The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Upon the release of Spina's attack, a thin line of silver light suddenly engulfed Vegetto Black's body in its entirety. His black hair spiked outwards in a strange ruffling, and despite his seemingly unconscious state, his body suddenly tensed and spaced its legs. His head rolled up all its own, the strange demeanor accented in the fact that the man's eyes were entirely shut and his mouth hanging open as if he were dead.

His neck inclined forward, extending both his arms out to create a small ramp. The first blast of Spina's Rising Burst cleanly slide across the top of Vegetto Black's arms, being redirected perfectly out back into the air behind him. Vegetto Black's body twisted and contorted rapidly, spinning around in a quick roundhouse kick to punt the next blast away before rapidly smacking away another two blasts with the back of his hands. The thin silver line around his body only grew in size, the shading almost emitting a pink hue in its vibrant glow as he continued to lightly and expertly bat the remaining blasts away.

In the second it took for all seven blasts to reach Vegetto Black, he had dispersed all but one that remained. The final blast reached his right hand quickly, his arm guiding the blast down towards the floor in front of him. His left boot lifted up, switching off with his hand to press the energy blast down to the floor. The blast erupted into a violently explosion across the ground, engulfing Vegetto Black in its resulting smoke only for a moment before he shot up from the smoke cloud, having rode the shockwave up into the air.

Now floating in front of Spina, Vegetto Black remained mostly limp despite the ominous glow. The legs and arms slowly contorted up entirely on their own, soon forming a familiar battle stance. His face was hidden, his body soon twisted into the same iconic stance of Vegetto himself while his head remained slumped forward. Silver fire suddenly erupted out from around his body, the scorching winds from before returning in even more tremendous pressure that shook the ground below. The fire held a vibrant pink hue as it completely engulfed the doppelganger's body, thin lines of six dots of bright white energy rising up all around his figure underneath the glowing pink and silver fire. The force of the wind rolled Vegetto Black's head up, his hair and face contorting under the powerful flames washing his hair into a matching pink and silver glow. With both his eyebrows and hair fully singed into silvery glow, Vegetto Black's eyes opened suddenly with a bright shining sheen. His dilated, silver pupils glanced around like a wild animal taking in its surroundings for the first time for a few seconds.

In the instant that the silver pupils turned onto Spina, Vegetto Black's expression rapidly shifted from the almost dazed stare into a fierce, cruel glare. His attention never faltered after locking onto Spina, studying the other Saiyan in an intense assessment of power and output. The dual voice returned as he spoke, but was almost muted under the third and nearly demonic voice that now extensively overshadowed the original voice.


Kassava curled in slightly just as the energy blasts struck her, disappearing into the resulting explosion. She flung out backwards soon after, emerging from the smoke cloud with the arm she had shot the energy dragon from still flung out and her opposite arm still tucked in with a fist. She grimaced in pain for a few seconds, but soon broke out into a small smirk.


Her extended arm suddenly snapped back at the elbow while she kept her eyes shut with a small growl, as if she were reining in an imaginary leash. The massive dragon composed completely of energy instantly responded, whirling around in a rapid 180 degree turn and charged back towards Demi-Fiend. Letting out another thunderous roar, Kassava swung her cocked arm forward as she pulled back with the other.

"Dragon's Fist!!"

A massive dragon of gold energy shot forward this time from her fist, roaring violently as both dragons rapidly closed the space to Demi-Fiend in an instant. Both dragons snaked around Demi-Fiend's body to pull him off of Cuki, shooting up high into the sky as they twirled together in constricting him. Both dragons soon left a small opening for his head to poke out, the twin heads violently crashing down on top of him and erupting into a violent explosion that sent a destructive shockwave out in every direction.

Kassava braced under the resulting explosion, soon rising back up to her feet and staring up at the resulting smoke cloud with a scowl. She kept her smirk, angrily wagging her right fist up at the smoke cloud above as she shouted loudly at it.

"Ha!! I don't care if I'm riding his coat tails you little shitbag!! I just whipped your ass the same way I kicked his!!"

Vegetto's eyes widened just in time for Superman's punch to slam into his jaw, rocketing backwards. His eyes lost focus from the strike, regaining composure only for the following punch to his gut to completely knock the wind out of him. He keeled forward a bit, hacking up a small bit of blood before he shot down into the floor. His arms trembled as he pushed himself off, grimacing a bit and wobbling with a confused yelp from the force of the ground shifting violently beneath him.

He glanced around wildly in confusion, watching on as the planet shifted so quickly that he went from kneeling onto the ground to clinging onto the surface and dangling in mid air. Vegetto's blue eyes turned down, noticing the oncoming planet rapidly getting closer and closer. He let out a quick roar, his blue flame like aura rapidly exploding outward as his boots made contact with the second planet first. The sheer impact forced the planet to float downwards a bit in space, but soon stopped as Vegetto now stood on the surface while holding the first planet upright with both arms. His eyes diluted greatly, the muscles in his arms bulging and twitching under holding up the planet with his long blue hair flowing behind him in the large aura surging. He panted heavily in literally holding a planet upright, two small trails of blood streaming down his face from the corners of his mouth.

Ack...this is so much harder than blowing them up!

Vegetto kept his pained expression, letting out another pained roar as he shifted the weight of the first planet entirely onto his left hand. He held his right arm slightly in front, bending it at the elbow and forming a bright explosion of yellow energy in his palm that soon engulfed his entire arm.

" want the gloves off huh?!"

He suddenly flung his wrist to the right, the white glove whipping off his hand and the energy responding by erupting outwards even more violently in its brilliant glow.

"Then let's do this!!"

Vegetto roared out in a galaxy shaking shockwave, hurling his right arm back up next to the left that held the first planet up. A massive beam of yellow energy rapidly shot up in the form of a blade, piercing through the entire planet in its rise. The sheer volume of the energy was enough to cut the entire planet cleanly in half, both semi-spheres slowly floating out away while the massive energy blade remained floating in its place. It suddenly swung to the side, Vegetto having pulled the blade in cocking his right arm to the left and blasting up towards Superman using the second planet to propel himself forward. The world below shot through the empty void of space as Vegetto closed in on Superman, blue lightning flashing outwards violently while his long blue hair flowed behind him in the ascent.

"Spirit Excalibur!!"

Vegetto's hairless eyebrows contorted in extensive strain, his veins on his forehead bulging as he swung the blade in a horizontal cut directly at Superman with the blade erupting into a violent explosion upon contact with his body.

Whis smiled, deftly springing up and landing upon the first neuron star that shot his way. He managed to stand upright under the extreme gravity of the star, using his free hand to spin the massive mass to avoid having his body slammed into a wall as it bounced around the box. His eyes turned up, following Cross' move specifically with a delighted tone.


Whis pulled with his free hand, hoping to pull on Wordplay's own hips to force him off balance and make him step on the banana peel Cross had summoned.

Cuki was about to yell at Kassava once more until she saw the hidden trick Kassava pulled. Her eyes widen upon seeing the first dragon return on Kassava's command followed by the second dragon. With the help of Kassava, Cuki was now free from Demi-Fiend's grasp, albeit, still wounded. She quickly rolled out of the way, leaving Kassava to her technique once Demi-Fiend was pulled away from her. She covered her head from the incoming explosion, peeking out once she heard Kassava mock Demi-Fiend.

Wow, Kassava really pulled her weight. I guess she isn't just all brute force, she had that technique all planned out. Heh, looks like Kass can listen when she really wants to prove herself. 

Cuki rose to her feet, feeling awkward about her rude statements earlier towards Kassava. As the dust, rubble, and smoke from the explosion consumed Demi-Fiend, she stood next to Kassava, giving her a pat on her back.

"Errm, sorry about the stuff I said earlier..." Cuki blushed. "That move was pretty cool, I didn't expect it. Nice job, Kass! I bet Demi-Fiend is eating his words right now. We have him on the ropes, keep it up!"
"Ooohohohoho!" Lambdadelta laughed with glee. "Let's keep it going!" She giggled as she began to outmaneuver the oncoming stars by spinning and performing cutesy ballet lunges. Standing in place, she raised her arms above her head with a sinister smile on her face. "My next line is... Bonk!"

A magic circle appeared above Wordplay's head as he struggled against Bernkastel's cats, some of which did let go of him rather easily, although it alerted the others and made them dig their claws deeper in a bid to stay on him. The circle opened and out fell a bucket full of water, with the metallic bottom headed for the top of his head.

Bernkastel started to dodge more of the neutron stars with better confidence as she noticed they weren't homing in on them as quickly or as accurately as they were originally. "Hmm... Snap." 3 mousetraps appeared behind Wordplay in anticipation he would either fall or step on them.

Waldo looked around at the portraits. Although he was smiling, he seemed confused as to why a secret place like this was tastefully decorated with art of places from Reality City. "I guess he's a sentimental guy behind the scenes? Or maybe he has a taste for fine art. A weird one at that." His attention was called to the strange object the Detective spotted. Walking towards it, he leaned in close to examine it properly before he'd poke it with his cane. "Who leaves a box like this unattended? And why is it blinking? I'm almost afraid of touching it... is it an explosive?!"
Spina was at a disbelief witnessing Vegetto-Black deflecting all of his attacks. One by one, he was swiftly blocking them with precise-timing, despite seeing the form before, it left him speechless. There were no sign of hesitation or second thoughts or wasted movements. Vegetto-Black’s body moved on its own accord—the ultimate defensive technique for any gifted warrior. Each deflection after another, the accumulating horror swelled in Spina’s mind in response to the madman ascension to the form. 

Vegetto-Black appearing in front of Spina left him in a state of panic. Should he attempt to attack, after seeing his capabilities? No, that might’ve foolish. Spina could not decide what to do—for the first time in his life, he felt small. Not against Doom. Not against Zenta. Not against anyone. He was in zone of inaction.

But when Vegetto-Black called out Spina by his name, his mind went blank. His body, without any input from his thoughts, flown several meters backwards. Spina widened his eyes, realizing what he had happened. At first, he thought this was the process of Migatte no Goku’i, but that’s foolish. In actuality, his body went by pure instincts of the potential dangers of this man—had the body failed to do so, Spina would’ve been a pink mist.

Spina shook his head to regain his composure. He lowered his arms, with a grim expression on his face. He knows that this is a fight that he could not win. No matter what he deciphered in his head, it all leads to a brutal beatdown. He could have run away. He should have run away. Yet, despite the terror burdening him, his pride was bigger.

Behind the sweating temple and quivering arms, Spina formed a half-hearted smile. “Alright… you got my attention. The infamous Migatte no Goku’i….” He paused for a moment, slowly lifting his finger at Vegetto-Black. “Say, if I defeat you right here and now. That means, I’m far more powerful than Vegetto, right?” Beaming with the only thing that keeps him going. Spina was not going to run. That thought running in his mind was pathetic for him to even consider. “It’s now or never…”

In a flash, Spina tilted his head back and shouted as loud as he could. The burst of his fiery aura exploded to match the intensity of Vegetto-Black’s aura. “Now or never…” He squatted before bolting forward as he cocked his right arm back to deliver a punch at Vegetto-Black. 


A flicker of lights emitted in the smoke cloud, quickly dispersing it. Demi-Fiend has his head and arms hanging low for a brief amount of time. His shoulders bounced when the young demon child chuckled. “Not going to lie. I did not expect that.” He lifted his head as he slowly descend to the ground. He checked his body for any bruises—there were scratches across, especially his face and torso. “You pulled a fast one.”

Demi-Fiend clenched his left fist tightly. “I’ll give you credit. You got me and even saved your friend there. Now that’s some teamwork. But it means I just got to put a little more effort.” His tone shifted a bit and his demonic energy flourish out of his body. He scratches his head with his right hand, only to realized that he had Cuki’s tail. “Oh? How this get here.” He tossed it to where Cuki was, crashing near her. “This is yours, right? Looks like someone made their sacrifice. Rest in Peace, tail.”


The Great White Whale was caught in the middle of two powerful blasts of energy at colliding at him, resulting an explosion. Yet, instead of the smoke-filled bubbles hurling outwards, it was reabsorbed inwards into the mighty warrior to a single point on the tip of his blade.

“I was saying… Water Abyss: Liquid Shock.”

Bara’s reattached arm started to bubble of where the cut was made after the Whale shouted his attack. The bubbles grew exponentially, it popped everywhere at once, coating her entire arm once again in ice. It broke off from her body once more, but rather than sinking into the ocean, it clenched and went straight towards the Great White Whale instead.

Using the surrounding waters as means to increased bubbles around the arm, which then exploded, it became radically bigger. It became gauntlet-like in appearances, attaching onto the Great White Whale’s right arm. “Thanks for the weapon. I knew you would find some way to attach it. Now it’s my weapon.” 

The Great White Whale took another position. “Water Abyss: Thin Line.” 

He turned around and punched Brachi in the stomach with the powerful gauntlet, sending ripples in the sea. He vanished as the bits of ice placed on her stomach. Appearing behind her, he smashed her back with his knee, titling her back and kicked her above. Using his blade, he sliced in a horizontal direction. In burst of water behind so dense, it became solid sharp objects and sent towards Brachi’s direction. 

He looked down at Bara. “Water Abyss: Ice Destruction.” Gathering in the new formed gault. He opened his palm and fired off a massive wave of ice towards the young Majin, freezing everything in its path into ice.


The Air Dancer tried to jump upwards in the air, but the ferocious shockwave came too quickly. He was hit with enough brute force to immobilize him, preventing him from bouncing away, for a moment. In that critical moment, the Cross-Beam from the two Raunes completely engulfed him, slamming him to the wall. Plastic flesh began to burn; cuts throughout his body became visible; it wiggles came to a stalling halt. The force of the beam was devastating, destructive and overly violent—it managed to tear opened a hole in the middle of Air Dancer’s body, revealing its core of strange, black energy in the center. In that moment, it sends out burst of energy across the room.

The attack finished, and the Air Dancer fell to the grounds on its knees. The red skin on its flesh was completely covered in burn marks. Smokes emitting from its body as the result of the burns; the Air Dancer lifted its head slowly. It took everything he had in him to survive such an attack. He stared at both the Raunes and Zenta—the latter with more attention.

“Zenta…” The Air Dancer had a raspy, harsh tone when he spoke. The cross beam did significant damage onto its voice box. “Why did you betray Doom…? He gave you the chance to find your pupil, but you chose to disown him the moment you found your student. Did you not care for your world he promised to spare if you followed his directions?”

The Air Dancer’s vision blurred. “Doom was able to save us from despair and promise you to eliminate any enemy that cause you harm… but you decided to choose this path.” He turn to the Raunes. “If it was between you and I… this battle wouldn’t be so one-sided…” The Air Dancer tried to speak more, but his movements halted, and his body loses whatever left of his red hue on his body, turning gray. 


Superman became concern that Vegetto was going to be taken out by the full brute of his strength. “Come on.” He uttered under his breath. His mood change from concern to blissful happiness upon seeing Vegetto rushing at him with intensity in his eyes.

“Yes…” Superman praised. “Show me that freedom of yours. Release those shackles that hold you back! Doom has shown me the glimpse of your life… you don’t need to go easy… no one is here! So, don’t disappoint me now!” Superman increased his speed dramatically, flying straight through the spirit sword, resulting a violent explosion. The impact created powerful and violent shockwaves that rippled across the cosmos; nearby planets flung away, crashing onto other planets or stars.

He came out of the explosion, unscathed from the attack. “Let me return the favor.” Superman shouted at Vegetto with happiness in his voice. He clenched his fist tightly as a red glow illuminating around it. He fly straight forward Vegetto at blistering speeds, punching him in the arm. The sheer impact flung even more planets and stars away from the battlefield.


The Metallic bottom smashed on Wordplay’s head, causing him to lose balance due to Whis’ pulling his hip forward. “Ouch!” He slipped onto the banana as the result, falling onto the mouse trap that snapped onto his bottom.

He jumped into air in pain, causing the box to gradually fall apart. “Why, aren’t you getting a little cheesy with these tricks!? Let’s take this se-“ Wordplay tried to finish his sentence, only for Gervene to poke him in the eye.

“Argh! Enough!” Wordplay slammed onto the box, causing it to flip multiple times as he created some distance between them to recovered from their attacks. He was pulling cats out of his face, painfully, and removing all the items that latched onto his body. His blue eye glow.

“Erasure!” He summons a powerful beam of energy towards the box, engulfing it in full to allow more recovery time.


When Waldo poke the orb with his cane, it started to react violently. The orb wrapped strangely as it was trying to take shape. Within minutes, it took the shape of Waldo’s cane. “My word.” The Detective pulled out his monocle to examine further. “This is a strange device… I can sense tremendous energy, but I don’t think it’s explosive.” He narrowed his eyes. “Hey… do you know those pecky little birds that often screech in the morning?”
[font=Tahoma, sans-serif]Brachi grunted at the sudden attacks, before she recovered and used a Super Explosive Wave to rid herself of the ice and blasting the sharp objects away from her and back towards the Great White Whale, before using Instant Transmission and decking him in the face with the Super God Fist, before getting in some distance once more as she felt Bara's ki rising. [/font]
[font=Tahoma, sans-serif]
Majin Bara on her turn growled, now getting angry enough as she powered up herself, steam bellowing from the holes in her head, chest and arms, making her invisible as she then teleported away at first, reappearing above the frozen path, before she used her remaining arm to blast a chunk of the ice off, making it into an ice spear and hurled it at blinding speed to the Great White Whale.

At the same time Brachi was working out an idea to catch the Great White Whale off guard, as she began to gather energy herself, keeping an eye on her opponent. As she did so, the yellow outline around her blue flaming aura started to gradually turn to orange and finally a crimson-red.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, sans-serif]===============

At the same time, Gervene was watching in apprehension what Wordplay was doing, looking around to see if there was something she could use to her advantage, before sweeping her hand in a motion of backhanding someone.

Cross says "that kind the best way for these kinds of things." Cross says "Reflect." At Min sending it away form the group and at best send it back at Worldpaly.
The Remnants stood proud, having conquered their enemy. They set out to kill him, and they did. What else could they have possibly hoped to achieve, what more could they want?

That's a good question when both reacted far too slowly, far too adsorbed into their self-gloating that Air Dancer's blast hit them onwards like a truck, blowing the two back and sending them bouncing across the ground, forcing the two to grab onto the ground with super strength to stop their own movement.
Cuki stared at her tail lying on the floor before slowly turning to check the space behind her. When she didn't see her beautiful brown tail, her eyes widen with horror before turning back to the tail on the floor. At first, she didn't believe it was hers, but once she put the pieces together, her hands turned to fists. Her breathing became harder and labored while her fists shook with pure rage. She bared her teeth as she struggled to keep herself contained but her tiny grunts showed her fury. The air around her began to get heavy and thick, almost as if she was gathering a load of energy to unleash. Cuki's face contorted with malice, and for the first time, a killer aura engulfed her.

"You... took my tail..! My precious tail..!" Cuki said between her teeth. "You'll... you'll pay... for this..!"

The ground under Cuki's feet began to crack with golden rays of light coming out. Her energy continued to flare out of her body until it ripped the string holding her ponytail up. Her hair, now loose, began to wave with her increasing amount of energy. The area around them started to deform and shake due to Cuki's intense anger until finally, she started to scream. Her usual white aura engulfed her body and flung her hair up until her screams covered the entire area. Blue lightning crackled around her body, her white energy began to flicker with a golden hue, and her hair began to cluster into spikes. 

"I... I'm going to kill you... I'm going to kill you..!" Cuki's fist began to bleed thanks to her nails digging in.


For the first time ever, Cuki cursed. 

Her last outburst allowed the remainder of her energy to blast from the ground, completely destroying the area nearby sending debris and dust flying all over the place. From the smoke, Cuki's entire body was hidden from view with the exception of a shining golden aura. The shadow of her body from the smoke showed perfectly spiked hair and echoes of lightning were heard. Without warning, Cuki's small frame dashed out from the smoke and sent a punch directly towards Demi-Fiend's face, the mountain behind him completely shattering to pieces. As the smoke cleared and exposed more of Cuki, her hair was a familiar spiky yellow cluster and her eyes aqua filled rage. 

Cuki has turned Super Saiyan.

At this point, it was obvious that her usual 'planning ahead' was out the window.

Zenta overheard the Air Dancer talking to him about his days working for Doom. He frowned.

"As I said earlier to the Breakers prior to this battle, I do not support Doom's ideology. He promised to find my student, now that I found her, I do not wish to serve him any longer. Perhaps I am a fool, I am contempt with this." Zenta said as he lowered his guard, noticing the Air Dancer not moving anymore. "It was a pleasure fighting you, Air Dancer."

Zenta took a step towards the fallen Air Dancer and bowed his head, respecting his enemy and the way he fought. He mumbled something under his breath before gently feeling out the remains of Air Dancer. He folded the Dancer's arms over his chest and pulled the tube man to the corner of the room, lying him as best he could, trying to make out where everything was.

"Now you can rest easy."
Vegetto Black stayed completely still in his position, his silver hair and firey pink aura blasting back slightly from the force of Spina's powerup. He had remained entirely silent throughout Spina's responding episode, the cold and cruel glare never once leaving the movements Spina made in preparation for combat.

As soon as Spina bolted forward, Vegetto Black rapidly shot forward as well with his arms poised. His opposing arm quickly shot forward first, catching onto Spina's cocked fist before he could launch it forward. His other arm shot forward, the powerful punch landing cleanly into Spina's stomach.

Vegetto Black's silver eyes watched Spina carefully after the blows, his legs tensing in preparation to move as well as his arms firmly locked to keep Spina controlled from the hits.

Kassava turned her eyes towards Cuki at the sound of her voice. She softened her expression a bit, turning her head back up to the smoke cloud.

"Yeah...thanks. I don't know how much damage it did to him...but do you have a plan once he-"

She blinked, her eyes widening at the sight of Demi-Fiend emerging from the smoke cloud. She instinctively took a step back, trembling a bit in completely ignoring Demi-Fiend's threat.

"No...that was my strongest attack! He's...not even hurt!"

Kassava regained her composure though at the sudden explosion of energy at her side, blinking and turning towards Cuki during the power up. She raised her arms, waving them down at Cuki in an attempt to calm her down.

"Kid...calm down! Just wait a minute...think this through. He's too strong to fight head on."


Vegetto's blue eyes widened, caught slightly off guard at Superman's quick recovery from his attack. Throwing up his arms, he rocketed backwards from the force of Superman's punch through space as the planets shot away much faster.

Floating in the void, Vegetto quickly came to a halt as he held his arm up. His smirk rose, eyeing the trembling arm and smoke that quickly dissipated away from the small burn left on his forearm.

"Incredible. I've never shown anyone that move...and you shrugged it off like it was nothing."

His smirk remained, turning his eyebrow-less eyes back up.

"Let me guess; you're the hero of your universe too, aren't you? Having to use your power to save everyone all the time even if you don't really want to."

The blue aura suddenly dissipated away, Vegetto having reverted back to his base form.

"But you're not like me. You don't want this're just afraid of having to go back so you have to fight me."

His smirk slowly rose again, steam beginning to flow off his arms and shoulders.

"I can feel my blood boiling from fighting you...the rising power. But at this level, it's not enough to push you at all. After all I've still haven't even broken a sweat."

The steam rose even higher, expanding outwards across his entire body. Vegetto kept his smirk, slowly shutting his eyes in floating still in the black void of space.

"You can afford to be distracted. You haven't been pushed to the brink, to a place where your power rises all on its own. Where the speed gets so fast, your thoughts disappear into nothing. So focused on keeping up that everything; the doubts...the fears, all of it just...goes away..."

The familiar silver fire ignited into a ferocious single flame that rapidly engulfed Vegetto's entire body. Illuminating blasts of energy shot out all around from underneath Vegetto's boots, the empty black void of space rapidly lit up once more with the spiraling strands of lights and rising blue heat. The energy maintained its brilliant sheen, as if a small galaxy was steadily spinning underneath Vegetto while he powered up. The fused warrior took a moment to breathe deeply in through his nose, strands of the blue energy shooting up into his nostrils while he clenched his fists.

"All you can yourself, your opponent, and the fight. But as it goes on...even those things fade away into the flames. Beyond the instinct to survive...beyond the desire to find-"

Vegetto kept his eyes closed, now deeply exhaling the breath he took in out his nose. The stars below dispersed away from the force of the wind, spiraling away while his hair began to shine with the same silver gleam as the flame wrapped around his body. His eyes suddenly shot open, a small shockwave of pure telekinetic force exploding forward along with his dual voice extensively amplified, barring his white teeth as his smirk rose.


Vegetto's silver eyebrows narrowed into a sharp glare shortly after, a massive barrage of invisible blasts suddenly erupting forth on Superman's chest. Each blow impact like a single punch, as if Vegetto was throwing an entire barrage beyond a level Superman could currently track. Vegetto's still body below soon disappeared into thin air, reappearing in front of Superman. He flipped backwards in the air, hovering with cocked arms as three little glints of light emerged on Superman's forehead, chest and stomach. Each light disappeared into a powerful shockwave that stuck where it had been milliseconds ago, knocking Superman back lightly while Vegetto floated in front of him, his arms cocked in preparation for the next attack.

Whis' robes blasted back from the force of the beam, standing casually still with the group once more as Cross redirected the massive attack back at Wordplay. He kept his warm smile, raising his free hand.


A small, thin layer of energy now coated the blast as it blasted towards Wordplay. The thin layer served as a small shield in propelling any attempts to destroy the attack.
All of Bernkastel's cats managed to get thrown off of Wordplay by his resistance. They fell into the darkness around them, blending in effortlessly.

"Don't let your prey get away my kitties," Bernkastel sneered. Her eyes gained a greenish tint as her pupils contracted. "No biting above the knees and elbows, but feel free to chew him up however else you'd like." On command, the area around the box began to light up with pairs of emerald-green eyes. A chorus of meows and hisses echoed as the cats began to merge one with another, forms unseen in the darkness, until only two large pairs of eyes remained. They too disappeared in the darkness.

"What's the matter?" Lambdadelta teased with a smile and a hand on her hip. "You don't like our slapstick-style pranks? Maybe you'd like something a bit more exciting." She conjured up her popcorn bucket from before, throwing a handful in her mouth. "Cat and Mouse games are very exciting, don't you think?" Lambda asked with a cackle.

Growls rumbled once more, but from behind Wordplay as a distorted vocal amalgamation. Two giant monster cats emerged from their shadowy cover and lunged at Wordplay from behind him, their toothy maws wide open and claws at the ready to tackle him into the beam.

"Those birds that wake everybody up like demonic roosters?" Waldo asked the Detective. He gingerly took hold of the device that now imitated the shape of his cane, trying to understand its properties. "What about them? Do you think they're Doom's sentry or something?"
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