The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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"So that's why I was filled with rage beyond an uncontrollable level! It was you!" Waldo jabbed his cane towards Bernkastel, face contorting into a piercing glare and unmoving grimace. "Only someone of your magical caliber is able to manipulate me so discreetly."

"If you want to get even with me for it, then be my guest. But it looks like that will have to wait." The Witch of Miracles jerked her thumb toward one of the screens, causing Waldo to revert back to normal as he gasped audibly in shock. The screen showed a scenic landscape but filled with hundreds, if not thousands of people who looked just like him, varying only in hairstyle and gender. But even so, many of these Wallys looked nearly identical to Waldo himself. 

"That's the Land of Wally! But how...!?" In anger, he impaled the floor with his cane before sitting on his hiking pack. "And now we're left here to stew in our fury while he's sprung his next trap. Great! But that might give me some time to think up a plan..." Keeping his eyes trained on the screens, he resumed a thinking position, still as a statue.

Lambdadelta and Bernkastel watched their respective monitors with narrowed eyes. They could see a massive library filled with books, but they knew these books were enormous in their own right and contained their own miniature universes. For the most part it was desolate, but that was the norm for such a place.

"The City of Books. If those get erased, who knows what kind of collateral damage can occur?" Bernkastel said quietly to her pink counterpart. "And what about us?"

"Well, we exist as long as we will it, but with no world to base that existence on, we probably will cease to exist ourselves." Lambda replied, sounding casual as though it weren't of any immediate concern. "Can't say for sure unless it actually happens since we're currently corporeal as long as the City of Books exists."

"It's not like I want to do this. And if I refuse or lose, I will-"

"Die. Or be humiliated before the court as a coward and then die."

A conversation from long ago rung through Lambdadelta's head, with the screen shifting to an area close to the City of Books on cue as if to taunt her. It was a ceremonial hall full of bustling witches wearing gray ceremonial gowns, with their demons and reader assistants accompanying them. It seemed they were holding a meeting...


"Lambda. Are you going to tell me now how you managed to meet me here?" Bernkastel questioned, looking at the screen in vague concern.

"It was a request from the Senate. More specifically, from an old 'friend' of yours. If it weren't the Council who asked me, I'd have let you rot away in whatever hole you were stuck in so I could take your place as the cruellest Witch in the Universe, but that didn't sit well with me." The pink witch said. "Took a couple odd turns while travelling the Fragment World and the next thing I knew, I was here!"

"So even the fate of the Senate rests in our hands."

"Yup." Lambdadelta said, as if it weren't anything new to her. "Now that one of your buddy's gone and trapped himself alone, we at least have time to gather our bearings. There's also another elephant in the room." She leaned in to whisper into Bernkastel's ear. Whatever she said caused Bernkastel's eyes to widen before she glanced around the room in realization. The feline Witch nodded her head silently in agreement. "We'll have to worry about that later. Who knows when he'll actually show himself, but until then, we'll cross each bridge as we get to it."

"Works for me. Let's just hope that's later rather than sooner." Lambdadelta crossed her arms in wait of what would happen now that Vegetto was behind the door.
Doom chuckled. “Vegetto is a feisty one—he’s my favorite type of enemy to deal with. I’m sure he won’t be bored of the upcoming enemy that awaits him, since he didn’t even let I, Doom, add one more thing regarding those enemies.” He turns to Kassava, his posture remained firm. “Kassava, the Goddess of Time, I urged you lower your concerns for him and increased the level of your own battles.” Doom caressed his chin. “If that Saiyan fool managed to survive his onslaught, he can easily make his way up to Doom and hopefully, if you survived, can reunited with him. But that’s assuming if you actually make it up here. And assuming your universe is still intact. I’m sure those Witches will be curious to find that a detected one failed to do their proper jobs, but then again…” He mocked the Witches.

“You damn bastard…” Spina pointed his fingers at the screen. “You are enjoying this too much! Once I get my hands on you, I’ll--”

“Yeah, you’ll smash me to pieces. I invite you to try. Get here, fast as you can, Breakers. Doom shall expect for your delayed arrival.” Doom’s eyes widened as he continued to mock them. “Tick Tock, Breakers. Your universe’s utter destruction awaits.”

Doom clicked on a button and all the screens shut off immediately, making the entire room engulfed in darkness once more. Moments afterwards, the entire room lit up in a white flash, covering everything in it. No one can see. No one can tell what was happening. As their eyes observed, their eyes were blocked out by of what once total darkness, now nothing more than a blight of white flash.

Spina covered his eyes with his arm, then the white flash disappeared. He looked around after his eyesight came back. He looked around, realizing that he was in a barren wasteland. He look up the skies, the clouds were green and seemingly form a face caught in a distorted laughing expression.

“What the heck...?” Spina raised a brow. “Guys, looks like Doom pulled another one of his tricks again.” He turned around and saw no one behind him—not a single person. “Guys?” Spina looked both directions and saw nothing but wasteland, debris and a destroyed city. “What is going on here?” He started walking since standing there wasn’t going to do anything. Whatever he ended up, he can still feel that he was in Doom’s castle, but he could no longer sense any energy anywhere. It was like they had vanished off the face of the world with no traces left behind. “Don’t tell me that Doom flat out erased them? No… Doom said he was enjoying this little thing… doing it for the kick of it.” He looked at one direction. Nothing. He looked at the other side. Nothing. No matter which side he turned too, there was no life, no energy signatures, nothing. It was completely and utterly empty.

He looked up at the sky, once again seeing the clouds with face. “I’m getting a bad feeling about this…” After walking of what seems to be hours, he spotted a person. He eyed at the individual and saw that the same attire Vegetto had.

“Oh shit. It’s him.” Spina said as he rushed towards him. “Vegetto? Hate to say it, but I’m glad I found you.” He patted him on the back. “Doom must’ve done something and sent us to a weird dimension. Perhaps that is the power of the tools? Creating rooms that huge or something like that…” Spina rubbed his head. “I haven’t found a single soul, but at least I found you… though, unless you’re at that Blue hair form… I usually sense you, but I couldn’t before… weird.” Spina thought to himself before looking at Vegetto’s attire a bit more closely, realizing that it was black rather than usual colors. “…what’s up with the change of colors?”


As white flash diminished and their eyes recovered, Kassava appeared in a demolished place. The skies were pitch red with Alpha and Omega symbols embedded within them. The ground she was standing on was pitch black with purple rocks here and there. If one were to pick them up, it would evaporate promptly, leaving behind ashes in their hands. Few meters across from her, Cuki is there without Zenta at her side. Her eventual reunion and possibility of memories will have to wait. No one else is here—just these two women in the world of brimming darkness but with the red skies provide some form of lighting.

In the mountain ranges, there were groups of small monsters that resemble snowmen with small elf-like hats, gathering at the tip. They banded together until one of them pulled out a baton and moved in such eloquently. It prompt the other snowmen to sing a powerful melody—sounds so loud, that it reaches anywhere no matter the distance. “Hee-Ho. Ho-Hee. Hee-Hee-Ho. Ho-Hee-Ho. Hee-Ho-Ho. Hee-Ho-Hee.” They sang out with their hearts content.

A figure walked towards Kassava and Cuki, giving them an unusual greeting. “Well, if it isn’t Cuki and Grandma…”


Brachi and Bara, after the white flash disappeared, appeared in an area where the skies normal, blue colors—in comparison to everything they had seen so far. However, as they stand, is the pool of sea that have no end to each direction. It covered up to their ankles, but if they went further, they the sea level will raise. Gervene is not with them, only they appeared in this strange place—and they are not alone. A sound of a whale ripple across the sea, then after a few moments, something is coming to their direction before stopping near them. Instantly, waters shoot up in towards the sky, revealing a gigantic white whale when it came down, coming towards them with murderous intent as it screams once again.


Raune(s) suddenly appeared in a room that is rather closed, something made to prevent him to move around rather easily. As the white flash disappeared, Zenta appeared next to his side. The room seems to be about 1500 square feet across. The patterns of the colors were bright red, blue and white. There were no doors, no windows, nothing. Just an room that both of them appeared in.

Suddenly, a gust of winds riddled their clothes as a tall, simple Air Dancer wiggled around in the center of the room. It doesn’t move—just wiggles. It doesn’t have any energy nor any indication that its even alive.


Whis, Bernkastel, Lambdadelta, Cross and Gervene appeared in a strange room. The walls was filled with stars, planets and the depths of outer space painted on them. As the white flash subsided, in front of them, they seen a strange figure standing towards the wall.

“Worlds are so beautiful and yet, so deadly. That what makes it so exciting…” A man said. He had a blue jacket with his hands in his pockets. After hearing arrivals appearing, he slightly turned his head. “Ah, you’re finally here… Doom often said that you might be the most troubled one, so he sent you to me to deal with. Don’t bother escaping, that’s disabled here.” He had white skins, blue eyes and constantly smiling. “Breakers, huh… saving you worlds…” He turned around, facing them. “No need for introductions, Doom already filled me in, eh, about you guys.” His gleeful smile and his eyes widened, he continued.

“You can call me Wordplay.”


Vegetto appeared in a world as he entered through the door. Without a chance for Vegetto to open the door again, it disappeared instantly in thin air. He would find himself in a strange world where he’s on a relatively small island in a massive sea with no land in sight—except for another island which had a figure on it, reading a book. He turned to look at Vegetto and smiled. “So, you’re Vegetto… a Saiyan, I heard so much about you.” He wears a blue costume that is complemented by red trunks, boots and a long cape. He had yellow belt encircles his waist and a red S insignia inscribed within a yellow shield bordered in red emblazoned on his chest.

“I’m Superman.” He introduced himself.


Detective Vegeta rubbed his eyes, realizing that everyone in the room had disappeared except for himself and Waldo. "Huh? Where is everyone?" He looked around but no one was there.
Cross thinks wend the light flash happened "teleportation." 

Cross is still amused thinks "first time in a long time I been accursed of caring about my home time line."
Both Brachi and Majin Bara leapt up from the water, initially startled at the sight of the whale, trying to stay clear of it.

"What the heck?!" Majin Bara asked.

"A white whale..." Brachi said, "and quite aggressive to boot." 

"But why come after us?" Bara asked.

"I don't know, but evidently it is quite agitated. I honestly do not want to kill it, but we have no choice, unless we find a way to avoid this." Brachi said.


Gervene nodded.

"I see. I take it we can skip formalities and get to the point then." She said.
Cuki covered her eyes with her arm before being taken away to the same room as Kassava. Her expression appeared disappointed to see Kassava by her side. She assumed she would be working with her but said nothing. It was obvious Cuki held a grudge towards Kassava after their last battle and her tendency to rush, similar to her husband. She let out a sigh, accepting her fate and tried to make the best of it, despite the situation. 

Great, another situation that will probably blow up in our face. Well, let's just hope Kassava learned her lesson with the whole Librarian incident. What's the worst that can happen anyway? 

She blinked before her eyes widen upon seeing the little snowmen-like creatures chanting and singing. Sparkles gleamed within her eyes as she seemed to adore the little creatures by how cute they were. Before she had a chance to run up to the critters and smother them in her love, she heard a voice... a very familiar voice. Within a second, the sparkles in her eyes disappeared and were replaced with fear.

She turned to the figure walking towards them. Her blood ran cold because she knew who they were facing.

"Demi-Fiend..? Is that you?" Cuki swallowed hard. "Errm, what brings you here, Demi-Fiend?"

Zenta failed to notice any changes in light thanks to his blindness, however, he did notice the familiar energy of Raune. He said nothing to the speedster, trying his best to gather as much information as he can from where he was teleported. He could not see the Air Dancer's energy but he had a very bad feeling of what was to come. He lifted his hands and clapped about five times in each cardinal direction to his position. His ears shot upwards, twitching wildly as he gathered where the noise bounced off from. With each clap he made, he progressively made them louder and louder. Once he was done clapping, he rose a brow and placed his hands behind his back. His ears lowered to their usual position. Zenta had an idea of the room they were located in, painting an image in his head using the noise to guide him. 

"It appears we are in a rather small room," Zenta began, the gusts of wind waved his tails slightly. "I believe there is something before us. It is not alive, so I cannot see it."
The three Remnants lowered their non-dominant left hands from their eyes as the white flash subsided, gritting their teeth and looking around in confusion.

"That was unexpected."
"But quite annoying."
"Further more, what nonsense does this area have?" The one unmasked Raune pulled his mask back on, and all three turned to Zenta, backing up on one foot at the sight of him.

"Zenta!?" The three asked in unison before dropping their collective feet down, resuming a normal pose.

"Oh, it's just you. Okay."
"Yes, we do seem to be in some kind of small room. With a kind of tacky color scheme. Looks almost like Atlas decided to decorate here."
"Oh, the thing in front of us? It's just an inflatable tube man. Nothing much. Pretty weird, but eh. Of course it's not alive, considering it's just a machine." All three gave different remarks to Zenta's summation, but all of them were at ease. They weren't on guard for anything at the moment. After all, there was nothing to here.
Vegetto glanced around in confusion, having stepped away from the door once it vanished. He scoffed lightly, glaring a bit at the sky.

"Damn magic."

He turned his head at the sound of Superman's voice, his eyes narrowing a bit at the explanation. He looked over Superman from head to toe for a brief second, his glare and stern expression slowly alleviating into a sarcastic grunt, his eyes nearly rolling as he lightened his stance.

"Don't tell me you're the one Doom sent to fight me."


A sharp, shooting pain could be felt from Spina's hand due to the sudden seizure. Squeezing violently, Vegetto Black smirked back at Spina with a sinister grin, eyeing him up and down. He stood facing towards Spina, having quickly spun around to grapple the hand on his back and lunged forward with his free hand, seizing Spina's neck. Now constricting both Spina's neck and hand at once, Vegetto Black slowly hoisted him up in the air, the identical dual voice dark.

"You're looking for him too. The legendary Time Patroller...the hero of Toki Toki City. The epitome of the gods' failure...and a true testament to your lowly kind."

The black energy spiraled up from underneath his pure white boots first, like a flame dousing the strange doppelganger in its energy. Vegetto Black chuckled darkly, the black energy soon irradiating with a brilliant and vibrant pink glow, engulfing his body in an ominous surging power as his hair turned a bright shade of pink.

"Shhh...don't struggle any more. Doom will show me where Vegetto is if you die."

His pupils locked with Spina's eyes, his arm twitching in applying more pressure as his own eyes shined a dull shade of the same pink color. The dark energy dangerously surged around his body, the volatile flames rising while Vegetto Black's smirk only grew wider in his sinister tone.

"Let's find him together."


Kassava glanced around in confusion, having slowly lowered her arm once the blinding light had died down. She glanced to the side, but nearly groaned in disappointment as well at the sight of Cuki.

Damnit...she's so weak. I'll have to do all the legwork for this one.

Kassava blinked at the snowmen, nearly sighing in relief and lowering her arms.

Whew...ok least they're not powerful. Maybe he just wanted to test the kid's brain so I won't have to fight anything stron-

Her body froze, her eyes widening a bit at the sound of Demi-Fiend's voice. She tensed up slightly, cautiously watching Demi-Fiend for any threatening body language before following up Cuki's question.

"Yeah...Doom said we'd be fighting enemies. You''re not one of them...are you?"


Whis' eyes perked a bit, glancing around to take in the strange room he now stood in with Bernkastel, Lambdadelta, Cross, and Gervene. He stepped forward as well, keeping his warm smile once Wordplay had finished his introduction, following up after Gervene in contrasting her stern and blunt reply.

"A pleasure to meet you."
Bernkastel maintained a straight look on her face, waiting for the stranger to finish his introductions before speaking her piece. "Well met. So, what will be our trial with you?" Even though she had a slight frown on her face, her tail flicked behind her in curiosity. 

Looks like it's just us here... he probably split up the remaining members too to catch us off guard. This might fare poorly if we all aren't careful. Bernkastel's eyes locked onto Lambdadelta with her eyebrows furrowed. Lambda, you really are an idiot. Why couldn't you just stay put for once? Did you have to take the Senate's request for my sake?

Her worried thoughts stopped when the pink Witch turned to her and gave her only a simple smile, which startled her and forced her to move her gaze anywhere else. "..."

"We have to get past you to leave this room and rejoin the others, right?" Lambdadelta asked next, one hand on her hip and the other gesturing to their new environment. In contrast to Bern, she had her usual smile on and was speaking with a lighthearted familiarity. "Seeing as it's us who are here to go against you, this probably won't be a simple matter of throwing some fists, will it?"

Waldo shrugged. "D-don't look at me!" He felt confused because it looked like an otherwise waiting room with just him and the Detective, rubbing his chin pensively. "I guess... we aren't part of his interest for now. But who knows if we'll be let out of here if that's the case. Maybe we ought to do some snooping around of our own."
Spina narrowed his eyes in shock when Vegetto grabbed him by the throat and hand, he couldn’t feel his feet touching the ground. His sclera grew bright red, his teeth grinned back and forth to try and muster a word in, but his tightening griped prevent him to do so. Using his free hand, he tried to loosen or outright squeeze his hand to let him go, but it was futile. He was running out of breath, he wasn’t able to think clearly, his vision blurred. Spina did a hard cough, spitting out bits of blood in the process. He took a good look at this man—he looks exactly like Vegetto, down to the facial features, but he isn’t. Any impostor? Another Doom’s tricks? No, this wasn’t right. Spina’s thoughts was running wild to attempt to make sense of what’s going on. He couldn’t sense his energy, but he felt a sinister darkness bubbling up within him—something terrifying that could not be put into words—this is different, this is not Vegetto, at all.

He began to start blacking out, the pain becoming more apparent in his throat and arm that it became unbearable. Spina needs to get away from him or he’ll be out cold once again. Quickly, he launched his right leg towards his torso, followed by a powerful beam with his free hand, using it as a way to force him to push away from his gripe. He crashed onto the ground, stumbling backwards three times. Planting both palms on the ground, he grasp for air and slowly tried to get his breathing under control. He grabbed onto his neck, feeling the prints left on him. Sweat dripped from his face to the ground, wetting the surface.

He turned around, as the smoke from the explosion cleared away. “You’re…” His voice still distorted and eyes still red. “You’re not Vegetto, aren’t you?” He tried to stand but his legs wobbled.

Demi-Fiend shrugged his shoulders in response to Cuki’s question. “Oh, you know. Just here to take asses and kick names.” He looked around. “This place ain’t half bad, the music is pretty decent. Those Jack Frosts over there are no amateurs.” He waved at the group of snowmen, which in response, they stopped playing.

After a moment of silence, Demi-Fiend lifted his head towards the sky and closed his eyes. The tattoos throughout his body radiated brightly throughout his body as he slowly lowered his head to face both Kassava and Cuki. He crossed his arms and took a stance. He has a smirk on his face in response to Kassava’s question.

“You tell me, Grandma. Use that knowledge of your so-called position to figure it out.” Demi-Fiend’s aura exploded around him before quickly dispersing after his taunt. The sheer pressure from the initial explosion kicked up dirt into the air and annihilated them from the intense heat he’d emitted from his body. Back at the mountain ranges where all the Jack Frosts were singing in synchronization, they felt the pressure of Demi-Fiend, causing them to change gears. Some of the pulled-out instruments of their choice as the main one tapped his baton on the ground. He lifted both his hands and swung once, leading them to sing a different tune that even louder and more destructive than before.

Boss Battle: Demi-Fiend

"Death's vastness holds no peace. I come at the end of the long road. Neither human, nor devil... all bends to my will."


His golden eyes glittered, while maintaining his smirk. “Try not to die too quickly, okay?” He didn't make the first move yet.

The Great White Whale dived underwater after Brachi and Bara leaped into the air. The impact causes the water to rise several thousand feet in the air instantly before coming back down to the sea. At first, the waves was seemingly calm, but suddenly, air bubble abruptly appeared throughout the sea in the vicinity of Brachi and Bara. Each time the bubble pop, tons of water splash up many feet in the air near them—there were no damage taken, just water. But in rapid succession, in all direction, they saw nothing but water splashing in their faces, blocking their view of vision at all sides—except for the bottom. A distraction, by the whale, as it opened its gigantic mouth and unleashed a single, devastating white beam towards them. It collided onto them, resulting an explosion in the air. Wasting no time, the whale dived back underwater to create enough momentum to leap itself in the air towards Brachi and Bara, ready to unleash another attack. His eyes indicating that it is ready to destroy them. 

Boss Battle: Moby Dick

"Consider, once more, the universal cannibalism of the sea; all whose creatures’ prey upon each other, carrying on eternal war since the world began."


In amidst of their confusion and lacking any form of defense, the tube man continued ton wiggle, then suddenly stopped and stood up straight. He lifted one leg forward, then suddenly, lunge a strike at one of the Raune, flinging them towards the wall. His wiggle returned, as his buttock slammed onto the second one, pushing him towards Zenta and slammed the third one towards the ground with a single strike on his head. He jumped backwards several time before landing.

“I am Air Dancer.” It spoke one single line—and did not say anything else.

Boss Battle: Air Dancer

"Life without dancing is like life without air; impossible thought."


Superman returned his attention to the book. He flipped through all the pages in a second before closing it. “That was a good book. I should ask for the second one to see the fruition of his adventure.” Superman places the book on the table and stood up to faced Vegetto properly. “Unfortunately for you, I am your opponent, Vegetto. You can chose to not fight, but I figure your Saiyan pride won't let this pass." 

Boss Battle: Superman


"A stranger discovering every day how strange he was. He has the power to tear the world apart. And he could. With a pinkie."


“Someone is using their brains for this one.” Wordplay praised Lambdadelta. “Yes, this won’t be a round of fisticuffs, but rather, if you are able to decipher my abilities. If you can manage to out-do me, then I’ll let you go. If you don’t, you’ll lose, and I can have you added onto my collections I’ve started a few years back.” His voice went from monotone to dark in seconds at the last few words. “Now, let’s get this started, shall we? Don’t want to keep you waiting.”

Wordplay stares at the group and say one word.


An instant, mysterious explosion appeared on a random part of their bodies: an explosion occurred on Bernkastel’s face; an explosion occurred on Lambdadelta’s eye; an explosion occurred on Gervene’s arm; an explosion occurred on Whis’ torso, and an explosion occurred on Cross’ and the rest of his minions’ chest. The walls began to spun around out of control, the painting became actual space as planets, suns and other celestial bodies flung around across the room as Wordplay smile as his blue eyes glowed brightly.

[align=center]Boss Battle: Wordplay


“Let’s have a bad time.”


“Yeah, I see no entrance anywhere.” Detective Vegeta said to Waldo as he places his hands on the walls to see if they can find a secret door. “Damnit, I didn’t think I would be dragged into this mess today… but that would explain the weirdness for the last couple of days.”
Thankfully, Brachi and Bara's senses went haywire the second they felt the energy coming, first combining their energies to create a barrier that blocked the attack, minimizing the damage at least.

"This whale obviously wants to fight us. If it's a fight he wants, a fight he'll get!" Brachi said, before powering straight into Super Saiyan Blue. 

Locating the whale underneath the waves, Majin Bara unleashed a vicious Vice Shout in lieu of Kid Buu which began to blow the water away from the two, creating a hole in the water which grew larger as if to expose the whale's positiion within, managing to locate the beast after several seconds. Instantly, Brachi powered one of Krillin's attacks, the Chain Destructo Disc Barrage and fired it straight at the whale one disc after the other, each disc poised to cut through flesh, tendons and bones like a sharp knife through butter.


Gervene frowned a bit as the explosion occured onto her lower right arm, raising her Energy of Destruction aura to compensate and block any further energy attacks from harming her, while also noting what Wordplay was doing.

"Warping reality all of a sudden, eh? Quite intriguing. It's not every day I come across someone whom can bring a painting to life like this." She commented.
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