The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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(I'll accept a few shards hitting Cuki for this post)

As Cuki was flung around she braced herself for Cross's magic by crossing her arms in an 'X' formation over her chest. As much as she tried to block the attack, it still did a decent chunk on her tiny body. The way she foolishly used her energy earlier was coming back to bite her since she was unable to properly defend herself. Her vision started to grow blurry as she dangled from Carnage's hand. She seemed to notice a few of Grey's heads snapping and rushing to her direction but the young Saiyan appeared to be caught in a daze between her performance and the words of Carnage.

You’re so weak... I’m fighting with the strong now, don’t interfere with the big leagues…!

It was all that echoed in Cuki's head. The voices of the others were slowly blocked out and the raging hydra heads coming towards her would see no struggle.

"You boast too much for someone who already lost," Zenta said calmly. "Your energy will be your own demise."

As Zenta spoke, he noticed Carnage's speed drop and Cuki's lackluster performance. Without skipping a beat, he walked towards Carnage with his arms tucked behind his back. His smile was as warm as the air around Carnage. He did not stop walking, even when he was just mere inches from the monster. Suddenly, as if time was skipped for a fraction of a second, Zenta appeared behind him, walking as if Carnage was never in front of him to begin with. 

Carnage would initially feel nothing, not even wind brush past him for a few seconds until the heat started to rise drastically within his body. It rose faster than how he initially felt it and heated up even the floor under him. He had all this energy within him but in a moment's touch, Zenta had blocked off all the pressure points for his energy to release itself; all his energy had nowhere to escape from. It was constantly running back and forth from within his body, desperately trying to find an exit, and, in turn, heating up the monster.

"You did not meet up to my expectations," Zenta said.

The Beast continued to walk away from the melting Carnage before turning to Cuki.

"Are you going to give up now, Cuki..?"

Cuki's ears perked when she heard her Master and her head instantly shot up to face the snapping maws of the Hydras coming after her. As Carnage heated up, she pulled her head away and ripped herself free from the disintegrating monster before bracing herself for impact once again. She parted her feet and dug her heel into the dirt before grabbing at one of them by its fangs, slowing it down to a stop before it attacked her further. However, she was wide open for the few others that came to her direction. She closed her eyes, expecting the worst.

When she opened them again, Zenta was by her side holding one of the Hydra heads by the mouth (like Cuki) and having another pinned under his feet. He smiled gingerly to his student whose eyes lit up at the moment. The beast simply nodded to his student who turned back at the Hydra head she was handling and let out a loud roar of determination. As if by instinct, Cuki mirrored her Master and pivoted her body to the side, tossing the Hydra away from her and towards Carnage behind her while Zenta tossed the Hydra head towards the ground where it created a large spectacle of debris and dust.
[I don’t see anything wrong with my post in this instance. I clearly highlighted that Carnage was targeted by ice bolts, and that alone.]

Ripping through the one of Grey’s head that landed on him with his tentacles, the monster became angered on seeing Grey’s multiple heads attacking them indiscriminately. “What the hell are you doing?! Don’t go on attacking me! I can’t focus if you sprung out of control like that…!” Carnage’s senses were firing off all at once. He’d turned to the beast warrior, Zenta, having no information of this being. Yet, before he can utter a response, Zenta disappeared from his sight, and felt his own body tightened instantly, unable to move any part of his body. “What… the…?”

Unable to release his energy, and his internal temperature boiling rapidly, Carnage roared loudly as his body remain motionless. The heat caused his skin to rapidly melt rapidly, peeling off to the point that human skin is exposed. “No…! Damn it….!” The red-and-black essence began to create air bubbles before bursting from the sheer heat, causing it to fall to the ground around him. There, exposed, nearly skin with just his boxers. He was a man with orange hair, pale skin, and red eyes. He’d turned his head towards Zenta and Cuki, who stopped the charging Hydra heads as hard as he could, seeing the feeling of no hesitation nor fear. Those types are the worse—and gives him bad memories of the ones he dealt with back in his original world. His pupils disappeared from his eyes, collapsing into the pool of the essence that covered his body, unconscious.

Spina walked towards Grey and his rampaging madness from behind. “That won’t be necessary, Witch of Miracles. The battle is nearly done.” The old Saiyan was seemingly confident of what had transpired right now, though, he did shown hints of disappointment. In the legion of Hydras forming and attacking everything, Spina targets the body. Along with sudden of boulders launched by Cross, the old Saiyan sent out a powerful attack—no energy blast—towards the bottom right of the Hydra’s back, in an attempt to put a hole through him.

Mr. Sound raised his bead once more, looking around and seeing Carnage defeated, and the rest of his “crew” seemingly getting counter. He turned, seeing that the items were nearby. “Shit…” He’d crawl towards the items, grabbing them once more. “Shit…!”
Grey's multiple heads roared wildly as Spina approached, all of them fighting to attack. Some lunged straight away while others nipped to get their way through. The entirety of them were a mess and had no intentions of stopping until Spina was ripped apart by them. 

Then they all stopped suddenly, jerking backward as the older Saiyan punctured through his side. A pained group of roars came out as the beast stumbled an began to shrink in size, back to normal before falling unconscious over onto the ground in a pool of blood.

"Grey... Carnage..." Slate huffed, kneeling down before the Breakers. He hesitated a moment before shrinking down himself and sighing. "Alright.. I know when I'm beat..."
(I was referring to the fact that the rain turn ice needles were only hit a decapitated head of Gray. Sorry I did not make that more apparent)

Cross says "some one check Sound for any looted form hear."

Cross says tossing a towel to Cuki "you may need this." Cross did turn most the ice needles in to water but some did hit as ice needles.

Cross says to Slade "I trust you will be forth coming with the intel we were asking about before this fight."
"Huh?! What's that supposed to--" Bernkastel was cut off by a sudden spray of Grey's blood before he was felled by Spina's attack, hitting her face and staining the whites of her dress bright red with wayward blood splatter.

".... mean." She ended her sentence quietly, withdrawing her creatures back up the sleeves. The witch just stood there wide-eyed with a twitching grimace on her features, evidently disgusted at being covered in it and trying not to scream.


"Man, disabling those took longer than I thought, I was hoping to get a front-row seat to the fun!" Berserk muttered to herself, zipping down the alleyway after finishing the disarming with flurries of discarded papers whirling around behind her. She caught several energy spikes with a great peak before it had gone out in moments; something clwarly happened to stop what was escalating. "Don't tell me it's already over..."

Bolting up into the air over rooftops and buildings, Berserk continued to follow the signals, both her red hair and bows fluttering wildly in the wind.

"Ultramaaaaaaan! Come out, come out, wherever you aaaaare! Playtime's OVER!" she shouted at a loud volume, looking at either side of her for the telltale sight of a caped hero. "He should see me easily even without x-ray vision..."
Gogeta's smirk grew at Bernkastel's request, his eyes darting to the side and whirling around as the heads approached. His right and left fists flung forward, deftly striking each head to the side in an aggressive deflection to avoid each hit. The fusion stepped back; his movements held back in avoiding to press the attack like he normally did, but his confident demeanor was clear for some reason in the general movements.

Ha! See Whis; I got this. I can fight defensively, I'm the best-

He suddenly stopped, blinking in confusion at the sight of Grey toppling over. Gogeta's eyes came down to see Spina, and in an instant, his eyes narrowed in a scowl.

"Hey! Why did you end the fight so soon?! I was trying to practice!"

The instant frustration left however, Gogeta's side vision catching sight of the twitching Bernkastel. He blinked, bending over at the hip and looking at Bernkastel at her eye level while placing his hands on his hips for a brief moment.

"Oh, that looks nasty. Lemme help!"

Gogeta suddenly reached out, not waiting for permission, and started to try and rub off the blood with both of his bare hands. However, the methods in wiping did little to actually remove the blood. Instead, Gogeta's attempted movements merely smeared the blood out more to nearly cover Bernkastel's face that only had a few droplets on it. He remained undeterred, however, in attempting to help.
"Hey, we did it, Master!" Cuki panted as she stared back at what remained of Carnage. "Looks like he was all talk, huh?"

"It appears so. It looks like the others finished their side of the fight as well." Zenta said while patting some dust and debris off his fur. 

Cuki nodded as she looked over to Carnage and frowned, realizing that he was nothing more than a man stuck in some weird goop. She noticed the other goonies and thought it would be nice to finally ask a few questions, at least to the ones who are still conscious. She took the towel Cross gave her and cleaned off the bit of blood from her face.

Zenta walked over to Carnage and gently lifted the man over his shoulder before walking towards Grey and placing the two unconscious men next to each other on the floor. He hummed to himself while turning his head to face Slate, the man's image reflecting brightly from his solid black visor. The beast smiled caringly at Slate before urging him to come towards him and his fallen comrades. Despite his warm smile, it felt intimidating given how casual and easy he handed the unconscious men and how composed he was during the situation. 

"I suggest you sit here with your friends and behave yourself, young man," Zenta said tenderly. "No need to escalate things further, yes?"

"Errm, what should we do with them?" Cuki said to the other Breakers. "Maybe they work for a mob boss or something? What do you guys thi--"

However, before Cuki could finish her statement, her ears flicked upon hearing someone yelling above them. She looked up and placed her hand over her eyes to cover the sun's light. The Saiyan managed to see a young girl screaming out for Ultraman and it confused her.

"Uhh, anyone else sees a little girl flying, or is that just me?"
[Okay, well, for the future. Use VMs and PMs to let us know if there’s an issue with the post, that way we can edit it properly. Otherwise, everything well get confusing and become inconsistent, lol.]

Spina lowered his right arm, seeing Grey transformed back to his normal state. His eyes slowly turned to Bernkastel, covered in blood, before being handled by Gogeta. “I got all I need for this exercise to make an accurate determination here. We don’t need to drag this out any longer or create any more unnecessary problems.” The old Saiyan stated, seemingly let the battle drag out to push certain elements of their strength. Staring at each Breakers, especially Cuki, the newcomer, Jize, and seeing Zenta’s skill once more since the Doom Battle. “Some of you did alright, while the others, are clearly over in their head. That’ll change as we continue down this path.”

Before he could continue, Mr. Sound placed his hand on Spina’s right shoulder. “Well, you guys are really that strong. I thought people were just overhyping you as all hell, but it looks like you guys are the real deal.” Sound walked in front of the old Saiyan, with items latched onto his left right. “We learn our lesson. I’ll just take these vicious beasts back to where we came from and be on our way. You know how it is, right? Can’t control these damn animals when they get all up and ready, am I right? What do you say?” Sound’s smile extended from both cheeks; his eyes squinted as a way to get out of this scenario. “You seems to be the most reasonable one here, eh?” Immediately afterwards, Sound was punched in the face, falling to the ground near the unconscious Carnage and Grey that Zenta placed together. “fa male!!!” Sound grabbed onto his face as he had a broken nose, flailing on the ground. “What was that for?!?!”

“We still have some use for you, don’t go running now.” Spina stared him down before turning to the others. “Tied them up.” The old Saiyan looked up towards the sky when Cuki mentioned seeing someone flying. “Hmm?”
Turning his head up at Cuki's question, Gogeta blinked at the sight of Beserk flying above. He suddenly straightened himself out, dropping his blood covered hand from Bernkastel's face and turning his head up with a small smirk.

"Oh, that's my new friend I made. She's probably wanting to know what happened to the guys she hired here."

He then promptly waved his blood stained hand in wide swaths, swinging droplets of the bodily fluid in every direction near him and placed his other hand on his hip, calling out in a shout with his dual voice.

"Hey!!! Down here!!"
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