The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Bernkastel's eyes darted between everyone who had set out to attack Doctor Doom, clicking her tongue at the fact there was too much mayhem going on for her to possibly land a hit without risking the safety of the others or disrupting their own formations. But her eyes rested on Kassava who was simply kneeling... which she found odd but also a potential danger if an attack was to be aimed at her regardless of the distance now that she knew Doom was capable of long-ranged attacks. Bernkastel crouched and her form phased out before her body reappeared in front of Kassava.

She swiped in an upward motion with a free hand to summon a thick crystalline wall of kakera shards before both of them as a means to protect against the resulting explosions and smoke going on, gripping onto her scythe once more so she could ready an attack if something were to break down the barrier.


"It's practically a minefield out there! What should we do?" The Waldo clones chattered amongst each other with little recourse on what to expect now that there's a bunch of smoke everywhere.

"I guess we'll have to wait it out and keep alert. Get ready to dodge if any laser beams come out of there!" Lambdadelta advised, squinting her eyes and readying her mace defensively. Her heart was pounding in anticipation...

(I apologize for the long wait on this everyone-- I've been really sick with a virus and it could be another couple days or so before I fully recover to work with screens without feeling woozy)
A gathering of white light baled into a single point on Doctor Doom’s fingertips. In the face delivering death, he was not hesitating of firing; Doom will destroy everything single one of them to further his ambitions. In mere seconds, Doom’s arm was yanked away in time, firing the blast at a different location away from all the Breakers.

Doom turned his head slightly to the third Raune that interrupted his attack. Observing the red lightning wrapped around his metal arm, he clenched his hand tightly, resulting an instant white flash. The red color chipped off from the lightning and became pitch white. It travel from Doom’s arm straight to the third Raune’s fingertips, completely engulfing him by turning his attempt to restrain back against him. Wrapped in “white lightning”, Doctor Doom yanked his arm forward with so much force that it launched the third to slammed onto the first to knock him away to create distance. Using the third Raune as a swinging weapon, he blocked the incoming Super Vanishing Ball by launching him directly at it, letting him go at the process. The explosion erupted, resulted more smokes that obscured the area where Doom stood.

In the thick clouds, several balls of energy, shot by Gervene and assisted by Whis, came at him in blistering speeds. Doom’s eyes widened, resulting a white flash afterwards, that instantly destroyed each incoming attack. After the first three were dispel, the will-o-wisp appeared right in front of him. Distracted for a moment since he took the time to wipe them away with his hands, the fourth, poisoned, attack slammed onto his face. He took a step back to check on his face since it didn’t hurt him, but the poison gotten into his eyes. Unable to properly defend himself, he took a sphere of destruction head on, kicking up the smokes even further. In front of Bernkastel and any others standing away from the battle can seen a wall of smokes in front of them.

Despite the powerful assistance Whis provided on Gervene’s attack, Doom’s body seems as if nothing was damage as a flash of white aura surrounded his body before disappearing after a second—aside from his eyes being affected. Doom attempted to reach for his face, but his arms swung forward to smash the incoming Destructo Discs coming at each side. Clearing everything that came to his path, he was forced to be on the defenses when the last disc came at him due to Zenta. He grabbed it with his metal hands as he slide backwards. He stopped the momentum of the disc and toss it behind him towards the ground. His eyesight may be affected, but his senses are sharper than ever.

Raising his hands against the Beast Warrior, there were no comments from the Doctor towards someone who abandoned post to join the Busters. Before making a move, Doom noticed that Zenta was behind him. He attempted to turned around but felt a rapid fire of blows unleashed on his armor instantly as the wall of smokes clears away.

Spina eyed the ongoing battle to see if Doom was being pushed or not. Burn marks on his armors were noticeable, and Doom just stood there for a moment. Suddenly, his instincts kicked in on an upcoming brawl. Spina raised his arms in the air.

Doom move once again. The poison was affecting his eyesight, so he jammed his hands in his eyes and pulled them out of his sockets. Dropping the eyeballs on the ground, a new pair regrow in its place. After a couple of blinks. Doom lowered his head for a moment to catch his breath after restoring his eyes. He looked around to check his surroundings before staring back at Zenta preparing for a move. He clenched his fists and made his first actual attack without resulting erasure or blasting them away.

Doom appeared in front of Zenta, cocking his hand back to punch against his jaw. The sheer speed and strength instantly build up within less than a second. Yet, several orbs, launched by Spina, came to aid Zenta by forcing Doom out of position. His punch was thrown but missed by mere inches from Zenta’s face. The wind pressure twirl and tore through the ground. Doom was flung around, dodging 3 of the 4 orbs, one of them staying near Zenta that Spina sent, but the orb’s speed increased the more times they moved, smashing onto Doom a few times.

Doom landed on his feet as he arched over near the ground. A white light shine through the armor. “White Flash!” Doom roared as white dots appeared on several members foreheads. “Pressure on.” The first dot appeared on Zenta’s head, not giving him any chance to build his attack. “White Marble” He shot a single ball of energy towards Zenta, but it instantly split into thousands of balls that launched at all the Breakers.

The balls swarm in like bullets rain. Those with white dots on their forheads; Zenta, Spina, Vegetto, the first Raune, Brachi and Lambdadelta, the white barrage of balls were locked onto them like heat-seeking missiles. These energy blasts, if touch, will unleashed devastating pain against their bodies and cause them to be staggered for a brief period.

Spina did not lose his composure. He send off several orbs near to his teammates with the white dots, to help defend them. The orbs essentially have a mind of their own and use as a defensive tool to deflect and block attacks. As the remaining ones surrounded him to tank against the barrage of white balls. An explosion engulfed around the older Saiyan as Doom pointed his finger onto the ground. “White Marble.” The same attack again, obliterated the floor everyone was standing on.
Cross says in a strangely commanding voice "No." Cross counter spelled dooms "White Marble" going after the others as more Will-O-Wisps started to appear.

The destruction of the floor did not effect cross because he was just floating.
Brachi first jumped into the air, letting the spheres targeting her home in to her, so she was in a safe distance from the others, getting ready to deploy an Android Barrier, when she spotted the orbs fired by Spina. Grabbing one of these, she used it to defend herself against the sphere, right as Doom destroyed the floor as Gervene and Bara leapt up beside her, with Gervene aiding Brachi by using small spheres of her energy of destruction to destroy the spheres targeted at her, while also sending some in tandem with Spina's orbs to give those enough power to destroy Doom's attack or redirect those back at him, having noticed Doom what he did with his eyes, right as Brachi concentrated, trying to direct the rubble from the destroyed floor towards Doom or to intercept the spheres aimed at those whom had been marked as targets by Doom, in effect using the rubble in tandem with Spina's orbs to shield them from the sudden attack, before she spread her arms, charging energy around her as her dual aura blazed around her, while Bara began to fire spheres of her own.

Unlike Doom's spheres, the energy spheres which Bara fired seemed to enter some makeshift portals here and there, before reappearing around Doom in order to confuse/disorient him and strike him from various angles while also using the debris from the floor as additional cover.
When Doom approached Zenta with a punch, the beast was about to hop back until Spina came to his aid. He felt the strong winds and pressure that followed up after Doom's missed punch. He smirked, rejoicing that he finally found an opponent worth fighting. He skidded back slightly thanks to the immense force behind Doom's punch but kept his footing as he continued to build up his move, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. 

Zenta was unaware of the mark placed on his forehead, oblivious until he heard Doom call out his attack. He locked on the ball heading straight for him and realized that it exploded into several smaller ones. With ears perked and senses enhanced, he outstretched one of the energy-like tails to block an incoming attack from behind, his tail being dense and nearly solid as a means to defend himself. The white orb slammed against his tail and was stopped before it continued. Yet when the onslaught of raining white marbles continued to slam against his tail, some of them managed to shoot right through the energy-like tail and graze the arm preparing the attack.

Not wanting to risk anything, he had no choice but to launch the attack prematurely. Zenta spun back and tossed the glowing ball of white and blue energy to the wave of white marbles heading towards him. A small explosion occurred on his side as he managed to fend off most of the marbles aimed at him at the given time, however, he felt an immense pain overwhelming his arm, specifically the one that was grazed. He showed no signs or emotion of pain but the way his arm trembled and lack of movement, even for a brief second, was an indication of the effects of Doom's attack. He immediately looked up to see more white marbles heading towards him, however, he did not seem so alarmed. 

Cuki appeared before her master, finally gathering the motive to fight back against Doom. The black markings that remained across her face began to shimmer slightly and her hands coated in a mystical white energy. The girl began to slowly swing her arms in a rhythmic dance before getting faster and faster up to the point where her arms were a blur. The energy coating her hands followed her hands like water until it started to create a solid shield by how quickly it overlapped with itself thanks to Cuki's quick hand swipes. The barrage of white marbles aimed towards her master hit against the energy-like shield Cuki was mustering up. The marbles were reflected away rather than stopped. Zenta gazed down upon his student, his expression amused.

"Ah, I see you made moves of your own," Zenta chuckled, hiding the fact that he was still in pain and stunned. "I assume you came to a conclusion of what you desire?"

"Yeah..!" Cuki said as she tried to remain focused. "I want to help them, even if it means separating with them!"

Zenta smiled as he faced the graze on his arm and held his hand over it. His dragon-shaped energy bit down onto it, numbing down the pain as best he could. He heard Doom muster his attack and instantly felt the floor shake and rumble under his feet. He jumped as the ground was obliterated from under his feet. Both he and Cuki glanced at each other and nodded before jumping high into the air and hopping off pieces of rubble from the floor. Zenta planted his feet on the ceiling and stood upside-down, holding himself in place by focusing his energy to his feet. 

It appears that Doom's attack will cause a ripple effect if even grazed upon the body. Zenta tensed the muscles on his grazed arm. Testing the waters and letting myself see the effects is both a curse and a blessing. Ah, my curiosity will be the death of me one day. His face slowly shifted to the orb following him around from Spina. Ah yes, the orb of Spina. With the attack of Doom tracking us down, it will be difficult to prepare any attack from any angle. Perhaps I can improvise something using the aid of Spina's little orb...
[This is just a remake of my post]

Doctor Doom raised his right arm above his torso. In his strong, demanding voice, the malicious Doom declared to Cross’ statement. “No one says no to Doom. No. One.”

He clenched his right hand tightly, just before the balling it into a fist, resulting a white aura around it. His eyes widened as small white orbs reappeared around Cross and those that did not make it to the others due to his counter. “White Marble Redux” Orbs from all sides slammed onto Cross in rows, as the rest went past him to attack the rest of the Breakers. White Marble is a light-based attack that cause anyone hit by it to be staggered momentarily.

The orbs dashed through the ground, through the air and through any dense smokes that accumulated from previous attacks to strike down anything in their pathways. Anything they hit; a gigantic explosion came right after. It smashed against the barrier that Bernkastel created, and the continuous pressure is weighing it down. One loud explosion after another, cracks started to become a presence throughout her barrier.

Several hundreds of orbs scattered throughout the room, going through the smokes searing from the scorched ground, going straight to those with lock-on. One went straight for Vegetto, splitting into multiple smaller orbs and surrounding him from all sides. Another set of orbs went passed Waldo and his clones, going straight to Lambdadelta, burrowing the ground as it cross. After Zenta and Cuki deflected all the white orbs away, it stopped after being flung away, then returned back at them towards the ceiling. Brachi used the debris to block out the white orbs from getting close, creating a rapid fire of explosions around the fused warrior, unable to penetrate through fully. The all three Raunes, the series of orbs went straight for the former, after getting caught with Bara’s Vanishing Ball. These white orbs is attempting to pushed them to the burning floor.

Spina descended from the smokes, using his remaining orbs to block the first onslaught of attacks; however, he jumped onto defense when another series of attack rages on. He motioned his arm wide, causing the orbs to move in front of him, blocking every one of the attacks, but the massive explosion generated powerful winds that knocked him back towards the scorched ground. “Damnit…” 

The old Saiyan didn’t panic. He expected this level of intensity since Doombot was a formidable opponent, but the power of the voice running through his body made this exceptional hard. “The armor needs to the taken down before we can push forward.” Spina took a stance, placing his hands on the floor in a quadrupedal position to express his wild demeanor.

Unable to detect Whis since his disappearance into the smokes from the earlier attack, Doom decides to make his first actual move, moving slowly across the scorched floor. In these shrouds of chaos of lights explosion and flying around, Doom remains unmoved by the various attacks, although one did manage to get his eyes, but made no efforts to covered them. There still burn marks on his armor, but only left small cracks, but did promote some significant damage on his mask.

“He’s a cocky bastard… but he can back that up.” Spina sensed Bara’s energy but could not pinpoint where it was coming from. It was there but vanished into nothingness. He noticed several portals appearing around Doom. Without thinking, his body shifted into gears to launch an attack. The moment appeared distracted to attend to the Ki blasts crashing onto his armor from various directions, Spina bolted forward. It was a speedy rush, appearing in front of him as Doom’s head was turned. He cocked his right arm back with a fist ready and went for his side to crack his mask.

Yet. In an instant, Doom suddenly countered Spina with a punch of his own.

Spina, getting punched squared in the face, lost his composure for a moment. He didn’t see it, sense it or hear the motion of the punch. He burrowed through the ground backwards, before skidding in the front. He spat out blood as he recollect himself of what happened. The white dot vanished from his forehead. “What…” His eyes narrowed of what just occurred, looking up, seeing Doctor Doom in front of him.

Doom stared him down, raising his metal fist over his head with white, glistering aura surrounding it and launched towards the Saiyan with all his might to bury him in the ground. Spina’s eyes widened as he dodges it away from the attack, appearing behind Doom. "Shit, how is he moving so damn fast?!"

Doom turned his head slightly. “White Flash.”

Spina tried to stand, but the sudden shock from the ground jolted throughout his body. He fell on his knees, unable to move now. A white dot appeared on his forehead once again, Doom moved so fast, by the Spina looked up, Doom was already in motion in his attacks. One punch, two punches, three; rapid fire punches landed on Spina’s chest, before getting uppercut on the chin. Spina flung upwards, heading towards Brachi in blistering speeds, crashing onto her. All of this action, happened within less than couple of seconds.

Doctor Doom raised his finger, a powerful gathering of white energy formed on his fingertips. “White Beam.” White Beam is his strongest and destructive move, capable of erasing beings into nothingness.
The first Remnant simply vibrated his body, phasing out of the way of the third Remnant, unharmed and unmoved. When he stopped phasing, he remained where he was, smirking underneath the mask, Stormruler no longer in hand.

When Doom let go of the White Lightning, the third Remnant broke free of the entanglement with a sudden surge of strength, the copy Stormruler now in his hands. There was indeed an explosion, but that explosion was the result of the third Remnant slicing the Super Vanishing Ball in half, severing the attack before adsorbing it into the blade, along with the White Marbles that were pressing downwards. As he continued to fly upwards without an energy attack to stop him, he hurled Stormruler downwards with a flash of blue light and a sonic boom.

The first Remnant caught the copy Stormruler without a flinch or even looking, grabbing onto the blade before it landed into the ground. The first Remnant proceeded to zip around Doom, catching the shattering fragments of every Destructo Disc with Stormruler by slicing the blade around Doom, but never actually hitting him. When he caught and tossed away the final disc, the Remnant sped over and adsorbed the attack right into Stormruler. He then paused his movements, hearing the White Marble attack appear, disappear, and then reappear as White Marble Redux. Reacting with his enhanced perception, he proceeded to slice at every incoming White Marble attack, destroying them with a physical force rather than simply reflecting them. When the last one came, he held Stormruler in a defensive stance, letting the final marble hit the blade directly. Not adsorbing it, but hoping that a direct hit onto the weapon would negate the White Flash's mark.

Following the onslaught, the first Remnant looked to the gathering energy in Doom's hand. He paused, waiting. At this time, the third Remnant landed back on the ground, on his feet. The third Remnant ran over to the first one and they nodded at each other.

"What now?" The third asked.
"Now... We wait. And hope this plan works." The first answered, looking down at the copy Stormruler. Lightning that crackled over it appeared warped, changed, in comparison to the Speedster's regular lightning.
Bernkastel knew her barrier could topple over any second and she'd be blasted in all directions. Quickly looking over, she saw Lambdadelta recoiling from afar; she was caught off guard and a hit landed on her. Between her and Kassava, Bernkastel could only make one quick choice.
Gritting her teeth in frustration, she turned toward Kass and hooked her arms around her torso like she was giving her a tight hug. 

"Change of plans! Yoga time is over." Bernkastel pushed off with Kass right in time as the barrier she made collapsed and scattered shards in all directions before fading into the air. She swung the arm holding her scythe into the wall close to the ceiling for something to hold onto. There were still orbs all around, so she conjured up several elongated red spears to knock them off-projectory or detonate them before they came in too close. "It's no use, we can't get close if he keeps throwing endless projectiles at us..." Bern scowled but she also felt her arms starting to ache. "You're... heavier than you look, so can I let go of you now?" She asked Kassava.


The group of Waldos stood in bewilderment watching the orbs pass them, but they all gasped seeing them head for Lambdadelta, who was still dazed from when she was first struck.

"Oh no! The candy witch is in danger!"

"We can't launch any counterattacks, they won't reach her in time!"

"What do we do?..."

"Don't panic like headless chickens!" One Waldo thrust his arm out as a portal opened before him and he stuck his arm fully in. "Good grief..."

Lambdadelta strained to refocus her eyesight, shielding her face from the sudden brightness before she realized they were more orbs. Her eyes widened and she seemed frozen in place-- her legs would not move despite the urgency. 

A black void opened up behind her to reveal Waldo's cane hooking around Lambda's waist and yanking her through just in time. She yelped in surprise but her voice was cut off upon being fully pulled through the portal that closed right where the orbs would have struck her. She had shut her eyes in fear, but looked up to see Waldo-- or at least, one of the clones, had rescued her quickly.

"Waldo! But what about the beam?! He's too fast!"

"Your chain won't reach in time and I just used up my portal trick for a short while. Just worry about the orbs for now, or else we'll be next before we can see it coming."
Brachi grunted as Spina crashed onto her, but she didn't drop out of her Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken form just yet. Her senses went haywire as she then heard Doom's next line. Seeing him gather the energy gather on his finger tips,

“White Beam.”

Seeing Doom gather the energy gather on his finger tips, Brachi knew she had to act quickly. Grabbing Spina by the waist with one arm, she then proceeded to use Instant Transmission to teleport a distance away and release Spina on a large bit of rubble floating in the air, hoping Spina would recover enough to move by himself, while at the same time moving to execute her own plan. Generating two clones using the Tri-Form technique, Brachi then sent the clones onward to move in the areas around Doom using the Afterimage technique, intending to use the clones as decoys while she was charging up another assault by herself, hoping to trick Doom into elminating one of the clones instead and also wanting to buy time for the others to get their bearings too, before she fired her Big Bang Attack towards Doom.

On her turn, Gervene was not really bothered by the orbs targeting her, although she was grunting at the impacts it left on her, while at the same time she began to fire Hakai spheres of her own to intercept the orbs in kind, her four arms allowing her to rapid-fire her attack more efficiently, providing as much cover for the others in her range as she could, while also directing her attacks towards Doom, while Majin Bara began to direct projectiles to Doom's hand, wanting to intercept the beam before it could potentially hit its mark, especially hastened as she had seen Doom kick Spina against Brachi. The stress from the fear of losing her best friend threatened to release something within the pure, innocent Majn, that would definitely cause a raging storm that would make Doom wish he wouldn't have done what he was threatening to do, or at least what Bara perceived him to do.
A powerful, destructive blast hurled straight towards Spina and Brachi, but do the latter’s teleportation and Bara’s interference, it went to a different direction. It crashed onto the wall, erasing large chunks of it as it continued. If viewed, one would see that they were no longer in the present Reality Vortex, but nothing more than vast emptiness of space with multiple universes floating around. The white beam continued after crashing through the wall, slamming onto one of the floating universes. Within an instant, entire worlds vanished into nothingness.

Spina rubbed his head as he landed on the rubble floating in the air. “Thanks, Brachi. Watch out whenever he says White Flash. I don’t know how, but he managed to instantly hit me when I should be able to dodge. Stay away from the ground too… it’s a minefield.” Spina stood up to see Doctor Doom standing there, while looking at the damage that white beam caused. “This bastard... he's playing around with us." 

“Teleportation." Doctor Doom lowered his arm down staring at the smokes emitting from his hand due to Bara’s attack. He looked around, observing a series of afterimages running around him. “Is multiplying yourself is the only thing you Breakers can do?” He raised his arms up in the air. “White Flare!”

His entire body shining bight like a diamond, generating a powerful energy shockwave pulsing out of his body to destroy all afterimages around him. As smokes kicked up, the Big Bang Attack went through and slammed against his mask. Doctor Doom moved slightly as his mask received another crack from the impact of the blast as the smokes continue to spread as the White Marble Redux continued its path.
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