The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Back in Cuki's Apartment

As Cuki and Zenta arrived by the apartment, Cuki noticed Spina's odd behavior. She assumed he was acting weird from the fight but his face of concern made her reconsider the thought. She noticed that he pressed his ear against the wall and once she understood that he was listening to a conversation inside her home, she lifted her ears to get a better insight of what was being said. From there, she turned to the other Breakers and held a finger in front of her lips to keep them quiet.

"...It's going to get a ton of people killed!" A mysterious voice muffles from behind the walls.

"What the..?! There's someone in my apartment..." Cuki said in a hushed voice to the others nearby. "But how did he get in?" Cuki quickly turned to Spina and whispered to him in an annoyed tone. "Why didn't you barge in and see who it is?! Baby Lucifer could be in trouble!"

"It also sounds like this person is talking about killing," Zenta added. "My, you guys never seem to catch a break..."
Gogeta held the same grimaced as he landed in Beserk's arms, groaning a bit once the group had moved through the portal. He cringed heavily in pain, barely taking notice of the situation or even in seeing Spina in general; his pained grunts and groans rung out with no attempt to regulate them beyond what he had tried to do despite Cuki's request.
"Do you guys not lock your doors or somethin'?" Berserk whispered, though she couldn't barge in and do any beating up herself since her arms were entirely occupied. Evidently she wasn't able to sense anything, so she couldn't determine what potential threat there was.

"Sounds like a conversation... but with whom?" Bernkastel inquired quietly.
“Oh, I don’t think it’ll get them kill per say. For example, under anarchy, the people…”

Quickly turning his expression to an intense glare when Cuki tried to scold him on why he didn’t barge in before turning back to the door. “I cannot sense his energy for some reason, other than Lucifer and that strange woman that carries him around. And right now, I can’t exactly use my strength right now since your master numb my damn arm.” His right arm was still numb. He’d continued on listening on the conversation, but on his end, it was extremely muffled, picking up words such as kill. He wanted to get in without making too much noise to get a closer examination. However, hearing those words changed his mind.

“Screw it.” He raise his foot against the door, attempting to blast his way in.
"I did remember to lock my doors before leaving," Cuki said to Berserk before listening carefully to Lucifer's voice. She grew worried, assuming that Lucifer was up to no good, or rather, giving out bad influence. "We gotta barge in now!"

"I don't think this is such a good idea..." Zenta warned. "We should knock--"

"Charge!" The young Saiyan took a couple of steps back and braced herself. 

Cuki did not listen to her Master's advice and quickly rushed towards the door and slammed her shoulder against it, busting it open from the hinges. As the door flew open, inside was a young man-like creature with purple skin, navy blue hair, elf ears, two deer-like horns sprouting from his forehead, and two long flowing whisker-like hairs coming from the base of his horns. The mysterious man quickly turned around with eyes full of surprise as he sat comfortably on the sofa with the TV on.

Cuki skidded to a stop as she turned to face Baby Lucifer, fearing he might be hurt.

"Baby Lucifer, are you okay?!"

"Aiiie, we need to work on her subtleness..." Zenta sighed to himself as he entered the apartment. He gazed at the new creature in the apartment but said nothing for now. 

"Hey, who the hell do you think you are? You can't just barge in here! This is someone's house!" The creature said.

"Yeah, this is MY house, dummy!" Cuki spat back. 

"Why the hell are you barging into your own house? Don't you have a key?"

"Who let you in here?!"
Cuki barging through the door before Spina had the chance to kick it down, caused him to lose his balance and fell on his butt. “… it isn’t one thing, it’s another.”

As Cuki rushed in the apartment building, Lucifer turned to the others with a surprised look on his face when the door came crashing down on the floor. “Oh? Back so soon? I thought you were having a long-winded battle, based on the sudden commotion going on outside. But yes, I’m fine. I let this young gentleman in since he was looking for someone here. I simply informed him that it is his best interest to wait until you guys return. In the meanwhile, we struck a conversation, a great one actually.” He turned to the man. “Uh, Aladon? Is it?”
"No, no. My name is Avalon." The man said with a bright smile. "I'm here because I'm looking for someone specific. This talking baby informed me that the person I'm looking for is part of the Breakers!"


Cuki tilted her head to the side as she listened. One thing that she does not like to hear is that people are looking for them, but at this point, they were practically magnets for weirdos. The Saiyan was careful to examine Avalon and his attire reminded her of a ninja with black baggy pants and a sleeveless shirt. It was bad enough that he was looking for someone within the Breakers after they just finished the ordeal with the thugs. Even worse, Lucifer allowed a complete stranger into her home!

"We're not in any mood to fight. Someone is hurt and we have to tend to his wounds." Cuki looked behind to see Berserk holding Gogeta. "And who are you looking for anyway?"

"I'm looking for the Host of Byakko! I heard that Byakko is in this realm and I've tracked him down to this city!" Avalon said cheerfully. He reached down to unclip a bright orange scroll and point it towards Cuki. "Rumors say that the Host is with the Breakers and now that I found you guys, I can finally fix that problem I'm having."

"Uhh... Host of Byakko?" Cuki looked nervously at Avalon. "W-Well, I don't think--"

"No need to tell me! I know who the Host is!" Avalon flung his scroll in the air and caught it back in his hand. He opened the scroll and carefully scanned it with his lime green eyes. He shifted from the scroll to the Breakers before approaching Zenta. "Long ears... white fur... and a unique tail! You must be the Host of Byakko!"

"I am afraid you are mistaken," Zenta hid his laugh behind his hand. "I believe the person you are looking for is my student, Cuki."

Avalon followed Zenta's arm as he pointed to Cuki who awkwardly looked to the side.

"Huh? That's the Host of Byakko?" Avalon looked unsure as he approached Cuki and peered behind her. "Hey, where's your tail? Isn't Byakko's host suppose to have a tail?"

"I used to have one but someone tore it off... Kinda makes cooking a bit harder for me." Cuki frowned. 

"I don't know... Are you sure this is really Byakko?" Avalon leaned in closer to Cuki, just mere inched from her face.

"I am positive she is Byakko's designated Host." Zenta confirmed to the man. "Feel free to ask the others if you still have doubts. I'm sure they have much to say about him."

"Well, if you're Byakko's host, then I would like to request a fight from you!" Avalon said while he yanked on the scroll, allowing it to rapidly roll itself back to normal. "I've been waiting a long time for this and now I can finally prove that I'm worthy too!"

"Whoa, whoa, hang on! I don't want to fight! We just got out of a mess and, well..." Cuki immediately thought back when she was being mocked by Carnage. "We're just not in the mood right now. We also need to help out Geegee and do a couple of other things."

"Gee-Gee?" Avalon looked behind him to see Berserk and Bernkastel with Gogeta as well as Spina on the floor and Cross standing there. "You mean that cool buff warrior with the two super cute girls?"
Bernkastel promptly scooted herself behind the cover of Berserk, not looking very social about meeting another new stranger. She did not respond positively to the implications this man had to hunting down someone linked to a creature like Byakko.

"That Byakko sure has a notoriety," she remarked. "But she is correct; we have other pressing matters than humoring strangers."

"Next time you should try the bank robbery approach, that worked out pretty well for me!" Berserk bluntly stated with a cheerful look on her face. "Even though I wasn't baiting them, they took it anyway."

"Don't do that," Bernkastel deadpanned.

The Powerpunk Girl peeked over at the source of Lucifer's voice before letting out a noise of surprise. That baby really did just talk! Additionally, she noticed that multiple people in this group had real animal tails-- it wasn't a fake costume gimmick like she originally guessed from the pictures of the Breakers. Berserk's eyes were wide but she stared off into space with a grin.

Wow! These guys really are a bunch of freaks!
Gogeta's dazed expression barely looked up from his stomach as he was carried into the apartment. He barely registered the conversation taking place, his eyes slowly shutting about halfway into Avalon's explanation from the loss of blood, passing out in Beserk's arms and his head rolling into her shoulder.
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