The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Bernkastel's eye twitched at Spina's objection, scowling deeply at being jabbed for even suggesting concern over Gogeta's sudden escape. Additionally, being told 'no' a second time in a row really hit a nerve with her.

"What...? Why, you..."

With no ability to argue back and much less wanting to cause a scene, she simply could only cross her arms over her chest and fly behind the rest of group, fuming to herself with an irritated look on her face. She cursed Spina for disregarding Gogeta as a potential sabotage to whatever work Spina was making them do. Even if he was unaware of Gogeta's sour demeanor, the fusion has demonstrated plenty that he can overdo it and destroy chunks of the city-- that was when he was in a good mood. But since Spina insisted on being the leader now, she'd gladly wait and see how ignoring her could come back and bite him later.

I bet you'll pin it on me anyway for not looking after him while dragging us along for an insipid chore! Let's see how you handle this, nimrod...

For now Bern was going to have to focus on completing the mission quickly enough that she could go look for him. In the meantime, she figured these robbers would do nicely as punching bags to take her anger out on.
"Well, at least he's not coming along with us..." Cuki muttered to herself. "Maybe we can get stuff done for once."

The young Saiyan felt a slight flick on one of her ears from Zenta who only shook his head at her words, his demeanor was a bit serious to his student. He then looked up to see Spina trail away with the others. 

"Go on and head after them, I'll walk." Zenta chuckled.

"Walk? But it looks so far." Cuki frowned. 

"Believe me, I have traveled farther."

Cuki nodded and floated upward to follow Spina and the others, pushing herself to keep up with them since she appeared to struggle slightly. The simple act of following them and her slight inability to do so weighed heavily in her mind. Zenta, in the meanwhile, vanished as he walked past a few buildings and was later seen hopping across the top on all fours, catching up with the group.
[font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]Outskirts of Reality Metropolis (West)

Gogeta walked forward in the streets, his narrowed eyes finally glancing around after his self confirmation of pride. The gentle wind that billowed through the ruined city kept a serene peace in its apocalyptic image; the stark and vibrant yellows and white on Gogeta's clothing the only color in the desolate cityscape. His frown soon returned, glancing around with a small scoff.

"Tch...I don't feel any robbers here."

He soon crossed his arms, and despite being able to clearly sense the energy signatures of the looters on the other side of the city, Gogeta's distracted mind clouded his judgement.

"Stupid Whis...I can fight better than all of them! I've won every fight I've been in!"

Gogeta stood still, his blue sash floating to the side a bit from a stronger breeze as he thought to himself; Whis' words from the night before continuing in his head.

"You don't even read your opponent in a fight anymore; you just sense their power and raise yours high enough to outclass them."
"So?! It worked everytime against Vegetto!"
"Yes...but you've only fought him twice. Give him time, and he will figure out a way to beat your fighting style. And when that happens, you won't stand a chance."

Gogeta's eyebrow twitched even more violently, the attempted advice from all three of the recent Breakers overwhelming him into an agitated mood. He suddenly swung his arms down, his dual voice loudly booming out in a frustrated yell.

"I do read the opponents!! I'm the best fighter ever!! I can figure out anyone in a fight. Like this one-"

Gogeta's right arm suddenly hurled forward, the fusion rocketing off the ground and punching the very foundation of a nearby skyscraper. The entire building shook violently from the sudden impact, and within seconds, the massive skyscraper began to topple backwards onto the remaining skyline in a devastating collapse. Gogeta's body whirled around in the midst of the destructive debris and loud booms raging on from the sudden demolition; his dual voice booming out but muffled from the sound of the collapsing buildings.

-and this one! I brought this entire city down when it challenged ME!! I can beat anyone!!"

Gogeta moved to the center of the square he stood in as the buildings collapsed, crouching down and gripping down at the base. The strength needed to lift the entire building was child's play for the fusion; yet however, the foundation and size of the building was caught underneath other skyscrapers that had toppled over it, making it much heavier. The weight itself was still insignificant for Gogeta to actually lift, but in failing to account for the difference in weight in his pride stricken rampage, Gogeta struggled at lifting up the skyscraper due to not applying the necessary power in his base form.

Gogeta's eyes went wide, and with a thunderous scream, his blue aura erupted out from underneath his feet and engulfed him in a rapid transformation into Super Saiyan Blue. The buildings holding the skyscraper down toppled over in second, and Gogeta hurled the skyscraper higher into the atmosphere, the entire building soon disappearing from sight.

The blue flame licked at the ground as Gogeta stood still, his muscular arms at his sides as he panted heavily and glared up at the sky in a hateful, enraged stare.
Soaring through the air in blazing speeds, Spina led the group to their general destination within seconds but remained airborne. He’d looked around to find the exact location of the thieves. “There should be four of them lurking about… thread carefully… at least one of them had incredible strength that could be a problem.” His muscles tense, shaking a bit, but it was not out of fear, but more of anticipation.


Entertainment District [Ruined] of Reality Metropolis

“Damn it… we came here for nothing.” Carnage said. “I could be at home, carefully cutting the throats of my next victims, but I’m out here looking for scraps in this heat.” The red-and-black monster turned to the other. “What kind of intel did you get, Mr. Sound? That’s the last time I listen whatever nonsense you say.”

“Give me some slack. She was riling me up about the potential items here. Besides, we all have to eat, right? They don’t accept any money other than credits currency here. Which neither of us had since we arrived at this crazy place.” Mr. Sound kicked some rubble around. “It sounded like a good idea since people dropped tons of valuable items in a panic.”

Mr. Sound turned to Grey. “I guess so. Nothing is good around here… maybe we should check the other area? We at least got some stuff… so I guess we can get a few credits out of this stuff.” He pulled up a bag with items that wasn’t entirely damage, including rings, jewelries, photos, and several artifacts. We’ll split the funds.

“And the bag not even full… hours in a blazing sun and that’s the best we can come up with?” Carnage groaned in annoyance. His skin morphed around a lot, as the tone of his voice changed for a deeper one. “Don’t get comfortable Mr. Sound, I’ll be taking more than just funds when we returned.”

“R-relax…” Mr. Sound narrowed his eyes upon hearing the threat. He looked around, seeing an abandoned shop that seemingly in good condition. There was no name attached, but a brief look suggest that it could be a financial institution. “How about we tried in there?” He looked at Grey for approval. “We might find some nifty stuff.”

The sounds of building from afar alerted Carnage. “Shit, is that the Task force?” He looked up, seeing a glimpse of a building suddenly hurled towards the sky, disappearing from sight. He couldn't make out what it was, but it was something that concerned him. "I ain't going in there. You guys get the stuff while I keep look out.”

“Whatever... I wouldn’t worry about it. There’s no one in this city.” Mr. Sound said in confidence. “Besides, would Berserk even give us information if there was something here? Now come on…” Kicking the door down, it had a wide range of beautiful items, monies and other content. “Wala. Am I right, or am I right?”
Cross sends to the Breakers "I guesting most you would prefer to fight this one out." Cross thinks "A sleep spell shood make all them go to sleep ending the fight before we started but I think the others would want to fight and given our luck the sleep spell will simply not work." moving carefully.
Bernkastel hovered in place, staring off in one direction with her grumpy expression unchanged. Turning her back to the sight of something streaming up in the sky, she sighed to herself resolutely as she scanned the surroundings only half-heartedly.

"If I were a materialistic buffoon, where would I want to raid?...." she asked. "Eight against four is more than enough as long as we don't alert them all at once." Like every other part of the city, she did not recognize any area in particular. Now that they'd been reduced to rubble, it'd be even less familiar.

Entertainment District [Ruined] of Reality Metropolis

From the shadows of an abandoned alleyway, someone watched the four thieves make their way through rubble piles from afar. Stifling a laugh, the hidden figure slinked away to do their own plotting, but not without marking off a few more buildings with a spray-painted smiley face in bright red.

"Heeheehee... grown-ups are even dumber than I thought! Dangle some money and jewels, and it's like giving candy to a baby," the figure said to herself with a giggle, hovering up into the air until choosing a suitable tall building to perch at and get a good view of the streets below. Setting down a knapsack of various items, she took out a strange single-pane screen device that hooked around one ear.

"Wonder what this thing does-- looks like some kinda tracker Pops made. Let's try it out while we wait... maybe it'll pick up something when he comes around." Equipping it, she fished out a screen tablet to watch previous RNN streams. "Those twits should do plenty, but if push comes to shove, I can improvise... it'd be a lot easier if I got my hands on that blue-haired furry dude. Brat and Brute are gonna love this!"
Cuki managed to keep up with the group and seemed nervous about the type of enemies Spina mentioned. She did sense a powerful energy but was unaware of where it was. Cuki was the first one to lower herself to the ground and look about the remains of the city. Her frown deepens as she realized how many people must have perished in the middle of the fighting. Her mind instantly remembered the fight between Ultraman with Gogeta and Bernkasteland which made her hands ball up into fists. Their strength was amazing and she was trailing more and more behind not just them, but the other Breakers as well.

I can't keep holding them back... I'll show them that I can be just as strong too!

Cuki slipped through some of the remains and poked her head out from under some rubble. She was being careful but seemed to rush into things a little too hastily, almost as she wanted to prove something. 

Zenta landed on the floor just beside the Breakers, watching his student trail off. He said nothing, studying her every move until she disappeared behind more rubble. A lonely sigh escaped his lips before indirectly answering Bernkastel's question.

"Perhaps a bank will yield many valuables, though I am not sure what remained after your fight."
Entertainment District [Ruined] of Reality Metropolis

"You and Slate go right on ahead." Grey sighed taking a fan out from seemingly nowhere and took a seat on a large chunk of concrete from a building, crossing one leg over the other. "I think I'll wait out here as well. You know what to do."

Slate flashed his golden grill in a toothy smile as he approached the building with Mr. Sound. "Well, that was a pretty easy jackpot! Enough to get us a buffet!" He started to lift a few of the objects into his pockets.

"Oh, seems like you two aren't useless after all!" Grey's eyebrows raised as he adjusted his glasses to get a better look at the loot. His eyes scanned around a bit, weary of the surrounding area. "Let's not waste any time gawking at it all."
[font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]Outskirts of Reality Metropolis (West)

Gogeta lowered his head slowly, the strong glare dissipating as the man inhaled deeply through his nose and out his mouth. The blue flames dissipated away, yet the blue hair and eyes stayed while he turned on his heel.

"Fine...I'll fight those robbers like you and Bern would want me to, Whis. And then...Ultra Instinct will be mine."

Gogeta walked with his arms at his sides, walking deeper into the city. The man had pushed farther into the city, moving in deeper as he walked. He came within about a half mile away from the ruined entertainment district of the city, his eyes turning to the side and noticing a few of the spray painted smiley faces left in someone's wake. He only glanced at them briefly, soon returning his attention back forward and looking around to find any of the targets mentioned.
Entertainment District [Ruined] of Reality Metropolis

“What can I say except, told ya.” Mr. Sound responded to Slate in a confident manner. “Any information I pursue on, bound to be something useful. Aren’t you lot glad that I did? Now we can eat for weeks and indulge in riches, haha.” Chuckling at himself, Mr. Sound collected so much objects that it barely fitted in his arms and had to placed them in a bag. “Oof, this is pretty damn heavy… Slate, give me a hand.”

As Mr. Sound and Slate gathered more items, Carnage became agitated. “Yeah, bonehead wasn’t so useless after all… but man, we spend hours just to find one thing? It ain’t worth it.” His arms twitched and seemingly become impatient. “Need to kill something to pass the time.” Slavia dripped out of his mouth, staring at Grey. “Hey, Grey, come he—”

His body stopped instantly, reacting to sounds of small rubbles hitting the ground. The sound  was closer than the building that flung towards the sky. Carnage’s head turned to the direction, seeing the young Saiyan, Cuki, poking her head out. “Fresh meant.” Baring his teeth, and his blood lust intensified, Carnage rushed towards Cuki and grabbed the young girl by the throat, tossing her back towards the ground at Grey’s direction. Walking slowly to Cuki, his arms morphed into giant claws. “Look do we have here… a stowaway. What brings you about, young one?”


“The bank is plausible, if we can make anything out of this place.” Spina turned to the direction, sighting several energy signatures. “There.” The old Saiyan pointed at the direction. “Right, we can take them out one-by-one, and then—” A sudden loud crash erupted before Spina can end his sentence, sensing Cuki’s energy among them. “Tsk… Damnit. Let’s go.” Spina flown over there.
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