The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"Who said I was trying to lure out the Breakers? You still don't get it, do you?" Berserk sneered down at Mr. Sound with a condescending tone. "Then I'll explain; I set this whole thing up to lure in Ultraman because I wanted to fight him. He's a hero after all, so the easiest way to bait him would've been a simple robbery heist. I heard the place was abandoned, and it sounded like you guys ditched after turning most of the city into a dump. Citizens bitch about villains all the time but I don't bother using that as reliable intel. They'd probably keep complaining whether you left or not." She casually explained to answer the rest of Cuki's question.

When Jize made her inquiry, she only gave a half-shrug of a shoulder as acknowledgement though her gaze didn't leave Mr. Sound's spot. "You four were mostly to help me check the buildings that weren't ready to collapse just by touching it. I don't care about money, so I let you guys take whatever you wanted as payment. Carnage and the reptilians get a little adrenaline rush as an added bonus. I needed at least one strong enough to assure nobody would get in the way-- I don't have any use for deadweight like you (Sound) but 4 robbers is better than 3." Berserk stated curtly. "Anyway, I'm sure at any point in time you'd have been useful as a meat shield for them. Whatever you get yourselves into isn't of any concern to me since this was a one-time job. I don't stick my neck out for weaklings."

Bernkastel looked up at Cross incredulously. "I-I would know if I had any siblings! There's simply no way I would, my human family raised me as an only child! And--"

"Who, that little thing down there?" Berserk interrupted rudely, cutting the witch off as Cross spoke up. "My sisters and I are triplets. Brat's favorite color is blue, but she's blonde. And she knows how to fight. In fact, if I saw her get thrown around by a hero like you did... I'd never let her live it down. Your sparkle magic is cute, but you fought him like a boy. No wonder you lost."

A vein popped on Bernkastel's forehead as she bared her teeth between clenched jaws. Slowly her expression of surprise shifted again to anger with her face turning red under the smears of blood. Growling in abject rage, she pushed up her sleeves and started to walk towards Berserk. "I've had it with you and your posse making fun of me! Come on, Gogeta, let's clobber her and put her in a stretcher!"

"No way," Berserk refused, crossing her arms and pouting childishly. "I already told my sisters to be watching RNN, so they're already laughing at the fact not even the cops showed up to stop me." Resolutely she stared down at the ground looking completely drained of excitement; so much so that she seemed to take Gogeta's offer as one of pity. 

"No offense to your grandpa, but..." Berserk spoke to Cuki completely ignoring Spina, seemingly unaware he was supposed to be the leader. "I didn't see the Breakers' name written all over this district like that apartment complex did, so I used my smiley faces to keep track of my new turf. Didn't know this was your turf, but I should've figured as much if Ultraman isn't even here." She put her arms behind her head and began floating in anticipation of takeoff. "Sorry Gogeta, maybe we can spar some other time. I don't much like fighting villains for their turf if I'm vastly outnumbered-- no fun if I know I'm gonna lose. But you guys need to keep a better eye on your stuff if you don't want us takin' it."
Brachi and Bara were surprised at hearing that Bernkastel had a sibling, more than one even at that. Brachi even let out a sigh, which was something that was either disappointment or astonishment.

"Well, here's another part of the story of my life; from one new situation I had no idea of into another. What a mess..." She said.
"No way Geegee, we are not fighting and making another mess! Can we just talk like normal people for a second before mindlessly destroying stuff?" Cuki snarked towards Gogeta before shaking her head in disapproval. 

"I see, so the fight against Ultraman was mostly for bragging rights against your sisters," Zenta commented. "You're quite a competitive young girl, but I do not think winning over Reality Metropolis will amount to any glory given its current state. I think your sisters will mock you for claiming such rubbish as your territory."

"Besides, we're not all villains!" Cuki said with a slight pout as she crossed her arms. "Some of us got dragged into a mess and now we're all being treated like bad guys for something we never did. The reason we came here was to try and clear our name, even if it meant stopping your petty thieves."

"Although punching people in the face while they are apprehended and placing small children on a stretcher certainly does not help our image, ohoho~" Zenta addressed Spina and Bernkastel's commentary. 

"Well... besides that, we're trying really hard to fix our name and the city, or rather, what's left of it." Cuki sighed. It would also help if you quit drawing on the walls too!
“…Grandpa…?” Spina walked towards the front to approach the young one. Grabbing Gogeta by the back of his shirt collar after Berserk rejected his suggestion for a sparring match, he’d tossed the fusion behind him, and doing the same with Bernkastel. “Sit there and don’t move. I’ll handle this.”

Pointing his thumb towards himself, Spina had a firm voice towards Berserk. “As it been stated multiple times, Ultraman is no longer here. He’s gone like a wind and haven’t seen him at a while. And he’s definitely won’t be in this city any longer. Unless you have any other interest, child, I’m taking my team back home, and you’ll simply have to leave here and go back to your sisters empty handed. We'll take care of these guys, since you clearly only did this to bring him out." Spina said. 

As Spina talk with Berserk, Mr. Sound grinned his teeth after Berserk talk down to him and his group. “Pezzo di merda…! What a damn brat!!! This is why I can't stand children...!!!” He mumbled under his breath as his eyes dart around. “I need to think of something… just a little bit more…” He thought to himself. He’d turned to Gogeta, seeing the warrior being tossed after the rejection of a fight. “You know, now that I got a good look at you…” Sound whispered to Gogeta, trying to keep his composure—seeing Bernkastel and Gogeta being put aside was hilarious in his eyes. “You’re Bernkastel’s dog... the Blue Devil. The one that brought the city on its knees after making quite a show against Ultraman---but didn’t even secure a victory. Don’t think for a second that we’re just the first ones… your reputation sprung across the world, and numerous people will want to challenge you now. I bet if Vegetto had fought him, Ultraman would’ve lost, the city would be saved, and everyone would be singing praises, and none of this would be happening. But that didn’t happen… all the city got is some discount Vegetto who can’t even fight like a master. A junkie who can transformed into pretty colors… but not the one with silver hair.” Sound narrowed his eyes. “Now that I think about it… you never did turn into that form… maybe because you’re so damn weak compared to Vegetto that you can’t do it. Not even a discount, but an entire downgrade.” Sound chuckled as he squinted his eyes.
Cross thinks "I gest till 3 years ago I mostly dealt with coven witches and rarely if ever dealt with witches like Bernkastel." Cross says "It was a bad gest then sorry if I hit a nerve Bernkastel and let the child(Bersark) spout the nonsense she wants." 

Cross says "Let the ignorant think what they will Cuki because its a lot less frustrating." Cross dos not seem to think they need to justified there actions.
"C'est la vie, Ribbons. This was a pretty fun day, considering the outcome and all." Slate chuckled, seemingly using Carnage and Grey's unconscious bodies to prop himself up.

He sighed at Mr. Sound as he went on his little tangent however. "We're caught, Sound. Can't ya just ever give the babbling a rest? Not like they're keen on minding their own business anyway! So we might as well go with it for now."
Gogeta frowned immediately, his eyes narrowing instantly into a glare upon hearing Cuki's voice and listening on while Beserk spoke. He stood still, and yet the respect behind such a simple denial clear, a smoldering ember within began to heat up once more. Like a fire being stepped on, however, Gogeta flinging backwards on the ground with Bernkastel was quick to quell his rage in a curt, strong motion.

He sat still, his eyes still forward with a small frown. The fusion barely made a move once Sound began to whisper to him, yet it was clear Gogeta was listening the second the man attempted the mental warfare.


Gogeta's narrowed glare sharpened slightly, his head lowering yet his blue eyes still forward throughout the explanation of his new identity to the world.

"If Vegetto had fought him, Ultraman would've lost-"

Gogeta's eyebrows twitched heavily, the fire burning strongly once more. Sound's remaining insults filtered into the fusion's mind throughout the rest of his taunting, and Gogeta's eyes slowly turned up towards Spina while the other Saiyan spoke to Beserk. The voices of the others dulled and muffled; strong memories filling his head once again.

-you never did turn into that form-
-Ultra Instinct requires clarity. And you are clearly not ready for that.

Gogeta shut his eyes tightly, a softer voice that had been the only kindness to him ringing out.

I can teach you the art of self restraint...

The rage simmered slightly, receding slightly at the pleasant thought. Yet soon, another voice rung out, dispelling the soft cloud away that cooled his rage.

That anger will not leave. It will follow you to the ends of the earth...

With the pleasant cooling fog gone, Gogeta's rage mounted once more. The final voice struck true in his head, the last portion of his conversation with Whis that he had desperately pushed to the back of his head coming to life.

"I won't stand a chance? What are you saying, Whis?"
"I'm saying that you haven't gone through what he has, as a fighter. All your life, you've been stronger than anyone you've faced. You're too spoiled in your victories; you don't know what it's like to overcome an opponent far beyond your power. But he does; that is why he will win."
"You think he's a better fighter than me?"

The fire within ignited into a full burning rage once more, Whis' last sentence echoing within his mind.

"He will always be better than you."

Gogeta slowly opened his eyes, an ominous gleam of silver energy rolling off his blue pupils as his aura whirred to life. A strong blast of wind erupted in every direction, Gogeta's hands clenching the hard cement together in his fists; the rubble smashing in his grip while he promptly pushed himself up off the ground. He stepped forward, his eyes trained solely on Spina in a fierce, hateful glare. The normal appearance of Spina was clear to everyone in the area, completely unchanged. Yet for Gogeta, the fusion could only see a familiar blue and orange gi...a pair of white gloves and boots, and the Potara earrings glinting in the sun when he stared down Spina.

Gogeta's dual voice rung out strong; the rage undeniable as he stood across from Spina in a denial of the older Saiyan's command earlier.

"No! I won't live my life as your second...that time is over."

His muscular arms visibly trembled, the blue flames licking at the ground in a tremendous heat.

"Every breath you take is an assault to my honor."

Gogeta leaned forward slightly, crouching down and moving into his fighting stance.

"But no more. I came here for a fight; and you're going to give it to me."
"Rubbish?..." Berserk repeated Zenta's phrasing, momentarily glancing around. "Hmm... you got me there when you put it that way. This place is a total dump with way too much junk to clean for one person. And one district is too small to even compare with theirs. So I was gonna get dunked on either way?" She complained.

"But now I'm confused, you aren't actually bad guys after all? I don't get it-- you guys want to fix up this dump?" Berserk scratched her head at how odd the notion was to her. "Well, I guess it'd be pretty boring since nobody wants to fight over piles of rubble." As soon as Spina cut in, she turned away from Cuki with a grimace.

"Hey, I wasn't talkin' to you old man. It's rude to interrupt other people's conversations! Who the hell are you anyway?!" Berserk retorted in blatant disregard of what he was trying to say. The sudden gust of wind redirected her attention however to see Gogeta suddenly standing opposite to Spina. Listening to his words, her expression became one of surprise. "Second...? Oh! Are you guys about to fight for who the big shot is?! Wow!! I get to see Gogeta in action, best seat in the house!" Excitedly, she bolted off the ledge of the building and down to the ground next to the tied-up thieves in a red streak of energy.

"I guess I can enjoy somethin' good now!" Berserk told Slate with a giddy glee. "You're not gonna butt in, are ya? You better not," she asked Bern.

Bernkastel, however, remained seated on the concrete with her head lowered as she stared at the ground. For the first time, she did not so much as even object Gogeta's demand of a fight. Instead, she remained silent with a dark expression on her own face and her mouth pressed into a flat line. There was no movement from Bernkastel that suggested any intent of preventing Gogeta from fighting.

"I don't have a death wish," was her firm reply that barely restrained the amount of loathing in her voice. Just one glance into Gogeta's eyes as he got up was enough for her to conclude that hindering him in any way would not spare her from any consequence he'd inflict on her for doing so. Her fists shook and trembled, but it was unknown whether that was from fear or anger.
Cross says "at this point what more damage to the city do to the groups reputation."
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