The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cross' followers are obeying his last order.

Cross says "snap" Braking the mallet so the top part of the mallet lands on Worldplay.
As Spina rushed Vegetto Black, the doppelganger made little movements. His dark grey eyes followed every step Spina made, his own eyes widening a bit upon the impact of Spina's palms on each side of his head. Blood splattered out of his mouth as he hacked in pain, his body rocketing from side to side under the force of Spina's onslaught. However, as Vegetto Black coughed and hacked in pain, his sputtering occasionally rung out with a dark, sinister chuckle. His eyes remained narrowed, the confident smirk giving way from each of Spina's strike for a look of pain, but reverting back to the same ominous grin after each attack.

Vegetto Black sauntered backwards, the energy coated debris shattering across his chest and ripping through his black gi. The torn shredded fabric floated down to the floor, and Vegetto Black's pink energy vanished entirely while he stood upright, his legs trembling as he nearly toppled forward shirtless.


His arms shook heavily under the weight, his eyes turning down to his palm as his dark dual voice spoke in a sarcastic, amused tone and ignoring Spina's earlier taunts.

"Oh no...Vegetto....look at what this beast has done to you. This divine temple...he's stained it with his-"

Vegetto Black's eyes shot wide open, a momentary explosion of rage clear across his expression for only one, specific word in the unfamiliar voice that accompanied his own.

-W̜͚̫̯͉̺͘͡E҉̘̪́A̵͏̹̮̝K̛̺͈͓̜͎͚͢͡ power."

Vegetto Black's confident composure had returned immediately, his grin widening at Spina while his arms drooped down in front of his body.

"Doom told me you'd fight like know. The raging mortal...swinging away like a true primate. A perfect unleash my potential. But to push yourself try harder...and you become stronger than before."

He leaned forward slightly, suddenly coughing up a small pool of blood onto the floor in front of him, taking a moment to steady himself as his body trembled uncontrollably before continuing.

"But he showed me the better way...the means that led to my defeat. Do you know...foolish the body truly works?"

Vegetto Black chuckled to himself, raising his arms and gesturing to his battered, weary state.

"It is the great deception of combat: you see my fatigue...but it is not real. As you fight...take damage...and feel your body begin to rebel...but not because it is too tired to continue or because it wants to quit."

The same ominous steam began to rise off the doppelganger's shoulders, his pink eyebrows narrowing a bit.

"It wants grows tired of your failures to lead it to victory. The body stops responding because it wants to be free to move on its own."

His head swayed a bit, his smirk remaining as he calmly inhaled a deep breath through his nose, the temperature around the two rising once more.

"A primitive beast like you would never be able to look past that deception...lost forever in your ways. But I...have ascended. Thanks to Doom, I've finally unlocked the secret to M̥͈̜͎͚̘i͓̠̖g̲̟̖͘a̲̬t̞̯t̻̺͈̝e̘͍ ̡͕͉N͕̞̲o̲͎̣̣͠ ̲̩ͅG͉͍̦̦o͚̬̺̯͉͎k̥͇̺̭͇u̬̬̯̗͕̕i͙̳͎̠̟, and now-"

The strange, ominous voice returned, Vegetto Black's eyes shining with a bright, silver gleam instead of the usual grey.

-h̵̫͔̦e̛̫͚̤̝̟͜  comes for you."

Vegetto Black suddenly keeled forward, collapsing onto the floor on all fours and shaking violently as his body contorted as if he were being shocked by lightning. His chin flipped up, his wide, silver eyes gleaming as he laughed manically, the blood streaming down the corners of his lips while shouting to the sky above.

"Yes!! Come Vegetto! Reclaim your body!! Show this dimension true power...and ascend to your throne!!"

His head whipped to the side, slowly rising back up to his feet as his ominous stare turned down back to Spina and the scorching winds blasted outwards in every direction.

"The beautiful rose has bloomed, and what was once frail and weak...has now become true beauty!! Be free...Vegetto...and-"

The stare sharpened, the confident villainous expression twisting rapidly into a cruel, ominous glare trained on Spina.

"K͉̟̻̦͝I̸͈͔̲͓̼̕͠Ĺ̨̮̣͍͙ͅL̦̭ ̝̹͚͉̹̤̦̗Ḩ̳͡I̩̻͎̮̩̯͡M̼̭̟̜̙͟!͈̞̲̦̟͔̲̟"

As quickly as it began, the entire display rapidly dissipated as Vegetto Black suddenly slumped forward. His arms dangled low, his face hidden completely and reverting back into his base form. A small breeze ruffled his black pants, but the doppelganger remained where he was as if he had fallen asleep while standing upright.


Kassava's eyes widened, having quickly dispersed the energy as the magma tore through the shield. Her arms flung up again, her left forming the same red ring around her wrist while her right became coated with destructive, golden energy.

A small glow of red, matching with the glowing heat of the magma, coated Demi-Fiend's entire output. Kassava narrowed her eyes, turning the imaginary dial clock wise this time while she built energy in her right fist. The magma itself remained suspended in air, but as Kassava turned the dial, the heat behind the attack began to diminish. In sending the magma forward in time, the molten liquid began to cool and hardened into coal and stone, creating a small statue of the blast that blocked Demi-Fiend's view of Kassava while she charged her attack.

Planting her feet firmly once the magma had been cooled completely, Kassava swung down her left arm and formed another sphere of violent energy around her fist. She cracked the floor in a sudden bolt forward, tearing through the coal statue in front of her in a dash. Black coal exploded out in every direction as she rapidly closed the gap to Demi-Fiend, emerging from the top in mid air and hurling her right arm down towards him.

"Dragon's Fire!!"

A monsterous, dragon resembling Shenron in pure red energy shot forward. The beast roared on its own, yet despite the close proximity, seemingly charged past Demi-Fiend towards the snowmen behind him. Kassava's eyes widened, her expression morphing into complete shock in realization of missing the attack.


Vegetto lowered his arms, his narrowed eyebrowless eyes following Superman once his beam connected. He quickly bolted up, dashing high up into the air before the water that didn't evaporate engulfed him back into the sea. He held his arms at his side, still on guard while Superman spoke. He broke out into a small smirk, lightning crackling around his blue aura in turning his chin up slightly.

"All I have waiting for me at home is a universe that labels me as a hero...some evil villains that want to kill me...and a nice house."

He turned his head down, his smirk remaining.

"My wife is here...and now that I know one of my good friends might also be trapped in this reality somewhere...that home means nothing to me now. Here, I get to fight against enemies I didn't dream were possible. Against foes that push me to my limits...with my family with me every step of the way."

Vegetto clenched his fists, leaning forward as the lightning sparked once more.

"Here...I get to be free. But I'm sure some lackey of Doom wouldn't understand what that means."

He chuckled sarcastically, waving Superman on with his white gloved hand.

"So c' me what you've got!"


Whis blinked, now standing in the small confinement. He bobbed and weaved, rubbing his chin while he thought and evaded the stars using his Instinct. He smiled, grinning as he spoke.


A small, rather pinpointed thumbtack appeared underneath Wordplay's foot, ready to stab into his large big toe should he move his foot down."
Majin Bara screamed in pain as her arm was sliced off like that, while Brachi got furious, but kept her cool, as she and Bara avoided the energy blades.

"Doom can go kiss my behind." She said, "we have something to preserve too, so no hard feelings to you either, other than harming my friend like that. Besides, Doom is a nobody to me either. How can he deduce something like that about us while he has only seen only little?"

With that, Brachi used a barrier to repel the water around her, supplying her with oxygen to breathe, while Bara had gone towards her sinking arm, intending to retrieve it. 

"I get it, he claims to be above all of us and just makes these assumptions out of the blue... which likely means he sees nothing in you either." Brachi then retorted, before generating two energy discs and sent them hurling towards the Great Whale in retaliation.
He's doing it! He's actually doing it! He's using Flashtime to completely stomp Air Dancer! Just hold on a little longer Zenta! Just a little longer and-

The Remnant that was acting as Zenta's Speedforce battery's eyes went wide as he watched Air Dancer dodge out of Zenta's attack, mouth agape in horror.

"Damn it! Damn it all!" He shouted, raising his free hand. Raune's body was covered in blue lightning, the power granted to him by the Speedforce, which transferred from his body onto Zenta's to allow the martial artist to move at levels of speed that should be impossible. That lightning was blue, demonstrating that Raune's Speedforce was artificially enhanced. But the lightning that began to crackle in Raune's hand was red. Red, the color of his original aura. The color that his mother and father shared. The color that ran down his loved ones as they died. The red lightning shot forwards, out of Raune's hand and wrapping itself around Air Dancer, lighting him up like a Christmas tree.

"Get the target!"

- - - - -

The two remnants continued to race, one every so slightly lagging behind the other, displacing air and building up friction from their speed, that friction turning to electricity encircling around them and leaving off a trail of light in their wake. That displaced air was being compressed and shoved out of the way at beyond the speed of sound, building up towards an incredibly crescendo. The two kept running towards Air Dancer, using the enclosed space to their advantage. If they were right, they could throw all of that air at Air Dancer as one massively violent sonic blast, which would hopefully hold him in place long enough for their super attack. With lighting encircling their bodies, they kept their hands tight around their swords, getting ready for the penultimate swing.
Cuki's confident smirk immediately turned to an open mouth of confusion and pain. With the blades of light stabbing through her body like a pincushion, Cuki gasped in pain, unable to catch her breath for a few seconds. She dropped to the floor, getting the full assault of Demi-Fiend's kicks. When Cuki attempted to try to concentrate her energy near the spot of the attack, she found herself unable to control it as fluently as she is accustomed to. It was obvious that Cuki's frustration was growing by how frantic she looked.

W-What's going on?! I can't control it anymore! What did he do to me?!

Cuki turned to Kassava and appeared relieved when she used her move against Demi-Fiend but her enlightened expression only turned to disbelief and rage upon realizing that Kassava had missed her attack. For a second, there was a small pause before her pain and anger rushed in.

"D-Did you miss?! Did you really miss him at point blank?! I give you a boost and you miss?! " Cuki dug her nails into the ground, her body shaking from anguish and fury. "I risked my butt to give you an opening and you missed like an amateur!"

Zenta darted his head towards the direction Air Dancer as he dashed by towards the other Raune clones.

Air Dancer is moving slower than before... Surely this creature cannot be tuckered out after a small brawl. Zenta thought as he took notice of Air Dancer's slowed movements. It is rather odd... Perhaps it is a--

The beast was quick to react, hearing Raune's orders. Zenta appeared hesitant, however, he did promise to help Raune. He noticed the creature stop due to Raune's red lightning and took his chance to rush up to the creature in order to create an opening for the other two clones. His palm started to glow with violent white energy as he dashed right in front of the restrained Air Dancer and pulled his arm back. He rushed his palm towards the Air Dancer's chest but never touched him. A powerful blast of energy shot out of Air Dancer's back followed by a shockwave and a tiny rumble within the room. The blast left no marks on Air Dancer nor the area around them, almost as if it Zenta's energy phased right through the being. 

"Tiger Palm, hidden technique: Tiger Rush."

If Air Dancer could feel any pain, he would feel as if all the energy he had was literally blasted out of its body along with the air in his lungs (if he even has them). Zenta frowned slightly before taking several steps back, giving the Raune clones enough room for their plan but staying alert in case they need him.
Bernkastel's hair whipped wildly around her as she was hit time and again by the dispersing stars that spawned within the box. Between being thrown about by the box as it was whacked around and being zeroed in on by the bits of the cosmos, there was no real way to evade things as distracted as she was. There was a flicker of realization across her face as she felt herself pinned against one of the walls.

It's come down to this because we chased him into a corner. He's getting desperate now to finish us off. But that's what Doom wants, isn't it? throwing ridiculous things at us so we may respond in kind with grand attacks that climb higher on the scales of power like a house of cards.

Her demeanor had changed and it showed; the desperate effort to evade things was gone and so was her frantic movement and panicky tone. Instead, Bernkastel stood her ground to take whatever came at her head on but her girl's form didn't so much as ripple anymore. Staring to sweat a bit, she was focused on staying put regardless of the whallops brought down on the box. Watching what Cross and Whis did next, she knew they had to go even further on the offensive to shift the tides. I won't give you that satisfaction yet! We will make this box work against you!

Lambdadelta spoke, having gotten a similar train of thought. "Did you know? A cat inside a box is both dead and alive so long as you don't try to open it. But once you look inside, it can only be known as absolutely dead OR alive." She conjured a giant white gift box in her arms, complete with a purple ribbon tying it together. "Your box, however, isn't any good because you can see through the walls! How about we show Mister Wordplay here a proper Schrodingers Box, Bern?"

"Why don't we help open it for him? He has his hands full with that pesky mallet after all." Bernkastel smirked in amusement, holding up the pink rock candy between her fingers she had caught earlier. Lambdadelta threw the present through the wall and aimed it for Wordplay. Once it reached the appropriate distance, Bern flicked the pink candy at a high speed towards the back of the box to tear it apart in a bright explosion. Out from the box sprung forth hundreds of black cats into the 'sky', fur dark as the void around them with bright green eyes. 

"The cats are absolutely alive! And there's an extra absolute that came with that gift..." Lambdadelta grinned with confidence. "It's that we declare you're certainly gonna lose!"

"What goes up, must come down!" With a downward swipe of Bern's wrist, cats rained down on Wordplay's head from every which way, gripping at his face with innumerable pairs of tiny sharp claws as they climbed over each other to obscure his vision; it was like watching a colony of ants swarm a giant discarded lollipop.


Waldo took out his cane and cautiously pursued the hidden passage, occasionally tapping at the walls with the cane to prepare as an advance warning should anything try to come at them. 

"What a strange thing to put inside a waiting room... I'm more nervous about where it could lead to."
Any sense of victory Spina had during his brutal assault against Vegetto-Black turned into a feeling of terror the moment he heard Migatte no Goku'i.

Spina widened his eyes as his body, paralyzed, is sending him warning signals once again. Run Away. Escape. Dangerous. These are the statements his body is screaming at the ravage Saiyan. He continued on in distress, despite unable to feel his power naturally, Spina knows there was a sudden difference in power just now.

Vegetto-Black’s senseless and irrational movements. His mannerisms is breaking down and he kept referring to the actual Vegetto’s as its own person. Spina thought this was nothing more than Doom’s trickery to psyche him out, but the more he battles, doubts raiding his mind, his body’s plead for retreating become louder.

Spina punched himself in the face suddenly and flew high in the air to create some distance between the two before stopping. “You think that will scare me!? You can bring that Migatte no NONSENSE ALL YOU WANT! I DON’T BACK DOWN FROM NO ONE!” He screamed as loud as he could, spit flinging out of his mouth, veins popping out around his body. He was shouting so his outer voice overshadows his inner thoughts. He flipped his neck back as push his body to make an attack. Seven concentrated energy orbs appeared around him.

His body attempted to restrict him from moving, but he forced to attack. He opened his mouth and chomp down on his tongue to send his body into a shock. “Let me show you just how primitive I can become as I desecrate your godhood!”

“Rising Burst!” Spina screamed so loud, his voice crack as he swung his arms forward to launch the blasts towards Vegetto. In that moment, his body send one last warning to his head. “Dodge.” Spina narrowed his eyes, quickly turning into terror.


Demi-Fiend blinked once. 

He turned towards the attack, then to Cuki, then back to Kassava. In that moment of silence after Cuki finished yelling, the young god slayer just busted out laughing.

“Holy… did you… wow…” Demi-Fiend tried to find in his heart to finish that sentence. “You actually…” He couldn’t muster the words due to laughing like a madman.

“You are something, Kassava.” Demi-Fiend finally managed to say something, then proceeded to stomp on Cuki into the ground some more. “I was hard on you because Gods aren’t my kind of thing. You know, the one that take their title too far in that little head of yours. But then, after I heard you cry, maybe perhaps, I was going too fast. I mean, a child making a grown-up cry. That’s pretty pathetic of me.”

Demi-Fiend slowly grabbed onto Cuki’s tail, lifting her up from the ground. “But I was wrong.” He voice changed back to sinister. “You’re nothing more than a shadow, riding the cocktails of Vegetto’s actual success. You’re unjust, unkind and pathetically unworthy to be even call a God.” He said a blasphemous statement. Demi-Fiend’s tattoos glowed again. “Javelin Rain.”

Blade of lights surrounded Kassava. “Fall.” 


The Great White Whale cut the energy blades with a single strike. “Hmph. You can show him what you can made of once you defeat me.” He vanished before appearing behind Brachi, slashing her barrier in rapid succession before kicking away. “But that won’t happened.” 

He took a stance as light orb flicker around him. “Ice Rain.” 

He slashed his sword once and a wave of ice bullets dashed across the sea at rapid speeds. It slammed onto Brachi’s barrier with so much force, some of it managed to pierce through it as it pushed her further depths to the sea of darkness below.

The Great White Whale turned his attention to Bara fetching her arm. “Turning your back to your enemy is the worst thing you can do. Ice Rain.” He sent another wave of ice bullet towards the Majin.

He raised his sword above him. “Water Abyss.” He uttered, but nothing happened yet.


The Air Dancer crashed onto the ground after being struck by the red lightning. It slowed him down significantly, but it remained in his body as with its other electrical attacks. As he soon up and attempted to turned around, his body was pushed, although received no physical damage, all the energy stored within his body was pushed out and sent all over the place. Lightning bolts bounce off from one wall to the other. 

Yet, the Air Dancer, after his stored energy removed, turned around instantly with its wiggly back at full speed, perhaps even faster than ever due to responding towards Raunes’ running speed. Without hesitating, Air Dancer appeared in front of Zenta, instantly throwing multiple strikes against him in a second. He grabbed and throw him towards the violent sonic boom as the electrical energy continue to bounce from wall to wall.


Superman narrowed his eyes after Vegetto’s statement against him. He felt offended, yet, he envy the man’s honest answer. “You’re right… I don’t know how that feels. Back then. In my world, it was nothing but utter hell to constantly have to pretend be someone you’re not to appease others. But here… this world that Doom brought me in… I love it. I can finally be free… and if you stop Doom and revert all of this… I have to go back.” He went silence for a second. “I love them, but.”

Superman slammed both his fist together. “Kids’ gloves are off. I’ll show you my freedom.” He vanished, reappearing in front of Vegetto in less than a nano-second. He went for the first blow, punching him square in the jaw, causing the left side of the ocean to fling so high in the sky, it immediately disperse. He went for another, punching him in the stomach so hard, it sends shockwave behind him, rippling through the ocean floor. He then smashes Vegetto down to the ground with a powerful strike before he jumped up in the sky and slammed down on the ground so hard, it sent the entire planet off coast of its orbit, crashing onto a nearby planet. 

Now in Space, Superman eyed the crashing planet, flying towards its direction. “This won’t end him; he won’t go down that easy.” He smile. “He won’t go down that easy.” 


Wordplay realized his mallet break in half. “Well, that’s one way to break the mole, but I’ll take more than that---” His eyes narrowed, grabbing on his foot after a large thumbtack. “Ouch! Why you—” He felt thousands upon thousands of claws ripping through his face and the rest of his body. He grabbed onto his face to get them off as the box’s defense weakens significantly.

“There’s way too many pus-ouch!”  He swung his hands to launched exploding neutron stars in the box, but they were flying erratically, not hitting their targets as they should. 


The Detective and Waldo continued down the passage, looking around at this strange area they entered. There were portraits of various areas in Reality Vortex. “Either Doom is a secret photographer or he likes the scenery of this place.” There was an object, contained in the box, that was flickering in and out rapidly. “What the heck is that?”
Cross says "I have a feeling this is going to get sillier the more we go on." Cross says "Slip" summoning a bananas pill to make Worldplay to fall.
Majin Bara however used this to let the ice around her arm shatter, freeing it in the process, before she used a Mouth Energy Wave to get rid of the other ice projectiles while using her Body Manipulation to reattach, NOT regenerate, her arm to her body, flexing it to get the movement in. 

At the same time, the area was suddenly illuminated by a blue light as several energy projectiles soared at the Whale from behind AND below him, intending to either strike or distract him. This was courtesy of Brachi, still in Super Saiyan Blue form, but her aura was now visible.
"You were saying?" Brachi then asked as she fired two energy waves at the Whale from behind, while Majin Bara also powered up and launched an energy wave from her left arm in tandem with Brachi's attack.


Gervene watched this going on, before using her lower left arm to join in on the offensive and keep the pressure on Wordplay.

"Poke." was all she said.
"Zenta, hang tight!" The Remnant currently being cast away into an incoming wall of sonic force shouted to the individual carrying him into said wall of sonic force. Raune phased for one tenth of a second, enough to slip out of Zenta's grasp without separating the two, and with his left hand grabbed onto Zenta's shoulder. With his right hand, he grabbed onto the wall of the enclosed space, getting just enough grip on his gloved fingers for what he needed. With Raune displacing himself for a moment, Zenta immediately lost his Speedforce connection and with it, his "Flashtime." As much as the Speedforce had driven Zenta's body far beyond than it was ever designed for and causing everything to slow down to near standstill pace, with it gone his body was suddenly under tremendously less stress, much less Speedforce lightning surrounding him. Everything he could feel, every sense, suddenly had everything in range immediately resume normal time interaction, stimuli coming in tremendously faster. Without the Speedforce overexerting his body, it was possible for the extreme effects of that overclocking to now catch up to him, assuming that it hadn't before.

Raune had one hand on the wall. Normally, he would just immediately start slipping downwards thanks to the fact it was a wall. However, the Speedster was still in Flashtime, and so everything was still at a near standstill for him. Pushing himself to the very limit when it came to his Speedforce powers, augmented perception pushed even further to where every second is an eternity. With what limited time he had, he kept his hand on the wall and applied his right foot to the wall, scrapping against it at faster than the eye could see levels, taking less than a tenth of a second to do so. Being in the air, he couldn't just get on a wall and start running, but combining Huntsmen maneuvers and Speedster physics violations had given him a special edge through his life. Scrapping his right foot against the wall at that speed generated enough pull upwards to lift him and Zenta a foot or two higher into the air. He could go higher, but the force needed might smash him into the other wall and he was running out of limited time. With his left foot, crossing over the right leg, he pressed it against the wall and concentrated his beyond superhuman levels of strength, jumping off the one foot for another five feet of height. Even with himself moving at these speeds, the other two Remnants were less than two seconds away from impact to the two.

More than enough. I hate this idea.

Raune and Zenta were now even higher in the air, and still with an incoming sonic blast in their way, not quite high enough to avoid that shockwave. However, the two were out of the speeding path of the other two Remnants, meaning they weren't in the way of their running, nor liable to get hit by the lightning. Raune used his strength again to pull Zenta up against him, bear hugging the martial artist in a tight grip. The martial artist who shattered his sword. The same person who condemned that Remnant to dying by the hands of one of the others. And yet, the only ally Raune had other than himself. All of that maneuver happened in less than two seconds. In less than half a moment afterwards, the sonic blast arrived at the two and impacted.

The sonic blast generated by the other two Remnants hit the two with titanic force, a tremendous blast, a powerful hit. Raune was holding Zenta and protected him from the blunt of the blast by taking it himself, and with Raune's aura taking the hit for Raune. Even having augmented his aura, this was a level of pure physical force that was created with the singular goal of killing one individual, with no restraints. His own speed, used against him. Raune's aura took the hit, and was reduced to a bit more than nil. That same level of force also strained all of Raune's grasp on Zenta, pulling the martial artist to the length of his reach. The combination of force hitting Raune and the sheer level of sound disorientated the Speedster (his aura still preventing his hearing from getting damaged), just shy of knocking him out, and barely conscious the two fell onto the floor, rolling from the blast and behind the other two Speedsters. With his red aura flickering Raune landed first and what remained of his aura took the relatively modest physical force of the roll, before shattering on the ground as he came to a halt, letting go of Zenta and remaining collapsed on the floor.

Absolutely drained physically from over using the Speedforce, his aura completely used up thanks to that hit, incapable of tapping into the Speedforce or even move his body, all to protect the individual who shattered the sword he didn't even have anymore. This Remnant was down for the count, and would need time to recover. Time they didn't have.

- - - - -


Throwing lightning was a common enough trick, simply run fast enough to generate enough friction to throw an energy bolt at an opponent, which was even easier having a semblance based around shooting lightning out of his hands. Using a sonic boom as an attack was a relatively novel idea due to Speedster powers generally preventing such explosive forces but wouldn't be out of place to exploit in dire situations. But this was on an unprecedented level. Then again, Raune had augmented his powers in response to feeling far too weak in the Libarian fight, and was sick of intelligence not being enough to defeat the enemies in his way when they would have a temper tantrum and smack down any plans through sheer strength. So he remade himself to fight even. With the combined power of the Speedforce, his Aura, and Stormruler, he was a physical god in body, an embodiment of pure speed, wielding a weapon made to cut down the strongest of warriors. Raune himself was on an unprecedented scale in the multiverse, so it was only fitting that his attack was on an unprecedented scale. This was the first time to truly test his limits. To finally stop having to hold back, to use the Speedforce to restrict the damage rather than unleash it. Had he perhaps fought Vegetto, or Superman, he might've fought a fellow god, and learned truth through conflict. Instead, he was fighting a joke, a monster that was faster than it should be and strong enough to give him pause. In such a way, it was a true test of his limits. The Zenta fight didn't count. Strength didn't matter, intelligence was worthless, no real challenge. Unlike this. Raune wasn't only going at the full limits of body, but at the full limits of his mind. Doom put him in a small box to try and make his Speed worthless.

Raune was going to make Doom regret such a stupid battlefield choice.

What an idiot. Whatever intelligence Doom gave this thing, it was a truly effective fighter, but a moron when it came to tactics. Regurgitating all of that electricity is going to be it's downfall even more. It's been fun, but it's time to end this.

"This is the end for you Air Dancer! Cross-Beam!" The two Remnants shouted at the top of their lungs, fast approaching with doom on their heels for the inanimate object. The attack was two-fold, three pronged thanks to the Air Dancer's own stupidity.

The Remnant carrying Zenta flew over the two other Remnants' heads, falling behind them with his aura shattering and letting go of Zenta, down for the count. With every step they took, the two Remnants generated an incredible amount of friction between themselves and the air that was occupying the space they were running into. Normally, when a Speedster runs, the Speedforce alters the space around them to reduce the amount of friction, creating gentle breezes and trails of lightning from Speedforce energy rather than sonic booms and lightning storms from built up static electricity. That's what normally happened, anyways. The two Remnants of Raune were pushing themselves so fast, so hard, and intentionally manipulating the Speedforce to shut off such safety protections. Every step caused a sonic boom from pure speed, shaking the walls of the room they were in and leaving behind a cracked trail. Every moment built up incredible amounts of static electricity that was collecting into a literal storm around themselves and on their body, which adsorbed the Speedforce lightning that was being generated in a brilliantly bright blue display of power. All of the displaced air, the sonic force, the lightning, was being carried in a slip stream by the two Remnants from their sheer speed.

Air Dancer could see that he threw Zenta and Raune into a concentrated storm of solid, painfully bright blue lightning, with an incoming shockwave of air following behind in a menacing fashion. If anything could kill Zenta, it'd be that. Except, Raune pulled himself over the lightning storm and through the air shockwave, meaning he survived, with nothing to stop this impending wall of doom. The two Remnants smirked. The electricity that Air Dancer had regurgitated that had slowed him down was bouncing around in the air, allowing him to move quicker. The two Remnants were unphased by his increase in speed, and when they got to where that electricity was bouncing, they just kept running, it siphoning into their lightning storm and adding to the increased power of the solid blue light, the two smirking at the dummy's own stupidity. They turned his counter move into just more pain for him. Three pronged turned into a two-fold, two-pronged attack. The two Remnants let the lightning course over their bodies, before their hands glowed a solid blue around the Stormruler each carried. The lightning storm turned into two solid beams, siphoning into the enchanted blades that were the weapons bound to Raune's aura.

What had once been a purely solid, spherical storm of blue lightning following the two Remnants was now disappeared entirely, transformed into menacing blades covered in pure light with mist dripping off of them as they were soaked with the power of the storm. The two Raunes stopped right in front of Air Dancer, each one smirking with not a single bit of lightning to be seen on their persons, it was all gone. They were there for a moment before the shockwave hit. The two Remnants braced against each other and the walls, holding on with tremendous strength as the sonic attack passed by them. Their auras tanked the damage, and their strength prevented them from being blown with it. But though it passed over them easily due to their planning, it would hit Air Dancer with absolute force. Raune had barely managed to avoid being torn apart by the hit by jumping to the top of the shockwave where it was the weakest, but Air Dancer was in the direct path of the strongest part of the blast. The collision would have enough force to shake the ground and should push Air Dancer back against the wall like before, and hit it hard enough to immobilize it for a moment. A truly godlike blow, generated by nothing but running. A punch to put him down.

What followed could only be described as legendary. Stormruler was an artifact level weapon, a weapon so powerful, so ancient and terrible that it was capable of fighting gods, and the only way to destroy it was with itself. Raune's Speedforce connection was one of the strongest in the multiverse thanks to all the years he was alive, and so the lightning generated purely by him exercising the limits of his speed were bright enough to glow solid rather than transparent. The speed he pushed himself at generated so much friction that it generated a true lightning storm around himself thanks to him letting loose. The electricity from earlier was a paltry amount, but anything was helpful. All of this lightning was concentrated into the powerful Stormruler, and by concentrating it, it was able to be harnessed in a form that was truly deadly. With Air Dancer, pushed back or not, stunned or not, the two Remnants prepared for what either would be the final blow, or open him up for the blow.

"Cross-beam." They both stated, without using the Speedforce to mask their voices, full of not just power, but pride. They clicked the vial of red tinted dust into their weapon's firing slot, and pointed the weapons directly at Air Dancer. And their hands glowed blue as they fired off their semblance, red eyes delighting in the moments to follow. Twin beams emerged from the two Stormrulers, blue in coloration, but not blue lightning. No, this was something not even Air Dancer could handle. Nothing less than a blue plasma beam came from both weapons and aimed directly at Air Dancer. The fire dust they had inserted into the swords combined with their semblance of casting lightning out at enemies, and the literal lightning storm combined with it into energy so powerful that it became pure plasma. Blue, beautifully awe inspiring beams of glowing plasma, raced directly for Air Dancer regardless of what state he was in, ready to burn him to cinders.
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