The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cuki was about to say something to retaliate against the fight, but once she saw how vicious and malicious Spina had gotten, she shut her mouth, scared he might target her next. As Spina continued to unleash his rage, Cuki grew more worried at Spina's style of attack.

I know Geegee can get hard-headed but I don't think it's worth this far..! If Mr. Spina keeps this up, Geegee will really...

Zenta watched silently the entire event, his gentle demeanor now turning slightly serious. He made no attempt to stop Sound and the others in order not to waste his time. Slowly but surely, he rose from his sitting position, never taking his gaze off of the fight between the two Saiyans. Within a moment, he was gone from his spot and appeared in between the two men. Spina's fist clashed against Zenta's left palm which made a shockwave ripple from the impact. Wasting no time, Zenta pulled Spina closer thanks to the momentum Spina had behind his fist. The beast's knee shot up hitting Spina in the gut, pushing him back while he held on to Spina's fist. Finally, with his other hand, he gently jabbed at Spina's shoulders. The water on his fist would suddenly disappear.

"I think that is enough, Mr. Spina," Zenta said. "You made your point clear."

Zenta released Spina's fist and when he did the Saiyan's arm would go limp. On top of Spina's hand were marks of where Zenta had blocked his pressure points just by grabbing him.

"Mr. Spina! Geegee!" Cuki rushed towards the two, her face riddled with worry. "Why'd you have to go and do that, Mr. Spina?! You're supposed to be the leader and show some leadership, not... this!"

Zenta silently walked away from between the two Saiyans and allowed Cuki to scold them. His smile was back and it felt anything but calm, almost intimidating. He returned to his gentle demeanor but it felt very off given how he handled Spina. He stopped by Bernkastel and placed his arms behind his back.

"I hope this satisfied your desire to see Ultraman," Zenta spoke to Berserk. "I assume you got some enjoyment out of it."
Gogeta tensed, his teeth gritting together in attempting to prepare for Spina’s attacks. The speed, however, was beyond what the fusion followed: his eyes and sight could not keep pace. He barely made a noise of pain from the expulsion of blood from his shoulder; his arm going limp before he could even think. After his knee blew out, Gogeta toppled onto the floor with a heavy thud, the key strikes removing any chance of balance.

He hacked in pain, struggling with his one arm and leg to push himself off the ground, unable to even follow Spina closing in for the killing blow. He blinked in confusion, seeing the development and watching on as Spina’s attack was halted and his energy blocked.

Gogeta’s narrowed eyes turned to see Cuki standing between the two, the frustrated confusion clear in his stare. His frown soon returned, a small trail of blood from the corners of his lips as he held himself up on one arm off the ground, his pained dual voice strong in rage.

“Why do you care?! You’ve been trying to kill me ever since I got here; you’re just jealous he might finish me off when you couldn’t!”

Gogeta hobbled forward finally, limping on one leg while his undamaged arm raised up, his fist ready in inching forward as he glared at Spina, barely being able to even push slightly past Cuki.

“C’mon!! I’m not done with you yet.”

He grimaced, growling a bit before sharpening his glare.

“You can have your Ultra Instinct; I’ll beat you my own way Vegetto!”
Berserk leaned against a streetlight, watching them fight curiously. Wait... 'trying'? As in, these guys didn't even come to agree on who the leader even is? Immediately, she frowned in evident disapproval feeling a clear dissonance between the actions on display and Spina's words about clearing their names.

Bernkastel gripped at her skirt tightly, her fists shaking from the tension to where her knuckles turned white hearing the blows connect throughout the fight's duration. Her face was hidden behind her bangs but she was clearly distraught. Even though Zenta stopped the men before things went too far, Bernkastel did not relax even the slightest.

Berserk's grimace remained on her face, crossing her arms upon Zenta's inquiry. "....Yeah. You're the real deals, that's for sure. The guys just bailed now that he gave your leader a perfect distraction. Guess Sound isn't as dumb as he looks after all." Her tone almost sounded angry but not because the fight itself was halted. For nearly the whole battle, Berserk's focus was entirely fixated on Spina's every move, and her frown became permanent just watching him. The way Brachi and Cross expressed greater concern for strangers than a teammate's life added to her disdain; she considered it offensive that Spina called this group a team. For the moment she decided to remain silent and see what happened next.

"That's enough." 

Bernkastel's voice finally sounded audible yet it struggled to sound calm. A long blue ribbon wrapped itself around Gogeta's waist leading all the way back to her hand, her arm trembling uncontrollably to use her bowtie as a restraint on him from a distance. "Your brother's not here. And if you don't stop now, that day will never come. Please... don't force my hand." With her head still lowered, beads of sweat rolled down her face and onto the concrete.

"...I just... want to go home."
Cross says as the Dolls keep looking around the location they were for survivors and coins "I can find sound and the rest any time I wish very quickly if I wanted(one the uses of the blood), they did not take any thing and what do we do with those 4. We keeping them is pointless."
(Nope. I made that very clear Sound, Grey and Slate still got items in their pockets when they escaped. They did not take the items from the Bank (which I highlighted)—so I don’t understand the necessity to retcon that point).

Spina’s eyes widened as Zenta stop his attack from reaching Gogeta. As his mouth sprung opened from getting punched in the gut, all feeling in his right arm suddenly vanished, limping around once Zenta released it from his grasp. Remaining silent to focused on catching his breath, the old Saiyan’s malicious feeling still lingers on, showing no remorse or sympathy from Gogeta’s condition as the fusion wobbled forward towards his direction.

The old Saiyan’s glare sharpened as Gogeta is slowly approaching him to continue the battle. Yet, when Gogeta mentioned Ultra Instinct and referred to him as Vegetto, his desire to killed had dropped but replaced with disdain. “Is that it?” He didn’t know what transpired Gogeta to suddenly explode like that, but the fact that he’s confusing him with Vegetto left him disappointed. The realization that Gogeta was fighting, in his mind, someone else than him entirely left him disinterested in the battle any further. "Don't lay your squabbles on me," Spina said. "The path you are now..." His thought process was interrupted when Cuki came in between them.

Cuki scolded the both of them, mainly towards the older Saiyan. Spina turned his glare towards Cuki instead, questioning his behavior and actions a negative for leadership qualities. “I warned him.” Spina dismissed her concerns. “He refused. So I set what I have to do.” He paused for a moment after justifying his actions. “Those who cannot follow simple commands have no reason to belong to the Breakers.”

Returning his sight to Gogeta as their eyes locked once more, seeing Bernkastel’s ribbon wrapped around Gogeta’s waist as an attempt to restrain the fusion. “Finally decided to act, Witch? Let the others do the work as you sit in the sidelines.” Spina glowered at Bernkastel. “Next time… I will not hesitate to kill him. Consider yourself lucky.”

The fact that Sound and the others had escaped, using this opportunity to as a distraction, Spina pondered the thought. They were right there—on the right path. Yet, as usual, things don’t go as expected. Such revelations caused him to become less interest in the fight. Turning back on Gogeta and the others, Spina walked away. “We’re done here. There’s nothing left we need to do anymore.” He ended on that note, blasting off from his spot towards the air.
"Kill you? What are you talking about now?" Cuki growled under her breath. "I-I'm not jealous of you! You're just a brute with no self-control! Why would I ever be jealous of someone like you?! Don't drag me into your stupid mess!"

Cuki watched Gogeta crawl and stepped out of his way so he could continue on his way to Spina, putting her chin up as she ignored him. As Bernkastel restrained Gogeta and Spina flew back towards the apartment, the young Saiyan felt a little embarrassed about the fight that happened moments after she declared them not to be villains. She barely had time to say anything to Spina before he flew off. Her sight shifted to the Fusion and his current state. Her glare was strong but her mind seemed to drift elsewhere. In a way, she almost felt bad for him in his current condition.

Mr. Spina has a point when he says that we had everything under control but... Cuki frowned towards Gogeta. I don't think killing Geegee would have solved anything either... We just got reunited after a few days of being apart and it seems that things are even worse between some of us... At least it can't get any worse than this.

Zenta kept by Bernkastel's side and gazed at her, studying the Witch. He remained silent as she spoke, carefully listening to every word that escaped her mouth. He then turned to face Cuki.

"Let us head back to the apartment, Cuki. Today has been quite eventful."

"Y-Yeah..." Cuki turned to Berserk while placing a hand behind her head. "Eh, I know it looks bad but trust me, we aren't all bad guys here. I guess that's going to be hard to prove now, especially after what happened... Some of us just act up but it's tolerable despite what you just saw."

Sheesh, getting looked down by a kid kinda stings a bit more than an adult...
Cross says "I was hoping for some more tangible good out this pointless excurse." His dolls did not fine a reality coin and returned form were they came from. Cross starts to move with the rest of the group.
The ribbon that wrapped around Gogeta's waist, despite its minimal impact on pulling him away, caused the fusion to crumble to the floor flat on his rear. With a heavy thud, Gogeta landed on the ground and nearly knocked himself out, grimacing the whole while as he was pulled away. He panted heavily; the only word that registered was Bernkastel's 'enough'.

He sat still as he was dragged away, his glare softening a bit in meeting Spina's eyes. A cold, pale expression struck on his face a bit at the sight; recognizing the older Saiyan wasn't Vegetto, and regardless if his tactics would've done any good against the stronger fighter, Gogeta sat in a defeated stare at the mistake made.

Whis was right.

The blue energy barely maintaining Gogeta's form had vanished in an instant, reverting back to his normal state. He grimaced heavily, frowning with a melancholy stare on the floor and his hoarse dual voice ringing out after Bernkastel finished speaking with Zenta, Cuki, and Beserk.

"Then go home. Just leave me here; the real people who care about me are gone anyway. He said it himself...I'm no Breaker."

Gogeta's eyes shifted away to the left away from the others.

"'I'm just...the Blue Devil. A loser."
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