The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Standing up, Spina entered the premise and see the individual, Avalon, in question. He remain silent throughout Avalon’s explanation on why he appeared on their premise. “Byakko…” He turned to Cuki before returning his sight to the young warrior, who requested a battle against her. Although Bernkastel and Cuki expressed negatively on the challenge, Spina was not in the mood right now. 

“I’m not interested in some petty challenge from some stranger, especially some squabble of that bastard [Byakko]. Whatever you want to do, take it outside of the apartment. From that point, I don’t care how you resolve your issues.” He said, thinking that Avalon will probably accept a rejection since he traveled all the way out here. Without waiting for a response from the others, Spina walked away, heading outside to the garden.

“What got to him? Did something happen?” Lucifer said, turning to the others. “Judging from the expression and that overall atmosphere….” The child pressed his finger on his chin. “I guess you must have a good time out there. Why, that one is practically passed out on your shoulders, just waiting for the sweet release of death.” Lucifer pointed at Gogeta. “And my, Witch of Miracles, you look like you’re just seconds away from toppling terrain inside out.” He left out an innocent chuckle. “You even brought in a souvenir from the battle!” He referred Berserk as such. "Though, Cuki, you don't seem to be taken too much damage. Why not give this one some entertainment?"
Cross says "as long he resolved and out of Cuki I don't care." Cross thinks "would like to get some pay back but getting him out is better."
What made him so mad? Avalon said as he watched Spina trail off. He sounds like he's always mad about something. Maybe it's his age...

"Aww, c'mon!" Avalon frowned at Cuki. "I traveled really far, y'know! Just one fight, promise!"

"I don't know... I just don't think it's the best time." The young Saiyan scratched her head. "Besides, I have to make dinner and help Ribbons [Berserk] and Kettles with Geegee. So I'm sorry but--" She felt the pressure coming from Baby Lucifer, who also urged her to fight Avalon. With the persistence of two people, she groaned in annoyance. "Okay! Fine! I'll fight you once I'm done..."

Sheesh, if it'll get you off my back for a second... Doesn't help when I was under pressure by a baby.

"Alright! I can wait!" Avalon then turned to Berserk and Bernkastel. "Errm, Ribbon and Kettles?"

"Those are nicknames Cuki gives to people she had befriended." Zenta chimed as he walked to the kitchen. "Ribbon is known as Berserk while Kettles is Bernkastel."

"Hang on, Bernkastel? Like, the Blue Devil Bernkastel?" Avalon leaned down and rolled his scroll on the floor. The scroll was blank on the inside until he placed his hand on it. A small puff of smoke emerged from the scroll that shows moving pictures of the fight between Bernkastel, Gogeta, and Ultraman. He read the moving letters as if he was reading a newspaper. "Ah! Now I remember! You're Bernkastel, the Witch of Miracles! And that must be Gogeta!" Avalon pointed to the Fusion. "Wow! I never thought I'd meet the villains! Well, for starters, I'm not a big fan of what you did, in fact, I really hate you guys for it, but... it's kinda cool meeting you in person in all honesty. Especially when the Witch of Miracles is a super cute babe."

Avalon then quickly turned to Berserk.

"But I've always had a taste for sweet redheads too, you know..." The elf fixed his scarf as if fixing a tie. "I know a nice place outside the city, maybe you two could spend some time with me after the fight."

"That's a miracle that even Kettles can't perform..." Cuki said as she followed her Master to the kitchen. She placed a jar in his hands full of tea leaves that she kept on the counter. "So don't get your hopes up."

Zenta slowly opened the jar and took a whiff of the scent of the tea leaves. His tail shot up and all the fur stood up on ends as a literal sensation was seen crawling on Zenta's fur from the base of his neck to the tips of his tails. He seemed to be in shock, dropping the jar which landed effortlessly in Cuki's hand. 

"Oh, sweet merciful heavens above... what an extraordinary smelling tea! It instantly filled me with euphoria!" Zenta was stunned in place. "Good heavens..."

"Don't worry about Master, he gets like this when it comes to tea..." Cuki said. "Anyway, Kettles, while I make dinner, you should get to work on fixing up Geegee. My first aid kit is always under the sofa. You should help her out, Ribbons."
Hearing the commotion, Brachi, Bara and Jize quit their brief training session and returned to the apartment, before noting the new arrivals.

"What's going on here, and who are you?" Brachi asked as she saw Avalon.

There was no demanding tone in her voice, just curiosity and a bit of Brachi's overall friendliness/neutrality when facing newcomers, which was a clear indication that she wanted to have an understanding of the situation first before acting upon it if such action was required.
Cross thinks "I gest people are not acquainted with the concept of eldered entry's."
"Did you just call me sweet?" Berserk frowned immediately before eyeing the man up and down. She seemed to take offense to the compliment that normally would be received positively. "No way! I don't hang out with grown-ups who say icky stuff like that! Yuck!"

"No thanks. I would rather be disemboweled than do that." Bernkastel immediately rejected Avalon's offer, her sour look darkening in distaste. His comments made her stiffen up. "We're trying to be a little less hated around here, but it isn't going very well as you can tell."

"Maybe you'll hook someone after you get an update to your look, Mister," Berserk smirked maliciously. "Since you're purple all over, I can add to it with black and blue from my fists! And hold on, what's this about me being a souvenir?" She inquired in a rough tone from Lucifer's remark, turning to drop Gogeta down on an unoccupied couch before putting her hands on her hips and walking over to Lucifer. "Don't give the midget witch any credit since none of these goobers have fought me directly. I'm my own boss, so I'm here to get all the fun I can out of being around you Breakers. It's only fair since my attempt to bait Ultraman got turned upside-down."

Bernkastel was glad to remove herself from idle conversation she didn't wish to have, so she resolved to grabbing the kit, opening it and wondering if most of it would be gone just by sanitizing Gogeta's wounds alone. "I don't even know where to start..." she trailed off before figuring that cleaning the blood off him should go first before she'd try to fix any broken bones with magic. She soaked a cotton ball to dab at particularly bloody areas.

Berserk poked at Gogeta's arm in an amateur attempt to ascertain where any broken bones might be. "I can see why that old fart would be in such a bad mood. Seeing as he basically let the guys I hired get away with some stuff they stole," she snickered to herself. "It was pretty funny."
Lucifer’s shoulders bounce as he let out a light chuckle after Avalon was completely rejected by the girls, and Berserk’s declaration on joining the Breakers. “Quite a feisty one! Joining the Breakers without taking a no… how daring.” The small angel joked but he’d seemingly took a slight interest of the young lady. It gives him quite nostalgic feeling of his previous disciple in terms of attitude and approach. “I would love to hear more of what had transpired.” The caretaker created another lollipop out of thin-air and gave it to Lucifer. “I’m frankly curious! Especially on letting those guys go and see what happen to Gogeta.”

He turns to Cuki, seeing that she agreed to the battle with Avalon. "Shall we take this battle outside? I would love to see the fruits of what you are truly capable of..." The devilish smile appeared on his face. "Though, judging from the way you came in, it seems that you became disinterested of a battle. Compared to the others, even Gogeta, looks like your will had dwindled a bit. Oh, we should bring dinner outside to spectate this event!"
"I kinda already introduced myself and I don't want to go on all that again..." Avalon said to Brachi. "But my name is Avalon..."

Avalon was completely destroyed and defeated as the two girls denied his request and insulted his looks. He tried to keep a calm face about it but his pride and ego were never going to recover. His head slumped but at least he gave it a shot, though, he seemed a little more self-conscious about his looks. 

"Shucks, you didn't have to go that far..." He then shrugged. "Oh well, guess I should work on my looks a bit. You'll regret calling me ugly one day!"

"Pardon me, Avalon, but you appear to know much about Byakko. I have a question." Zenta said as he sat by the kitchen counter waiting for his tea and food. "What would happen if we did end up separating Byakko and Cuki? He has been quite a handful to the Breakers for a while."

"You can't do that!" Avalon warned as his demeanor turned slightly serious. His tone seemed to implicate panic. "If you remove a Divine Being from their Host, the Host dies!"

"Oh my, it seems we must deal with our friend." Zenta smiled, the thought not bothering him despite Byakko's obvious vendetta towards him. "I doubt there is a way to split the two anyway."

As the two continue to talk, the aroma of dinner began to engulf the apartment. Cuki took a little longer than usual and made a smaller amount since she did not have her tail to help her. On top of being suppressed in using her full cooking capabilities, she had to resort to making a normal-sized dinner instead of the feasts they usually had. Bernkastel would also not have her fancy top quality salmon, instead, Cuki had to give her a fish dish of lesser quality.

Well, it's better than starving at least...

"Hey, Lucifer... I don't want you to interfere during this fight. Or any of you. I want to do this on my own, alright? So just sit this one out, I promise it will be quick. So anyway, uhh, Avalon, right? What's your goal in this fight? What is it you want to prove?" Cuki questioned as she began to make the sides. 

"I want to prove myself worthy to someone so that they can talk to me again. The only person strong enough to go toe-to-toe with this guy is Byakko. So if I can prove that I can beat you, then I'm strong enough to gain Seilong's respect!" Avalon turned to Lucifer and waved his finger to him. "By the way, Cuki's right! This is something that no one should butt in, especially a little baby like yourself. If you guys interfere, I'm going to win by default!"

Zenta's ears flicked upon hearing the name 'Seilong.' He quickly turned his head to face Avalon and although it was difficult to tell, his face was in shock. The name was one he remembered but he turned his back to the tea Cuki just recently placed in front of him. He would be excited but his persona appeared slightly uneasy. Nonetheless, he quietly sipped on his tea as Cuki prepared the table for the Breakers to eat.

"Well guys, dinner is ready. Eat it while it's hot. The menu is pork chops with fried rice and some veggies on the side, Kettles will have her usual fish dinner and I made some mashed potatoes for Baby Lucifer..." Cuki glanced at Avalon who seemed excited about the fight. "Right... Well, let's head off to the front, we'll have more room there."

"Alright! Don't forget to go all out! I want to see the full extent of your power too! I finally get to fight a Breaker! This is going to be so cool! Save us a plate, guys!" Avalon gave a two-finger salute to the remaining Breakers inside the apartment before rushing out the front door. 

"Master, please keep an eye on Baby Lucifer. Give Kettles and Ribbons a hand with Geegee, aright?"

"Will do. Have fun, Cuki!" Zenta waved her goodbye. "Play nice."

Cuki nodded before closing the door behind her, walking off with Avalon.

Zenta stretched his arms before moving out of his seat to approach Bernkastel and Berserk. He peered over the sofa to notice the unconscious Gogeta and the two girls tending to him. He lifted his finger to carefully poke at the swollen areas of his body, helping the Fusion release any excess energy stored in him from his encounter with Spina while allowing Bernkastel to physically tend to him. 

"You can rest easy knowing his energy is now back to normal. He should be fine after your care. Maybe the food will wake him up? After all, a Saiyan's appetite is... frightening."

Zenta's smile backed up the confidence in his words. He then turned to Berserk who prodded at Gogeta's limbs.

"So, Ms. Berserk, what do you plan to do with such a broken city now that you claim it as your own? Or maybe show them that you have a talking baby as a souvenir."
(Because my prior post made no since)

Cross just sat there and did think "I gest it may be a useless kindness." as the key vanished as he says "good hunting."
As he lay on the sofa, Gogeta visibly relaxed muscle wise after his energy was released; his breathing steadying. The damage on his limbs remained significant, the small efforts made by Bernkastel needing to take hours to fully treat the wounds the normal way. His eyes slowly opened, a tired stare glancing around to see the people helping tend to his wounds.

He blinked for a moment, leaning his head back after observing Bernkastel and Beserk tending to his wounds, his dual voice somewhat hoarse.

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