The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Gervene on her turn had taken up a floating stance herself, indicating that she was getting serious, and prove to Doom as to why she was the Goddess of Destruction, while at the same time turning to Bara, whom had retained her feminine appearance, but appeared to be a bit more slender and taller... as if she had undergone a partial Purification.

Brachi on her turn went to maximum power in her Super Saiyan Blue form, the enhancements by Lich enabling her to tap deeper into its potential, while also preparing herself for something that she hadn't used in a long time. This was characterised by the yellow outline around her Super Saiyan Blue aura gradually turning to orange, until it settled to a crimson red outline instead, mentally preparing herself for the battle to come. Once she had found her threshold, Brachi suddenly stopped powering up, the aura disappearing for a moment, as Brachi closed her eyes and focused.

"KAIO-KEN!" Brachi suddenly shouted and powered up once more.

In an instant, the calmly surging Super Saiyan Blue aura returned around her, however, around that aura was now a crimson-red flaming aura surrounding that in kind, which indicated that Brachi had successfully combined the Kaio-ken power-up state with her Super Saiyan Blue form!

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Gervene asked her.

"Even I wasn't sure if this would work as I've considered this option briefly when fighting that Great White Whale," Brachi said, "but seeing what we're up against, I don't have much of a choice. Now Doom is going to pay for what he has done... with his life!" Brachi said, cracking her knuckles.
The third Raune Remnant looked to the explosive energy placed on Vegetto's chest and disregarded any chance to further harm Doom, backpedaling quickly to run out of the range of the blast and leaving behind a blur, just attempting to run away from the fireball.

- - - - -


The second Remnant stowed away Stormruler and charged, running across the ground and grabbing the half erased Vegeta, carrying him to behind where Doom was standing before laying him on the ground, grabbing his head and hand.

"Come on, stay with me, stay with me!"

- - - - -

The first and third Remnants ended up standing side by side with the second Remnant gone, watching the wind blow from all of the massive powering up from the likes of the Saiyans and not, even Whis was getting serious. The two glanced towards Whis, powered up but not yet attacking.

"Charging up, I even feel even stronger thanks to Cross. It seems as if..." The first Remnant began to say before his ears and tails spiked up, him raising Stormruler up.

"Raune, run interference. The other Remnant's on medic duty." The first Remnant ordered the third, who nodded. The third zipped off, running in random paths around Doom, moving as such speed after images were left behind surrounding him, a distraction effort.

"Think you're so good at shooting targets blind, huh!? I'll give you a dozen to pick from!" The third Remnant taunted. The first Remnant looked to the clearing smoke around Doom, glancing. Ultra Instinct. Kaioken Blue. All that power, bursting at the physical seams. He dashed to the side, running along the walls of the area and building up speed before launching himself in a jump towards Doom. Yet, he was aimed just a bit too far off, he wouldn't even graze Doom with Stormruler. Just close enough to be right by him, yet far enough away he couldn't hit. What could he be planning with that level of precision?
Waldo followed with the third Raune remnant's plan of causing interference and allow for an opening for the others. However, he was the one carrying the white orb in his hiker's backpack-- he couldn't afford to let Doom figure out they had pilfered it from the hidden passage. Nor could he come in close range just yet without risking erasure at point-blank range. Only in an emergency would he think to take it out of his bag or pass the bag to someone else.

"Damn, this is a tight situation. I'll just have to go with this..." He put his hands together and performed a series of hand signs before his entire body briefly glowed a bright yellow, splitting into five identical copies of himself wielding their own canes. They dispersed, two of them lunging towards Doom's direction with glowing canes.

"Alpha Lancer!" The two clones shouted in unison, grinding the curved ends of their canes along the floor to release large opaque waves of volatile energy that alternated between yellow and black in color; loud crackling was audible indicative of dealing an explosive type of damage.

The other three Waldos repositioned themselves in guarding positions. The real Waldo was among one of the three, but the real one possessed two different auras that could only be seen with a keen eye for sensing such discrete energies (or lack thereof). For him, the others exerting their energies easily dwarfed his own and it could work to his advantage.

No matter what, he can't get his hands on the white orb! I won't let Vegeta risk his life for nothing! Everyone, fight for your lives! He thought in determination.

"What the-!?" Bernkastel's face was scrunched up in an incomprehensible mix of rage, vexation, and mostly complete shock at what played out before her. Before she could even register that beam was headed for her, the Detective had taken the blast in her place. She was about to blurt out if he was insane or simply suicidal-- Bernkastel could not understand the foreign feeling she got. Leaping back towards Lambdadelta and Whis, she scowled and bared her teeth, shaking her head vigorously. "Why..."

"Bern! Are you alright?!" Lambda asked in alarm.

"Yes, just worry about yourself instead. Whis is right-- we can't slip up." Bernkastel said in a low tone before holding out her hand, a black ball of energy forming within her palm. The energy stretched out into a long stick before one end made a sleek curve to form her scythe. "To think I would be forced to use my scythe again after so long..."

Lambdadelta frowned and bit her lip, but she nodded knowing the gravity of the situation. They were facing an opponent that could obliterate them without fail. "We have to throw off his aim and restrict how freely he can move his arms, but there's still the armor."

"They've only fought a Doombot's armor, which was already difficult to damage. It's hard to say what the real thing is like, but things are much different than before." Bernkastel smirked despite her nerves being frayed, the grip on her scythe tight enough her knuckles turned white. "I'll fight until either we win or I cease to exist. That's all that matters now." She was prepared to follow Whis, feeling an odd sense of inspiration watching him. What a nostalgic feeling. Bern found it strange to feel so lively at a time like this, mainly because she was used to being emotionally numb.

Lambda pursed her lips in thought since she had no experience even going up against a decoy of Doom. "Is that so? Then I'll let you win this one if you really do manage to make a miracle of this. Time to get serious! Super Paper~!" She did a ballerina twirl while holding up her hands; the long train of her dress changing into a frilly tutu skirt. Pink energy gathered above her head before forming into two weapons she caught in her hands: a spiked konpeito candy shaped into a mace with the handle attached to a chain sickle whose blade had a red hard-light look similar to Bern's weapon. "No more messing around! We're playing to win, and I'll do what it takes! You lead and I follow, everyone!"
Cuki remained still, making no attempt to fight, her thoughts about the possible outcome holding her back. She didn’t want her friends to go, but she did not want to hold them back. For the first time, she felt selfish and wished for her new friends to stay with her, even if they win against Doom. They way they were fighting so valiantly proved to her that they wanted to leave and return home, after all, that is what the whole adventure was all about.

What do I do..? If I help them, there’s a chance they’ll all go back home. If I don’t help, then they won’t talk to me ever again… I just… I don’t want them to go.

Zenta sighed at Cuki’s struggle and took a step forward upon realizing the others and how seriously they took the battle.

“Cuki, you are showing signs of selfishness, something I believe I taught you to stray away from. Whether you fight or not is up to you, but know this,” One of Zenta’s tails gently caressed the side of Cuki’s cheek before flicking out from under her chin. “Friendships are all tied together through a string we never see. How thick that string is, depends entirely on you.”

Cuki’s eyes widen and her face shot up upon hearing her master’s words. Before she managed to say anything, she saw the fate of Detective Vegeta and gasped. Her hand reached out in an attempt to save or comfort him, but he was whisked away by Raune before she had a chance to do anything. Her eyes stayed locked on to Vegeta before turning to see Whis, and all the others powering up to have their share of Dr. Doom. Cuki remained silent during the whole ordeal, unable to make a choice whether to fight or not.

Zenta tilted his head before taking a deep breath and quickly held out both his palms. There was a small pause before a familiar white energy started to form around his hands, engulfing them up to his elbows. From there, the energy started to resemble that of fire, flickering like a small flame on top of his arms. The energy began to morph into the head of a dragon, one on each hand, however it looked imcomplete with parts of the dragon head missing. Zenta’s tails twitched eagerly at the fight before him as the white energy slowly began to line his body. The pulse of energy flung Cuki back somewhat as another energy, this one being a dark blue, came out from Zenta’s feet. It slithered its way to the dragon faces and completed the final design of the figure. The dragons were made out of Zenta’s energy and appeared to be made of flames, perfectly controlled by Zenta and his harmonious balance between two energies.

Behind him, two lumps started to form and stretch out to make a copy of the two tails he already had. The two main tails started to get skinnier and the two energy tails followed. By the end of it, Zenta has four tails, two belonging to him and two made entirely out of energy. All four waved in perfect rhythm to Zenta stepping closer to Doom. Finally, he perked both his ears to remain completely alert to all the sounds around him. Cuki stared at her master, jaw dropped at his new look. Before Zenta launched an attack towards Doom, he turned his head to face his student.

“For now, observe this fight and learn from the others.”

“W-What is that technique you’re using, Master?! I’ve never seen it before! It’s like the Tiger Palm but it’s not!”

“Once you master the Tiger Palm, I will train you to use a technique I crafted myself.”

Cuki was speechless as her master carefully stepped towards Doom and parted his legs with his tails arching behind him being completely still. He held his left palm in front of him, carefully judging the distance between him and Doom while his right palm remained by his hip. He made no move yet, keeping true to his motive to attack only when attacked.
“Prince!” Spina shouted after the Detective jumped in front of Bernkastel, taking the beam of white light directly. As Raune carried the fallen comrade to safety, the Saiyan veered to Doctor Doom with rage burning in his eyes. Yet, Doctor Doom shows no sign of regret in his expression.

Vegeta’s eyes shifting back and forth precipitously. “My body…” The Detective grabbed onto Raune’s collar. “I don’t know why my body move the way it did after I rally out our war cry for battle.” His eyes became watery, then comes tears running down on his cheeks. “Bernkastel’s blue hair remind of my beloved wife. After seeing that beam of light coming in, I don’t want to see another death I could had prevented.” His body became pale, disappearing in literal moments. “My boy, defeat that metal bastard.” In Raune’s arms, his body vanished into nothingness.

Doom’s eyes showcase determination of his mission. The white scorching aura encircling him like flames, he lowered his hand. He took one look at Raune carrying Vegeta, cackling after the Detective spoke his last line. “That’s one.”

Spina lowered his eyebrows. Instead of letting his mind run wilds with malicious and murderous intent to avenge a fellow Saiyan, he instead, remained calm and composed. After seeing Whis, the first time he had seen him take a battle stance, and Zenta, revealing more abilities under his belt, he decided to follow by example. He arched his battle forward, planting his left fist on the ground, with his free hand hanging slightly above his torso. “And that’s one too many…” His body felt a surge of strength pulsing through his body thanks Cross’ enhancements. In the sea of tranquil fury in his dove eyes, his mind focused nothing but the battle in front of him. 

A moment of silence after the disappearance of Vegeta, then Waldo and Raune began their pursuit.

“With my life….” Doom Doctor clenched his hand twice, then flicking a powerful white ball towards the ground, just near before the Waldo duos tearing through the floorboard with high energy attack. The collusion transpired, once again, covering Doom’s view from the Breakers.
As the clouds drummed upwards, Spina added further comments onto Bernkastel’s observation on Doom’s powerful armor. “He has the power to erase us. Whatever you do, don’t get caught by that particular white beam. Barriers or anything probably won’t work here!” Spina, seeing Raune running around, jumped in the air. “Twenty-Four Stars!” 24 orbs appeared above him in a circle.

Doom, seeing a field of smokes in front of him, is tracking Raune’s movements without much concerned, even with Zenta approaching him with an enormous amount of power pouring out of him. “Going all out… those battles have pushed you.” When Raune got close, Doom lifted his arm and pointed his finger at Raune’s direction. “And that’s two.”


The voice heard Cross speaking to him. The irritation of his energy being zapped away. “I don’t think I can prevent him from using my powers, but you guys… are in for a battle.” He warned. “Cross, make sure the Breakers, and yourself, put everything in their battle. I can feel Vortex becoming undone… and reshaping at this moment.”
Cross summons a good number of Will-o-wisps to help confuse doom and if needed to block hits for the busters.  Cross thinks "they can take fatal hits for them and help them hit doom."   Cross says "the will wisps are on our side."
Brachi on her turn went to deploy a strategy of her own, right as Majin Bara finished powering up, joining in on the assault. The female Majin raised a hand in the air and immediately powered a large volatile energy sphere, reminiscent of Kid Buu's Planet Burst aka Super Vanishing Ball and tossed it towards Doom, while also gradually detaching pieces of herself and hiding them from sight, repeating her strategy against Waldo. 

On her turn, Brachi powered a Destructo Disc which she launched at Doom, but making it split into multiple discs when they got close, dispersing them and intending to let them strike at Doom from multiple sides.

Gervene on the other hand generated a Sphere of Destruction and launched it at Doom, the purple and black energy from a destroyer god ready to rip through whatever object was in the way, but making sure to avoid any allies around. But this was merely fired as a decoy, as Gervene was preparing a different attack using each of her four arms, firing blasts which had an elemental touch to it, one of fire, one of ice, one of thunder and even a poison one, an ability she had rarely shown in public, but now that she was faced with a severe threat of this magnitude, Gervene was not intending to hold back now.
The second Remnant watched as the hand grabbing onto the Speedster suit disappeared into nothingness, the Detective erased from existence.

"Vegeta..." The speedster stated, getting up to a standing position, looking to Doom. "Nothing to hold me back." He stated, waiting, watching the other two Remnants.

- - - - -

The first Remnant landed from his jump and looked to Doom aiming a finger at him, drawing Stormruler and holding it in response, entire world slowing down in his perception.

"Firing at me rather than the after-images. REMNANT! FIGURE SOMETHING ELSE OUT!" He shouted to the third Remnant, getting ready to dodge another finger blast from Doom with super speed. Yet he was still so close to Doom, and keenly aware of the incoming projectiles from the way his ears would twitch in the direction of the energy blasts from Bara, Brachi, and Gervene. He also glanced to Zenta with his eyes, keeping his head focused on Doom. Ready to dodge out of the way at any moment, whether the fire be friendly or hostile.

The third Remnant looked to the first one shouting orders before glancing up at Waldo's clones, still incoming. Whatever the first was planning, he couldn't do it if he got erased.

Run interference? Hm. He thought before coming to a stop behind Doom, pointing out his arms. Red lightning shot from his fingertips and wrapped around Doom's outstretched arm, the Speedster starting to pull back with all of his, weakened, might.
Vegetto clenched his fists together, his smirk rising at the sight of all the other Breakers powering up and preparing to strike. In a gleeful tension of his muscles, Vegetto soon shot forward with Whis in a slight dash.

"Alright!! Let's do this!!"

He blasted forward, arcing up to the left in the air in a firey streak of silver flames for a quick moment before coming to a quick halt. His excitement gave way a bit, his frown returning in seeing all the incoming attacks on Doom. He grunted, studying the atmosphere for a moment and slightly turning his head towards Whis.

"Damnit...everyone's already thrown out so much. There's no way we can get in...too many people getting that close will-"

Vegetto stopped mid sentence, the sudden explosion of wind and heat nearly causing him to flip over. His eyes were wide in barely maintaining his balance, watching on in shock as Whis rapidly charged into the fray. The taller angel held only the same fierce glare, the elemental attacks fired from Gervene after her Sphere of Destruction moving slightly slower around him. Their normal arcing pathway had been compromised; the energy and substance surrounding them began to glow with a strange, silver gleam. Whis' eyes radiated a bit, instantly blasting up the floor around him in closing the gap to Doctor Doom. Within the first Raune's vision, Whis' movements seemed to move in real time in the extensive speed being output, the firey aura surging brightly around his body.

Nearly sliding across the floor on both feet, Whis firmly planted his feet through the collapsing crater of a floor in appearing to Doctor Doom's left. His torso twisted around, his arms slashing and swinging as if he were conducting in a musical. The energy attacks previously fired off by Gervene responded in kind, each arcing energy beam hurtling towards Doctor Doom at a different point within his body; the fire attack aiming towards his left calf muscle, the one of ice rapidly slamming into his right rib cage, the arching lightning blasting into his right thigh, and the poison colliding into his face mask in a specific aim through his eye sockets. Whis' arms majestically flung in guiding the attacks forward with an enhancement of power behind the initial strike, and strangely, his entire physical body seemingly began to shake. His skin, clothing, and physical attributes began to radiate inside the silver fire, almost like boiling water evaporating into the atmosphere.

Despite the strange appearance, Whis' torso twisted in spinning around to lightly roundhouse kick the incoming Sphere of Destruction into Doctor Doom head on. The resulting energy erupted into a devastating, ground shattering explosion that shook the entire area they stood in. Yet despite the close proximity, Whis remained completely still with the unchanged fierce glare trained on Doctor Doom, disappearing into the smoke with him shortly afterwards.

Kassava's wide red and gold pupils followed the second Raune remnant, her own fears clear on his face while Whis and Vegetto bolted forward with the others for the initial charge on Doctor Doom. She dropped to the floor on her knees, his pupils visibly shaking along with her lips quivering in the stinging loss of the detective.'s not fair...

The destruction of their universe, the detective's death, all of the impending danger of the situation began to race through Kassava's thoughts. She fidgeted in place for a moment, her head buried in her hands in the panic stricken state that clouded her mind.

I did everything I could...they didn't deserve's not fair!

Kassava's eyes fluttered for a moment, however, in the midst of the futile sobbing. The overbearing, ominous threat of destruction and death clearing way at the sound of Detective Vegeta's voice ringing out in her head. Her vision distorted, the memory of him standing tall and studying her with the fierce, silver glare burning brightly in her mind from their first sparring match as he spoke.

"Whatever is going on with your mind right now, forget about it. You are here now...and this-"

The detective's eyes seemingly turned within her vision, the massive explosion from the Sphere of Destruction hitting Doctor Doom head on momentarily drawing focus from them both.

"-is happening."

Kassava's hair blasted backwards from the force of the explosion, the furious fire and wind almost a cleansing agent for her mind. The fears within her mind began to wash away as the wind seemingly blew it all away off her face, her nostrils flaring in inhaling it deeply through her nose.

"Fear is nothing more than illusions sent to inhibit your ability."

The memory of the detective began to fade, the cocky smirk of the former Prince on his face as he spoke for the last time within her mind.

" have more important things to focus on than an old lad like myself. Show him what you've learned, Lady Kassava."

Kassava exhaled deeply through her nose once the detective finished, the red and golden glow dissipating away with her breath. Her eyes gently closed, her hands in her lap as she sat on her knees, remaining still in a tranquil, calm state on the floor while the battle raged on a good distance away.
Zenta’s tails swayed slightly before he dashed off towards Dr. Doom. The beast did not hesitate and jumped into the air before gently landing on top of one of Brachi’s Destructo Disc, riding it towards Dr. Doom. He was unharmed by the energy thanks to him focusing his own energy as a barrier on his feet to protect himself. He watched the massive attack Whis performed and smiled, deciding to add a flare of his own to the one Destructo Disc he rode on. As the disc got closer, Zenta focused a little of his energy on his foot so that the disc stuck on while he pulled his leg back and launched the disc towards Doom. The Disc was bigger and had more power as it created a sonic boom behind it, literally ‘cutting’ the smoke as it raced to Doom. Zenta landed elegantly in front of Doom, barely moving even a hair on his body.

He lifted his head to face Doom before gently tapping his armor, more specifically his pressure points. To those unaware, they would have only seen a few taps, as if Zenta barely touched Doom, however, from Raune’s standpoint, given his Speeforce, he saw a rapid onslaught of hundreds, if not thousands of jabs a second, maybe even more, each specifically and carefully targeting vitals on Doom’s body. Each hit Zenta landed would leave a burn mark thanks to the concentration of energy around his hands, each mark getting worse the more he hit it. Once he finished his last jabs, he leaped over Doom, appearing from the smoke and landing behind him but at a distance. Zenta held his right palm in front of him while the left was gently lowered back to his hip. He bent his knees slightly before the shockwaves of his attack finally registered. The smoke shifted and reacted as if there was a second battle inside, disappearing from an invisible force. The smoke quickly disappeared, vanishing into nothingness thanks to the sheer force behind Zenta’s attacks. Doom’s armor would show thousands of dot-like burn marks.

Zenta’s right palm began to swirl with a mix of blue and white energy, concentrating right in the center of his palm to form a ball. He appeared to be preparing another attack but needed a little time.
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