Upon the release of Spina's attack, a thin line of silver light suddenly engulfed Vegetto Black's body in its entirety. His black hair spiked outwards in a strange ruffling, and despite his seemingly unconscious state, his body suddenly tensed and spaced its legs. His head rolled up all its own, the strange demeanor accented in the fact that the man's eyes were entirely shut and his mouth hanging open as if he were dead.
His neck inclined forward, extending both his arms out to create a small ramp. The first blast of Spina's Rising Burst cleanly slide across the top of Vegetto Black's arms, being redirected perfectly out back into the air behind him. Vegetto Black's body twisted and contorted rapidly, spinning around in a quick roundhouse kick to punt the next blast away before rapidly smacking away another two blasts with the back of his hands. The thin silver line around his body only grew in size, the shading almost emitting a pink hue in its vibrant glow as he continued to lightly and expertly bat the remaining blasts away.
In the second it took for all seven blasts to reach Vegetto Black, he had dispersed all but one that remained. The final blast reached his right hand quickly, his arm guiding the blast down towards the floor in front of him. His left boot lifted up, switching off with his hand to press the energy blast down to the floor. The blast erupted into a violently explosion across the ground, engulfing Vegetto Black in its resulting smoke only for a moment before he shot up from the smoke cloud, having rode the shockwave up into the air.
Now floating in front of Spina, Vegetto Black remained mostly limp despite the ominous glow. The legs and arms slowly contorted up entirely on their own, soon forming a familiar battle stance. His face was hidden, his body soon twisted into the same iconic stance of Vegetto himself while his head remained slumped forward. Silver fire suddenly erupted out from around his body, the scorching winds from before returning in even more tremendous pressure that shook the ground below. The fire held a vibrant pink hue as it completely engulfed the doppelganger's body, thin lines of six dots of bright white energy rising up all around his figure underneath the glowing pink and silver fire. The force of the wind rolled Vegetto Black's head up, his hair and face contorting under the powerful flames washing his hair into a matching pink and silver glow. With both his eyebrows and hair fully singed into silvery glow, Vegetto Black's eyes opened suddenly with a bright shining sheen. His dilated, silver pupils glanced around like a wild animal taking in its surroundings for the first time for a few seconds.
In the instant that the silver pupils turned onto Spina, Vegetto Black's expression rapidly shifted from the almost dazed stare into a fierce, cruel glare. His attention never faltered after locking onto Spina, studying the other Saiyan in an intense assessment of power and output. The dual voice returned as he spoke, but was almost muted under the third and nearly demonic voice that now extensively overshadowed the original voice.
Kassava curled in slightly just as the energy blasts struck her, disappearing into the resulting explosion. She flung out backwards soon after, emerging from the smoke cloud with the arm she had shot the energy dragon from still flung out and her opposite arm still tucked in with a fist. She grimaced in pain for a few seconds, but soon broke out into a small smirk.
Her extended arm suddenly snapped back at the elbow while she kept her eyes shut with a small growl, as if she were reining in an imaginary leash. The massive dragon composed completely of energy instantly responded, whirling around in a rapid 180 degree turn and charged back towards Demi-Fiend. Letting out another thunderous roar, Kassava swung her cocked arm forward as she pulled back with the other.
"Dragon's Fist!!"
A massive dragon of gold energy shot forward this time from her fist, roaring violently as both dragons rapidly closed the space to Demi-Fiend in an instant. Both dragons snaked around Demi-Fiend's body to pull him off of Cuki, shooting up high into the sky as they twirled together in constricting him. Both dragons soon left a small opening for his head to poke out, the twin heads violently crashing down on top of him and erupting into a violent explosion that sent a destructive shockwave out in every direction.
Kassava braced under the resulting explosion, soon rising back up to her feet and staring up at the resulting smoke cloud with a scowl. She kept her smirk, angrily wagging her right fist up at the smoke cloud above as she shouted loudly at it.
"Ha!! I don't care if I'm riding his coat tails you little shitbag!! I just whipped your ass the same way I kicked his!!"
Her extended arm suddenly snapped back at the elbow while she kept her eyes shut with a small growl, as if she were reining in an imaginary leash. The massive dragon composed completely of energy instantly responded, whirling around in a rapid 180 degree turn and charged back towards Demi-Fiend. Letting out another thunderous roar, Kassava swung her cocked arm forward as she pulled back with the other.
"Dragon's Fist!!"
A massive dragon of gold energy shot forward this time from her fist, roaring violently as both dragons rapidly closed the space to Demi-Fiend in an instant. Both dragons snaked around Demi-Fiend's body to pull him off of Cuki, shooting up high into the sky as they twirled together in constricting him. Both dragons soon left a small opening for his head to poke out, the twin heads violently crashing down on top of him and erupting into a violent explosion that sent a destructive shockwave out in every direction.
Kassava braced under the resulting explosion, soon rising back up to her feet and staring up at the resulting smoke cloud with a scowl. She kept her smirk, angrily wagging her right fist up at the smoke cloud above as she shouted loudly at it.
"Ha!! I don't care if I'm riding his coat tails you little shitbag!! I just whipped your ass the same way I kicked his!!"
Vegetto's eyes widened just in time for Superman's punch to slam into his jaw, rocketing backwards. His eyes lost focus from the strike, regaining composure only for the following punch to his gut to completely knock the wind out of him. He keeled forward a bit, hacking up a small bit of blood before he shot down into the floor. His arms trembled as he pushed himself off, grimacing a bit and wobbling with a confused yelp from the force of the ground shifting violently beneath him.
He glanced around wildly in confusion, watching on as the planet shifted so quickly that he went from kneeling onto the ground to clinging onto the surface and dangling in mid air. Vegetto's blue eyes turned down, noticing the oncoming planet rapidly getting closer and closer. He let out a quick roar, his blue flame like aura rapidly exploding outward as his boots made contact with the second planet first. The sheer impact forced the planet to float downwards a bit in space, but soon stopped as Vegetto now stood on the surface while holding the first planet upright with both arms. His eyes diluted greatly, the muscles in his arms bulging and twitching under holding up the planet with his long blue hair flowing behind him in the large aura surging. He panted heavily in literally holding a planet upright, two small trails of blood streaming down his face from the corners of his mouth.
Ack...this is so much harder than blowing them up!
Vegetto kept his pained expression, letting out another pained roar as he shifted the weight of the first planet entirely onto his left hand. He held his right arm slightly in front, bending it at the elbow and forming a bright explosion of yellow energy in his palm that soon engulfed his entire arm.
"Unngh...you want the gloves off huh?!"
He suddenly flung his wrist to the right, the white glove whipping off his hand and the energy responding by erupting outwards even more violently in its brilliant glow.
"Then let's do this!!"
Vegetto roared out in a galaxy shaking shockwave, hurling his right arm back up next to the left that held the first planet up. A massive beam of yellow energy rapidly shot up in the form of a blade, piercing through the entire planet in its rise. The sheer volume of the energy was enough to cut the entire planet cleanly in half, both semi-spheres slowly floating out away while the massive energy blade remained floating in its place. It suddenly swung to the side, Vegetto having pulled the blade in cocking his right arm to the left and blasting up towards Superman using the second planet to propel himself forward. The world below shot through the empty void of space as Vegetto closed in on Superman, blue lightning flashing outwards violently while his long blue hair flowed behind him in the ascent.
"Spirit Excalibur!!"
Vegetto's hairless eyebrows contorted in extensive strain, his veins on his forehead bulging as he swung the blade in a horizontal cut directly at Superman with the blade erupting into a violent explosion upon contact with his body.
Whis smiled, deftly springing up and landing upon the first neuron star that shot his way. He managed to stand upright under the extreme gravity of the star, using his free hand to spin the massive mass to avoid having his body slammed into a wall as it bounced around the box. His eyes turned up, following Cross' move specifically with a delighted tone.
Whis pulled with his free hand, hoping to pull on Wordplay's own hips to force him off balance and make him step on the banana peel Cross had summoned.