The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Bernkastel's smirk at having gotten two of them by surprise was short-lived, immediately soured by Sound's persistent hollering at her. Still facing Grey and giggling at the anticipation of what he'd follow up with, she could hear Sound from a fairly close range meaning he had been knocked closer to the fight. Bern's face flattened out into a blank, yet stern expression.

"Noisy gadfly," she spat in a low voice. Barely turning her face, a wayward blade only grazed her cheek and drew a thin line of blood yet she did not flinch. "You're annoying. Come here--" 

Reaching into the portal, a shadowy clawed limb emerged from her sleeve and gripped Sound by the back of his shirt, Bernkastel wrinkling her nose in disgust at the sight of the vomit. Yanking her arm back, she pulled him out of the portal with a malicious side-eye.

"Why would I waste time with the runaway trying to lecture me? Fight you like a man, you say? Look at yourself. Nearly keeled over from one hit-- I might turn you into a Coin if I go any further than that," Bernkastel sneered before reeling her arm back. "That's nothing in our book. So not only are you spineless, you're boring too-- that pisses me off! I won't have any fun with an opponent who's not prepared to fight for what they want!"

Raising her free hand, Bernkastel struck Sound across the face with a backhand in clear agitation before using the other arm to throw him towards Grey. She floated in midair breathless with her arms almost shaking with tension. The force she dealt with her hand was little more than an ordinary slap, yet it felt good to deal out. It was nowhere near enough to get the anger out of her system though; magic couldn't give her the cathartic release she wanted.

All these fools see is a dainty girl and nothing more! How I detest it! I'd like to teach them a real lesson! Bern seethed, wiping blood off her face as she tried to resist temptations of savagery. I have to hold it back... there's still the leader we have to get to. Silently she cursed the position she was in, having to restrain herself against a rapidly escalating situation.
Brachi, Bara and Jize

Grey's head whipped back as Bara collided with his jaw. he shook his head snapping at bara's projectile before catching the debris from Jize in his jaws. As he prepared to hurl it back, however, he neglected to see the oncoming Destructo disk. His head was sliced clean off without any hesitation, his eyes going blank as the scaley head fell to the ground with a massive thud. There was slight silence before the base of the oozing neck began to form a small layer of skin, it's movements becoming erratic as it looked like two things began fighting against the protective layer they were encased in. And finally, after a few more pushes, two new heads burst out.

"Oooh! So scary!" one of the newly formed heads exclaimed.

"Quit messing around." The other ordered, shaking any excess off before the both began attacking the three fighters again.



The head watched carefully as Bernkastel messed with Mr. Sound, moving out of the way as she tossed him like an unwanted toy toward him. He could see the anger she withheld and smirked as if this seemed like a great opportunity. "What's the matter, Princess? All that pressure finally getting to you? Awww, you must want to throw a tantrum so bad."

Grey's head curved over to her slowly prepared to deal a blow if he needed. "I've seen that look too many times to count. You can't do what you want to us and that infuriates you, doesn't it? Because then you'll be back to square one. It must be hard to have that new collar around your pretty little neck."


Cross and Spina

As Carnage made his announcement, Grey had little time to respond before his head was sliced clean off by one of the tentacles. There was silence before two more heads grew back, both glaring intensely at Carnage.

"HEY! Don't go cutting off my heads like some slabs of meat!" The first growled.

"Yeah, let's tear 'em apart, The cocky bastards!" The other seemed a bit excited to fight the Breakers.

Slate slid backward, preparing to attack Spina again, but was caught off guard the icicles being throw his way. He narrowly dodged them only to be caught by his jaw, it forcefully being clamped shut as he was dragged along by the older Saiyan.
Brachi noted this however.

"Regeneration and multiplication... this is going to be tricky." She said, before firing a large energy sphere reminiscent of the Big Bang Attack towards one of the heads, while Majin Bara tagged the other with a Vanishing Ball.

Jize then began to summon energy pillars from below Grey, with each pillar having an image of her trident in them for added damage, the three fighters co-ordinating their attacks with each other to keep Grey on his toes and prevent them from focusing on either of them.
In the blink of an eye, Gogeta appeared within a meter in front of the floating Bernkastel. He was slightly crouched, having landed so quickly, the impact of his dash hadn’t taken effect until after he had appeared. The strong gusts of wind and heavy debris of the cement flung out in every direction in a short display of intense power.

As the dust and debris settled, Gogeta straightened himself upright and glanced towards Mr. Sound and Grey’s head. He stared them down with the nearly royal blue eyes that came with his Super Saiyan Blue form for a brief moment in an intense glare, before suddenly turning his back to them both and facing towards Bernkastel. He broke out into a goofy grin, placing his hands on his hips while his blue sash floated out in the small breeze.

“Hey! Sorry about what happened at the apartment earlier; I’m feeling much better now after letting off some steam!”
Cross thinks unaffected by the termer "I gest I should let this fight go on because this is a good chance for them to hold back and I do need to start using a bit of a heaver hand in fights." Cross fires ice bolts at Carnegie.

The ice needle made out Gray's own acid spit hit one the cut off and were able to pernitrate the scales. It would been lethality with out cutting off Gray's head.
Carnage took several steps back after his right arm locked in place. Confused of what happened, he roared like a beast as flames rapidly exploded on the tips of his horns. It caused a surge of his internal temperature to rise, outright melting his own skin, as he attempted to rush the beast warrior with a tackle. Rising his temperature caused a surge of power in his fists, but in exchange, it caused him to slowly melt, reducing his own speed. In that moment, before he can attempt his attack, he felt an attack against his own spine. He’d turned his upper body around in 360 degrees to face the young Saiyan, Cuki, once more.

“You again…?” Carnage grabbed her by the head with his free arm. “You’re so weak, my detection can even barely pick up your attacks half the time…! If you want to be useful…” Carnage drag her around, placing her in front of Cross’ attacks heading straight for him to take the blows. “I’m fighting with the strong now, don’t interfere with the big leagues…!” He stared towards Grey gaining multiple heads. “You should thank me! These Breakers are god damn pushovers!” Amidst of his gloat, Carnage noticed Spina rushing towards Grey as the other Breakers are launching their attacks against them.

The old Saiyan jumped forward towards Grey and his many heads, tossing Slate towards them. Spina pulled his arm back, then balled his hand into a fist. “Flowing Strike: Waterjet.” Extending his fist forward, a series of blue blades bombarded Grey and Slate rapidly—yet, the movement were precise, silent, and not overly flashy.

Mr. Sound hit the ground hard headfirst after being tossed away by Bernkastel, and Grey moving out of the way and not saving him. Struggle to stand, he’d rubbed his face, spitting out dirt he gathered in the fall. “That struck a nerve, haha. These freaks are now out of control with their lust for death… I need too—” Before Sound can finished his sentence, Spina slammed his foot against the back of his head, causing him to smash the ground once more.

Unaware of both Sound underneath his boot and Gogeta arriving at the scene, Spina stood upright, slightly turning his head to see the state of Grey and Slate after his finished his attack.

“…Incredible…” Carnage took several steps back, seeing that yet another person had joined the fray. Yet, his murderous intentions grown significantly, unable to recall the fusion that he saw in the news. Seeing that he’d still have Cuki under his grasp with his free hand, he’d jumped back. “Come on now… where’s the fire!? Where’s the explosive heat people have been going on and on about for a week!? Show me the reckless strength you Breakers are famous for!!!”
Spina and Cross

One of the newly formed heads didn't relent in attacking, breathing a deadly toxic smog into the air near the at Cross In the mean time the other head focused on the fast approaching Saiyan, ready to spray acid before Slate was slammed against him. And then there was a flash of blue before his vision went dark.

"Shit...!" Slate growled and he braced himself, cringing at his scaly skin was sliced up.


Brachi, Bara and Jize

The two heads were swift in avoiding the oncoming attacks, being grazed here and there by the pillars before trying to snap their jaws onto them. 

The heads stopped their movement however, both flopping to the ground motionless.


Bernkastel and Gogeta

Grey was surprised to see this newcomer. With a moment to examine, he was for sure it was that new rookie Gogeta! He would make a note to end the two of them quickly. He reeled his neck back with an intenst snarl before he stopped and the head fell to the ground with a blank eyed stare.



It was unheard of! All of Grey's heads had simultaneously been sliced off by Spina's single attack! There was another small silence before the heads began bursting out of their body. One, two, three... At least ten heads now! 

Each of the heads was now snarling and barring their teeth at the group, but something seemed odd... They bumped into each other unnaturally, a few heads nipping at another that blocked their view of the prey.

They were strangely silent, but as they noticed the Breakers, they rapidly charged at each one with a blistering speed. They seemed to completely rely on instinct to catch them now, seeing as the slopily jumped in front of one another to attack each Breaker. Few of them even noticed Carnage and Cuki and jolted to snap them up into their mouths

"Oh fuck.. That's too many!!" Slate huffed as he struggled to his feet, trying to move away before any of the heads could notice him.
Brachi, Bara and Jize moved backwards as they noted the numerous heads from Grey tried to strike at them, with Brachi using several powerful ki-blasts to keep them at bay, while Bara resorted to using a Mouth Energy Wave to blast the creature backwards, while Jize summoned a replica of her trident and tossed it at the creature to stab it or otherwise trap one of the heads against another one.
(those icicles hit the head Carnegie cut off)

Cross says as most of the shards that would hit Cuki become harmless water splashing Cuki "I give you points for using Cuki but sadly you will not be able to use that tactic on the head you gave." As Cross stated that the head of Gray was cut off by Carnage did bite down on Carnage. Cross says to Carnage "Don't worry those antibodies you may have form his venom will not work nor will you gain any."

Cross says unaffected by the cloud "That was pointless action." Boulders were lunched with such force to bludgeon Grays heads and they were coming right at Gray.

Cross says as each of the other Gray's heads that were cut off were being reanimated "I wonder were these things are going at next?"
Throughout Grey's taunting, Bernkastel's shaking arms balled up into fists as her face tinted with red. Partly because he had read her expressions like an open book but also because it was true. And it wasn't like she could just use her fists either-- Bern knew she'd end up making herself look like a laughingstock. Her scowl deepened as she audibly grit her teeth together in aggravation. There were very few options at her disposal that weren't entirely clouded by feelings of upset.

The only thing that pulled her out of her internal spiralling was Gogeta's sudden appearance in front of her if at all; Bernkastel's troubled expression remained, delayed in mustering a verbal response. Once Grey's heads fell limp to the floor, her glare rested and watched more of them sprout. Within mere seconds, it was just a nest of snakeheads.

"Forget trying to cut them down--" she finally spoke sternly, thrusting an arm outward to send out serpents of her own from her sleeve in an attempt to lasso the head coming after her. "Otherwise we'll end up with a snake tree at this rate!"

Bern looked up at Gogeta as she started to pull with all the force she could muster. "Since you're late, you can make up for it by knocking some heads out! Take your pick...!"
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