts was all over the place. He tried to stand, but his legs wobbled, causing him to fall over repeatedly. He tried to maintain his breathing, doing some light exercise, but ended up vomiting violently. “How did she managed to catch me at this speed…!?” Those were his thoughts. “No, these are the Breakers. The very group that people at Federation City had been hyping up about…” He fell back on his behind, trying to get his breathing under control as he turned around, looking for the items, dropped from being pushed back, until Sound noticed that he’s near the battlefield. Catching Bernkastel in battle with the Hydra, he gritted his teeth as hints of vomit slobbered on the corners of his mouth. “Coglione…! How about you come down here and fight me like a man. Unless you need your dog to do the work for you. Where is that discount Vegetto anyways!? Did he straight up jump ship just the actual one?!” He shouted as loud he could at his condition.


Carnage didn’t react initially when all his blades missed, and Zenta appearing in front of him. Jumping back, the red-and-black monster held his fist tightly, although, there were visible shiver in his hands. “Humor?!” The monster repeated Zenta’s statement, then bursting into a laughing fit. “Never heard of you before, but you aren’t definitely trash like your student. She can’t even fight her own battles, the one that proclaim that she’ll stop all of us?” Carnage extended his arms wide as saliva dripped from his mouth. “If you don’t like me manhandling your student, then prepare to get gain absolute fear when I’m done with you…!” He roared thunderously, creating a small shockwave around himself.

The red-and-black monster’s body morphed dramatically, expanding in sheer size until it similar to that of Grey’s Hydra forme. The shape of his body became closer to that of a skeleton, leaving his upper torso with sheer muscle, while his lower abdomen with very little flesh, exposing the spinal cord. Carnage’s arms, legs and shoulders hardened to the point that it became a sturdy armor with spikes growing outward across. Two horns grew on each side of his head, respectively, with flames bursting on its tip. Towering over the Zenta, Carnage lowered his head to stare him down. “I’m going all out… taking the Breakers’ head will be my greatest kill… forget the damn scraps; none of my victims will ever sleep tightly again once they get a swift of this news! A much fitting award…!!” Laughing maniacally, as the blood around his body drip rather quickly due to the intense heat emerging from his body, but quickly cool down, to a point, due to the drop of temperature.

Turning his head slightly, seeing several attacks hurling at Hydra, Carnage bounced his shoulders up and down. “This is gonna be easy…! Let’s have a slaughter party, Grey! Let’s cut their organs out and split their skulls opened! Let’s see the infamous reckless strength that rings across this damn world…!!” He raised both his fists in the air before slamming against the ground to knock everyone off balance as his tentacle blades on his back-spread outwards in random directions—some slicing one of Grey’s heads, on purpose. Carnage rushed like a raging animal as his tongue hung out, balling his fist to punch Zenta against his face, causing the debris around them to fly everywhere.


The old Saiyan’s eyebrows forced together in a pronounced frown, Spina noticed the temperature dropped dramatically, but seeing that it did little to the hybrid reptilians left an impression on him. “You aren’t total pushover after all…” He raised his power slightly, causing fragments to levitate off the ground before falling back down. Slightly raised his eyebrows, his eyes sharpened, and his teeth shown, Spina dashed forward quickly, slamming against Slate in a head-on collision, pushing the Komodo Dragon warrior back as he took damage from the repeated slash on his body. Landing on his feet, he noticed the shift of the ground shaking a bit, seeing Carnage rapidly transformed against Cuki and Zenta—and seemingly attacking Hydra, his own comrade. Spina raised a brow in confusion, but quickly realized that things could get ugly, fast. “This is bait.” Spina studied Carnage’s erratic behavior. Quickly on his feet, Spina rushed towards Slate and grabbed him by his face, taking him along as he ran towards Grey.
Cuki shivered at the grisly sight of what Carnage has become and wondered if she was capable of handling the new form of Carnage. Yet, when she glanced up towards her Master, he seemed calm as ever, not even flinching when Carnage slammed his fist against the ground. Cuki was quick to regain her center of balance but gasped when Carnage dashed his way to Zenta. 

The furry beast remained entirely poised and collected throughout the situation. As Carnage rushed closer to him, his dipped his head to the right, narrowly avoiding his incoming fist. His smile still beamed, indicating that he seemed to be having fun. As quickly as he slipped away from Carnage's fist, Zenta launched his hand upward to grab Carnage's wrist and then used his right hand to rapidly jab at the opposite side of his elbow. Carnage's arm from the elbow down would stiffen and lock itself in place. His fist would remain but he was unable to bend his arm.

Cuki was quick to follow after her Master and appear by Carnage while he was distracted with Zenta. She used her palms to slam against Carnage's spine, assuming it to be his weak point since it was so exposed.
Gogeta sat where he was, his blue pupils following Beserk as she soon disappeared from sight. He shook his head once, a small smirk forming to break him out of his melancholy trance as he spoke in a low tone to himself.

“What a strange girl.”

He slowly pushed himself up onto his feet at the edge of the building, sighing to himself and glancing down towards the surging energies.

“I still need to train; I won’t get any better just sitting here.”

Gogeta suddenly bolted up and arched down towards the street level.
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