The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"Kayyyy," Berserk waved the two as they left, seemingly understanding of Cuki's wishes especially considering she wanted the bragging rights of fighting Ultraman solo. "Break a leg!"

"The resilience of a Saiyan body is certainly an entire league from a normal human's physiology... Must be thanks to their ability to consume ungodly quantities of food-- all those nutrients have to go somewhere," Bernkastel said to Zenta in agreement, before her eyebrows lifted in surprise hearing Gogeta give a word of thanks. Pulling her gaze away from his eyes, she gathered the bloodied cottonballs together in a small pile. "I-it's nothing-- it's not like we can leave you in this state. But it's a lot of work, so don't get yourself in trouble this badly again," Bern replied in her usual monotone voice while trying to be firm about it. Her tail moved around in a flustered fashion, however.

"I-I'll get us our food." Bernkastel excused herself as she disappeared into the kitchen, picking up her dish as her stomach growled loudly. She hadn't eaten anything all day, so the sight of mouthwatering food was welcome. As she stacked several porkchops and dished up a fried rice mountain for Gogeta, the Witch pondered to herself. 

"Divine beings... are they simply revered gods?" She mumbled, before huffing quietly. "Gods... can be a real nuisance. Pledge your allegiance and they'll sully it as they please. I don't know if I'd prefer the old hag or that useless piece who gave me headaches with her crying 'auau' all the time. Either one would be more tolerable than that ingrate Voice," Bern muttered before leaving with both plates in her hands.


"Since the city's in such bad shape, there's no way I can officially call it my turf yet! Not without getting made fun of by my sisters." Berserk stopped for a second to think about Zenta's question. "But I think I'd start by making the perfect hangout spots for people MY age. Which includes clearing out the lame places and remodeling them into street fightin' venues! I want my turf to be full of chaotic fun!" She babbled as she stuck bandaids all over Gogeta's body wherever an open wound could be found.

"It'll be my turf, but as long as nobody will try to take it, everyone can do what they want without annoying grown-ups telling us what to do. I'll have to think of more ideas though... live stream fights?" She turned to Lucifer. "Oh yeah! There's no way any of my guys could beat Mr. Gogeta going off of my data on him," Berserk shook her head as she frowned, looking rather bothered before standing up and taking a seat with her own plate of food. "It was that old guy with one arm who did it. Not out of discipline; every strike was aimed at a weakpoint of the body with killing intent. My sisters like to mouth off at me sometimes but I wouldn't go that far with putting them back in line," she said as her eyes narrowed with intensity. 

"Tell me more about that guy, little man... is it true he's the leader?"
“Have fun! I hope you will show how much you are truly made of…” Although, hearing that Byakko is described as a diving being left Lucifer feeling quite disgusted of the ordeal. “Divine beings… so that clarifies the attitude and the reeks of arrogance that one was displaying. Do Breakers have a habit of attracting high gods?” It wasn’t a question that needs to be answer, but it was an observation he noted among the group, seeing that most are either Saiyans or something of a divine status on one way or the other. But he was agreeing with Bernkastel’s sentiment regarding godly beings. “They are a race of beings that drown themselves in ego to quench their thirst to be at the top of the heap.” 

As Avalon and Cuki left after the former explained his reasoning for the battle, Spina, despite leaving, was actually carefully listening onto the conversation behind a wall. Hearing that it was impossible to split Byakko and Cuki apart, and there was another person called Seilong in the mix. Without making a sound, Spina left again and headed outside to the garden.

Lucifer stared at the food that Cuki placed in front of him,  expressing disappointment. “That child is always trying a bit too hard, huh? Making a dish fit for children… how discourteous.” The caretaker grabbed a spoon and lifted it towards Lucifer’s mouth to feed. Understandably, Lucifer became embarrassed at her action. “Don’t feed me like a baby!” He pushed the spoon away, causing the caretaker to be quite disappointed.

Clearing his throat, Lucifer listened onto Berserk’s explanations of what transpired that led to Gogeta’s condition; especially when Berserk described her way of remodeling the place as chaotic, lifting up his spirits after hearing the existence of divine beings among their numbers. “I personally don’t know much about Spina… I just recently join the Breakers myself; you see. But. Based on my observation of him, Spina is struggling to keep down his true nature. A savage beast that thrive of a deathly battle. And yes, he is quite the leader, after he declared himself as such in front of Detective Goku.” He turned to Gogeta, seeing Zenta releasing excess amount of energy out of him. “And if that what he did… ohoho, this is quite delightful. He’d no longer has a reason to suppress himself.” He kept eyeing on Zenta throughout his explanation, especially after seeing a notice a change of his posture after hearing Seilong’s name drop. He didn't have a chance to greet Zenta properly since the Hart battle--he was the only one he had no familiarity with, aside from knowing that Cuki referred to the beast as her master.

"I don't know much about Saiyans and how they operate... but compared to the other Saiyans here, even I can tell that he's a lot more than he lets on. But I think that's a perfect candidate to lead a team such as this."
Brachi, Bara and Jize have helped themselves on some food and were currently sitting together at a different part of the room, talking together as if wanting to catch up on things.

"So, what are you planning to do now?" Jize then asked Brachi.

"To be honest, I am at a bit of a loss... my true objective still stands, being the restoration of our homes, but with what has happened today in our attempt at trying to rebuild our reputation and all, I almost feel as I've been getting nowhere... it's like this entire place somehow likes to throw a wrench in the plans in one way or another that leaves me a bit in the dust, given what applies and does not apply here in terms of universal boundaries." Brachi responded.

"And hand-holding definitely isn't one of them," Jize remarked, "I understand that you are looking for some guidance, something that puts you on the right track of how to approach things and in most occasions you can definitely achieve that by yourself, especially with how you have been refraining from using your stronger moves, especially given the power you possess now. I do concur that this place is unlike anything we're familiar with, so at least there's that."

Brachi remained silent, evidently at a loss, but blinked when Jize put a hand on her shoulder.

"Remember this, Brachi, power without a purpose is meaningless and worthless. A purpose that is firm can change the impossible to the possible. And knowing you, changing the impossible to the possible is one of your fortes. Just look for the right moment to act and adapt whenever the situation demands it." The Supreme Kai said to her.
Zenta listened to the others talk about Divine Beings and it only made him feel uneasy once again but once they spoke about something else, his expression changed slightly. He did not want to talk about the Divine Beings like Byakko, in fact, he tried to avoid talking about them entirely. As he listened to Berserk and Lucifer he gradually calmed down and join in the conversation.

"Oh my, is that what the cool kids do nowadays? Surely not all adults are annoying, ohoho. Street fights seem a tad violent but perhaps I am behind the times of what the youngsters like nowadays," The beast tapped his chin. "Maybe I can learn the new hip slang you youngsters use. I should learn from you since you are in the prime of your youth. How exciting!"

He then turned his attention to Lucifer and seemed intrigued by his small form. Although he had not spent much time with the Fallen Angel, he wondered if such power can come from a tiny person. He was barely aware of his powers and despite being a baby, he spoke with elegance and class. He rested his arms on the back of the sofa then his head on top of his arms. He appeared a little more relaxed, showing that he was comfortable around the group.

"Ah, Lucifer Morningstar, yes? Cuki told me a little bit about you. I believe we have not has a proper introduction and I apologize for my rudeness. You may call me Zenta, Cuki's teacher." He peered over to Lucifer. "If I may ask, Lucifer... That form you are in, it is nothing of what Cuki mentioned to me. She said you were a tall handsome man with wings. Perhaps it is because I am blind but I do not see the energy or the form of the being she mentioned. Is this your true form?"

Zenta's tailed waved behind him harmoniously curious to hear Lucifer's answer. He managed to overhear Gogeta's voice which caused him to look down at the Saiyan as Bernkastel tended to him. He was happy to know that the man was finally coming to his senses. At least he did not suffer any heavy internal damages...

"I am glad to see you awake, Mr. Gogeta. I assume you are feeling well? Lady Bernkastel is working diligently to heal your wounds. Even Miss Berserk is lending a hand to aid you."
Cross says speaking form experience "Trust me that was my same reaction wend dealing with ki quite some time ago. My best advice is just look for for you is context clues and/or just have some one explaining the comet too you Zenta." Cross starts to eat with the others.
Berserk listened intently to every word Lucifer had spoken, silently analyzing them for the potential implications that had for the group overall.

Well, you won't be wondering about that for very long, little man... Berserk already didn't like Spina, but what Lucifer said gave her reason to believe that eventually his style of leadership could very well be authoritarianism. But to confirm her suspicions, she needed to see more of Spina's leadership ability under pressure with her own eyes. Since she was in the proverbial lion's den, Berserk thought it best to just observe and let things happen naturally. It was looking like not much was required to push the wrong buttons. Heroes are fun to kick around, but nothing's more fun than knocking grown-ups like him a few pegs down... He might be more fun to fight.

Berserk gave a giggle at the thought, muffling it behind her hand with a smirk. "Sorry, I was thinking about something funny... Sure sounds fun. I'll be looking forward to hanging around you guys. But that makes me wonder too-- for a name like that, I wasn't expecting it would belong to a little kid either-- unless it's a disguise?"

Bernkastel shuffled her way to Gogeta on the couch, holding out a plate of food towards him in a demure manner. "H-here. You can eat with your good arm, right?"
“Likewise. It’s a pleasure to finally have a proper introduction.” Lucifer responded in kind. “This? Oh, don’t worry about that, this isn’t my true form. I default to this state whenever all my energy gets released from my body at once. And that move that the Hart used from you as a coin was enough to do so. The others managed to recover their quickly relatively fast, but it takes time on my part, once my energy returns to normal, I’ll be back to my own self. Right now, Lilith is here to ensure that my energy levels are stable enough. A fascinating move though.” The small angel praised. “It doesn’t seem to target anything, but rather the energy itself.”
Gogeta laid back as the others conversed for a moment, a disinterest in the conversation about Divine Beings motivating the simple fusion to tune out. His eyebrows slightly perked upon hearing Zenta speak his name, his eyes still up at the ceiling.

“No...everything still hurts.”

His reply was curt; despite his rage and sorrow from earlier however, Gogeta spoke with a mostly flat tone. The emotion on the man’s face only returned in seeing Bernkastel arrive with the food, his expression softening. He grimaced a bit, his one free arm reaching out and taking the plate. His grip was slightly wobbly, the plate in his hand shaking a bit before he set it down on his chest slowly.

“Thank you...both.”

Gogeta perked his eyebrow a bit, his head turning on the couch towards Bernkastel. His blunt dual voice came out in starting a new question that was on his mind despite the main topic of discussion at hand, along with his attention being focused solely on Bernkastel.

“ come you know so much about magic and healing and all that? You know a lot for a kid your age.”
Zenta kept a small smile for Gogeta even though he still felt bad. He was unable to do much for him since he cannot physically see anything. He left his care for Bernkastel and Berserk. Zenta tilted his head upon hearing Lucifer mention a move the Coin Hunter used while he was taken. As the child explained the type of move it could have been, the furry beast let out a sigh on the assumption that he knew which move it was. He lowered his head.

"Oh my... The Coin Hunter abused my strength it seems. How embarrassing..." Zenta pushed some of his hair back, trying to get a grasp of what happened since he cannot remember. "Could you explain to me what you remember? I hope I did not use this technique against any of the others or cause severe damage to you guys..."
"It's nothin'! I always have to go on a run for bandages cause of Brute. But I don't know instant-healing tricks, so I can't be of any more help than first aid." Berserk shrugged apologetically towards Gogeta before settling into her spot with a platter. The conversation between Zenta and Lucifer caught her curiosity with the name of a person she hadn't heard of.

"Coin Hunter? Isn't that just a more fancy title for bank robber? A bit impractical to just take coin money," Berserk asked before her eyes lit up. "Oh wait... do you mean--" Digging into her knapsack, she withdrew a small object from her wallet. While Zenta couldn't see it, the coin glittered a fine gold color in the light as Berserk held it for Lucifer to view: the face of an eyepatched man with a sharply defined square jaw was engraved on it, the name 'OPPRESSOR PLUTONIUM' encircling his silhouette.

"Coins like this?"

Bernkastel chewed on a forkful of her fish dinner, blinking a few times as though she wasn't prepared for such a question to come from Gogeta. Understandably her stature and petite body type made her look to be about Berserk's age if not younger for being shorter. If it weren't for her openly drinking, anyone could mistake her age. Momentarily, she fidgeted before giving an answer.

"That's because despite appearances, I'm not a child," she replied casually. "A normal human would need many lifetimes to learn the knowledge I possess. Apprentices of Witches are luckier to have a proper guide for it, but I mostly shouldered the burden of trial and error on my own. I'm at least a thousand years old now, give or take." She was unsure of how much time could fluctuate in the Reality Vortex, but she was certain about her age before having appeared in it. "But that doesn't make me an old hag," the Witch added hastily.

"Though... what about you? Surely it would take a human many decades to master the techniques you use. Yet I can't see so much as one gray hair on your head." Bernkastel returned the same level of curiosity since it had not occurred to her until now how easy he made it look. The Saiyans in general made transformations seem like a cakewalk at first glance but Whis implied before that certain forms weren't actually that simple to obtain. "... or even a wrinkle on your forehead at that. Did you make a deal with a demon for eternal youth?"
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