The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"Haah?! Who wants to know?!" 

Upon Gogeta's shouting, a rusted set of metal was kicked aside by the figure perched on the roof from before, the binoculars at her feet.

In full sun, the figure was a teenage girl with long, wild bright orange hair that stuck out in different directions. Part of her hair was tied back into a bow with long ribbon ends that almost moved like snakes in the air. Clad almost entirely in red with a scabbard strapped to her back, the girl's ruby eyes glared daggers towards Gogeta, narrowing even more as she sized him up.

"Wait a minute... are you...?" Her eyes widened as the single-lens visor beeped from scanning Gogeta, letting out a small gasp.

"It really is you! You're one of the Blue Devils-- Gogeta! OhmyGOSH! I can't believe it oh MAN!" Her face quickly changed to one of pure excitement, nearly hopping her way towards him to examine his appearance in-person. "M-my name's Berserk, me and my sister are big fans! Wow this is like, SO COOL-- I wish I brought a pen for you to autograph somethin' for Brute! What brings ya out here?! If you're here to rob the banks, I hope you're not disappointed I told some guys ahead of you... I thought you left like everyone else. This place is practically a ghost town, but I thought Ultraman would still be around..." 

She then crossed her arms and pouted. "But it looks like I got sniffed out by one of your Breaker friends (Cuki) first! Totally threw my plans off, I wanted Ultraman to come straight here and deal with those goons so I can fight him like you did! Oh man, your fight's SO COOL TO WATCH! The skyscraper wallop, the super blasty attacks, and my favorite--" pausing in her babbling, Berserk imitated the stance Gogeta made for a certain move. 

"HERO PUNISHER! What I wouldn't GIVE to get a chance with that guy... I got a huge energy reading on this thingamajig, so he's definitely coming," Berserk seemingly was unaware that the signal came from the Breakers collectively moving in the same direction. "Which is good for me, I'd rather not have to blow shit up just to draw him in... I'm not gonna take any turf if 90% of it is just rubble! Maybe I shouldn't have drawn on any buildings, I don't really care if those bozos get caught in the explosion mid-robbery. They're all a bunch of annoying creeps anyway."

Bernkastel watched from the air, crossing her arms and staring down at Spina intently from behind to see how he was going to handle these thugs four. Her eyes narrowed at the creepy creature pinning Cuki against the floor.

"Tch. We can't make any hasty moves..." One wrong movement or word and that thing's claw would rip an artery wide open.
Cross says "Would you even listened if I did not start with the bone needles? I truly think not given our reputation as it is and the station." The scary thing is this was a fare point.

Cross was messing with 4 orbs of there blood this to any spell caster was a warning. Cross says "depending on things I can toss some quick heal spell and mending spell."
Gogeta blinked in confusion, his wide blue eyes staring back at Berserk. The excitement and compliments caught the man off guard, his own perplexed stare remaining for a bit.

"Blue Devil?"

He stood in silence for a few moments, letting the teenager finish her explanation. At the realization that she was the one who sent the robbers, Gogeta initial smirk returned in small preparation to start a fight. Yet as the girl spoke excitedly, and seeing her imitate his move, Gogeta's expression softened and his arms relaxed. He snapped back a bit out of his trance, stumbling a bit in his words.

"Oh...ummm...I just came out here to get some fresh air."

Gogeta paused for a moment, looking out across the ruined city for a brief moment before posing another question.

"'re trying to fight Ultraman too? Do you think you can beat him?"
As Cuki's head was pounded into the dirt, she remained still for a moment until hearing Spina's voice. She lifted her head up but refused to look at the Breakers who were now arriving at the scene. Her nails dug into the dirt as she saw a few drops of blood coming from her nose. The youngster said nothing at first, trying to cope with what happened.

I... I thought I was able to something... Cuki stared in disbelief at the small specks of blood. I thought I could handle it... I thought I was... strong enough...

Cuki gritted her teeth in anger as she shifted her gaze up to slowly stare at Carnage. The words of Carnage and Mr. Sound echoed in her mind, bringing her back to the scenario that she had with the Breakers. A wave of doubt swallowed her up while her mind raced endlessly to figure out where she went wrong. The thought of being weak scared her and she wondered how the others would react to it. Her dedication and confidence were snuffed out in one fell swoop thanks to the thugs. Images ran through her head, each of the Breakers belittling her, mocking her, and laughing at how weak she was. Without thinking, Cuki growled under her breath before rushing back up to her feet and dashing towards Carnage from behind. 

"I said don't ignore me..! Your fight is with me! Leave them out of it!"

Zenta landed softly on the ground next to Spina and Bernkastel. He said nothing, as usual, except watch his student violently rush in to attack an enemy ahead of her league. Her will and determination to defend the others made him think about her recklessness of achieving that goal. 

Is this your way of learning, Cuki? Or is there something else to this?
Entertainment District [Ruined] of Reality Metropolis

Spina narrowed his eyes when Mr. Sound stated that, yet another person was involved with them in some capacity. Yet, before anything can be said, Cuki rushing towards Carnage prevent any further discussions.

“Oh? You want some more?” Multiple tentacles formed out of his body, turning into razor-sharp blades. “At least you’re quite persistent, I’ll give you that, but a weakling is always a weakling—”

The moment Cuki was inches towards the red-and-black monster, the young Saiyan was flung off course from her attack path, crashing near Spina and Zenta. Carnage turned around, seeing Mr. Sound holding his hand up, indicating that his fingers were snapped. He couldn’t sense his attack despite his sensors.

“What the hell are you doing?! You’re getting in the way of killing my prey?” Carnage angrily said.

“I’m trying to save our asses, idiot.” Mr. Sound had a cocky smile on his face. Eyes narrowed, the headphones user took one step forward, seeing that Spina was seconds away from making his move. “Slow down there, bucko. We ain’t interested in a fight—well, most of us. We’re just making end-means to survive the next day. Besides, you really want another thing on your record after what happened last week? I mean, your bag of bones practically attack us without giving much of a reason why. That ain’t looking good.”

Spina frowned but continued to have an intense stare. “Don’t act high and mighty. You are clearly looting the place for your own benefit. Just because the city is wasted doesn’t mean you can take stuff.”

Waving a finger, Mr. Sound shook his head in disagreement. “And then what? You’re going to return these items to the owners? You’re going to risk going out—in public—after what you done? Or leave it here and hope, just hope that people will come back and find their things? Give me a break…” Mr. Sound raised his hands. “Instead of messing with us, go after the leader. Pretty sure she’s around here somewhere… Go look for her instead of messing with us.” He paused for a moment. “Or maybe its because the leader, Bernkastel, sent you lot here because she’s too busy sucking the teeth out of her lapdog. So she sent beasts such as yourselves to do the dirty work since she can’t be bothered. I mean, why else she sent out a pathetic weakling as means to take us out? With no direction, this whole thing you guys are doing is a complete bust.” His shoulders bounce up and down. “Let us go and find the one who sent us here. She got red hair and looks mean. It won’t be that hard to find here since everyone is gone because of ya’ll.”

Clenching his right hand, crushing the debris into pieces, Spina walked towards them with anger in his eyes. “A complete bust, huh? Let’s see about that…” An explosion of fury and malicious flourished around his body, it seems that, to the others, he was about to engage in a battle.
Bernkastel's glare intensified the more she heard Sound taunt them, squeezing her hands til the knuckles turned wide as she grit her teeth, her frustration mounting.

These freaks have a lot of nerve mouthing off to me! If it weren't for that damned Detective, I'd have my cats chew you all up into mincemeat on the concrete!

Gripping handfuls of her dress with her hands, Bernkastel forced herself to breathe and not immediately go overboard... if she couldn't even do that, she'd go against her own principles of restraint. Compared to Ultraman, these guys were just insects for the most part. Petty thieves, not worth her time. At the mention of the thugs having a leader, however, she paused in thought and started to chuckle.

"Oh my... You have a leader? Well, why didn't you just say so from the start?"

Bernkastel then stood straight and smiled, placing her hands behind her back.

"If you aren't bluffing, then surely she'll come running here once she hears you guys got in trouble with our leader-" She gestured down towards Spina as her smile became a smirk. "Which is no longer my position, so I don't call the shots. You should be more careful about what you say, he looks really mad now~"

Berserk rubbed the back of her head with a light blush on her cheeks. "Ah well, I'm no professional, but me and my sisters never turn down a good fight! Back home in Viletown, we had all the ones who had the pants to call themselves heroes crying for their mommies," she crackled her knuckles with a cheerful giggle. "Heroes are fun to knock down a couple pegs, 'cause that means once you beat 'em, their city ends up being your city. Nobody's gonna give you lip if you're at the top, and that includes goody-goodies."

"So when we saw you and the little blue-head fight Ultraman on TV, we just had to see for ourselves what he was made of!" Berserk frowned a bit upon reflection, crossing her arms. "But man, he's hard to track down! My sisters got bored and decided to go back to their turfs, so it's just me looking for him. Brute's the strongest sister, but she doesn't have the book smarts like I do. So if I can hold my own against Ultraman, they'll have to acknowledge me as the strongest AND smartest sister!" She gave a hearty laugh before the device beeped in rapid succession, causing her to start gathering her items.

"Whoa, I'm getting a huge spike all of a sudden! Bigger than before! That must mean he's here," She spoke excitedly as she began to float in midair for takeoff. "Wanna come with me, mister? We should be sneaky about getting there if we want to keep the element of surprise."
Entertainment District [Ruined] of Reality Metropolis

"Maybe you should have been a bit softer with your words, it looks like you struck a nerve." Grey chuckled, now back on guard, "Seem's there was no other way around this. Typical. Slate, he's all yours."

"Finally," Slate growled, his body starting to grow to massive size as scales encased his body. His newly formed tail slammed to the ground as he now towered over Spina at 7'0". To the others watching, his body looked to be a mix of a human and a reptile, a komodo dragon to be exact. The hybrid lowered himself to an aggressive crouch before leaping toward Spina at a blistering speed. "I don't wanna waste my time on the weak ones!"

He slammed his massive body into the other to throw him back passed the other Breakers, before grabbing hold of his skull and slamming it against the ground, his mouth not far behind to try and sink his saliva filled teeth into his neck. 

"Guess there's no reason to hold back either." Grey's body began to change as well, but his transformation seemed far greater than Slate's, being at least 9'0" in height. His head began to travel outward like a snake and out of his elongating neck grew two more lizard-like heads along with a nub that looked as though another head was missing. This Hybrid heads all snarled and snapped before speaking simultaneously to the group. "Let's have some fun!" The first head made its way toward Cross spitting acid at the boned Sorcerer, while the other two took a dive toward Bernkastel and Brachi.
Gogeta broke out into a small smile, repeating Berserk's words in his head once.

No one gives you lip if you're at the top!

He shook his head a bit, his dual voice lower as if just talking to himself but clearly audible.

"Yeah...I know what you mean."

Yet as he was given the offer from Beserk, Gogeta frowned slightly and sighed, crossing his arms.

"That isn't him...those are the Breakers. I remember his energy signature."

He plopped himself down onto the edge of the skyscraper, letting his feet dangle as he relaxed. The blue sash floated at his side in the gentle breeze high above the city, with his eyes turning down.

"Besides...I don't want to face him. I'm not strong enough yet; and I don't think you are either."
Seeing this coming, Brachi immediately leapt backwards once the head had almost reached her, making it hit the ground instead of her. Bara and Jize also had jumped backwards.

"Finally, some action." Brachi said, before she increased her own power in her base form; not transforming just yet, and also keeping her guard up, ready to respond at a moment's notice.
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