"Haah?! Who wants to know?!"
Upon Gogeta's shouting, a rusted set of metal was kicked aside by the figure perched on the roof from before, the binoculars at her feet.
In full sun, the figure was a teenage girl with long, wild bright orange hair that stuck out in different directions. Part of her hair was tied back into a bow with long ribbon ends that almost moved like snakes in the air. Clad almost entirely in red with a scabbard strapped to her back, the girl's ruby eyes glared daggers towards Gogeta, narrowing even more as she sized him up.
"Wait a minute... are you...?" Her eyes widened as the single-lens visor beeped from scanning Gogeta, letting out a small gasp.
"It really is you! You're one of the Blue Devils-- Gogeta! OhmyGOSH! I can't believe it oh MAN!" Her face quickly changed to one of pure excitement, nearly hopping her way towards him to examine his appearance in-person. "M-my name's Berserk, me and my sister are big fans! Wow this is like, SO COOL-- I wish I brought a pen for you to autograph somethin' for Brute! What brings ya out here?! If you're here to rob the banks, I hope you're not disappointed I told some guys ahead of you... I thought you left like everyone else. This place is practically a ghost town, but I thought Ultraman would still be around..."
She then crossed her arms and pouted. "But it looks like I got sniffed out by one of your Breaker friends (Cuki) first! Totally threw my plans off, I wanted Ultraman to come straight here and deal with those goons so I can fight him like you did! Oh man, your fight's SO COOL TO WATCH! The skyscraper wallop, the super blasty attacks, and my favorite--" pausing in her babbling, Berserk imitated the stance Gogeta made for a certain move.
"HERO PUNISHER! What I wouldn't GIVE to get a chance with that guy... I got a huge energy reading on this thingamajig, so he's definitely coming," Berserk seemingly was unaware that the signal came from the Breakers collectively moving in the same direction. "Which is good for me, I'd rather not have to blow shit up just to draw him in... I'm not gonna take any turf if 90% of it is just rubble! Maybe I shouldn't have drawn on any buildings, I don't really care if those bozos get caught in the explosion mid-robbery. They're all a bunch of annoying creeps anyway."
Bernkastel watched from the air, crossing her arms and staring down at Spina intently from behind to see how he was going to handle these thugs four. Her eyes narrowed at the creepy creature pinning Cuki against the floor.
"Tch. We can't make any hasty moves..." One wrong movement or word and that thing's claw would rip an artery wide open.
Upon Gogeta's shouting, a rusted set of metal was kicked aside by the figure perched on the roof from before, the binoculars at her feet.
In full sun, the figure was a teenage girl with long, wild bright orange hair that stuck out in different directions. Part of her hair was tied back into a bow with long ribbon ends that almost moved like snakes in the air. Clad almost entirely in red with a scabbard strapped to her back, the girl's ruby eyes glared daggers towards Gogeta, narrowing even more as she sized him up.
"Wait a minute... are you...?" Her eyes widened as the single-lens visor beeped from scanning Gogeta, letting out a small gasp.
"It really is you! You're one of the Blue Devils-- Gogeta! OhmyGOSH! I can't believe it oh MAN!" Her face quickly changed to one of pure excitement, nearly hopping her way towards him to examine his appearance in-person. "M-my name's Berserk, me and my sister are big fans! Wow this is like, SO COOL-- I wish I brought a pen for you to autograph somethin' for Brute! What brings ya out here?! If you're here to rob the banks, I hope you're not disappointed I told some guys ahead of you... I thought you left like everyone else. This place is practically a ghost town, but I thought Ultraman would still be around..."
She then crossed her arms and pouted. "But it looks like I got sniffed out by one of your Breaker friends (Cuki) first! Totally threw my plans off, I wanted Ultraman to come straight here and deal with those goons so I can fight him like you did! Oh man, your fight's SO COOL TO WATCH! The skyscraper wallop, the super blasty attacks, and my favorite--" pausing in her babbling, Berserk imitated the stance Gogeta made for a certain move.
"HERO PUNISHER! What I wouldn't GIVE to get a chance with that guy... I got a huge energy reading on this thingamajig, so he's definitely coming," Berserk seemingly was unaware that the signal came from the Breakers collectively moving in the same direction. "Which is good for me, I'd rather not have to blow shit up just to draw him in... I'm not gonna take any turf if 90% of it is just rubble! Maybe I shouldn't have drawn on any buildings, I don't really care if those bozos get caught in the explosion mid-robbery. They're all a bunch of annoying creeps anyway."
Bernkastel watched from the air, crossing her arms and staring down at Spina intently from behind to see how he was going to handle these thugs four. Her eyes narrowed at the creepy creature pinning Cuki against the floor.
"Tch. We can't make any hasty moves..." One wrong movement or word and that thing's claw would rip an artery wide open.