The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015

A strange world where the impossible happens. Eons ago, a celestial object called daffodil star produced three seeds into the Abyss of Darkness. By absorbing the Dark Energy around them, they would grow into Cosmic Plants and create their respective worlds. However, a war broke out between them for sole domination.

In reaction, the daffodil star produced a fourth seed, Jinaira, into the Abyss of Darkness to discourage in-fighting. However, upon completion, Jinaira didn’t participate in the war and created his own world instead, leaving the fate of those worlds to their destruction from the war.

Jinaira was more interested in creating his ideal world than some squabbles between Cosmic Plants. Since his creation was supposed to disrupt in-fighting, he was not granted the ability to create life. Thus, Jinaira designed his world to do the impossible: bring all beings from other worlds into Reality Vortex.

Thus, the birth of Reality Vortex was born. It was a world supposedly where all beings erased from existence gathered. There is no sense of time, scientific laws nor physics, no logical reasoning; it’s all a jumbled mess. It is the last destination before permanent, true death. Once someone enters Reality Vortex, they cannot leave under any circumstances regardless of battle power or ability. To drive further home, Reality Vortex is enclosed by a powerful barrier that prevents anyone from leaving the world itself. It also protects the world from the endless sea of Dark Energy; otherwise known as the Abyss of Darkness and a creature that lurks within.

Reality Vortex Rules
  • Death is not impossible. After their bodies are destroyed, they’ll re-spawn in a different location.
  • You are only allowed up to 4 characters to play at once.
  • There was no passage of time.
  • A barrier enclosed Reality Vortex: it is impossible to break through the barrier regardless of battle power or ability.
  • If, by chance, someone managed to escape Reality Vortex, they will be violently erased from existence upon entering the Abyss of Darkness.
  • Only one character has the power to erased beings. Check the end of the story to find out who wield this power.
  • Be courteous to other players; do not metagame, make your characters have extensive knowledge, etc.
Rules are subject to change in the future
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Appearing suddenly in the middle of an empty street, a sudden bright light slowly diminished around a humanoid figure. The small, yellow earrings and his baggy gi flowed slightly in the wind, Vegetto's narrowed eyes turning to the sky and glancing around in confusion.

"What the...where am I?"
A strange, masculine voice ringed in Vegetto's head. "Well, well! Looks like another person appeared in this world of impossibilities!"
Cuki, a mysterious tailed human was walking around while holding a map upside-down. She eyed it with a confused face and it was no doubt that she was lost. Grumbling at what she thought was a wrong turn, she wasn't paying attention to road in front of her and she felt a vein pop on the side of her head.

"Arrgh! Can't a girl just find a nice place to eat?!" Cuki sighed. "I think I should've taken a left at that shoe store..."
Vegetto perked his head up slightly, his eyes still narrowed.

"What the...who is speaking?"
"Ah, don't be scared, newcomer!" The strange voice assured the man. "My identity... serves little importance. Let's just say that I'm the person that will guide you in this world. A tour guide! I believe that's far more interesting, hmm?" After sounds of throat being cleared, the strange voice continued. "Now, I'm sure you have lots of questions that needs some answers."
As Cuki continued to walk around, lost, her scowl became more apparent. She kept her gaze on her upside down map and still refused to pay attention to where she was going. She continued her merry way and heard her stomach growl. As she scanned the buildings she felt herself bump on to the new man. She looked up and saw Vegetto. Her tail whipped behind her to show her annoyance.

"Hey, watch where you're standin!" Cuki grumbled.
A echoic voice rang out.

The fusion? Here? My calculations must be off. It's before his time... Or is it after? I can never be sure with equations that have the answer inside of them.
Vegetto narrowed his eyes, standing in silence for a moment after the voice in his head finished. He glanced around at the nearly empty city street he stood in, his head turning back to the sky before he spoke openly.

"Alright, for starters, where am I-"

He huffed, stumbling forward slightly from the sudden impact. His glare turned to Cuki, scoffing in response.

"You're the one that needs to watch where you're going!"
"What did'ja say?!" Cuki was very small, just barely reaching up to Vegetto's chest. 

Her tail and energy was oddly familiar. Cuki pulled up her short sleeve, bracing herself for a fight but her nose twitched. She lifted her head in the air to get a better whiff before taking a sniff at Vegetto's arm. Her eyes widen.

"You got the same energy as I do!" She tilted her head, quick to forget her reason for getting angry. "That, or you didn't shower... Bah, I bet it's just a coincidence that you smell familiar."
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