The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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One of the Raune Remnants looked over to Cross.

"If Doom's gone, there's nothing holding me back from just flat out killing him."

The other one immediately responded.

"As if you would hold back to begin with. This just makes it even easier."
Demi-Fiend stopped in his tracks after she shouted a warning at him. “…You little bastard…” He had a smile on his face, seeing Kassava threatened him. All the verbal abuse, all the shit Kassava went through since her time here, she was still able to maintain some level of confidence. However, he noticed that she was struggling to hold the gun properly indicating something off about the situation.

If Kassava was unable to hold the weapon properly, then she was not the one who shot the bullet. Demi-Fiend stared at the fallen, second version of himself. He thought it was Cuki, but he was fighting her in that strange, godly state. After a moment of thought, Demi-Fiend narrowed his eyes, realizing that since another version from a previous point of time was here, then Kassava and Cuki must had that same aspect as well. He concluded that Kassava’s influence on time had caused a strange occurrence of different points flaring at once.

Basing off that conclusion that Kassava could not done it, Demi-Fiend step forward to her with killing, murderous intent. With an evil grin, fists clenched, and aura pulsing from his body, Demi-Fiend was going to finish this battle before she had the chance to shoot. His tattoos glowed as he’d about to launch another magic attack.


Before Demi-Fiend could finished, Cuki grabbed him from behind. Angered, he flail around to shake the girl off him, but she would not budge. He slammed the back of his head against Cuki’s face and started to thrash around. “Once again, I said… GET. OFF. Javelin Rain!”

Demi-Fiend’s voice went deep, harsh and evil. He was going to destroy them.

The ground around Demi-Fiend, Kassava and Cuki charred as blades of lights burrowed out of it, forming walls of it around them. “Heat Wave!” Demi-Fiend shouted another, spewing out molten lava out of his mouth across the platform to melt the floor they were standing on, to force Kassava to lose her balance and gripe of the gun. Cuki held a tight gripe—and he was going to smashed her to pieces.


A single blade appeared behind Cuki, covered in pure darkness. It instantly jammed through her back, with the tip appearing out of her chest. “Instant Death.” An instant-death attack spread darkness across her body, to obliterate everything—but because of the rules of Reality Vortex, it just left heavy pain on her body, in hopes of pushing her off him.


Detective was surprised at Vegetto’s demeanor; after hearing that he was fighting a being name Superman, and considering he enjoyed himself, he was quite curious too. Cross' forces searched around the castle, but seemingly, they can only travel so far. They were contained in this particular room, and cannot move down nor up, until all battles has been fulfilled. 

He listen to Zenta’s expansion of what he saw, adding further that Doom seemingly wanted to reduced realities. The Detective considered the memory, the opponents, and the voice’s connections to the tools. 

“I think that means that Voice is some sort of god, but because of whatever reasons, he cannot do things he’s normally does.” The Detective didn’t have any hard proof, but this isn’t a wild off speculation. If the tools possessed power, Doom would’ve used it, but he didn’t. He simply waited until everyone’s guard was down, and he took the voice. Once he got that, he starts thrashing everything in sight.

The Detective turns to the group. “That memory we saw… We know that Doom survived this. If Zenta is saying is true, then Doom is forcing everyone to come here, like a large-scale migration. But from what we saw, Doom wasn’t like that before. Something must’ve caused him to change suddenly like that.”

The Detective pondered on, checking out the orb that Waldo carried. “And that large, armored man was displaying a strange energy… similar to this one… Dark Energy.” He uttered the last term. “Yes… I remember now.”

Before he continued….


The energy-star shaped blade dissolve relatively quickly afterwards as Vegetto-Black disappeared after taking his attack. Spina straighten his body, pulled his head back and yell furiously, as the world gained the full experience of his mighty roar. He panted as his chest enlarged, then decreasing after each deep breath. Spina’s eyes became misty; perhaps it was the water that drippling down on him from energy trail that followed him throughout his attack. Perhaps he was excited that he finally managed to score a win without instantly getting destroyed.

Regardless, Spina pumped his fist in the air as a sign of victory. He took it as a badge of honor that he bested a man he considered as a worthy opponent—not the doppelganger himself but rather him as a concept. He respected Vegetto’s strength, considering him as an adversary—even when Vegetto doesn’t consider him the same. Maybe he does, but he’ll never know.

He left his arms dropped to absorb the silence as the battle concluded. He looked to the left: none. He looked to the right: the same thing. Suddenly, a door appeared in front of him, connecting Spina to where the others are located. He didn’t care whether this door was going to send him to another fight—whatever Doom had in stored for him, Spina was ready.

Using every ounce of his strength, as his transformed state slowly disappearing, he raised his right arm to turn the knob, opening the door. In a flash of light, Spina was suddenly in the presence with the others; The Detective, Cross, Vegetto, all the others were present. Knowing that there wasn’t a battle, his dove-colored eyes disappeared, leaving his sclera completely white. He collapsed to the ground, returning to his base, because his body was so damage from Vegetto-Black’s malicious assault, being completely knocked out. He didn’t even hear what Cross, Zenta and Detective had explained to the group after his statements.
Cross says "We shooed give context to that shoed up after us." 

Cross says to his forces "Go back out side of range of a massive wipe just in case and spared that order." Lady lightstep asks "what about you my lord?" Cross says "I might as well keep finished this and if I on the mark I might as well give her a lab. I have a lot those kicking around."

Lady Blackrock says "Master our teleportation methods seem not to be working." Cross says "send a warning to all uninvolved forces. Then assume defensive poster 55 DA." All his followers obey orders.

Cross thinks "I wonder if this sends to those that care about the fact I am a Lich in our little group."
Brachi, Majin Bara and Gervene remained silent, with the former two being worried about their friends back in their home universe, wanting to find a way to get back to them asap. Even Gervene was concerned when it came to Jize and Vocat...
Cuki held on tightly, taking the hits to the face. She refused to let go, even when her nose broke and her face slowly being freed from the hold Byakko held on her. The same applied for the rest of her body, however, with all that power disappearing, so was Cuki's grip on Demi-Fiend. When the spear of Mamudoon pierced through her back and out her chest, Cuki spat out blood and felt her entire body run cold. Her transformation subsided with all the white energy disappearing into particles that floated to the sky. She yelled loudly in the horrible pain she was in but refused to let Demi-Fiend go, even if her grip was significantly weaker. She knew that she would not be able to keep up with him anymore or deal with the amount of damage she did. The pain of the entire fight set in, overwhelming her tiny body, yet, she refused to let go for Kassava's sake.

Kassava..! Please! Take the shot! I can't hold him any longer!" Cuki said as she struggled to keep Demi-Fiend distracted. "Shoot him Kassava! Shoot him now!"

"If Dr. Doom were to complete his plans, these fights will be one of many you all will have to endure. Who knows how strong the other beings will be upon entering this realm. The logic and rules of this world are skewed, limitations don't appear to exist here." Zenta said as he stood by Lambdadelta, Bernkastel, and Whis. "Once we arrive at Dr. Doom, we should know more about his true ambitions. Last I remember, he was quite anxious to finally see you all face to face. Regardless, we should use this precious time to regain our strength and wait for the remaining two."

Zenta slid a finger into the holes under his eyelids and plucked out scraps of dirt, flicking them away. It was uncomfortable to see a beast clean the gaps where his eyes once were but he didn't seem to mind. He shook the burned fur and other debris off his body to show a cleaner version of himself. Zenta then frowned, missing his visor since he felt naked without it.

"Excuse me, Lady Lambdadelta," Zenta leaned over to whisper by the Witch's ear. "Do you think it is possible for you to conjure up a visor similar to the one I had prior? I am... rather bashful of my face."
Bernkastel stopped resisting once Whis began to pet her fluffy fur, almost curling up into a ball as she wiggled her legs and her tail curled around his arm. "I can't allow that to happen, Whis!" She said as a purr escaped her muzzle. "Because if I do that, then she won't seek out my attention anymore~" Even though she was irrefutably grumpy, Whis had some talent with moody felines who were subject to fits.

"Would you look at that!" Lambdadelta chimed in surprise. "Cats don't try to make you like them, so they're quite stingy with how much they like to reciprocate affection... but I ought to keep you close to her. She can be quite a handful sometimes," she teased. "Look! The Pineapple-Head made it back out."

Bern stopped playing about and shook her head to refocus herself. "Oh right. Dealing with this will be such a pain... and we still are waiting on Kassava and Cuki." She scratched into her ear with an outstretched claw. "It does strike me as odd that someone so methodical would display such an erratic behavior. He didn't give off that kind of impression when we first met him."

"Wordplay also seemed to be acting based on personal motive rather than mimicking Doom's ideals..." Lambdadelta spoke, letting Bern perch on her right shoulder. "Until we get our hands on those Tools, we're more or less leaving it up to a fickle roll of the dice. But we ought to take that orb with us. It might give us more clues to work with and we can at least stay toe-to-toe with Doom's plans." After Zenta grabbed her attention, she turned to him and gave him a smile, even though she knew he couldn't exactly see it. 

"Bah, it's nothing for Super Paper Lambdadelta! I've got just the thing..." she cupped her hands together and they glowed a bright green in her palms.

"Careful, she might stick parasol chocolates into your eye sockets for a prank." Bern joked.

"No, YOU would! You did that to me when I gave you lemon tea instead of plum. I'd use marbles since they're actually spherical. And this is no time for practical jokes!" She scolded before she held up a new visor, though these ones had an iridescent pink-blue color gradient. "These ones are extra fashionable, courtesy of the leftover candy I had on hand! Here you are." Lambdadelta held it up to him since he was much taller than her.

"Good grief... I suppose a couple whallops to the noggin won't set him right again, will it?" Waldo took out a bowling ball case from his backpack and zipped the white orb into it for safekeeping.

"It's completely out of our control for whom Doom decides to send up against us. It's also out of our control as to what he can do with both the Voice and the Tools. But what happens to us in those moments are entirely up to us." Lambdadelta said, losing her joking demeanor for a moment to speak seriously. "In the words of humans, we have to have unwavering faith that we can overcome whatever obstacles lie in wait. He's watching our every move to see what can make us lose face for even a split second; that's long enough to get the drop on us and turn the tables back to his favor. Even though hard workers are rewarded, such rewards come from the willpower required to reap the fruits of your labor. Any hesitation can destroy all your effort in the blink of an eye, and not even the strongest witches are immune to it. So we can't afford to stew in self-doubt any longer than we already have."
Out of the three Raune Remnants, one looked over to Lamb after she was done speaking.

"If you keep talking like that, you're going to end up sounding like my aunt Ruby. She always believed in humanity, and she always kept moving forward. Those two things is what made her better than all of the rest of our family. I've stewed in self doubt long enough. Three times as much as I should have, in fact." He glanced over to the other two remnants. "Bad joke. I'll fight until the last, again, and again, and again. I'll fall three times before I let myself be done. But regardless of everything else, I'll die doing what I should as a Huntsmen, a King, and a Speedster should. Defending those who can't defend themselves, and dying so they can live." The other two Remnants watched the first one speak, before the other active one stepped forward.

"Lamb being a replacement for Aunt Ruby doesn't make sense when Bern's the one with the scythe. Granted, her scythe isn't very much like dear old auntie's is, but still a scythe. Ha. Hopefully I'll get to see my family again, even if my universe is gone." He remarked before taking Stormruler and holding it up. "I was once King of Vale, elected monarch, Huntsmen, defender of Faunus and Humanity. I lost my kingdom, my home, and my universe. For a time, I fancied myself being the leader of us, the so called 'Breakers.' But I am not suited to a leadership role, and none of us would bow before any of the others anyways. We do not need a leader, but I will follow the rest of you into oblivion if I must. We are an unstoppable force, and we will break Doom apart!" The third Remnant, the one that had lost their Stormruler and been defeated earlier, pulled himself up a wall, lightning glowing across his hands and eyes.

"Hey, my aura's mostly recharged and my Speedforce charge is back. I'm still rather weak from having lost Stormruler but I'm still alive. So don't count me out." He added, shaking his head. There was a pause of a few moments before the first and third remnants looked at the second, the one who gave the larger speech.

"What do you mean my universe is gone!?" They both shouted at once.
Kassava blinked, quickly leaping up higher into the air once Demi-Fiend spewed the molten lava onto the floor where they stood. Her arms wobbled a bit, tightly shutting her left eye and aiming the weapon down. She grunted, and without waiting another second, fired the large handgun by finally pulling the trigger.

Her arms barely moved due to her own intense strength, the bullet speeding down on a direct path to Demi-Fiend's forehead.

Whis kept his smile, lightly petting Bernkastel and tilting his head a bit.

"Affection can be earned in more ways than one, and if you continue to draw it from only one method, it will still cool and become stale. If you truly wish to woo miss Lambdadelta, you must learn to guide her emotions in more ways than simply just peaking her curiosity with the cold, guarded approach."

His eyes turned up to Lambdadelta as she spoke, momentarily pausing his petting of Bernkastel to lightly put his hands together and gently golf clap for her speech with a wide smile. Whis' attention shifted a bit to the three Raunes shortly after, losing interest in the conversation after the first sentence and happily returning his attention back to petting the cat Bernkastel.

Vegetto turned his eyes up, a small frown and narrowed eyes forming while he laid still in glaring up at the three Raunes and speaking with a sarcastic tone in his dual voice.

"Hey...hunter speed kings....if you're done hyping yourselves up, maybe you should look around and see if you can even find Doom first. And stop with all that universe being gone stuff...he's bluffing. Just because he can do impressive things in this place, doesn't mean he can wipe out other universes."
Demi-Fiend’s eyes enlarged as his ears picked up sounds of gunfire. Despite all the chaos he had through, Kassava still managed to fire, in a sloppy fashion, the gun and Cuki refused to release him despite bombarding her with destructive, magical attacks. He started to sweat; his muscles tighten after smelling gunpowder flinging out; his eyes locked onto the bullet heading for his forehead.

Demi-Fiend roared furiously, the mountains rumble above his screams, and swung his arm up high to catch the bullet that smash the natural limits of light speeds. Yet, before he was able to close his hand, the bullet rip through it, bits of flesh flung everywhere, causing Demi-Fiend to move his head the right to dodge it.

But the speed of the Anti-God Slayer Gun cannot be understood in a natural manner. He managed to move his head slightly, but it tore through his left eye, completely obliterating his entire left side of his head. The bullet suddenly detonated, a small explosion engulfed his head, but with a powerful shockwave that push Cuki away, as Demi-Fiend fell on the ground on his knees. Half of his mouth was gone, with his tongue hanging on the left side; his left eye is nowhere to be seen, and his left arm completely felt numb.

The god slayer stare at the ground for a few seconds, but in his mind, it felt like an eternity. He whipped his head upward and screams in such agony, a first for him. His cries of pain was so devastating, it shattered the ground beneath him, and everyone in the area, causing the gun to slip out of Kassava’s hand, and landed someplace else, but nearby. His powerful defenses disappear instantly, as his self-regeneration disappeared. 

In a strange sense, a door suddenly appeared behind Kassava, opening her to the path where Vegetto and the others are there, physically revealing their location. She could see them, as they will see her.


The Detective, holding Spina’s head on his lap and fanning him with a newspaper, took notice of Cross’ forces making their moves, but seemingly not being able too. “Doom is still blowing things to nothingness out there, and I’m thinking that the battle isn’t over yet, so it’s a good idea to hide the orb until the future. Madam Kassava and Miss Cuki still hadn’t arrived, and if Zenta is alluding something here… they’re fighting that Demon child. The detective started to worry. “And that child isn’t right. He had evil in his heart… I can sense of darkness from his aura.” 

He had confidence that Kassava was strong, but she’s kept being paired up with the worst opponents that are either out of her league or below her. If she had something that she can spar with on equal footing, she’ll be able to grow… that is the opinion of the Detective.

A flash of light engulfed the area, with two doors. A door with a several symbols, each of them representing an event of their battle, all glowing, except for one. It will not be opened until all battles had been achieved.

Another door appeared, and it the same door that Kassava saw from her side. It shows the battle, with Demi-Fiend on his knees. They can speak with her, but they cannot enter through that door--it a one-way door. 

Detective stood up, letting Spina’s head hit the floor. “Oh! Sorry Spina!” He look up at Kassava. “Kassava! You’re alright! Where’s Cuki!?”


Demi-Fiend stood there for several minutes before moving again, struggling to stand up, arching over a bit. The door seemingly appeared as an indication to permanently shut down Demi-Fiend. An explosive aura ringed around his body, hiding his face in the shadows, revealing his red eyes gleaming in the darkness. His vision blurred, but he was able to see the door behind Kassava and the others somewhat.

“Doctor Doom trying to take me out huh…” Demi-Fiend clenched his right arm, gathering energy as he turned to Cuki to his side, but the rest of the Breakers could not see her physically since he was blocking their view.

He pulled back his tongue, as best he could, and smirked.

Demi-Fiend was weak because of the bullet destroying his defenses, but his speed and strength remained. “You got me….” A powerful energy expanded in his right arm. Bits of the world started to disappear, the cracks from Cuki’s dimensional claws and Kassava’s explosive time attack had cause the world they were in to collapse within itself. “Gaea…”


The Detective narrowed his eyes. "That's way too much power!" Something he felt from the same tremble from Superman and Vegetto's battle. "He's going to blow everything up!"
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