The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Brachi, Bara and Jize were all ready to move in and blindsight the robbers, to show them that crime doesn't pay after all.

It should be noted that Brachi for the time being was going against using any of her transformations for the time being, wanting to hold back as much of her strength as she could, but the main reason being was to prove she was NOT the aggressor in a fight in case it all happened to be recorded. Bara and Jize had made mental note of this and nodded at the wisdom of it, as they and Brachi knew full well that going in aggressively now with guns blazing would simply NOT help their case in any form or fashion. That and having sensed Gogeta transforming made Brachi shake her head.

"Foolish, really..." She said.
Cross says "The funny thing is we might been able to convince them to stop if we offered them some food." Cross fire bone needles at the group of looters. Cross thinks "The annoying thing is some these looters have not been looters if not for one war criminals and other thugs."
Cuki flung to the center of the four thugs and grunted at how she was taken off guard. She knew that one of them was powerful and assumed it was the one who snatched her up. She lifted herself up to her feet, watching the crooks steal the valuables. She did not want the others to get involved, mostly for their reputation. She was not entirely intimidated by the four but Carnage left a bad feeling in her. 

If I can take them out on my own, then the others won't have to fight and get in trouble! Cuki thought to herself. Now I can finally show them what I've made of!

"I'm here to stop you and your gang of bad friends! You should quit taking this stuff, it's not yours!" Cuki said as she puffed her chest, answering Carnage. "You better leave it or else I'll be forced to make you drop it! Don't say I didn't warn you..!"

Cuki pulled her right palm back as she carefully paid attention to the four surrounding her. She did not encase her palm in energy since she thought this fight did not warrant the extra power. Even if the others were to arrive, she thought she would have already finished the job for them.

Zenta followed Spina knowing well that his student got herself in some trouble. While he did not seem at all concerned, he hid his worry. Nonetheless, he allowed Cuki to make her decision as well as learn from it. 

What will you do, Cuki..?
Slate turned toward Carnage as the small girl was thrown at the groups feet, his head tilted in confusion at Cuki's rant, looking every which way for anyone else around. 

"But... This place's been empty. We're not doing anything else other than a little scavenging!" He replied, seeming almost genuinely confused by the accusation. "Who are you?"

"She's a Breaker." Grey stepped forward, looking down at Cuki as he spoke. "But in any case, We found these things under this abandoned mess, which if I'm not mistaken, was cause by none other than your group. Nobody has come back to claim them, so I don't think I see the issue you're having here little girl."
“A Breaker, eh?” Carnage had a gleeful smile on his face upon hearing the word from Grey. “Oh, this just make it even more interesting. I’ll be the first one to kill a Breaker with my own bare hands.” The red-and-black monster turned to Cuki. “Too bad it just a brat though.” 

Exiting out the shop, Mr. Sound’s eyes narrowed upon seeing Cuki, bouncing his shoulders up and down from his laughter. “Oh no, don’t tell me. You’re gonna stop us? All of us? Aren’t you in way over your head? Run along. Grey is right… don’t get all huff and puff because we’re doing things naturally. Ain’t no laws, no order or nothing around here but a wasteland. As far I am aware, this is free pickings. Now run along, young one. You’re bothering us.” 

Lifting his claw up towards Cuki, Carnage taunted the young Saiyan. “No… I want to kill her and watch her bleed out.”

“Really? I mean, maybe if it was like, that dude with the scars, or the blue-hair chick, but this one? Even I can tell she’s isn’t all that, and I can't sense energy worth a damn!.” Mr. Sound insulted Cuki. “She’ll crack within seconds before you even get that thrill of killing. It's like stepping on a amn ant! Let's ignore here, and get out of here. We don't need any more trouble than it's worth, especially over some weakling."

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Carnage roared as saliva flung from his mouth, rushing towards Cuki with the intention to slice her abdomen open.
Bernkastel followed the group floating up above random piles of assorted debris looking for the source of the loud sound. She could barely hear their voices, but the thugs sounded like roughnecks rather than some scrawny civilians looking to make a quick buck.

Let's hope she didn't get tangled up with the worst of the bunch off the bat... Bern thought with unease.

"See anything that looks like some kind of bank?" She asked before becoming suddenly wary of her surroundings. Strangely, she felt like she was being watched, but nobody was outside in her line of sight.

"Someone's here!" The person peered down below with a pair of binoculars to see Cuki arguing with some robbers, recognizing her as the one that appeared on the stream when Gogeta and Broly fought one night. ", it ain't him. Just a... a Breaker? Whoa, they gonna fight each other over all that junk? I thought those guys high-tailed it by now."

A few alerting beeps rang out from the visor before displaying a huge spike in energy coming all from one direction, causing her to cover her mouth and ducking behind discarded rooftop debris. "Oop, time to hide, I might get spotted," she whispered to herself in a giddy manner anticipating who might be coming this way. 

C'mon c'mon, I hate waiting! But if I come out before those bozos are dealt with, it won't be any fun at all.
(No one did note the bone needles form my last post)

Cross says as all the looters(Carnage ,Mr. Sound, Slate, and gray) got hit with Bone needles in places that real caused harm "I have to agree with you with the lawless nature of the vertex but that true for any reality. Like any other your all should know who makes the laws? I even agree with the point about it dos not effect us but some us don't wish to be seen as dragons." They don't know form ware Cross' statement. With Carnage it will slow him down and/or put him off his timing.

Cross sends Cuki "strength comes form wisdom."
"Uhh, well..." Cuki seemed to be caught off guard with Grey's argument, not having thought out the situation at hand. "Regardless, I don't think you should make a living by doing bad things. Keep that up and you'll always be in trouble!"

Cuki stared at the bone needles and her face turned from determined to mad. She seemed to be headstrong about fighting the group by herself in an attempt to protect the others from further harm. She turned to Cross and glared at the Undead Mage.

"Back off, Mr. Cross! I want to do this by myself!" Cuki snarled. "Quit trying to butt in!"

As Cuki turned back to Carnage, she narrowly avoided getting sliced apart by his claws. She gasped but instantly launched her palm towards his arm and tapped it on the side to shove it away from her. She backed up from the weird monster-like thing, a bit creeped out by the murderous aura she sensed from it. She wondered if she would be able to take on all four but for now, she primarily focused on Carnage since he seems the most adamant on killing her.

I should end this guy quickly so the others don't get any bright ideas...

Cuki took a deep breath and rushed towards Carnage with her arm pulled back. Her palm was glowing as she aimed to slam her energy through his chest, hoping to paralyze him.
Brachi, Bara and Jize landed shortly after Cuki and one of the robbers charged at each other. This gave Brachi an opportunity to study her opponents for a bit to see what they were going to be up against, while at the same time being ready in case they would come after her, but at least making sure that she was NOT the aggressor.
Having arrived a few meters out from the ensuing battle in the building with Carnage and Cuki, Gogeta stood in the middle of the empty street in silence. His narrowed eyes turned towards all the commotion and noise, but his eyes followed the graffiti on the buildings.

Briefly scanning the skies, Gogeta saw the other Breakers floating in the skies and quickly bolted to cover, hiding behind the nearest rubble.

“Damnit...everyone’s already here and found them. If only I could fight one of them myself.”

His head turned, his attention back on the strange markings left behind. He squinted a bit, noticing the small trail forming from whoever’s habits in leading upwards, staring at the skyline for a brief moment once the markings ran out.

A small glimmer of light bouncing off the person’s binoculars caught Gogeta’s eye, the fusion ducking behind the rubble once more. He glanced to the side, grunting a bit in frustration.

“Tsk...if I fly, they’ll see me. I gotta take a stealthy approach.”

Gogeta suddenly took off in a quick sprint, staying low and doing his best to zip through the rubble and quietly enter the large skyscraper from the ground entrance, quickly disappearing inside the building.
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