The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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The first Remnant, the one that had been flirting with Cuki, gave a smile beneath his mask when she walked over and talked with him. When she left, all three of the Remnants looked to each other, and then passed through the door.

- - - - -

The three Raune Remnants all approached the final door, the first and second holding onto their sheathed Stormrulers, and the third with tense fists that sparked with red lightning.

"No matter what happens after this, it was an honor to fight among you all. It's time to bring an end to a monster. It is time, for me to hunt." The second Remnant stated, glancing among the rest of the group.
Lambdadelta took out a heart-shaped lollipop from a hidden pocket within her dress and stuck it into her mouth. "My only advice is to hope for the best, and prepare for the worst."

"Yes, we mustn't approach this too recklessly... just be wary in case he tries any more tricks." Bernkastel got into a defensive stance, thinking to anticipate one of several possible things that could happen the second they pass through the doorway. Even though she spoke calmly, she could feel the hair on the back of her neck stand on end anxiously.

"I'll be right behind you!" Waldo stood behind the Detective and gripped onto his cane with both hands. His muscles visibly tensed beneath his sweater.
The Detective nodded. Knowing the confidence of the group, he turned the knob and opened the door. A sudden flash of blinding light engulfed everything, the same kind of light that transported them to other worlds the first time after the Zenta battle.

For a moment, all of them heard voices of their beloved, their friends, their comrades, their enemies, anyone they knew them, but only faintly. The Detective Vegeta opened his eyes, no longer blinded by the light, to see a brand-new room. It was a round room, filled with broken devices, scattered papers and shredded documents laying on the floor. The Detective turned his head slightly, seeing that everyone was there, and no separation. However, he noticed that he can’t sense the outside room. The door vanished, trapping them inside. They cannot escape, unless this battle is dealt with.

Spina rubbed his eyes, so his vision clears again. Upon the restoration of his vision, he saw that the round room had windows all around, the outside being the cosmos of all the worlds, straight from the ones they saw when walking up the stairs.

“What a mess.” Spina looked around. He walked a few feet before seeing a gigantic machine, with the voice inside of it, with Doom, sitting on a throne, staring at it. It cannot be destroyed by any means, nor can they force the voice out... it was surrounded by mysterious dark eenrgy that prevented them from escaping their battles in the first place.

“Oh, so you finally took care of Naoki. That’s one problem Doom doesn’t have to deal with.” Doom said. “Breakers, you seriously surprised me. Sending those pathetic fools was a good show… but now, we’re reaching for the climax.” Doom taunted the Breakers, didn’t even bother standing up from his chair.

Spina gritted his teeth, trying to keep his emotion in check. He was confused about the name Naoki, but he didn't pressed on it. This event was too important to worry about insignificant details such as names. “Alright you damn coward. You have pull us around long enough. Get up and fight us. And we won’t be asking twice.” Spina’s muscles tighten, but didn’t make a move, taking consideration of Cuki and other thoughts.
Doom whipped his head back, trying to hold back his laughter, but it blurted out. “Oh? You’re approaching me?”
Cross thinks "what going be the opener for doom. I know all my pre buff shooed be good for the fight." Seems ready for most any thing.
Naoki? Who's that..?

Cuki shook her head from the thought, knowing names are not of importance right now. She eyed the room, trying her best to gather as much information as she could. The door behind them disappeared and she knew that this was a battle they had to win in order to escape. She noticed the large machine with Voice trapped inside of it and had a feeling that getting him out would be no easy task. The machine made her curious but without any idea of what it was capable os, she made no moves towards it. Finally, her gaze landed on Dr. Doom and his throne. His calm posture and his confidence made Cuki's hair stand on ends.

If Doom is this confident, then he's got a plan up his sleeve. We have to approach this fight with the utmost of caution. I can sense that Doom is far stronger than his silly bots... this will not be an easy fight.

Zenta was the first to take a step forward and bow his head to Dr. Doom. He made no attempts to attack or antagonize Doom, remaining calm as he spoke to the Doctor.

"It is nice to see you again, Dr. Doom," Zenta smiled. "I see you finished your preparations for the Breakers. I assume you will not make this an easy battle, especially when you made that machine bigger, from what I can tell. Why do this nonsense, Doom? A person with your knowledge and power is truly capable of much greater potential, not silly ideologies as this."

Zenta's tails waved harmoniously behind him. Cuki's ears perked slightly as she sniffed the air subtly. Her eyes narrowed at her Master's tails, almost as if she can very faintly make out an invisible force. While she was not able to see it, she, as well as anyone closeby, could sense a gentle draft, just barely picked up by her skin and the fur on her tail. The sensation gave her goosebumps since she never recalled having the ability to sense things she could not see. 

A draft..? No, that can't be, there are no vents or open windows I can see... So, is this Master's doing? But... what is he doing? I don't understand what I can't make out. What's Master planning..?
After stepping through the doorway, Vegetto turned his head instantly at the sight of Dr. Doom sitting on his throne. He remained silent throughout the initial exchange, Kassava moving up to his right side. His lips rose into a small smirk, his cocky tone ringing out in response to Doom's question.

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."

Whis peered over the other fighters, standing calmly in the back. He coughed lightly into his fist after listening to Zenta's questioning, his tone flat in following up.

"Yes. Surely, wanton destruction of universes you have no real connection to is only a side hobby. This has been most enjoyable, but why are we truly here?"
The three Raune Remnants stood side by side, two holding out their swords. The three took combat stances, each one in their black suit and ready for a fight. In fact, they were ready to not only kill, but to die. Blue lightning course across their bodies and through their red eyes, burning with righteous anger.


All three of them uttered at once.
"I just don't get it..." Waldo shook his head with a grimace. "Why? What do you gain from doing all this!? We're not your little pet experiment, if that's what you're thinking!"

"For all that time you spent stalling us, I really hope you have something to show for it," Lambdadelta said, looking at her lollipop and twirling it with her fingers, pointing it at the Voice's prison. "Like that machine over there? Is that the prophetic Universe-Deleter you've got everyone's undies in a twist over, or what?"

Bernkastel and Lambdadelta joined either side of Whis. Bern looked around to observe everything around them, including the machine, but ultimately said nothing since Whis already posed the same question she had. Instead, Bernkastel opted for silence. Is it really possible to do that with just the Tools and the VoiceShe wondered.
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