The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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“Yes, like that.” Lucifer responded to Berserk. “There was an enemy that seemingly held a mighty grudge against the Breakers. Well, Bernkastel in specific since she claims her status as a alter being was her doing.” Lucifer chuckled. “She collected Vortex Coins, as the one you are holding and use some gauntlet that draws powers from it. She was an unpredictable opponent and prevent the person who turned into a coin when death struck unable to respawn.” In conjunction, Lucifer turns to Zenta.

“Hmm… how can I described such a move.” Lucifer thought for a second. “The Coin Hunter did some strange movements that trapped us in a strange diagram. And instantly after that, our energy just disappeared rapidly from our bodies.” The caretaker took several bites of the mashed potatoes, since Lucifer didn’t want to subject himself to eating food made for children.

“But don’t worry about it. The Coin Hunter was a formidable foe, but unfortunately, she underestimated the strength of the Breakers. And thus, she was unable to change the world to her will. It’s a shame when one’s will crack when defeated, but it’ll grant a good lesson for her in the future. If we ever see her again.”
Gogeta kept his head laid back, stifling a small chuckle in amusement at Bernkastel's question.

"No...Saiyans retain their youth well. It allows us to fight longer, until we get about...uhh...80 I think."

He laid back a bit, sighing lightly.

"A thousand years huh...that's a really long time. I mean, I just met the Breakers...but if that's how old you must be like you just met them too."

Gogeta kept a plain stare, his eyes turning back to the side towards Bernkastel.

"Did you have a family? I was just kinda thinking about the ones I had...but I didn't really know them well. It's kinda weird; I remember my wives but...those feelings really aren't mine. So I miss them...but they weren't really my families."
Cross says says as a matter of fact "Every one in the reality vertex is effectively immortal as far I know. Its not just it prevents death form combat but form normal time as well."
"You're right. Here, the passage of time is a miniscule worry. Not like out there," Bernkastel conceded.

Gogeta's words, however, drew her attention back to him again as he spoke. Because of how his behavior was one of any sentient individual, it was incredibly easy to forget Gogeta and other fusions were effectively separate people combined into one entity. These people had their own path in life before fusing; a Goku and a Vegeta that built their own families, but their memories were only relevant to Gogeta by the feelings attached to them.

"The memories I have of a human life... aren't really mine either," She replied quietly while stirring her food around the plate. "I had a mother and a father, but they were rarely alive in the worlds I'd cross through so I hold little sentiment for them. My friends were not 'my' friends... I wasn't the child they befriended." Staring down at her plate, Bernkastel's expression faltered a bit as she looked rather morose. "It was hard to care knowing they'd always lead themselves to a doomed world. Somehow 'she' could after everything she'd seen."

"I always felt like I watched from behind a glass, memory made without my willing it. There are sensations and emotions attached to them but they aren't really mine. All of it is a hundred years' worth from time loops, but I mainly feel what 'she' felt. It's maddening that after so much time has passed since we split, I can't truly forget, like it's all been burned into my brain." Glancing over to meet Gogeta's gaze, she gave a small smile after taking in a deep breath; indicating that even vaguely speaking of it was mentally taxing. "Sometimes I still can't tell if what I 'feel' is really mine. Until now, I don't think I've met someone with similar feelings about that. You and I... aren't so different."


Berserk whistled once at the thought of such a battle, flicking her coin into the air and catching it in her palm each time. 

"Man, I hope we get to fight someone that interesting soon!" She looked at Zenta curiously. "So that's sorta like what I saw you do to the Grandpa's arm! It went limp like a noodle, so I thought you broke it into a million pieces, but I didn't see any blood come out. I never thought that was a real thing people can do!" Berserk laughed. "Then again, I didn't think the tails on you guys were real either."
Zenta lowered his head in shame while Lucifer explained to him the technique in question. Whatever move the Coin Hunter used was one that Zenta wanted to keep secret. Even when Berserk praised him for using his move on Spina, he was not a very big fan of needless violence. He remained silent, thinking about how much damage he did to the Breakers while under the control of the Coin Hunter.

"My, my... I never thought that the Coin Hunter would be able to use one of my forbidden techniques on the Breakers. How embarrassing for me..." The beast sighed. "But rest assured it will not happen again. It is a move I tend to keep hidden for a reason." He later turned to Berserk. "Oho, my abilities are not all that special, Miss Berserk. I simply blocked Mr. Spina's energy from reaching his arm. Anyone can do it if they practice but it can be very daunting to master. Expel too much energy and you tire out quickly, too little and you do no damage. It is all about harmony and self-control. The more control you have over yourself, the easier it will be to surpass your limits, at least, that is my philosophy." 

Zenta rose up to grab his tea and bring it over to the table in which Berserk and Lucifer sat. Sipping silently, he listened to the conversation about family members and memories of past lives. Although it was hard to make out his expression, he seemed a little depressed behind his gentle smile. His life was a mystery to the Breakers and even Cuki to an extent but he remembered his past vividly. It would be a first that he spoke out his past since he usually likes to keep it hidden.

"Family... I nearly forgot what the word meant, I still miss my partner and pups dearly. How long has it been since that day? Many many eons, I suppose...." Zenta spoke out to no one in specific. "Cuki is my family now, after all, I raised her from her infant years. It pains me, however, not knowing what Cuki looks like... All I will ever see is her energy and the form it takes."

The beast chuckled to himself. 

"If only I can grant wishes."

As the beast sipped his tea, the time he spent with the Breakers filled him with joy and made him feel as if he could fit in. The minutes went by and the peace within the apartment eased up Zenta's nerves. While he personally didn't care what the others thought of him, it was nice to fit in with a group of people. The chatter between the other members was good background noise to help him drift into meditation. Peace and tranquility... As all things should be.

As he faded into his meditation, his head quickly shot up and faced the direction of the balcony. His expression went from serene to alert as he rose from his seat. He stared diligently towards the balcony until he swiftly kicking the sofa with Bern and Gogeta on it so it slid and slammed against the TV before grabbing Berserk's arm and yanking her close to his body. Not even a second later, Cuki crashed through the balcony and smashed her way through where the others had just been moments before. The girl flew across the room, crashing the dinner table and wall behind it, instantly creating a scene of chaos with flying food and debris. Cuki appeared to be beaten up as she struggles to lift herself up to her feet. Her clothes appeared to be wet as well.

Within the balcony, Avalon appeared in a puff of smoke. His body was covered in a thin veil of water as an odd dew begins to appear and condense within the home. His appearance looked much more serious than the goofball the group met. It was as if he was a different person when he fights. He tossed up his scroll and caught it as he slammed his hands together against it. He barely gave Cuki any time to recover as he immediately rushed in.

"Water Style! Misu Shuriken!"

Avalon's hands began to perform several signs with the scroll until he flung his arms outwards, releasing several star-shaped projectiles made of water towards Cuki. The young Saiyan staggered to get back on her feet and gasped upon seeing the projectiles, immediately crossing her arms to block them from hitting her body. As the shurikens flew by, the water was sharp enough to leave visible cuts on her body. 

"Giant Shuriken!"

Avalon shouted as his scroll poofed into a tuff of smoke and dropped down as a larger water shuriken. He grabbed it and heaved his body before tossing it towards Cuki where it flew with great speed, cutting down anything in its path. Cuki was completely caught off guard by the giant projectile and took a direct hit. The shuriken continued to fly, taking Cuki with it as it crashed further through the complex. The elf stood in his spot, ignoring the damage he did within the apartment or to the others during his fight. He began to perform more hand signs until two puffs of smoke appeared beside him. Two clones made entire out of water appeared from the smoke and dashed out towards the hole, chasing after Cuki.

"C'mon Cuki! Are you even trying?! You're supposed to be a Breaker!"

Avalon rushed out after his clones, trailing after Cuki. Noises of explosions, busting walls, and breaking glass flooded the outside as Avalon continued his battle with Cuki, kicking and tossing her around like a ragdoll. The apartment shook from the impact between the two. Zenta released Berserk and frowned at the situation at hand.

"I apologize for roughhousing the three of you," Zenta said to the group. "But it appears Cuki had met a talented opponent... We should watch our step."

As soon as Zenta finished talking, Cuki crashed through the floor below them and slammed against the ceiling before the Avalon clones kicked her towards the TV. Rubble fell on top of Bernkastel and Gogeta as they witness Cuki's body laid out in a hole between the living room and another room. 

"Why aren't you using Byakko's powers? Don't you know how?" Avalon said while crossing his arms. He sounded concerned. "Haven't you learned how to use them yet?"
Gogeta grinned back slightly at Bernkastel, rolling his head back and his eyes turning up to the ceiling.

"'s nice to find someone that gets it. Do you want to start a new family then?"

His blunt request clearly had little thought behind it; the man turning back with a confused expression but offered no embarrassment and very simple explanations behind his straight forward thought process.

"I'd ask if you would be my new wife, but it feels weird thinking about that when you look like a kid. And you can't really be like a daughter because you're smarter and older than me."

Gogeta turned his head back towards Bernkastel, his eyes shutting as he beamed back at her with the optimistic grin that had been missing for so long.

"I'm sure we can figure it out though! As long as we're family!"

His head suddenly perked, jolted a bit from the sudden kick of the sofa. His food kicked up a bit, and upon realizing it may be threatened, Gogeta quickly used his free arm to haphazardly scoop as much of the food into his mouth as he could in his crippled state. He let out a muffled yelp as Cuki crashed into the room seconds later, shielding his place and avoiding the conflict as best he could.

Gogeta grimaced as the rubble fell down from the ceiling, his attention diverted as he yelped in pain from the debris landing on some of his wounds still open. He twitched heavily, before suddenly puffing his chest up with oxygen and letting loose a strong gust of wind from his mouth to blow away some of the rubble off of his leg.
Cross says "my question would be more how it effected an undead in the way it did and not weather or not it was "forbidden" Zente. That mostly because I know that most every thing that would effect a living person should not effect me."
Brachi, Bara and Jize grunted a bit as they got hit with some of the rubble caused by Cuki's landing, but recovering rather easily.

"Will you be careful?!" Brachi then told Avalon as she, Bara and Jize went to Cuki to see if she was okay.
Bernkastel looked down at her lap. It seemed that family took many forms other than the one she knew of. "I'm not sure that's something I could grant either," she said quietly. It would have been one thing if Zenta's blindness were from conditions that magic could reverse, but she had seen his bare face before. There was little that could be done for someone with empty eye sockets; to ask how it occurred was also too pressing.

The witch jerked her head up with a dumbfounded look at Gogeta's bluntly worded question of marriage. Initially, Bernkastel could only muster a few sounds of surprise. New family? Marriage? Wife? It was a lot to take in since those words had a lot of complicated feelings ascribed to them. She loved Lambdadelta, but they never called themselves a family. Bern wasn't willing to believe she would be permanently gone until she knew for sure. Would letting in anyone that close to her, even as family, mean she didn't 'love' Lambdadelta anymore? Would it be replacing her even if Bern didn't have that intention?

Gogeta's last sentence snapped her out of it before she nodded her head vigorously, trying to regain composure and stuff the distressing thoughts away somewhere for the time being.

"O-of course! People would get the wrong idea about you if they see me in that way. Besides, I tried m-marriage before, it wasn't for me... or her..." her tail wagged around nervously. "We'll think of a different word since we're buddies--" suddenly, she found herself flung across the room with the couch, letting out a cry of surprise before the loud sound of glass and drywall breaking came after.

"What was that?!" Berserk asked aloud while rubbing her arm.

"No way-- it's them!" Bernkastel remembered Gogeta's condition from his sounds of pain, realizing they were all now in the crosshairs of a fight. Holding her hands out, she encased the couch in a dome shield to wall off Gogeta from any more fallout. "I'll heal you properly soon, just stay put a bit." Clouds of dust came off of her as she pat her dress off.

"Aww, what? Is it over already?" Berserk pouted, seemingly disappointed at the prospect. "Hey, are you alive in there?" She called out through the massive hole in the wall.

"What are you saying..." the witch narrowed her eyes at Avalon's questioning as her gaze moved to Cuki's body in the other room. "Are you trying to get yourself skewered?!" She had seen Cuki's abilities when pushed during the battle with Hart firsthand, knowing how dangerous it was to be caught in it. "Zenta, you can sense Byakko, can't you? He has to be here!"
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