The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Vegetto Black's silver eyes blinked hard, watching on as Spina transformed. Narrowed into a strong glare, he remained silent in studying the new transformation overtaking the other Saiyan. His arms remained at his sides, his glare softening at the sight of his attack being split into multiple spheres now hovering all around the two on the battlefield. He tensed a bit, instinctively stepping back before he was suddenly caught in the rapid impact of all the blasts. He shot backwards from being pushed by the hits, sliding to a halt with a small scowl in regaining his composure. His narrowed eyes turned down to his cheek, noticing a small black streak across his face while the silver, pinkish fire burned brightly around his body.

He barred his teeth in a small smirk, wiping the black soot away with one flick of his thumb. His contempt and hatred slowly gave way to intrigue as he turned his back to Spina, his demonic dual voice low.


Vegetto Black immediately tensed up his body, squatting down slightly just in time for Spina's charge. His large smirk remained, his right hand rapidly raising up with two fingers pressing to his forehead. The heat from Vegetto Black's skin could be felt on Spina's fist, having come so close to connecting but sailing through only wind as Vegetto Black suddenly vanished into thin air.

The intense heat and pressure from the doppelganger could be felt from high above, Vegetto Black now floating high above next to one of the energy blasts with his free hand cocked back. Letting out a small thunderous roar, he fired off another stream of silver energy in rapidly closing in on Spina while he held the same two fingers to his forehead with his other hand.

Kassava's roar continued to ring out, her form and position entirely unchanged despite the pleas from Cuki. The ghostly afterimages continued to spiral all around everyone, yet slowly, every movement began to slow from them. All of the images soon slowed to a halt, become still at the particular points the clones spawned in from. Kassava 2 blinked, glancing around and noticing the other movements happening.

"What the..."

She glanced around, seeing the newly transformed Cuki launch at Demi-Fiend first but turning her head slightly at the sound of her own voice screeching. Kassava 2 blinked hard again, glancing down at her hands and looking around once more in seeing two Demi-Fiends. She turned her eyes back to the still ghostly images, each one now duplicating in front of her. Instead of the images simply moving throughout the flow of history, now the ghostly images began to appear like a multi-frame shot of the history. Each one, spawning a still ghostly image of all three fighters in each second of time instead of flowing action.

Kassava 2 blinked, quickly turning back to face towards the original version of herself still roaring, thinking back to her training in Conton City

A stern glare was firm on Whis' face, the taller angel looming over Kassava and panting heavily in holding a threatening fist towards her face. She sat upright on the ground, taking a small glance around. Heavily damaged with torn clothing, Vegetto and Gogeta both laid still on the ground a few feet opposite her while Whis remained slightly crouched, holding his defensive pose but also trembling slightly from the battle damage he took while having Kassava at the end of a fist that could smash her head in. Whis spoke with a firm, cold tone and never once eased his posture.

"Don't ever unleash your power like that again. You are a god of time; the power you hold over history itself can't just be thrown around because you're upset about losing a battle. If you don't keep your energy in check and control your emotions, you have the potential to bring about complete destruction to everything."

Kassava 2 quickly let out a small roar, bringing her palms together by her wrists in forming a large sphere of yellow energy. Her hands were pointed directly towards the original, the energy growing unbeknownst to the raging Saiyan a few meters away.


Kassava 2 pulled her arms behind her back, the yellow energy whirring even more violently as red lightning crackled out in every direction. Her own aura surged in gather more energy, the attack itself shaking the entire ground while Cuki and Demi-Fiend shot up high above her in their battle.


Kassava 2 let out a thunderous roar as she launched both arms forward, sending out a massive stream of red and gold energy to match her transformation. The blast itself rapidly closed in on the target, the original Kassava turning her head down and her eyes widening just in time for her to be completely engulfed in the devastating energy. She let out a pained cry, but it was completely muted in the roar of the blast as she rapidly vaporized into nothing.

Now as the only Kassava left, she quickly dropped her arms and panted heavily after the blast disappeared off in the distance. She held a small frown, staring at the smoking ground left in the wake of the attack for a few moments before quickly turning back up to see Cuki and Demi-Fiend's battle. She blinked, seeing the small tears in reality but the fight progressed too quickly for her to make out the battles raging on in the other dimensions.

"Damn...she's pushing him back. If she can keep that up...maybe I can jump in and support her."

Her eyes trailed down, the frown returning on her face in noticing Demi-Fiend 2 across the way and pulling her arms back into her signature fighting stance in case he noticed her.


Vegetto winced as he toppled forward, spinning out of control in flight from the force of Superman's punch. He gasped lightly in pain, having been unable to track the movement as well as before due to the forces playing into his concentration. He rapidly regained his composure after blasting forward nearly a mile from the hit, righting himself just in time for the neutron star to collapsed into a powerful black hole. He threw his arms up, managing to parry a few hits but his head whipped to the side from the few blows that connected. Upon losing the flow of combat due to Superman's speed and the gravity pulling him down, Vegetto began to falter on his defense, blow after blow coming in. His body rocketed from side to side from the attacks at all angles, his defense still up but only negating a very small fraction of the attacks coming his way.

His glare softened, his eyes nearly shutting for a moment from the sheer intensity of the attacks before suddenly shooting wide open. His silver pupils gleamed brightly with a strong pressure, letting out a small roar to push Superman back in front of him by the sheer telekinetic power behind the firey silver aura. With the small break in combat, Vegetto turned his silver eyes down towards the black hole behind him, the rage clear in his wide eyed expression.

"G̶͓̥̙̙̩E̘͚͇̺T͙̞̯͡ ̴͎͖̮̗̝L̻͓̻O̸̳̦̪̦̳̺̞S̢̩Ţ̱̭͈̺̙͎̳!!"

In one swift motion, Vegetto swung his right arm in a sweep towards the black hole. The silver energy blasted forward in a slicing motion, hurtling towards in a wave much larger than the entire mass of the black hole. The violent energy tore through it with ease, effectively erasing the black hole itself as it blasted through, eradicating planets and stars in its continued flight away from the two fighters.

Vegetto turned his intense glare back to Superman, the silver fire flaring dramatically as he let out a demonic roar. In a flash, Vegetto rocketed forward at speeds completely undetectable to sensory input, his fists hurtling forward at Superman's front at a level much faster and more powerful than either fighter having displayed until now. Taking the bar and pushing it higher than before, Vegetto kept on the ferocious offensive after having been pushed to greater heights from having to fight Superman at the disadvantage from earlier.

Whis perked his eyebrows at the display, watching Wordplay once he regained control of his mind. The explosions began, and before the celestial bodies flung towards the group, Whis cheerfully discarded his scepter.

"It's not very sporting to throw all this at us without giving us time to properly warm up. Very well..."

He floated up a bit, pulling his large foot up towards his rear in stretching his legs, cheerfully calling out to the others as the bodies closed in.

"Everyone! Stretch only the essentials: it's important to stay loose before you test your physical bodies, but we don't have time for every group!"

Whis' cheerful demeanor suddenly dissipated, his expression flowing into a stern, serious glare as he threw up his long arms. Colorless, invisible energy formed around his body as he braced against the impact, tensing as the explosions rung out all around him.

As the onslaught ended, Whis panted heavily in dropping his arms, letting out a content sigh and rapidly returning to his carefree demeanor in floating back over to the others.

"Well that was fun! Did everyone enjoy the battle as much as I did?"
Spina narrowed his eyes as he punched nothing but air after Vegetto-Black vanished. All the debris was flung away from the impact of his punch despite not connecting.


He turned his head slightly to the left, eyes darting to the side immediately, seeing the spot just moments before the doppelganger reappeared in that location. His senses heighten into high gear, muscles tensing and his mind readied for his next move—despite the horrid state he’s putting his physical body through, he roared loudly as the silver energy closed in on him. Just before impact, Spina leap into the air so fast, he rapidly appeared face-to-face with Vegetto-Black, headbutting him in the process, then followed up with a kick to launch his arm upward to the sky.

Spina’s focused became more apparent—as if he was carefully observing this man’s movements, yet, his attack pattern became unpredictable, wild-like and primitive. He did not wait for him to recover—he followed up with three profound strikes to his chest, stomach and torso; he was aiming for vital points. His closes his hands, tightening them into a fist, which caused most of the orbs behind them to launched towards Vegetto-Black. They smash onto him in rapid succession as they flung back to their positions, until they surround both like a ring.

The mighty Saiyan roared loudly, his voice crackle from the intensity as Spina vanished behind Vegetto-Black to deliver another strike. His eyes, free from the shackles, became locked onto the madman’s movements.


“And that’s one down.” Demi-Fiend commented once Cuki fell to the ground and jump out of the ground. “Hate to admit, that left a sting. What are these guys getting all their sudden power from? Wish they display that in their earlier fights…” Demi-Fiend was in self thought as he dusted himself from all the dirt that gotten in his pockets. “Perhaps they did… and I didn’t notice. Anyways, need to stop this time anomaly before Kassava completely obliterate the concept of time or something.”

Before Demi-Fiend made his move, his eyes narrowed after an explosion erupted near him. As he turned around, he immediately turned his head to face the newly formed Cuki. “What’s up with the change of costu—” Demi-Fiend was sent flying to the sky after she clawed his back. He felt, once again, reality being affected in such a way before slamming to the ground. “Ouch…”

He stood up, checking to see if his back had any marks; although he couldn’t see it physically, he can feel the burn marks on his back. “Yep…” Suddenly, he bolted upward in the sky before crashing onto the ground again, landing on his back. “God damnit…” He stood up, dusted himself from the dirt.

Demi-Fiend stared at Cuki, seemingly in her new transformation. “So, going blonde wasn’t enough, so you decide to do some cosplay, instead?” He smirked. He sensed a strange energy, feeling that something wasn’t quite right. “Ahh…” It seems he figured something out. “You know… that sting a bit. Well, a lot.” He clenched his fists. “I was just fooling around to see if I can tick one of you off but guess I gotta play serious this time. He planted his feet, crossed his arms and his tattoos glowed. “Alright…”

A spear of energy appeared in his hand, and instantly tossing it to Cuki. “Deadly Fury!” He shouted as he rushed in to attack the same time as the spear.


Demi-Fiend 2 scratched his head. “I got her, but she turned into that. Probably should’ve just ripped her to pieces.” His eyes went from the fight to staring at Kassava, mainly because he noticed Kassava destroying her previous self. “Why, if one of you destroy the other, wouldn’t that make you non-existence?” He questioned. He clearly has the lack of foresight of how time works; or perhaps, Demi-Fiend 2 is simply mocking her. He walked closer. “While the Prime me is busy with 猫娘, I’ll just take care of you. Don’t know what you did, but you sure cause a damn mess here, did you? I don’t like to clean mess from out of control gods. So, Kassava-2, even if you win against me, your consequences… nah. It’s funnier that way.”

A strange, mysterious object suddenly appear in the field, taking the shape of a gun, due to Kassava and Cuki’s influence of the world they were in. They appeared near the vicinity of Kassava, as the second Demi-Fiend rushes in without any hesitation. “Xeros Beat.”

Demi-Fiend 2 appeared in front of Kassava, slamming his head against hers, as he followed up with a punch to the stomach. He grabbed her head as he opened his mouth. “Heat Wave!” As he fired off a massive storm of flames.


The Great White Whale gritted his teeth. His body is heavily damage, and the fleshed armor gained earlier, was going to sustain any longer. “Damnit! I shall not give you victory!” He raised his blade in the air, causing every speck of the water in this world to be absorbed into it. A whirlpool of ocean twirls around his blade as Brachi, Bara and the Great White Whale now appeared on a field of dry land, with ruined cities, destroyed ships, and bodies of people on the ground unconscious. Tears formed as the Great White Whale used his gauntlet to smash the gigantic energy blast into nothingness as he rushed in. 

“I summon you in this world for your own good. If I didn’t, you would continue to see your people, your marine buddies slaughtered like garbage by whalers, humans. I can give you power, I can give you strength, I’ll spare your universe, so you can return with your own might. Don’t you want that? Aren’t you tired of being tossed around, chain up and seeing your brothers and sisters reduced to nothing more than food and entertainment for their pleasures? Or you’ll take charge and turn that pathetic life into victory.”

The Great White Whale roared loudly, his eyes widened, as he leaped into the air. “Take this! Tsunami Strike!” He raised the entirely of the world, on his shoulders, over his head. He slightly slowed due toe electrify surging through his body—it was a powerful weakness that he cannot overcome. He pushed on through to smash them with the weight of the world—to drown them out completely and utterly, the planet itself was ripping itself apart from the sheer pressure of his attack.


The explosions was vivid, violent and wild, completely and destroying every bits of walls that contained all of them in the room. The foundation fell, the ceilings eradicated, and the objects thrown at them were repelled or destroyed. Standing on the floor that remained, around them was a white void. A few rubble of rocks went outside of that former room, and suddenly vanished into nothingness upon reaching the white void.

In the pile of rocks, a hand, appeared damaged from the two Raune’s powerful explosion, came out of it. Moments later, the Air Dancer came out in a newly form body that he managed to grab in time—his final body, his final stand.

His green coat was ripped to shreds, the bottom had severe burns. His metallic body had burn marks, dents and sparks of electricity crackling because of the impact of the explosion. The Air Dancer raised his head to face all four of his opponents; his energy powering out of the body due to the instability.

[Status Report: Activated Defensive Measures. All possible strikes and combinations. The body had taken massive damage and the energy output is massive. You have 60 seconds of usage before this Doombot completely shuts down.]

“Ends this quickly as possible…” The Air Dancer had fitted himself into the Doombot body; a powerful, effective tool even greater than the original body, known as Doom Dancer. However, it comes with a hefty price—greater power and greater analytical movements, it gains massive amount of energy, so it can only be used in small bursts and end fights quickly. Considering the damage received earlier from the Cross Beam still lingering, and his energy slowly being sucked away by the Raunes when they were near him, his time is even more limited. “Sixty god damn seconds.”

Doom Dancer’s eyes grew red, indicating his time to make his move, but he ponder for a few seconds about the fight overall. “I was dominating them in the beginning, but I did not expect Zenta to show up at all. Was this all part of his plan? That Zenta was going to be the wild card? I should’ve listened to Wordplay’s guts about disposing him once he finished his sparing with the Breakers at the door.” His thoughts was all over the place—placing doubts on Doom’s plans and reasoning. “We’re supposed to be counters, but even the Speedster is pushing me in. Could it be that Doom was over his head on this one? He was carefully planning this all this time, so why is he slipping up now?”
He narrowed his eyes. “No, what the hell am I thinking. These people are just obstacles. I trust Doom’s confidence… He wouldn’t even give me this body for me to simply lose here.” He clenches his fists as his eyes scanned their bodies.

“You damn fools! You should have stay out of it! In fact, you should’ve joined Doom’s legion. You lots know nothing about this world and the world beyond!” Doom Dancer shouted, quickly bolting to all of them. “He’s trying to rebuild a powerful, new world! A world without destroyers such as yourself!” He smashed the first Remnant by elbowing him in the face to pushed him away as he headed straight for Zenta himself.

“I know I can’t reach such blistering speeds, but I can force your hand!” He slammed onto Zenta, thinking that the Raune would hesitate of their next moves, due to the white void around them. Doom Dancer, configuring Zenta’s data, he threw a series of powerful punches, designed to match his tiger-style movements and overwhelm with blows. He went for the leg, smashed Zenta’s right arm, went multiple punches to the gut, while firing lasers around him in case Raunes do decide to jump in.

“I know all your tiger style moves! I know the extreme limits of speeds!” Doom Dancer’s arm, falling into pieces, quickly transformed into a laser cannon and fired off to engulf the beast man to drive him to the White Void.


Superman’s eyes widened when Vegetto managed to eradicate the blackhole in his own strength. He could not believe of what he was seeing. Sweats formed around his temple, dripping down from the forehead to the cheeks, then to the endless void of space. His eyebrows remained firm but cracked out a smile; Superman does not know if he was afraid of Vegetto’s increased of raw power, or it his excitement seeping out on the fact that he could keep going.

Seeing Vegetto coming at him at full speeds, Superman attempted to do the same, but he was caught off guard. The Saiyan appeared in front of him too quickly, throwing rapid fire punches against his chest before Superman could defend himself. He flung back as he grabbed his chest—it hurt. Superman stared at his damage body, seeing specks of blood on his palms. It was… something that he never seen before. Something he never saw for a very, long, long time. In all his battles, Superman never felt a sense of dangers; no opponent, even the his most brutal enemies, felt like an actual threat to him in combat—just something he needed to beat to avoid his world from destruction.

“I’m loving this.” Superman squinted his eyes, giggling at the fact that Vegetto dealt damage that wasn’t a one-time thing. He looked up to Vegetto with a giant smile on his face. He shook off the wounds that staggered him for a moment.

“I’m LOVING THIS!” Superman shouted his declaration of his immense enjoyment of this battle. “You’re pushing me this much!” He bolted towards Vegetto, increasing his speeds even further to match Vegetto. One after another, blows were traded between them, planets, galaxies, entire cosmos were flying around as if they are nothing more than mere space dust in the entirely of the star maps.

Superman’s domination of the fight continue to fall as he realized that Vegetto was keeping up, no matter the strikes or blows; he found himself putting in a more defensive front than offensive. “I won’t back down…!”

Superman quickly crossed his arms, a burst of energy boiling up inside of him, using it to create a powerful wave to break away Vegetto’s powerful offense. Putting enough distance between the two, Superman looked down below, realizing the utter destruction they caused in their wake.

“If this was my world, I’ll never hear the end of it… but none of that matters now.” Superman’s eyes locked onto Vegetto’s eyes. “None of that matters.”

Superman suddenly bolted in front of Vegetto, gathering so much energy in his fist, it was warping the space itself. Before he let the man reacted to his powerful punch, he stop mere inches from his face—the only thing that hit him with a light pressure that accumulating from that strike.

In reaction, space became cracked; across the cosmos of this world, the entirely of the universe, fractured. Suddenly, shards from sheer space fell from the sky as Superman pulled back his arm, then immediately flew backwards, away from Vegetto.

As the man of steel disappeared, the shards reveal things that are familiar to the warrior. A shard that showcase his own home world; but other shards reveals things that are unknown to him. A shard that reveals yet another Vegetto like him but leading a band of warriors to tackle an empire. A shard that reveals two individuals fighting a man with a masked on his face.  A shard that reveals world where Kassava is shown to be the leader—without him, where he doesn’t exist. Multiple shards showcase Superman’s worlds; different incarnation, different pathways, different outcomes. These shards reflect all possibilities, even the ones that happened in the world of Reality Vortex, a world filled to the brim of the impossible, possibilities, of all existence beyond understanding. What Superman did wasn’t just showboating, but a reflection of his own ambitions, but a reflection of the destruction power of what Superman held.

A flicker of light appeared at the far away distance; an massive pool of energy was building up rapidly.


A strange door suddenly appeared as everyone was brought back to Wordplay’s room. His body slowly disappears after this defeat. It will lead them directly to where Detective and Waldo are currently located. 


Doom was mumbling himself as Vegeta and Waldo look on. “I have no idea, Waldo. Black Kaiser? That name doesn’t ring a bell.” The Detective became confused. “It seems that thing must’ve sent us to the past… but…” He looked around. “This doesn’t look like the Reality Vortex at all…"

[Doom clicked one of the buttons that seemingly fires off a massive amount of energy. After a few moments, nothing happened.

“Damnit… no matter how many times I do this…”

“Ah… so you’re the guy that’s been firing off that strange energy blast to the sky…eh?”] A strange, gigantic armor man appeared before Doom.

The Detective eyed on the figure. “Who the heck is that?” He analyzed the situation, but he never seen that being before, not even in the books of the libraries he visiting.
The individual on her turn was now fully visible and appeared to be a perfect blend of both the amalgamate Human/Saiyan hybrid and the Majin, whom was already charging another attack, having seen the White Whale power his. Not intimidated, the individual was charging up her attack, a few veins pulsing on the bare skin on her arms, head and legs and steam was bellowing from the holes on her body, before she launched an arc of green energy with an electric surge appearing around it as a first wave, before launching a powerful, magenta colored Kamehameha after it, intending to strike the whale, or otherwise intercept his attack and hopefully finish the fight so they can finally face their true enemy.


Gervene popped her neck and fingers, before moving to the door and opening it to go through.
Cross says "It was entertaining and we got out at an entraining time as well." The named followers and those recovered chose to say out rest this.
Vegetto Black's silver eyes widened at the sudden reappearance of Spina directly in front of him. His body began to dematerialize, but the speed of the headbutt threw off his focus once he connected before he could completely vanish. He stumbled back with a pained grunt as his arm was shot up, the two fingers off his forehead and his eyes shutting tightly in a pained cringe. The three following hits forced his eyes to shoot open, his body rocketing away from the impact of the orbs in the quick succession.

He tumbled backwards, flipping around in a direct collision course after Spina teleported once more in his flight path. However, the silver and pink flames suddenly ignited the doppelganger's body in a powerful aura. Vegetto Black rapidly flung around, his face turning towards Spina with wide eyes and a sinister smirk.


Using the momentum of his flight, Vegetto Black roared as he swung his left arm forward, delivering a powerful backhand punch to Spina's cheek.

"T̠̮̹h̦a̭̙̲̗͍͢t̺'̖̖͍̗̙̳̯s̳̯ ̴͚i̴̤̮̺̰͖̺t͏̣̟ ͍̗̩̘͟n̢̳i̶̳̹̝̣n̩͙̬̟̗͝g͇̰̦̯͍̘͟ẹ̪̝͔̩̝̝n̙̦͙.̹̗̲̝̜́.҉̬̟̤̦̤̩.̮͚̰s̲̼̭h̪͚̟̙̭͜ͅo͓͈͉̪͢w̗ ̹̻͞m͍̮̙̞͉̻͓e̷̖͍̫ ̗̯̱̮̼̜͞y̼͉͇ò̫̟̖̝̝ṳ̴̯̝r͓̟̟̬̯̲͟-̛̹͕͕̼̠̼͔"

He planted his feet firmly on the ground, using the earlier strike to steady himself before letting out a thunderous roar.


Vegetto Black's fists rocketed forward in a furious onslaught of punches. His style mirrored Spina's in its erratic, primitive nature: adapting to the flow of the battle, Vegetto Black continued to strike at varying speeds yet aggressively charging forward with very little regarded for his own defense.

Kassava turned her head, staring at the development of the strange new gun shaped object nearby. Caught off guard, she hacked in pain as she rocketed back a bit from the headbutt and stomach punch. She grimaced, her aura flaring as Demi-Fiend grabbed her head, rapidly hurling her left hand up. The wrist glowed with a volatile stream of red energy, her fingers spinning on an imaginary dial once more as the flames wrapped around her hand. The fire itself slowed in place dramatically, her hand engulfed harmlessly inside. The fire stopped just barely in front of her face, Kassava pulling her head back a bit in instinctive fear.

She suddenly spun her fingers in the opposite direction, the fire itself responding by hurling in the opposite direction towards Demi-Fiend. Following up in the opening, Kassava cocked her right leg up and launched a powerful snap kick square in Demi-Fiend 2's chest. The power behind the strike shattered the entire floor around the two, a thunderous shockwave blasting out in every direction as Kassava hurled Demi-Fiend 2's own Heat Wave back at him using her time magic.

Vegetto floated back after Superman broke his offensive surge, his arms tensing in preparation for a charge. He panted lightly, a small trail of blood streaming down the right side of his mouth while his exposed was littered with small scratches and black marks. His own smirk rose at Superman's words, his silver eyes never once leaving the man of steel in a silent agreement of Superman's words.

He threw up his arms in instinctive defense, preparing to take the incoming strike. However, he blinks in confusion at the development, studying Superman intensely but unable to strike back due to the pause in combative flow. He glanced around, floating in place and his eyes turning up in awe at the shards of reality depicting the various existences across the universe. His eyes danced over each scene, only glancing them over and not spending much time before he slowly turned his head back down to where Superman began to charge up his next attack.

"The power to shatter reality itself...unbelievable. Thanks for the incredible fight've pushed me to heights I didn't know were possible..."

Vegetto's silver fire erupted outwards in every direction, the shattered splinters of reality all gleaming with the reflection of the brilliant fire as it rapidly spiraled upwards.

"But we have to end this. You just keep coming back for more...and as much as I want this to go on...I won't let you stop me from seeing what this fantastic universe has to offer."

Vegetto let out a thunderous roar as he threw both of his arms out in opposite directions, his palms wide open. Silver fire surged outwards in massive spheres of pure fire and power, violently radiating as they condensed down into spheres that coated his arms. He suddenly threw his hands together in front of him, clashing the ends of his palms together and forcing the spheres to fuse together while holding the signature Final Flash pose.

"Up until now...I've never showed this power to anyone. I love's just as you said-"

Vegetto suddenly hurled both arms upwards above his head, the massive sphere of energy blasting upwards. The splinters of reality all blasted away, each shard shattering to pieces. Even the shard depicting Kassava disintegrated into nothing as the massive silver energy shot upwards, forming a energy sword that filled most of the vast space above.

"Nothing else matters!"

Vegetto's lips lifted in a strong, confident smirk as he cocked his arms back a bit more.

"He̻͎͖r̡̭͔͇̺̰e̷̗̯̦͈ ̩̦̬i̤̟̦͍̦̲t̀ͅ ̫̬̟c͓̙̖̰̹̲̪͟o̗̗̝͎̻m̸͙̘̙̮̻̯͖e̴͉̺̪̘͎s̖ ̬̱S̗̗͈̱̹̫͠u̦̠̟̠̠̳͟p̰̹͓̬e̜̦̗̞̼rma̛͇̱n̺̳̠͚̣͕̠!̴̦̞̣͈͉ ͍̭T͍͓̠̰͎̲o ̭̝͜th҉e̲̞̟ ̵̩ab͓͉̺͖s͎̱͙̦̖̤o̘̳͟l̹͈̫̘̟͓̙͟u̳͇̜t͇͞ẹ͇̦ ̤̞̪̳̮͉͖͘e̶n͏̙̥̳̞̬͙d҉̞̣̗͚̮!̙̤̹̣̙̰̻"

Letting out another thunderous roar, Vegetto hurled the massive sword of pure energy down in heavy slash towards Superman.

"F͏I̟͠N̟̩̪A̰̘͖͝L̪͝ ̭̞̫EX̮̼̙̭̱ͅC̥͎̩͓̞A̱̙͎͙͔̠͔L̶I͖̱̺̝BUR͓͙̲!̺̙"

Whis moved through the door, striding out casually into the new room he found himself in with Detective Vegeta and Waldo. He turned his eyes up, studying the development between Doom and the strange armored man, before turning his head towards Vegeta with a small smile.

"Hello detective, good to see you alive and well! What has happened while we were away?"
Bernkastel watched Whis move through the door in awe, staring at Lambdadelta in puzzlement. "H-he took that like it was nothing! And he's still standing without so much as a scratch on him..."

"Maybe you should take some pointers on defense from him, Bern. I wouldn't want to lose face if you got blasted out of your form again." Lambdadelta replied casually. "But I'm jealous! My favorite dress is ruined now." She pouted before she escorted herself and Bern through the door. As she walked, she took her hands and smoothed them over her outfit to fix all the rips and tears. "All better for now!"


Waldo studied the mysterious entity speaking to Doom in the memory-shard, unable to come up with any logical reasoning as to why any of it was playing out before them.

"It isn't the Vortex, but at the same time, it is... could this be?..." Before Waldo could postulate further, he turned to see the ones who had suddenly appeared from a door. Initially, he assumed a defensive stance with his cane, but stood up straight in surprise seeing that it was Whis and company.

"E-eh!? Where did you lot come from just now?"

"Waldo! Thank goodness you're okay~!" Lambda skipped over to him with a smile on her face. "Oh, you should have been there! Everything was coming up explodey! Did you guys have someone to fight too?"

"N-no? We were stuck back in that waiting room for a while and we snuck in here through a secret passageway. This castle needs some renovations... the infrastructure is awfully questionable. But we've just been trying to figure out why this place even exists."

Bernkastel eyed their surroundings silently, her tail curling and unfurling as she watched. Without moving her muzzle, she looked at the Detective and Waldo. "Nobody else is with you, so I guess they're still stuck in some pocket dimension fighting one of Doom's lackeys."

"Yes! And we don't understand what the heck we're looking at here. It's like some kind of memory movie or something. I have no idea if it's supposed to really help us find our way out of this weird room." Waldo asked the group.

"I suppose we don't have any other choice but to sit here and watch." Bern said, watching intently since her interest was piqued at the fact Doom was the only thing they saw in a barren place talking to a suit of armor.

Waldo stared at the cat. "... wait a minute! Why the heck is there a talking cat!?"

"It's me you buffoon. I just don't look human." Bernkastel scoffed before licking her paw nonchalantly and passing it over her face.
The first Remnant, the one not caught in the explosion, glanced around as the building itself descended into a white void.

Is this what's been underneath the physical infrastructure all this time? Some sort of false reality of some kind?

With him being stuck in his pondering, he got an elbow directly in the face and stumbled back, sword twirling in his hand as he was left flat footed. The second Remnant was currently standing in the white void, holding his arms in a defensive position after the explosion had basically consumed him. His aura had taken a large hit, but there was still enough left to carry him through this fight. Maybe 40% left. The third Remnant was still on the ground, incapacitated. In effect, all three of Raune's Remnants had in fact been disabled long enough for Air Dancer to take on Zenta. The first Remnant snarled.

"Shut up!" He yelled, looking to Doom Dancer and adjusting his grip on Stormruler, channeling the Speedforce into his arm and using his massive strength, threw the artifact weapon at the newest body with enough speed to create a sonic boom in it's path, flying straight towards Doom Dancer.
Cuki 2, confused and shocked at the new transformation, took several steps back. She tried to put some sort of effort but knew it was nothing compared to Byakko-Cuki or Kassava's time powers. Her gaze went to the mysterious weapon that materialized itself before Kassava. Since the Goddess was busy defending against Demi-Fiend, Cuki 2 quickly rushed to the weapon and realized it was a type of gun. She tried to see if there was anything special on it or if it came with anything else but found nothing. 

Cuki 2 stared at the fight between Byakko-Cuki and Kassava and decided to help out Kassava. She froze, however, knowing her power was nothing compared to Kassava or Demi-Fiend. Her mind raced frantically, thinking of how to help Kassava in any way. With no other choice, she ran as close as she could behind Demi-Fiend and aimed the gun towards him, careful not to hit Kassava. The gun lined up with the back of Demi-Fiend's head and she was about to pull the trigger until she noticed her body releasing small orbs of energy into the air. 

The orbs of light slowly floated to Byakko-Cuki who had a ball of violent energy rapidly forming over where her mouth should be. All around the area, spheres of raw energy materialized and gathered to a singular point near her mouth. The area around them started to change color and slowly come back to the singularity point to form Byakko-Cuki's attack (Like Broly's attack). The colors soon started to invert for everyone in the area and gradually pick up speed, going faster and faster to form the ball of energy. It was obvious she was charging a massive attack by absorbing all the energy around her.

Cuki 2 stared at her body as it was disappearing into orbs and energy for Byakko-Cuki to absorb. She felt the pull of the attack and tried to break away but found herself only drawn closer and closer, disappearing from existence. Cuki 2 freaked out but quickly turned her attention back to the gun in her hand. She was about to shoot but the lower half of her body exploded into orbs of energy, causing her to fall to the ground. She still took aim towards Demi-Fiend, her body disappearing faster and faster until she finally took the shot. The bullet rushed towards the back of Demi-Fiend 2's head in her last attempts to help Kassava. 

"You can do it, Kassava! Show him your Godly might! You can beat him! Kick his..."

Cuki 2's words were cut off, finally bursting into energy spheres of different sizes and rushing back to Byakko-Cuki. Cuki 2 was gone, absorbed by the original Cuki's attack. The gun dropped to the floor where Cuki 2 was last seen. (Since there is only 1 Cuki now, I will refer to her as just Cuki to avoid confusion.)


Once the speed of the inverted colors in the dimension came to a stop, the attack was done charging. A ball of violently surging energy formed in front of Cuki's mouth, the gravity of it crushed the ground Cuki stood on. The ball of energy started to shrink and condense until it was about the size of a large marble. She stared at the incoming Demi-Fiend, pulled her head back then shot it forward, shooting the highly condensed sphere of energy towards him. As the attack rushed towards Demi-Fiend, it appeared to be breaking through invisible glass; shattering the dimension that contained it as it sped towards Demi-Fiend. The shards of glass showed a glimpse of the other fights in both real time and how the fight progressed up until that point. Once the fragments hit the ground, they disappeared into particles that vanished into the air.

The attack rushed towards Demi-Fiend and exploded the moment it touched his spear of energy, followed by a large beam of energy to engulf him, causing more glass shatter to fall from all over the area. In the sky was a large crack that slowly repaired itself while smaller cracks formed beside it. The area with Demi-Fiend and Cuki was engulfed in a purple smoke thanks to the explosion, however, Cuki's mighty yell completely blew the smoke away. The girl gripped her head and fell on her knees, the power completely overwhelming her body and mind. She was vulnerable when she struggled, but it appeared that she would attack anything that got close to her, friend or foe, most likely unable to tell the difference.

Zenta lowered his ears, assuming the battle would be finished without his need to fight. His tails waved around slightly, careful to the surrounding around him while he was finally able to detect a more consistent form of the Air Dancer. He was alert despite having his guard down and listened intently on the words of Doom Dancer. When the robot rushed to him, his ears immediately perked up, hearing every step he made towards him. As Doom Dancer attacked him with the same Tiger Stance he used, Zenta was able to react accordingly and either block or deflect any major hits. When Doom Dancer launched an attack to his leg, he cringed slightly due to the mishap with him and the plane. This allowed Doom Dancer to hit his gut several times before Zenta took a bounce back. He was hurt but he didn't show any hint, not even a twitch, of the pain he was in, if anything, he was good at hiding it.

He braced himself for whatever Doom Dancer was going to do next until he saw the large laser fire off from the cannon in his arm. He crossed his arms over his chest, assuming he could take the blow since Doom Dancer was on his last breath, however, when the attack hit, he skidded back, the attack completely consuming him. It burned his skin and fur, threw his reflective visor into the air, and even ripped away part of his tails. He completely underestimated the force of the attack because he assumed Doom Dancer to be at his weakest point. Once the attack was over, Zenta was seen planted right into the ground, mere inches from touching the White Void. Parts of his skin were charred and parts of his fur were on fire, and the top of his face finally visible without the visor, yet, he kept a warm smile on his face, masking the pain he was in to confuse Doom Dancer. He pulled his feet out from the ground and gently patted off the small blaze on his shoulder, slowly walking towards Doom Dancer. The smile on his face with the holes where his eyes should be made it look as if death was slowly approaching Doom Dancer. 

"My, my... what a move," Zenta said with a chuckle. "I certainly did not expect that much life left in you, Air Dancer. Perhaps you fight vigorously for your beliefs. Maybe not your own, but Doom's. That being said, this fight was quite interesting, however, you assume to know the Tiger Palm yet you know nothing. Imitation is not knowledge."

Zenta stopped a couple of feet away from Doom Dancer and tilted his head, bits of ash from his charred fur fell to the ground. His image flickered until it disappeared without warning. Zenta's voice was still heard, this time, from behind Doom Dancer.

"Maybe in the next life, you will see the error of your ways..." Zenta flickered back, appearing behind Doom Dancer with a glowing palm. swirling around his wrist was the same white energy he used earlier. He bent his knees and slowly pulled his arm back. "Tiger Palm Technique! Spinning Tiger!"

Zenta fired his arm towards the back of Doom Dancer, turning his wrist so that the spiral of energy swirled around the Doom Dancer's body and spun his body uncontrollably into the air. He never touched the robot, but the force behind his palm sent the being flying directly towards the Stromruler Raune threw towards him. Doom Dancer would be spinning wildly thanks to the energy encircling him. The attack was mostly to disorientate the opponent rather than to kill them, however, it was apparently that Zenta did add more force behind his attack, sliding across the ground and trying to keep his posture.
Spina’s head flung to the right, before being bombarded with rapid-fire punches afterwards. His eyes narrowed in, focusing on the precision and velocity of Vegetto-Black’s change in movement. When Vegetto-Black throws another punch, Spina catches his arm in the nick of time. He’d quickly jammed his slammed Vegetto-Black’s elbow upwards with a powerful punch before throwing another punch to the throat to create some distance between them.

Spina crouched on all fours, realizing that the madman left his defenses opened. “Just as I thought! An imposter!” He dug his fingers onto the ground and sprint forward like an animal towards Vegetto Black. He leaped in the air, letting out a thunderous roar at him, to instigate his aggressive before launching a strike at against Vegetto-Black’s face to not give him any room to breath or focus. After one punch, he vanished to the side, slamming his leg against the back of his knees; he’s vanishing from side to side, striking him like a wild beast to his prey.

He appeared in front of him again, pounding his chest as he roared bravely against his destructive opponent. His neck expand as flare of energy emitting in his throat; moments later, he fired off a mouth beam towards the ground to boost himself upwards to the air where the 24 orbs remained stationary in place. He let out another roar as the orb expanded in size and immediately began to circle around Spina.

“Imposter!” Spina shouted. “No matter how hard you try, you’re not a Saiyan. You’re never be Vegetto! You’re just an empty shell of failure!” The orbs smashed against one another, forming an energy-shaped star behind him.


Demi-Fiend’s eyes widened at the spear being engulfed, then disintegrated into nothing, followed by a powerful blast that consumed him. As the smokes was blow away by Cuki, Demi-Fiend had visible damage on his body, but he had a smile on his face.

“Well, well. I don’t know who you are, but that was an impressive attack. I felt that, a lot.” He dusted his body from any dirt and debris. However, his pants were burnt, and his shoes was completely gone—he was walking barefoot. He cracked his neck a few times, before staring at Cuki. He looked around, seeing cracks on the sky—indicating that this was completely different from the regular Cuki. “And yet, once again, it seems that it put too much pressure on that body—that just tells me that you don’t have an exact hold on it. Typical.” Demi-Fiend took a stance, his tattoos glowed. 


Demi-Fiend 2 was kicked in the chest, sliding through the ground backwards. He held his chest, before smirking. “Offensive time magic again, at least you’re not using it on me.” He narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms as the heat wave engulfed him. After a moment, with his arms burned from the attack, he slowly lowered his arms. “Now that’s what I like it…” Demi-Fiend 2 narrowed his eyes. “Take this… Ga-“ Before the teen can finished his sentence, he was shot through the head, causing his body to instantly fell to the ground; completely lifeless. The gun that the second Cuki shot went through his skull, completely absorbing all the energy within it.


Demi-Fiend dashed towards Cuki, slamming his knee against her jaw, throwing rapid fire punches. “Come on, Cuki’s body is a lot tougher than that! Don’t come out now and be pooped afterwards!” He shouted; his expression went from innocent to dark in seconds, thoroughly enjoying punching Cuki. “Come on, so called God!” However, he suddenly heard a single gunshot and a body dropping to the ground.

He looked around, seeing another version of himself laying on the floor, unmoving. “What the…” He became confused. “Another me? Oh, the time thing Kassava did.” He turned his head to Kassava, seeing—completely unaware that Kassava destroyed the original—standing near the second version. “You did this?” Demi-Fiend’s face went grim. “What did you do?”


The Great White Whale planted his feet deep in the ground; his eyes focused on slamming them with everything they got against the strange appearance of the two. The Tsunami collided with the green energy wave—it was pushing through, but the sheer force of electricity bolted throughout the water an struck the Great White Whale with a powerful shock. His eyes widened upon the devastating attack, the water bubbled to the point that it splattered everywhere as dribbles, raining down on the barren wasteland. He fell on his knees, unable to move or speak after that powerful attack. 

“What is this… Doom claims that I was an ultimate counter…!” The Great White Whale’s mind was rattled as the armor shattered and the gauntlet reduced to nothingness. He lifted his head, seeing the magenta beam of energy that completely engulfed him whole. A tear rain down on his cheeks, realizing that his mission is a failure—and his family is doom for the slaughter. An explosion occurred as the rain reduced the amount of flames that ignited from it. The smokes clear, showing the Great White Whale scorched; he opened his mouth, a cloud of smokes came out. Bara’s arm returned to her body, as long with fleshes and pieces that made his armor returned to them as well healing their injuries.

The Great White Whale lifted his head slowly to face Brachi and Bara. “I vastly underestimate you two… Doom’s calculations were off by a long shot…” He said. “Damnit… I had my hopes up for… nothing…” He slowly disappeared. “I failed, everyone…” His final words.

The world suddenly changed, reducing the world back into a regular room, with similar structure to the first room they were in before disappearing into this world. A singular door appeared, leading them to where Waldo, Detective and the others. 


The Doom Dancer thought he had the upper hand—take out the beast, then take care of the speedster by blowing the entire field away and let the white void consume them. The seconds were counting down, but his energy is rapidly causing the body to lose control. The burns makes it hard to move around now, unable to keep up with Zenta’s sudden change of style in techniques. His data was corrupted due to the burns, his energy causing his body to delay in moments as the seconds went down. Unable to detect Zenta in time to deflect, he spun around uncontrollably. The Stormruler went through the Doom Dancer, causing his body to shut down, then immediately explode from the surge of energy overloading more than it should be. The Air Dancer flung out and went in the white void.

“Damnit… Doom is trying to bring…” The Air Dancer had failed to stop the one he was supposed to encounter, and a surprise enemy that aided Raune’s battle, ended his sentence as his body fades away. He ponder whether this was Doom’s plan, or he’d simply used them as fodder—and wonder if Zenta leaving was the logical choice. He disappeared into nothingness, and the world around them changed once more, returning to a regular room with a single door that connects them to Waldo and the others.


In the distance, a massive amount of energy was changing the fabric of time and space. Superman, bolting so fast that he was tearing holes as he cross the space between himself and Vegetto, with his arm held back as a moment to launch his powerful punch. His fist was beaming with energy, flaring up sparks one after another.

Superman had a smile of his face. He’s witnessing Vegetto’s strongest attack—something he wants the full, frontal experience. “Vegetto, you are giving me the pleasure of showing me your strongest attack, so I shall give you one of mines.” 

He tightened his fists as he stare at the gigantic energy sword coming down at him. His gleeful expression, he shouted as loud as he could, unleashing his own, devastating attack. “Infinite Crisis Punch!”

In the perspective of Vegetto—he laid witness of Superman’s body morphing into multiple afterimages appearing behind him. The numbers were endless—each of them representing a different incarnation of Superman from endless realities. All of them cocking their fists back and strike the powerful energy blade. One Superman was a young boy; another was an old man; another seems to be a Black Superman, another from Russia, Red Son; another seems to a gigantic robot version of Superman—all of them in the endless oceans of afterimages. 

He slammed his fist against the blast, creating a powerful collision. The impact send shockwaves after shockwave, the shattered world was blow away. Superman gritted his teeth as he pushed upward. Reality became to warp because of the punch—Vegetto and Superman managed to change into many versions of themselves as the latter continued to push through bit by it. They became children, babies, old men, teens—alternate versions of themselves as the collision continued.

However, Superman shouted once more, extending his arm forward as hard as he could; his right eye twitched. Vegetto’s massive attack started to have an effect, engulfing the man of steel. Before Superman can reach the gifted warrior, by mere inches, the amount of energy fuel in the blasts resulted a massive explosion that obliterated every essence across the plane of this world, resulting an endless void of white; Superman getting the brute force of it and being slashed at the same time; his right arm severely burned, his entire clothing ripped into shreds.


Detective Vegeta was caught off guard when others came out from the door. After they explained the situation, he nodded. “So that’s it… but it looks like you guys took care of whatever happened in there. You guys looks like it just your clothes that got a little messy.” He turns to Cross and his army. “Cross pretty much looks fresh.”

He places his finger on his chin. “That’s very strange…” He saw Bernkastel in her cat state—he was going to question in but didn’t want to bother since she snapped at Waldo. “Well, as Waldo said, it seems that we’re in a memory film, of some sort. I guess the orb we touched is trying to tell us something. Perhaps, what exactly happened and Doom’s plans.” He turns to the memory. “Because I asked Waldo about Doom’s plans to destroy the universe… but none of you guys seems to give a concrete answer for why he would do that.”


[“Who are you?” Doom asked]

[“This is Reality Vortex. Normally, people who are erased from from the Core Vortex are supposed to be here… but you… you’re not from there. Or the Dark Void. Or well, anywhere in the Vortex aren’t you?”]

[“Core... Vortex? Vortex…? What are you-“]

[“That figures. It explains why you have this weird energy not native to this world. I was going to tell him about this (since it’s technically my fault), but I figure I do some extra observation on my end.” The armored warrior look at the machine. “What are you trying to do here?”]

[“I’m building a machine to get out of here… but no matter what I do….”]

[“Ah, that because you can’t escape from here. Once you’re in, that’s that!” The armored warrior touch the machine, currently, it began to emit a strange, black energy out of it. “Oops.”]

[The machine suddenly fired off a beam of light wasn’t working correctly, causing Doom to become enrage. “You fool! What did you do?”]

[“Relax, it was just an accident.” The armored man touched Doom—as the machine, he was suddenly fueled with black energy, causing a massive explosion. “…Oops.” Seeing no sight of Doom after 30 minutes, no signs of respawning, the armored shrugged it shoulders. “Guess there’s no need to report this… I’ll find another way to make some fun out of it…”The armored man disappeared.]
Cross says "Odds good that Doom wanted to destroy the Universe too make way for a better Universe. We shooed retrieve/save what he though was the How he was going to destroy the Universe(referring to the voice/the "Tools")."
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