The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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(Whoops, I glossed over that. I’ll mentioned that in this post)

Carnage slammed his claw against the ground, kicking up the dirt in the air despite Mr. Sound’s protest to leave the area before getting too ahead of themselves. Due to the rapid fires of bones slamming against his back, causing him to shift his attention to the direction of the needles came from, allowing Cuki to pushed him back. “Tsk… what this? Another one had arrived?” Smiling at another set of newcomers, he’d turned his attention towards the others. “Now this is the power I’m sensing… Oh, I’ll just ripping your rip apart. Not even bones can escape my lust for killing.” His senses rang off as Cuki approached him to his side, his senses fired off, allowing his body to react appropriately. He jumped in the air a bit, causing the young Saiyan to go past him as Carnage slammed his feet against her back. “Stay where you are, I have a bigger fish now....”  Placing a claw near Cuki's neck, drawing slight blood from the poke. "

“God damnit.” Mr. Sound groaned in annoyance as bone needles jabbed against his sides. Pulling them out one by one, he was not looking forward to trade scraps. He just wanted to take some stuff, live the high life for a while and skip town. Seeing not just one, but three more appeared before them, though they seem to be standing there at best. “Slate, Grey. We got what we need, let’s ditch this guy and high tail out of there.” Mr. Sound turned around as Cuki focused on Carnage and attempted to run off with a heavy bag so full, small artifacts were spilling out.
Brachi took on a defensive stance after noting Carnage's demeanor, her expression being serious, while Bara got ready to stop the other robbers. On her turn, Jize raised her left arm in the air and a sudden sphere glowed in her left hand, which then expanded to become a pole... and one end suddenly split into a three-pronged fork before solidifying as Jize has summoned her Trident, her weapon of choice for additional offense and defense as she was ready to assist.
((Apologies I missed it too))

At Carnage's display, Grey pinched the bridge of his nose. So much for handling this situation with class. He looked up at the oncoming bones and jumped back to dodge them, only to have his skin of his arm and legs sliced through, ruining his outfit with his own blood.

Slate on the other hand narrowed his eyes and swiftly knocked the bones away from him with newly grown claws where his hands had been. His multi colored eyes now slits as he examined each Breaker arriving. 

"I don't think that will be possible Sound. Seeing as a few of them are already present, the others should be close. We wouldn't get far." Grey glared intensely, nearly gritting his teeth in irritation, "Just our luck, Carnage had to pick a fight with them."

"Oh hell yeah, we're finally seein' some action." Slate smirked his grin now flashing razor sharp teeth. 

"You idiot." Grey growled. "The whole point of this was to avoid conflict."
(It's cool.)

Cross says pointing at Gray "He has a point one named Sound." As sound ran in to a wall of force. Cross asks "Can we salvage and speak or do we need to really have this fight? Don't worry as long you don't join in the battle of those that chose too fight we can speak after the fight." Cross thinks "So far we have 2 meat heads but I wonder if this sound and Gray are the type I think they are."
Bernkastel's attention was divided between looking for where Cuki's scuffle was at and... a very strange set of surroundings. Her feet barely touching the ground now, she hovered as her eyes caught onto more and more spray paintings. Smiley faces with an occasional variant of a tongue-face.

What the hell are these for? she thought in puzzlement. It was different from the graffiti they found at the apartment, not made in anger... but to taunt. What's more was that these doodles only seemed to be found on select buildings. Deliberately chosen, but for what.

"... I got a bad feeling about this." She mumbled to herself before taking flight after the others once more.

"And here I thought Plan A was gonna go so well I wouldn't need to use Plan B... those guys are cheats, pretending to be hiding and ruining my fun by butting in! Maybe I should take care of her an' those boneheads now before the rest come followin'..." As the figure deliberated, her finger hovered over a red button on the control panel in her lap that displayed scattered dots around the map. However, she paused deliberating as something inside her knapsack began ringing.

"Hello...? I'm busy, Brat! Go bother someone else! No, I really am busy!" She spoke to the phone in a hushed whisper.


"Not tellin' you! Just know you better tune in later today and see me on the news! Make sure Brute sees too, so I can rub it in her face later."
Cuki grunted at how Carnage managed to get her on the floor but his senses seemed to be part of it. Grumbling under her breath, Cuki shoved the red being off and away from her as she quickly regained her footing. The girl seemed a little nervous since she did not know how Carnage evaded her move but it did not stop her from trying to stop him, considering he had a murderous vibe around him.

Ugh... how am I going to stop him before he hurts the others? C'mon Cuki, don't chicken out now, everyone is counting on you..! Cuki bit her lip before remembering the fight with the Coin Hunter using the Zenta coin. Hey, that technique..! It knocked us all out in one swoop. If the Coin hunter was able to use it, maybe I can too! Master said he taught me a lot back home... maybe if I just try hard enough, I'll match it! I just have to focus...

Cuki glared at Carnage and had to figure out a way to mess up his senses. She parted her feet and lifted her foot from the ground to make a slab of earth rise before her. With swift movements, her palms clammed against the slab and sent it darting towards Carnage. She was quick to run behind Carnage while the slab distracted him. Having no idea how to use her Master's technique or even how to approach it, she simply gathered all her strength to her palms and pressed them against Carnage's back.

"Don't ignore me, damnit!" Cuki yelled at the top of her lungs.

From her palms, she rushed nearly all of her energy towards Carnage's back, assuming she copied her Master's technique as best she could. The energy passed through Carnage and sent a small shockwave to Slate, Grey, and Sound. Dust and small debris flew about, giving away their location but luckily no buildings collapsed. Cuki remained still, panting at how much energy she had to use to try to stop the murderous one of the group. Her worried face turned to a smile, feeling confident that she won without having to bring her friends into danger. However, despite her bold and cocky face, her voice still hinted at doubt.

"D-Did it work..?"
Mr. Sound crashed against the wall of force created by Cross, preventing him from escaping with the items. Rubbing his nose, resulting a slight bruising on the bridge, Mr. Sound groaned in annoyance at the fact that either they have to subjected themselves to a battle or plead their way out in some fashion. Wobbling over to Grey and Slate, he’d forced to witness the bout between Carnage and the other breakers. “Carnage is always an unpredictable guy… He can’t keep his bloodlust to himself just for few more hours! Hey! Just knock it off already! They can’t really do anything to us as long we don’t escalate! Let’s bounce already!”

Carnage, ignoring the calls by Mr. Sound, taunted the Breakers. “Are you’re going to home, or you’re going to let this young girl die by my hands? Come on, Breakers. Make your move. I know you are a reckless bunch—”

His senses erupted, feeling Cuki lifted herself up underneath his foot and got pushed back. “Oh, I like when they fight back.” He swung his hand, shattering the slab of earth into fragments with one strike, but Cuki was no longer in his view. Leaving himself wide open, Carnage felt her palms attack his back, resulting a powerful shockwave. Seconds later, Carnage turned his head with a sinister glee written on his face, resulting a murderous vibe. “What was that?” The monster said, didn’t even phased by Cuki’s attack she’d done.
“Is that the best you can muster? Pathetic.” Carnage grabbed Cuki’s head with his hand and slammed her against the ruined pavement. “You’re not even worth killing now.” His mood quickly soured, turning his attention to the others instead.

Mr. Sound, being flung from the shockwave, burst into laughter when the attack seemingly did nothing. “I thought the Breakers were a big deal…? But all that flashy stuff and do what, kicking up some winds?” He’s dusted himself off and stood up. “You had your fun with the weakling. Let’s leave—they don’t have any authority now, you know?” He’d nudge Grey to back them up. “And besides, we got confirmation anyways… the Breakers aren’t all that tough.”

“Don’t tell me what to do. You drag me out here in this blazing hot sun looking for scraps. Now I get to have some fun.” Carnage roared, completely ignoring the Saiyan. “Come on… who’s next?”

“That’ll be me.” Spina appeared, his energy already rising upon arrival. He was holding a fragment from a building with something that had spray-painted on it. He’d looked at Cuki before turning to Carnage and the others once more. “Give up and tell me who sent you here. I won’t ask again.”

Mr. Sound raised a brow. “Oh boy, more of them. Is the entire Breaker Squad coming up in droves?” His eyes narrowed. “Oh, if I tell you who sent us there, you’ll let us go?” He’d nudge Grey to go along with it.
The door leading onto the roof of the building Gogeta entered suddenly flung open; having followed the graffiti trail that he could discern. His blue eyes glanced around, searching for the source of the mysterious binocular glint he saw earlier.

"Hey!! Who's up here?!"
"Strange, you're asking us to stay out of the fray, yet you threw the first bone and ruined my suit. The way you lot work really is infuriating." Grey growled, his own teeth having shifted to sharp points before sliding back a bit from the shockwave Cuki caused.

Slate remained on guard frowning a bit in disappointment at how easily Carnage had handled the girl. Maybe they were only facing the weak ones. At Spina's arrival however, the multi color eyed man grinned and prepared himself for a bigger battle. 

Grey was taken off guard a bit at Mr. Sound's nudge to go along with his little plan. He lowered his arms but remained on guard letting Sound take over the situation for now.
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