The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Brachi and Bara were awe-struck at the display they had seen in front of their eyes, while Gervene on her turn was amazed as well.

"Well, looks like the other universe have interesting residents of their own." Gervene said.
"It's called being a cat person! Duh!" Lambdadelta chimed in, seemingly just as big a feline fan as Whis seemed to be. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Cuki, hiding them with a jacket will just make you look like Old Maid. You'll just have to own it like Bern does with her adorable fluffy tail. Give them a round of applause for how well they put that kid in Time-Out, Bern!" Without waiting for a response, she took Bernkastel's paws and pressed them at the center repeatedly to pop her claws out. "Pyu! Pyu!~"

Bern's ears flattened against her head in clear indignance. "Stop it. You're embarrassing me. Now put me down before I give you a good scratching behind the eyeballs myself."

"Fine fine~ you've probably had enough of being my lap cat for the time being." Lambda let the cat pounce off of her onto Whis' shoulder before turning back to the Raune Remnant. "Sucks for you, I'm not really that good at conjuring things like that from nothing. Especially swords-- witches have no use for those kinds of things!"

Bernkastel turned away from the ruckus and gazed at the unlocked door before them. "I guess all there is left to do is go through that door."

"Who knew we'd have so many cats in this dimension?" Waldo remarked, stowing away the orb before digging out a handkerchief to sneeze into. "Well, anything else we ought to do before we march off to Doom?"

"Not sure what we can really do to strategize about it. Only thing we need to keep in mind is for you guys that went through that whole Unlock-A-Form thing... it'll take some getting used to, so be extra mindful about how much you want to push yourself in this last front, okay?" Lambda said, looking over to Kassava who seemed lost in thought. "You, especially..."
Detective Vegeta stared at the brilliant form Kassava had taken in. Although he had seen plenty of people achieving that state, it always leave him in awe. “Marvelous, Kassava! Just quite marvelous!” He took a notice at her lost in thought but didn’t want to engage since Vegetto tried to be lovely with her. For some reason, he was getting embarrassed himself. \

“Hey, let’s cool down the love talk.” The Detective blushed at the sight, reminding him of his own love life back at home universe. He turns to the door, now locked, for the Breakers to enter through. He tipped his hand and checking on everyone and their condition. It seems that Cross managed to give everyone a good enough heal for recovery from their battles.

He sense another, strange energy, looking at Cuki, whom was wearing a jacket to hide her changes in appearance. “Let’s not try to hide yourselves. Everyone here had broken through their limits in their battles. Show off whatever new abilities with pride.” The Detective gave some words of encouragement to the young warrior.

“With that said, they are right. I don’t think there’s anything we need to do.” Detective turned his head slightly, seeing the door. In that door, if one pass through, is a long stair towards another door, filled with celestial bodies slowly floating around. “We need to save your world…so let’s make haste.”


“Ah…” Spina woke up. “Felt like my body got hit by a truck, but I feel like a new man...” He stood up next to Vegetto. He did a double take, since his vision was blurry for a second, instantly punching Vegetto in the face. “Huh!? Back for more!?”

The Detective gasped. “What are you doing!?”

Spina, in his defensive position, turned to the Detective, realizing that everyone had gathered around. Cuki looks different, Kassava is beaming with confidence, and Zenta is with them now. He looked at Vegetto once more, seeing that his clothes were his regular attire. “Oh, oops…thought you were that guy”
Whis made a small, mocking face as he stuck his tongue out at Vegetto once Lambdelta defended him. He straightened up fully, smiling and reaching up to pet Bernkastel on the back of her neck once before falling silent in the conversations that ensued.

Kassava turned her head once she heard Detective Vegeta's praise. She smiled warmly, similar in demeanor to Whis in genuinely bowing her head slightly after he suggested the group focus less on their love life.

"Thank you for all your help earlier, Detective. I wouldn't have done it without your encouragement."

Vegetto crossed his arms, his eyes following Kass and the detective. He softened his stare at the sight of Kassava's enthusiastic thanks, but his moment of peaceful observation was completely lost once Spina's fist slammed into the side of his cheek.

He hacked lightly, stumbling to the side and clutching his face while Kassava gasped at the sight, instinctively tensing up. Vegetto rotated his jaw, grunting lightly and rubbing his cheek. He almost chuckled, however, rubbing his lower lip with two fingers and looking down at the small blood stain.

" hit a lot harder than you used to."

Whis perked his eyebrows at Spina's explanation, letting out a content "ahh" in recognition.

"A doppelganger, hmm? Was he wearing black clothing, perhaps?"
Cross says "I can buff and place some just incase measures on you lot as well." Cross thinks "its amusing they think that any universe is in acral threat. Its funny that all I getting out this is some slight amusement."
"Ohhh, this is so embarrassing," Cuki said as she slowly removed her jacket from her head. "I look like a dumber version of--"

"Now, now Cuki, you look just fine. You should learn to embrace your new attributes." Zenta said with a smile, gently feeling her new ears. "Ah, you have ears similar to mine, how quaint. It looks as if you went through a transformation of your own. How did you fare with the Demon Child?"

"Well, truthfully, I don't remember a thing. I only remember Demi-Fiend ripping off my tail and me getting some weird golden hair. After that, Kass was using her Time Powers and made clones of us! It was pretty cool! ...But after that, the last thing I saw was Demi-Fiend shoot a spear through my chest and the rest is a blur to me," Cuki placed her arms through the sleeves of her jacket, fixing her collar. Only now did she realize her hair was still down. "Next thing I know, I see Kassava holding a gun and a dead Demi-Fiend."

Cuki frowned, having only memory of the last moments of the fight. She refused to speak about her incident with Byakko, assuming it was nothing more than a dream on her part.

"I just wish I could've done more to help Kassava... Looks like she had to pull all the weight by herself while I was unconscious. I mean, she managed to take out both Demi-Fiends by herself and grow in power. Me? Well, I just passed out and wake up looking like a silly cartoon."

Zenta slammed the side of his hand on top of Cuki's head, causing the girl to flinch and take a step back while rubbing the top of her head. 

"What was that for?!"

"Cuki, you need not denounce yourself. You cannot compare yourself to Kassava when you have gone through a different way of training." Zenta turned Cuki to face Kassava. He lowered his body so he spoke closer to her ears. "I doubt Lady Kassava can hit pressure points as accurately as you can, Cuki."

"Well, yeah, but--"

"And I also doubt she has the excellent hearing that you now possess."

"Sure, but wha--"

"I am also willing to bet you think on your feet much quicker than she can."

"Then why can't I match up with them?!" Cuki yelled slightly. "If I'm as great as you say I am, then why do I always struggle behind everyone? Kassava had to save me during the fight and I couldn't even land a hit on Demi-Fiend... I... I can't even remember!"

Zenta chuckled to himself before standing up straight, easily towering over Cuki while placing a hand on top of her head, gently massaging her ears. Cuki relaxed slightly, almost out of instinct.

"You try desperately to become someone you are not. You will never be Kassava or Spina or Brachi simply because you are Cuki. You may be overwhelmed by Vegetto's strength or Raune's speed, but that does not mean you are inferior to them. It means that you have to train harder than they do naturally. If Raune runs five laps, you run six. If Vegetto blasts away a moon, you blast away two," Zenta placed his hand on Cuki's shoulder and turned her to face the others. "Remember, in order to move a mountain, you must move it one stone at a time. Knowing you, Cuki, you will find a way to carry more than just one stone."

Zenta smiled down to Cuki who appeared confused by his way of speaking, however, his words seemed to calm her down and make her realize the error of her ways. She managed to smile before moving over to Whis and nervously accepting his offer to scratch her ears.

"You can scratch my ears whenever you want, Mr. Whis~!"

Whatever happened in that room, there is no doubt Cuki had a major play. Zenta thought. Her ears, her markings... they are very similar to that of the legendary being spoke in folklore... Could it be that Cuki is the being of reincarnation? 
Spina, feeling embarrassed for punching first and offered his apologies, before giving an answer to Whis’ question. “Yeah…? He wore a black attire, and starting rambling about mortals and sins, then going on about strength.” He rubbed his chin. “Doom rally got Vegetto’s personality down to the money, just adding some flavors into it when he made a duplicate version.” He thought, still thinking that Doom created Vegetto-Black.

The Detective nodded at Kassava. “You have a long way for your journey…” His ears ringed at Whis’ description. “Wearing all Black… Zamasu?”

“Zamasu? Who the hell is that?” Spina asked. “Don’t tell me. Another Saiyan?”

“No…” Detective Vegeta responded. “He was a Kaioshin that went rouge to exterminate all mortals and ended up taking over Kakarotto’s body using the Super Dragon Balls.” He turns to Whis and Vegetto. “But it seems that their version of Zamasu might’ve had a different path, and took a different path?”

“So… that wasn’t a creation cook up by Doctor Doom?”
Cross thinks "These buffs shooed make them more effective." Every one that wants one got a buff.
Can't believe Whis is actually getting closer to Cuki than I am. The first Remnant thought to himself, standing in an awkward position with his arms crossed and legs a bit bent, almost in a scowl underneath that mask. With that monstrous mask on, regardless of how attractive or not he was with the regal beard and red eyes, he wasn't doing himself any favors with trying to impress the only cat girl.

From where the second Remnant was standing, he was simply looking at the first Remnant and leaned backwards, face raised upwards and eyes closed, letting loose a warped, almost demonic laughter coming from his warped way of speaking in costume.

"Ha, ha ha ha!" He laughed, completely uncaring for his other self's embarrassment. Following this, he resumed a normal position and calmed down, giving a chuckle before placing a hand on his forhead.

"Hilarious." He announced before looking to Waldo. "Strategy for Doom is the same I had for Zenta. Take him out quickly, efficiently. Every second someone dies. Every moment more of reality is erased. Can't afford to waste time when we get to the actual battle, lest he erase us."

The third Remnant sighed from Lamb's answer. "Figures. Oh well. Even without a proper Huntsmen weapon... A speedster's fists will do."
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