The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Spina heaved over slowly, his mouth spring wide opened, spitting out bits of blood. His eyes bulging out as he placed his free hand over his stomach to provide some support. 

The impact of Vegetto-Black’s punch was so devastating, Spina was on the verge of vomiting. Drools dripped from his mouth; his vision blurred—to the point that he was seeing doubles. 

"Shit! Fucking Shit!” All Spina can think about after the punch.

Spina’s senses being all over the place, he was not going to give in that easily. Power though the pain, he opened his right hand to have a tight gripe of Vegetto-Black’s hand. He pulled him closer, gathering energy using his free hand, to send a powerful wave of energy at close range.


The punch had completely affected his mental status. His continuous blurred visions caused him to raise his hand too high, blasting upwards to the sky, onward to the outer deep of space. He lost the tight gripe as his muscles shut down. He fell backwards, heading straight to the ground. Realizing this, he attempted to send multiple energy blasts—in the hundreds—at the madman in hopes to get one strike, before crashing onto the ground.


Demi-Fiend widened his eyes in both surprise and confusion. “Oh yeah… I forgot you were a Saiyan. So many things happened so quickly, we never really get to know each other personally.” Demi-Fiend thought to himself before his eyes locked onto the anger in Cuki’s eyes. “Huh? Why are you getting so ma—”

Demi-Fiend’s head whipped to the right; his eyes narrowed at the powerful punch. Cuki pushed him back several meters back. Demi-Fiend slowly turned his head around, staring at the angered Saiyan. Blood came out of his mouth, which caught his attention. “Ouch…” He wiped the blood off his mouth.

“You made me bite my tongue. That wasn’t very cash money of you.” He cracked his neck several times and spat some blood to the ground; he bolted towards Cuki, throwing a fury of rapid punches.


The Great White Whale swung his blade once horizontally, erasing all the deflected attacks. As the ice disappeared, his eyes widened when Brachi appeared in front of him, taking the full impact of her punch and being flung several meters back.

It left him staggered for a moment but recovered quickly. “Teleportation…” He wiped the blood off the bridge of his nose; the wound healed thanks to his water regeneration. The Great White Whale’s attention shifted to Bara’s sudden rise of energy. He saw nothing but a cloud of steams engulfing in that spot. “Using the steam to hide is not going to work.”

The Great White Whale swung his blade in the direction of Bara, clearing away all the steams. His eyes narrowed when Bara herself was not there. He went to side-to-side to pinpoint her location. He turned around, seeing a gigantic spear of ice coming at him at maximum speeds. He grabbed the spear just in time, but due to the length, it managed to pierce him significantly through his body.

“Arrgh...” He pulled out the spear of his right shoulder, a pool of blood flooded out his body, mixing with the blue. “Vital organs still intact.” He tossed the spear to the side as he sweated a bit. “Water Abyss: Ice Barrage.” The Gauntlet, made from Bara’s arm, glowed as he rushes at the young Majin at blistering speeds as his wounds healed from the water.

Appearing in front of her, he smashed, with his mighty gauntlet, against her face. He followed up with a hard punch to the stomach, then the torso. Using the water to his advantage, he swarm her with rapid punches until he raised his sword high in the sky.

Before he land down the final blow, he sensed a powerful explosion of energy lurking behind him, causing him to stop. The Great White Whale turned his head slightly to see the changing Brachi. In the haste of quick-thinking, he grabbed Bara with the gauntlet and threw her towards Brachi to stop her transformation.

"Water Abyss: Ice Destruction!” He lifted his gauntlet up and fired off a wave of ice towards Bara and Brachi.


After Zenta laid the Air Dancer on the ground, his eyes lost its color, indicating that the body is no longer active; the black energy in his chest is no longer present. Afterwards, there was nothing but silence that drowned the room. No indications nor signs of escaping or leaving the room they were in.

Suddenly, the walls started to shifted colors, each tile throughout the room started flickering in and out. The same black energy that the Air Dancer had in the middle of his opened wound appeared on the walls, shifting from one tile to another. Each time it moved, it would fire off a single-rod shaped black energy towards the Zenta and Raunes.

It smashed onto Zenta quickly, ricocheting off of him as it bounce off the wall and split in two. It bounce off of other walls, splitting into four energy blasts, then eight, sixteen and so on. It engulfed the entire area with ricochet energy bullets, hitting everything in sight as the Air Dancer’s body vaporized into nothingness.

“I cannot lose. I must uphold Doom’s plans.” The black energy speed throughout the walls, waiting for their next action.


Superman crossed his arms as he listen to Vegetto’s commentary. Closing his eyes; there was no false information of what the Saiyan had stated. Superman is afraid—there is a lot to lose in this situation.

“This man from this particular universe can give your mighty strength a challenge. If you can overcome him, but walk away satisfied, I can bring forth a brand-new world full of fighters like him. If not… they will stop me and return you to your world. The world that constantly robbed you the fruits of full strength.”

Superman recalled a message uttered to him before this battle. He opened his eyes to see Vegetto standing in front of him. He widened his eyes in surprise, at the different form Vegetto was in and the sudden barrage of punches towards his chest. His eyes twitches at the fury of punches and the sudden explosions knocking him back.

As the smokes clear, Superman grabbed onto his chest. “That… hurt.”

Superman was curious about this new feeling he felt. The lasting sensation was felt throughout his body. He lifted his head slowly, looking directly onto Vegetto’s silver eyes.

“You’re right, Vegetto.” Superman clenched his fists tightly. “If I lose this… my fun will be over. But after what you just did. How can I be afraid when you get me this excited!?” In less than a nanosecond, Superman threw a barrage of punches at Vegetto. Each of his punches had an intended strike—taking a blow on each of his vital parts to maximized damage on his body. In the final punch, he slammed onto Vegetto’s chest, sending him back at great distance. He quickly followed after him, both of them crashing through planet after planet as Superman throw another series of punches in the destruction of debris.


Wordplay narrowed his eyes after Cross deflected his attack. He tried to fire another beam to collided with it, but his face got smacked by Gervene’s words. “Damn!” He gritted his teeth. “You’re trying to give me a bad time, but I won’t let you get one over me!”

Before Wordplay had the chance of getting out of the way, he was caught in the pit of two gigantic cats that latched behind him. Unable to move freely as he wanted, his own attack engulfed him completely.

The box that trapped the group disappeared and the wormhole crumbled, slowly returning everyone back to space.
Wordplay crashed onto a nearby asteroid.

“S-shit… Doom told me this was in the bag for me, but they’re quick to the uptake. Thought I was handling a bunch of dummies, but they caught on rather fast.” He slowly stood up, staring at the group. “And yet… this is so much fun…” He clenched his fist, placing the other in his pocket.

“You managed to break out of that box… not many people can do that.” He praised the group. “I really want you guys added onto my collection…”


“You are on the money that those demonic birds are Doom’s sentry.” The Detective said. “When I first came into this world, the first thing I couldn’t sense any formal energy for some people here. The fact that I have yet to encounter any natives in this dimension, I was thinking that there was no energy source. But one day, I found a book in the library that goes a bit in-depth of this world’s energy.” Vegeta stared at the strange object that took shape of Waldo’s cane. “Dark Energy… the energy that can alter the fabric of reality.”

He stared at Waldo. “What I began to understand that strangeness of this reality is cause by the usage of energy. The Librarian. Those Crows. That object. Doom has been watching us the entire time, carefully crafting his plans under the guise of ignorance. He even knew that you would come as a formal distraction. I wonder if Doom harnessed such capabilities?"

He noticed that the dark energy orb began to take form again, slowly about to grab Waldo. The Detective quickly slapped the object out of his hand as I landed on the ground. “That was the close one!”
However, this was exactly what Brachi was counting on, smirking as Bara was sent flying towards her. Liquefying herself, Majin Bara then engulfed Brachi within seconds before moving to stabilize herself. Within seconds, a massive shockwave of power was emitted from the place where the two were, halting the wave of ice in its tracks. 

Shortly after that, there was a sudden vicious scream similar to Kid Buu's Vice Shout which began to blow the water around the area of the source away violently, by extension also cracking and shattering the ice wave and sending the shards back to the Great White Whale in the process, the force of the shards' movement increased by the force of the water flowing backwards as the area began to shake and tremble. The bubble of air created by the sudden Vice Shout began to expand rapidly, heading towards the Great White Whale itself.


Gervene frowned at that.
"Then that will show Doom what happens when he underestimates us." She muttered, her four arms crossed.
Cross thinks "typical for kids like Doom to think so little of us."
Vegetto Black's silver eyes remained locked with Spina's, floating forward as he was pulled. The doppelganger made no effort to tilt his head to the side, letting the energy soar past him while he floated still. He watched Spina fall back, flashing the all too familiar cocky smirk of Vegetto. However, as he bolted forward, Vegetto Black bared his white teeth in a vile, sinister twist of the traditional smirk while he deftly and easily dodged the incoming barrage of desperate blasts. His dual voice rung out, almost identical to the original in his speech.

"What's wrong?! Can't that primal body seeped with rage keep up with my speed?!"

His eyes shot open, the sinister smirk morphing with his face into a pure contortion of absolute fury as the ominous voice returned.


Both arms unleashed into a fury of punches, Vegetto Black's silver eyes darting to various points along Spina's body to attack in the barrage once he closed the gap to him in mid flight.

Kassava blinked, but quickly let out a roar as Demi-Fiend launched his assault on Cuki. Slowly rising up from the floor, two red energy dragons emerged to swirl around Kassava's aura. She quickly bolted forward, launching into a small dash and landing to Demi-Fiend's left.

He's just a stupid kid...not a fighter. The more things he has to think about, the more he gets overwhelmed. Just gotta get in his head.

Swinging her arms forward, Kassava threw a calculated barrage of punches as well while Demi-Fiend was distracted in his assault on Cuki. She bobbed and weaved, swinging and slinging her fists forward to open portions of his ribs once he reached towards Cuki. Yet with every punch she threw, her pointer and middle finger curled in a separate direction for a split second before she threw another hit.

With every curl of her fingers, as well, one of the two red energy dragons would whip forward and slash at Demi-Fiend's face or body. On top of managing both her punches and the dragons, Kassava narrowed her eyes with a small frown, still processing her mental thoughts despite the intense focus.

But how do I piss this kid off? Damnit

Her eyes lit up a bit in a knowing smirk.

Think like a kid...think like a kid...

Her expression soon returned to her usual intensely focused glare in her assault.

"Cash money? You're so're not a cool gangster. You're just a bowl cut, skinny white kid who has no friends! No one likes you, loser!"

Having already prepared for the impending counter attack, Vegetto blasted backwards with Superman in parrying each hit thrown his way. His limbs and body seemingly moved on their own, his arms and legs flinging up to slightly offset the impact of each of Superman's attacks or simply dodge them. However, at the extensive output of speed, the movements were entirely untraceable for the naked eye, while Vegetto's silver pupils remained firmly locked on Superman. His arms flung up in a X, the brunt of Superman's fist intended for his chest sending him flying down.

Tearing through the rubble of the planets one by one, Vegetto flashed his signature smirk as he pulled his arms back from the defense. He launched forward in another flurry, carefully blocking each hit of Superman's renewed onslaught. However, with each blocked hit, Vegetto swung one of his limbs forward in retaliation of a quick jab. Blocking a punch with his forearm and immediately throwing his left foot forward...hurling his left arm forward after catching a blow with his kneecap.

His smirk remained as he crashed through the fourth planet, the silver fire of his aura igniting the rocks as he let out a thunderous, primal roar that shattered the entire planet into large chunks of floating land mass. His fingers dug into rock, blocking punches and hurling entire continents and halves of planets into Superman just to add extra power behind his punches.

Whis kept his smile as he floated in the void of space with the others, opting to speak out as well.

"Well, I for one, have loved this game!"

He turned around, his smile diminishing a bit as he gestured to the others.

"However, I must remind everyone that we do have a schedule to keep. I hope everyone here has already figured out a solution that can defeat Mr. Wordplay quickly."

He sighed lightly.

"Mine might take a little too long."
"Cash money?! I don't know what the fuck you're saying anymore!" Cuki yelled. "I'll show you a world of pain, Demi-Fiend!!!"

As the punches came her way, thanks to her increase in power, she was able to dodge a few, however, her anger made her irrational and blindly rush into the rest of the punches, taking damage. She didn't hear Kassava or her words, no doubt all her attention focused on Demi-Fiend. Any and all plans that Cuki had in mind were all gone and now, she remained in a blind fury with Demi-Fiend.

When Cuki rushed in towards Demi-Fiend, she was hit across the cheek with one of his punches but managed to grab both his fists to stop the incoming onslaught, unaware of giving Kassava an opening for her incoming attacks. Her eyes glared towards Kassava with killing intent, all words coming from Kassava were like static to Cuki as she couldn't understand anything Kassava had said thanks to her anger. She held Demi-Fiend still for as long as she could, giving Kassava the precious moments she needed to attack him.

She growled under her breath and let out a yell, her new golden aura exploding around her as she slammed her head against Demi-Fiend's face in a massive headbutt. Cuki didn't stop there as she never let go of Demi-Fiend's fists and pulled him down so that her knee crashed against his chin.

"I want you dead, Demi-Fiend, you fucking brat!"

Cuki didn't give Demi-Fiend a moment of rest before grabbing his throat and rushing towards the floor, crashing his face and head against it before dragging him across the ground, leaving behind a large scar on the earth. She continued to drag Demi-Fiend across the land before letting him go and fire a large ki blast towards him. 


Zenta sighed upon seeing the state of the Air Dancer but knew the fight would end some way or another. As soon as the first blast of energy came out of the wall and hit against Zenta, the beast was quick to try and regain himself. Now that what was attacking them was pure energy, Zenta was able to see it perfectly, but the way it engulfed the room overwhelmed him. He tried his best to keep his guard up and stand before the Raune that protected him, trying to guard him against any hits using his tails as a shield. It was too much for the beast to handle and parts of his body were left smoking thanks to the heavy onslaught. 

He took a deep breath, knowing that dodging wouldn't be in his best interest, so he began to concentrate his energy as a small invisible barrier around his body. White energy engulfed his body, giving him a gentle glow as he focused his body to become as hard as steel by carefully controlling his ki. The black energy ricocheting around would no longer do as much damage to him and even bounce off as he flicked his tail. He remained perfectly still, keeping his tails as a shield for one of the Raunes.
Bernkastel and Lambdadelta remained levitating in place within space. Bern had her eyes narrowed and her tail moving behind her as she watched Wordplay's movements closely. Lambdadelta was the first to speak.

"Haah? In the position you're in now, little woodchip, you still think you'll turn the tables?" She asked with a raised brow. "I'm starting to get bored with this back and forth, you know."

"Whis is right. We should be hurrying up about it..." Bern held her chin in her hand, with one eye closed to think. "But on the other hand, I don't really feel like doing anything extravagant. Much less waste them on a mere piece." Shards of ice began to form and floated around her person.

"I guess he wants us to play with him forever because he knows what'll happen to him if he doesn't win against us." Lambda sneered, putting a hand on her hips and leaning forward in her stance. "Hahaha! Pieces that no longer have any use go collect dust after being forgotten and denied by their master. But for you, being Doom's lackey and all, I guess being erased is more or less the same thing?"

She held the popcorn bucket in the other arm and held up her free hand. Candies that remained floating around from before started to drift towards the center of her palm, as though possessed by the pink aura they glowed with, including the seemingly infinite supply of popcorn in her bucket. "I mean, we're apparently going to have our worlds erased if we lose. So how could you add us to your collection if we won't exist?" A giant energy globe that had a marbled texture in its appearance finished forming in her palm. "Maybe I missed something, but those two things don't quite line up. Doom doesn't look like the type to do favors for simple lackeys either. Unless you're really naive. Charisma goes a long way with this guy it seems."

"Wh-what the?! What kind of thing is this!?" Waldo stepped back from the orb once he had it slapped out of his hand. "I just don't understand... if he knew all of this would happen before it did, why's he doing all this? Why us, anyway? And there was that little pink blob too. This is very confusing... it's a lot to take in." He rubbed the sweat off his forehead. "But this orb, I feel like we ought to take it. We can't just leave it here for that fiend to play around with!"
The two Remnants pulled themselves to a stop after being knocked back by Air Dancer's final blast earlier, only to see a wave of bullets impending towards them.

"Motherfu-" was all one got out before both jumped onto their feet, both sliding into position, back to back and holding out their swords in a defensive stance, rapidly swinging at and deflecting bullets, blurs of blue lightning and black suit being visible.

"What the Hell is this?"
"I guess this is what happens when you overkill the boss."
"Our universe is on the line, what did Doom expect!?"
"'Our' universe?"

Meanwhile, the Remnant that had protected Zenta was laying under his tails, probably, helpless to defend himself, hardly having the energy to breath. Much less speak.
Spina was getting thrashed after being caught in Vegetto-Black’s brutal assault. Each connected punch on his body, he felt several bones cracked. Unable to properly defense himself due to the previous attack knocking the wind out of him, Spina took all the powerful strikes; crashed on the ground; debris got flung all over the place and a crater was formed underneath the Saiyan.

Pupils fazing in and out, Spina could barely hold his eyes opened. “Damnit…” He mustered out a word. The burning sensation in his stomach from Vegetto-Black’s punches left him unable to breathe properly. He managed to turn over his body to the left side to let out more saliva; he vomited afterwards.

Spina paused for the moment to think about the current situation. The pain was too overbearing for his body to take any punishment; Vegetto-Black’s speed in that state was different from the one he saw before. “If the others are having a bout, I bet they’re doing something successful, while I’m getting thrashed around.” Spina closes his eyes in pain, realizing that he might not be as strong as he thought himself as one.

But he didn’t give up.

Spina slowly stood up in protest of his body screaming in agony. He lifted both his hands, balled as fists, while lifting one of his leg. “Is that all you got…?” He taunted Vegetto-Black. “Vegetto hits harder.” His energy started to rise rapidly.


Before Demi-Fiend threw his first punch, he felt his left side being bombarded with punches. “You…” Demi-Fiend took his attention away from the angered Super Saiyan to Kassava. Yet, Kassava’s experience allowed her to strike more attacks; the dragon spiraled out of her hand smashed onto his face, leaving an opening for Cuki to take control.

Demi-Fiend gritted his teeth when Cuki grabbed him by the throat after throwing in her own assault beforehand. Kassava’s assault continued until he was practically drag through the floor. “I don’t get it, but at least you’re working together, even if you’re foaming in the mout—” He narrowed his eyes when Kassava referred to him as a “white boy.”

After being toss and being engulfed in an explosion, a large burst of sinister energy disperse the cloud of smokes. “私は日本人の人種差別的なろくでなしです!” He twirls his hands in motion as his tattoos glowed.

“Deadly Fury.”
Demi-Fiend appeared in front of Cuki, elbowing her across the jaw with so much force, it send her back towards nearby mountain ranges. All of them collapsed from the sheer impact. He turns to Kassava, with angered in his eyes. “Your attempts to anger me is admirable. But I can get angry.”

He vanished before appearing in front of Kassava. He threw a punch to the stomach, letting it sink deeper in her flesh. “You have experience compared to me, but when you have power. That means nothing.” Demi-Fiend opened his mouth, leading to mountains of demonic creatures (such as giant centipede, snakes, etc.) coming out and attack the goddess. They surrounded her, firing off devastating blasts as they coiled themselves around her.


Great White Whale narrowed his eyes as he crossed his arms to defense against the deflected ice attacks. “Hmph!” As he was being flung back, he let out another roar. “Water Abyss: Sea of Darkness!” The ocean waters became pitch black from all direction: left and right, top and bottom, nothing was pure black. As he further fell towards the bottom, seeing the air bubble coming to his direction.


All the energy bullets were deflected by towards the walls, causing the foundation to crack and fall apart. However, it revealed that something was inside in the walls, as the single, black energy sped around the room, continuing to fire more bullets. Behind the walls were more objects, such as trains, airplanes and the sort.

“I am the Air Dancer… the energy that dances in the emptiness of all time and space.” The Air Dancer shouted. “You shall never defeat me!” The Air Dancer went into one of the cracks in the walls. Moments later, the entire wall collapsed when the Air Dancer took control of an giant jet plane, bone rushing the Zenta and Raune to destroy his barrier; however, it was emitting so much energy due to not able to stabilize his core within the object he took over.


Blow by blow, punch after punch, Vegetto was just as capable of blocking and counterattacking as Superman’s rapid-fire punches. His expression remained in an excited manner; his eyes glistering in reaction to Vegetto keeping up with him. The sounds of planetary destruction was music to his ears as Vegetto launched half-sized planet towards him.

Superman crossed his arms in defense as the terrain slammed onto his arms, causing to shattered into rubble. He let out a huge roar himself as he clap his hands together, generating so much force, it formed a powerful shockwave that cause all the rubble around him to fly away from their area to break through Vegetto’s defense.

“Faster! Stronger!” Superman bolted in a straight line directly towards Vegetto, smashing onto him to more planets until they reached a powerful, neutron star.


Wordplay smiles. “Eh? Who told you that? If your worlds are gone, you’re just stuck here. Forever.” He struggled to stand, having been beaten to a pulp. “I still have one more trump card…” He raised his hands and called out one of his own moves. “Gravity Force!”

Everyone were stuck into a powerful gravitational force. “Gravity Lock!” Further adding a restriction of their movements to prevent them from escaping his grasp; however, they are still able to attack him. “His eyes changed from red to blue. “Doom offer something I cannot refused! He told me that as long I can play with fools like you, I never have to go back and face my reality to of my fallen brethren!” He shouted randomly. “As long I have you, I will never be bored, and my escapism will continue!” Wordplay leaped very high. “Gravity Drop!”

Everyone and himself suddenly dropped to the bottom, as far as the bottom it can be in the endless void of space. His blue eyes started to glow brightly, hinting an powerful attack to emerge.


“Your guess is as good as mines.” Detective Vegeta nodded in agreement about taking the strange orb with them. He placed the box that contained it. “Doctor Doom seems to be unhinged… He’s making decisions that are, well, odd. Like, his reasoning to destroy the universe. None of the group actually explained why he would do that.”

Detective Vegeta rubbed his head in confusion since nothing was making sense. “It almost if Doom had lost his mind and doing things out of impulses. He strikes me as a person who’s careful with planning based on his intelligence, but his actions tells a different story.”

He heard Waldo speak about the pink blob. “Yeah… the group never went in depth about the blob. I assumed he was there mascot… but considering that Doom captured it, that thing must be important. Let’s keep going… I think we will find out our answers if we continue to search this place.” Detective Vegeta took a single step, and all the portraits started to flicker in and out of the images.
The massive Vice Shout continued on for a bit more however as the whole area started to rumble, within the now-created airbubble, tornadoes were starting to form as a natural phenomenon was now taking precedence of all the water, and there was a rumble of thunder even as the whole area turned black. This didn't deter this new individual however as, once there was more than enough space about, she suddenly stopped screaming, taking a more calm posture, detecting the Great White Whale's position before grinning, before firing a blast of electricity from the tip of her head tentacle straight towards the monstrosity, having used the Vice Shout to stay clear of the water, while firing similar electric arcs from her fingers, intending to score a hit.

Gervene merely grunted at the sudden increased force of gravity, bracing herself.
Cross says "Zero G and Zero Inertia" Countering all effects of the gravity spells for everyone.

Cross says in a kind tone to Worldplay "Doom failed to tell you in this reality a lot of form of your brother not only exists but is alive and well." Cross thinks "the more I dealing with this Doom the more I thinking that what I seeing is not an act."
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