The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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“Ah, but you see, my babbling I’m doing right now will save our asses. I ain’t going down for this.” Mr. Sound whispered, but he sound confident. He turned around, seeing the fusion rattled due to the attacks on his character. “You’ll thank me later, take me out to dinner as thanks. Warning: I have expensive tastes. Hope you ain’t afraid of a little flight when it goes down. Now watch the fruits of how a pro starts and finished a fight.”

In conjunction, Spina became slightly annoyed when Berserk dismissed him and calling him old. “Listen… We aren’t what you thought… to put it short, we are doing this as a steppingstone our restoring our reputations. And—”

The gust of winds and the sounds of rubble crashing against the ground interrupted his thought process. Lowering his right arm, the old Saiyan turned his head slightly, seeing Gogeta took a battle position as his flames scorched in blue light. Spina’s eyes darting to Bernkastel, seeing her take no measures nor effort to calm down Gogeta—the one she claimed to take responsibility of his actions. Instead, the strongest Breaker of the group, the one head and shoulders above everyone, is seemingly silence. Was that fear or anger? At that point, that didn’t matter.

With no inaction from the others, Spina turned around fully to face Gogeta. His expression remained unchanged. “We’re done here. We resolved everything without much of a lick of destruction here, until you started to act up, again. Don’t make a fool out of yourself and stand down.” He turned to Bernkastel once more, before turning his eyes back to Gogeta. “Otherwise, I will not hesitate of taking you out. Permanently.” The old Saiyan did not bother putting in the effort to stand in battle position, nor tightening his muscles. “

Seeing sound waves erupted from various points, Sound smirked as his eyes shine brightly—and causing the eye colors of Slate, Grey and Carnage to changed significantly as well.
Brachi, Bara and Jize did notice this sudden change in eye color and were on guard right away, but they did not act until they were certain what this meant or what was possibly going to happen. Instead they wisely backed off, while keeping an eye out on their surroundings.
Gogeta’s glare remained strong; like a primal predator preparing to lunge, Gogeta remain firm despite Spina’s stern warning. His dual voice was low, curt in its delivery.

“I’d rather die than be in your shadow.”

The ground suddenly shattered, and within an instant, Gogeta closed the gap to Spina. He roared violently at the top of his lungs; a desperate rage clearly guided him in throwing all of his might behind a single punch sailing towards Spina’s face. If the strike missed, then Gogeta would be left wide in overcommitting everything to that first punch.
"You're not my type, so hope you don't mind me stiffing you with the bill." Slate mumbled smirking back at Sound as he finished his little explanation. Soon after his head whipped around to Gogeta's spiking power. The guy was seriously ready for a fight, and with his own teammate. The man tilted his head a bit in excitement, they were about to see one hell of a show!

He seemed a bit too focused on the start if this fight to notice the color of his eyes taking a different shade.
Cross says "One the things I should wrong statements that was made by Sound that is; our group as far I known dos not have a leader but Spina is trying to become the leader of an anarchici group such as the Breakers. Case in point." Pointing at the conflict between Gogeta and Spina.

Cross says to those that are not going to get involved with the fight "Normally I would have underlings to start evacuating people form around hear but some thing tells me we will need to do that and run protection opts our self's. This may get ugly."
As his stern warning was disregarded, Spina remain stationary in his current position, and refused to move despite being his face being the trajectory of Gogeta’s punch. He took the full force of the punch, generating a powerful shockwave that sent debris flying everywhere and causing several nearby buildings to collapse from the sheer pressure from the impact. 

Among the shockwave, the sound of the impact created soundwaves—unknown to the Breakers, but something that Mr. Sound can see. As the soundwaves was sent across the entire area and further beyond, his headphones glowed brightly; the housing part of the headphones shifted gears in conjunction of the glowing eyes. “We’ll have to miss this show. Ci vediamo presto! Fai il bravo! Sonoportation!” Sound, Slate, Grey and Carnage’s body morphed dramatically, turning into pure sound, following the path of the soundwaves sent afar from Gogeta’s punch, taking little items they managed to collect in their pockets earlier, leaving the big ones behind, and escaped the scene.

But the old Saiyan did not move from his position despite the attack. Eyebrows pulled down together, Spina’s glare became more apparent as his reached for Gogeta’s neck, grabbing it in a hard grip. “Fine, then die.” His aura exploded rapidly from his body as hints of darkness emitted from his body that slightly changed the environment, up until Berserk’s location, changed. Pulling him back away from his face, Spina slammed Gogeta to the ground. Placing his knee on the fusion’s chest to pin him down and make it hard for him to move around, Spina stared him down with absolute intent on ending a life. His eyes differs from their previous fight in the training room—where he fought with rage. Here, he’s showcasing his demeanor of no remorse as he continued to squeeze.

“Flowing Strike: Oxygen Destruction” Spina’s tone. One of Spina’s deadliest moves; it a suppression technique that prevents his opponent from breathing and absorbing any oxygen around them; outright erasing it, leading to suffocation.
Cross thinks as sound and the rest left "I can find them wend ever I wish and they did not take anything."  Cross removed anything they may taken before sound form the bank before sound did escaped.
Gogeta hacked out in pain as he crashed into the floor, dazed for only a moment until Spina’s knee crashed down onto his chest. His hands reached up, grabbing onto Spina’s knee and struggled to move it in vain. His eyes widened, audibly wheezing in and tensing heavily at being unable to breath.

Damnit! Can’

His eyes shot wide open, a golden gleam rolling off his pupils as an intense surge of energy erupted underneath his body. The golden and blue energy coated him briefly in a blinding flash of light, and once it faded, blue fur adorned his body. He rapidly shot up to his feet, the spike in power gibbing him the ability to push Spina up slightly into the air as he rose up. He dropped his shoulder, a basic light shoulder tackle shoving Spina back a couple of meters as Gogeta recollected himself.

Gogeta stood still, fully transformed in his Super Saiyan 4 Blue state. His own strong glare matching the intensity of Spina’s; the fierce glare of a warrior out to kill clear in his eyes. The fusion, however, stood without any indication of breathing; his power draining faster than normal due to using his own energy to sustain his normal bodily functions as a counter to Spina’s Oxygen Destruction technique.

“That’s a clever trick...but it won’t work on me.”
Brachi scowled at this.

"Why do I have a feeling that this is only going to make things worse?! There are more important matters to deal with than these useless spats!" She said.

Jize noted that Brachi appeared quite sensible in this, as the amalgamate truly wanted to put effort in the practice of fixing their reputation, while still maintaining her original goal. She also knew that the amalgamate was deliberately holding back as, when fusions are considered (especially regarding her universe), Brachi was the strongest as she could rely on the strength of a Saiyan and the wits of a Human if push came to shove. Yet Brachi remained level-headed enough to try and focus on the main objective and not be distracted by things she considered minor compared to what truly mattered. In fact, Brachi was actively looking around the area to see if there was something she could do to help people. 

On her turn, Bara figured that Brachi was trying to distance herself from Gogeta, not wanting to be associated with his blood-knight tendecies. Evidently Brachi realized that Gogeta's massive ego simply couldn't take someone being on a higher level than he was and could in fact present quite a danger if this was left unchecked, especially considering the damage he has mostly done in the past battles when the Breakers had to deal with Hart and the Coin Hunters.
Spina’s glare continued after Gogeta managed to push him off, seeing the fusion transformed into his Super Saiyan 4 Blue state to overcompensate the lack of oxygen by supplying his energy throughout his body. The old Saiyan raised his right arm until his hand pointed directly at Gogeta. A sudden flow of golden energy engulfed him briefly, showing the old Saiyan in his strongest transformation: Super Saiyan 4 Primal. Ignoring Gogeta’s condition as his power dropped continuously, and the lack of oxygen around Gogeta still persists, a whirl of blue energy wrapped around Spina’s right arm as Spina went with full intention on killing him.

“Flowing Strike” Spina’s eyes sharpened as his aura billowed around as his malicious intention flourished. “Instant Slayer….” A stream of water erupted from his hand as a single series of blows launched rapidly onto the fusion—as opposed to the one dealt against Panich, where it used to inflicted wounds to make her unable to fight any longer, here—Spina is using it to outright ripped Gogeta apart. One attack went through his right shoulder, another went through his left knee. “Pulse.” The old Saiyan dashed forward as his hand coated in liquid energy—extending his attack—towards Gogeta. From Gogeta’s perspective, an instance of “death” appeared on his hand. With no intention of holding back, if it were to connect at any point of his body—it would overload his body and outright cause him to burst.
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