Bernkastel was teleporting in and out to try and avoid the attack, but she wasn't able to keep all of the rays of lightning away from her. It looked like remnants of the lightning strikes were merely trailing behind her long blue hair, and she couldn't fully get out of the way. Feeling the electricity run through her body, it wasn't as painful as much as it was very numbing. Lambdadelta, however, was barely grazed. How is she better at evading it than me!? She grit her teeth in great annoyance, angrily punching through an oncoming piece of debris in addition to providing a new surface for the shock to leave her body.
- - -
"Ohohohoho~!" A heart-shaped cloud of valentine candies formed an absorbent shield to front most of the attack for the Candy Witch. Lambdadelta stood floating in the vast space with a gleeful smile on her face seeing the pumpkin forcefully collide with the celestial body and collapse in on itself, even more delighted at Gervene's beam shattering another space object, the cogs turning in her mischievous little head. So delighted, she was unbothered by the remainder of the lightning coursing through her and making her hair frizz out like a mad scientist.
"That's it! We make a total mess just like real space!" Lambdadelta excitedly snapped her fingers before clasping her hands together tightly. The giant chunks of the purple pumpkin had flown in all directions after being intercepted, but those pieces ended up exploding on her command, breaking down into candies of their own. At the epicenter of the collision, the dispersed green mist condensed to produce various green-glinting candies that were now granted propulsion by the momentum of the explosions occurring in close proximity. Razor-sharp, they zoomed off to pelt any and every celestial object that dared to be nearby, lighting up like fireworks to chip off chunks from those bodies and add to the chaos of lowered visibility.
- - -
A pink piece of rock candy hit Bernkastel on the crown of her head, making her flinch and scrunch up her face in annoyance before catching it in her palm. She was vexed for a moment before her face straightened out having seen Lambdadelta's next move, and she closed her palm around the candy. "Is that so? I see now..." Bernkastel came close to Whis and faced her back against his, joining her hands together at the fingertips, focusing her magical energy into creating glowing magical inscription circles in several areas throughout the open field. "Let's maximize the amount of 'blind spots' then, shall we?! But don't let yourselves get distracted making such a mess. Fragment Blizzard!" Once she threw out her hands with her palms facing down, an onslaught of jagged crystals flew out of each magic circle, zipping in and out of the mini-portals in search of their enemy to pierce among the minefield of debris flying everywhere. "...Even if it's pretty fun." She added with a small smile.
"It's probably safe to say this entire castle is full of traps, seeing as that weird pink thing couldn't manage to sneak off without being caught." Waldo ran his hands along the walls, knocking his knuckles against them for any indication of a hollow part of the wall that may lead elsewhere. "Unless you're trying to say this room might have a trap of its own? Because otherwise, if Doom's only reason was to hold us here like a waiting room for the others to return, he may as well have obliterated us and be done with it. At least, that's the impression I got from the tailed man-beast from earlier."
- - -
"Ohohohoho~!" A heart-shaped cloud of valentine candies formed an absorbent shield to front most of the attack for the Candy Witch. Lambdadelta stood floating in the vast space with a gleeful smile on her face seeing the pumpkin forcefully collide with the celestial body and collapse in on itself, even more delighted at Gervene's beam shattering another space object, the cogs turning in her mischievous little head. So delighted, she was unbothered by the remainder of the lightning coursing through her and making her hair frizz out like a mad scientist.
"That's it! We make a total mess just like real space!" Lambdadelta excitedly snapped her fingers before clasping her hands together tightly. The giant chunks of the purple pumpkin had flown in all directions after being intercepted, but those pieces ended up exploding on her command, breaking down into candies of their own. At the epicenter of the collision, the dispersed green mist condensed to produce various green-glinting candies that were now granted propulsion by the momentum of the explosions occurring in close proximity. Razor-sharp, they zoomed off to pelt any and every celestial object that dared to be nearby, lighting up like fireworks to chip off chunks from those bodies and add to the chaos of lowered visibility.
- - -
A pink piece of rock candy hit Bernkastel on the crown of her head, making her flinch and scrunch up her face in annoyance before catching it in her palm. She was vexed for a moment before her face straightened out having seen Lambdadelta's next move, and she closed her palm around the candy. "Is that so? I see now..." Bernkastel came close to Whis and faced her back against his, joining her hands together at the fingertips, focusing her magical energy into creating glowing magical inscription circles in several areas throughout the open field. "Let's maximize the amount of 'blind spots' then, shall we?! But don't let yourselves get distracted making such a mess. Fragment Blizzard!" Once she threw out her hands with her palms facing down, an onslaught of jagged crystals flew out of each magic circle, zipping in and out of the mini-portals in search of their enemy to pierce among the minefield of debris flying everywhere. "...Even if it's pretty fun." She added with a small smile.
"It's probably safe to say this entire castle is full of traps, seeing as that weird pink thing couldn't manage to sneak off without being caught." Waldo ran his hands along the walls, knocking his knuckles against them for any indication of a hollow part of the wall that may lead elsewhere. "Unless you're trying to say this room might have a trap of its own? Because otherwise, if Doom's only reason was to hold us here like a waiting room for the others to return, he may as well have obliterated us and be done with it. At least, that's the impression I got from the tailed man-beast from earlier."