The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Whis only perked his eyebrows a bit at Cuki's permission, his smile remaining as he leaned forward a bit to gently scratch behind her right ear with two fingers. His head turned a bit once Spina described his opponent in detail, his pupils turning to Detective Vegeta once he spoke. He remained still for most of the explanation, but nearly purred in amusement in replying.

"Ah yes...the Detective is mostly correct."

Vegetto frowned, turning his attention to Vegeta.

"It's a long story...that Black was born from that additional timeline that popped up after Beerus destroyed the Zamasu from our present. Whis informed me of the need to take care of the loose end but things got...complicated. Him being in my body now is one of those complications."

Kassava frowned as well, her focus on Spina. Her demeanor had visibly changed in her body language, the strong confidence disappearing in her tone and voice.

"What happened? Did you kill him? Is he gone now?"
Spina lifted his eyebrows in surprise. He thought he was a creation of Doom, but it seems to have connection with Vegetto. “Hey, is your universe filled with problems?” He scratched his head, turning to Kassava. “I managed to beat him, and he just sort of… vanished afterwards. Honestly, the whole thing was a headache. From rabbling about one thing, to hearing ominous voices after he activated his Migatte no Goku'i… kind of like you, Hot head. It was a damn mess.” He felt his body getting an increased thanks to Cross.

The Detective Vegeta was confused about that. “Different rules across the same realities; I never know that Migatte no Goku’i did that…” He tightened his hands, feeling the effects of Cross’ buffing ability. “Thanks, Cross. Your magic always comes in handy… we should be able to take whatever Doom throws at us at this point.”

Clearly out of his depth, letting Vegetto, Kassava and Whis handled the affairs of Spina’s opponent, the detective turns to the door. “Doom most likely lies beyond the door… we have to push forward. You can have any discussions in our venture to Doom to air out any other questions. More time we waste, the dangers of our universes strengthened.” The Detective walked through the door, seeing nothing back pure darkness at first, until a shroud of celestial bodies flung around. Yet, it wasn’t galaxies. After observing a few more times, these bubbles were gigantic, beyond bigger than typical galaxies. They were entire universes stream across the ocean of darkness, as multiple stairs lead to the door at the top.


The Detective looked around, seeing different worlds, unable to interact with them. Is this Doom showcasing their worlds to them to lower morale? The Detective pondered those thoughts, taking his first step on the stairs. He sense no malicious, no enemies, none whatsoever in this room. “Okay… I feel like this is safe to move up… we just have to push through.” The Detective wanted to be first to test out this new area, so if he does get destroyed, at least the Breakers have an idea how to avoid it. So far, nothing happened as he took one step after another, making his way towards the door. He tried to not focus on the floating worlds, one he recognized; especially when worlds, unknown to him and the Breakers, were being erased.
Lambdadelta listened to Vegetto and Whis converse about Vegetto Black with intense curiosity. It wasn't an entirely foreign concept to someone like her, but it was amusing to hear about it from a different perspective. 

"Doppelgangers make for interesting games, but they always end up making things go awry... it's like some kind of cosmic joke that they have to be exterminated no matter what if you ever want your home timeline to go back to normal. Well, let's not dilly-dally anymore." 

Bernkastel jumped off Whis' shoulder and landed on the floor. Her ears flicked as she looked around the room within the door. "Reminds me of the City of Books, but instead of a library, it looks like an astronomer's study."

"Well, at least he doesn't have to worry about a giant book falling out of a shelf and flattening some unsuspecting visitor into a pancake." Lambdadelta joked, staying behind the others to wait for Bern to shift her form back to a humanoid one. Bern returned to her original appearance once the white smoke dissipated, her brows furrowed and mouth turned into a frown. Lambda took her hands and held them, keeping a smile. "Still got a few hidden cards up your sleeve?"

"Yes... we just can't play around anymore like with Wordplay. This guy's completely unhinged, apparently."

"Would it make a difference if he wasn't? If we team up and stay together, we can pull it off." Lambdadelta concluded before they both climbed up the staircase together. "And lend a helping hand here and there."

"I'm the one holding onto the secret item, so it's probably in your best interest to stay close." Waldo advised those close to him. "We don't exactly know what it's supposed to do, but I think we can use it for an emergency. At the very least, get ready to play catch if I end up having to use it!"
Cross says "no problem Vegeta." Cross thinks "If needed I may actually have to treat doom like an actual theft because I don't want to be removed yet."

Cross just follows the others lead on this. Cross says to his forces "If its between getting out this room, dyeing or disappearing. In the stated order." all his forces suited him and got reedy to do one the 2 prefer options. Cross thinks "the two lades shooed be able to keep the forces I called forth safe. Did not know doom would actually get to the point were he passively perverter teleportation to out side his range or made a subspace pocket that prevented us form leaving it. Regardless I got to play the responsible overlord."
Brachi, Majin Bara and Gervene followed, confident in being able to achieve their goal and saving the worlds, unaware of what was transpiring. Gervene however was especially confident; her life was linked with Jize, the Supreme Kai of Universe 912 after all...
Cuki pressed against Whis's hand while he scratched her ear before slipping back to Zenta's side. She noticed the door and looked up at her master who smiled down towards Cuki, petting the top of her head. Both student and master followed after the Detective, however, Cuki stopped to trail over to Raune. She lowered her ears slightly, feeling a little bashful about her words. 

"Hey, Raune, thanks for thinking my ears were cute. I think it'll take a while before I get used to them." Cuki said in a whisper. "And I'm not sure how I got this form, it just kinda.. appeared when I regained consciousness. Maybe Kassava will know better, after all, she beat the heck out of Demi-Fiend. I saw a bunch of claw marks on Demi-Fiend and a crack in the sky, almost like the world or dimension was falling apart. No doubt that was Kassava's doing."

Cuki nodded to herself before placing a hand on one of the Raune's shoulder. In a way, she seemed more mature than before.

"I'll tell you more about it when this whole thing is over, we should focus on stopping Doom before something crazy happens. Who knows what Doom has in store for us. Well, let's not count our chickens before they hatch, right?"

The Saiyan girl smiled at him before returning back to her Master, keeping close as they both eventually passed through the door to trail behind Detective Vegeta. Cuki stared at the universes surrounding them, reaching out in an attempt to touch them but too hesitant to commit to the act. Zenta kept his arms behind his back, walking up the stairs in a gentle stride aware of his surroundings but not interested enough to show it.

"Hey, Master... do you think any of these universes is ours?"


"What was our universe like anyway? I can't seem to remember a thing prior to coming here... I can barely remember you at all and I don't even remember our home, just some mountains."

"We trained in a very mountainous area, it was very beautiful. We trained in many different terrains but it appears that most of your training has faded with your memory. I believe that after this confrontation with Dr. Doom, I will have to begin your training all over again." Zenta chuckled. "Worry not, Cuki, I will be patient with you. Learning is a process, after all."

"You mean I forgot all my training?!" Cuki's shoulders slumped. "Aww, shucks... Well, how strong was I?"

"Ohoho, that would be telling, now would it? However, I will say that you had similar potential to the ability of Lady Kassava and Mr. Vegetto. I believe they call it Ultra Instinct. If I recall correctly, their body moves on its own, at least that is what I noticed when Dr. Doom studied your group."

"You mean I can go Ultra Instinct like them?"

"Certainly not, but we followed a similar path. I am confident Whis can explain this Ultra Instinct phenomenon better than I can. You moved similar to how they did, however, the approach and training behind it are quite different as well as the environment I subjected you to. Perhaps one day Whis will allow me to test his students the same way I trained you."
Vegetto turned his eyes to the side, pausing for a moment after being caught off guard by Brachi's question. He stuttered a bit, shrugging his shoulders.

"Uhh...well...we stopped him. Like I's a long story and-"

Vegetto stopped mid sentence at the sound of Spina's voice, instantly scoffing at the mention of Vegetto Black attaining Ultra Instinct to derail his focus.

"Tsk...figures. He must've figured out a way after spending so much time trying to be one of us."

Whis frowned at the mention throughout Lambda's lightening of the situation, turning his head towards the doorway and removing his hand from Cuki's ear.

"It is quite troubling, actually. Black obtaining Ultra Instinct is not possible due to the circumstances. Zamasu cannot possibly attain such a harmony: his spirit can never truly intertwine with your body, as much as he may want it."

Vegetto raised an eyebrow, turning his head to Whis.

"So are you saying he didn't obtain Ultra Instinct?"

Whis shook his head.

"Not Ultra Instinct, no. Imagine it like a fire: your body ascends at the command of your spirit instead of your mind. Under any duress, that fire will grow and thus you are able to respond to any danger."

He raised a hand, one finger instead.

"Zamasu could never control your fire, Vegetto. Your body would never allow it: the only way that heat could have possibly been achieved, is if that fire burning within consumed Zamasu."

Vegetto's eyes widened, glancing down.

"Then...that means-"

Whis nodded, interjecting.

"Ultra Instinct is the ability to adapt to any danger using the flame within. But without the spirit to contain its growth, the body will continue to grow and rise without limitation and without end. The body was never meant to have control, so there's no telling what this new adversary could do."

Vegetto and Kassava both turned with tense stares, but Whis quickly lifted his lips back to a warm smile and nodded towards the door.

"But that can wait. We are not sure where Black will reappear, but I'm sure the threat is minuscule in comparison to the current predicament. Let's move forward and join the others."

Whis didn't wait for a reply, turning on his heel and striding forward through the door with Vegetto and Kassava in tow.

Vegetto glanced around, taking in the sights of the cosmos high above. He and Kassava mostly remained silent, following after the others up the steps. His head turned slightly at Zenta's mentioning of his name, but he mostly remained silent.

Whis smiled, leaning towards Cuki with a warm tone.

"Nothing is impossible, dear. If you manage to follow the training regiment and overcome the learning curve, then I don't see why you couldn't obtain Ultra Instinct."
Spina remembered something about that strange voice… he did sense that something was off about Vegetto-Black ever since he achieved that state. He looked at his hands, still shaking from the intensity of the battle. “Well, it’s over now. Don’t need to worry about that for a long time.” He followed behind Whis, Vegetto and Kassava through the door, seeing the vast space around the flight of stairs.

“In a strange kind of way, if we weren’t fighting for our lives, this is a beautiful sight.” Spina said, though seconds later, a world vanished into nothing. “Mostly beautiful.”

He looked down below, seeing more universes, but noticed trails of light coming out of it, although, its only appeared briefly.
The Detective Vegeta reached the door, it was a seemingly harmless journey to the stairs. No battle, no destruction but a silent blip; just a journey to a white door with a diamond-crusted knob. He lift his hand to touch the knob, feeling a powerful sense of energy emitting from the door.


The Detective turned around to face the others climbing up to the stairs. “Doom is beyond this room. I don’t know what will happen, but whatever happens, we need to stop Doctor Doom.” He knows that Waldo still has that black orb on him, and could be a potential item against him, whatever it does. It’s no coincidence that Waldo and himself encountered such an object.

Spina, seeing that the Detective reached the door, shouted. “Might as well open it and we rush right in…” He muscles tighten, ready for the challenge. “I’m going to beat the bucket of bolts.”

The Detective nodded, turning the knob. “If you guys are ready…”
"Well, before rushing in, let's remember something here," Cuki said to the Detective and the others who were listening to her. "Dr. Doom knows all of our moves and the counters to them. We need to fight him using our wits and not just brute strength. Maybe Kassava can spook him up with her Time Ability, then again, I'm not sure if Doom saw your fight with Demi-Fiend."

Cuki scratched her ear and knew there was no way to skip around the fact that Doom was most likely one step ahead of them. She only hoped that the others were more inclined to think before they leap.

"Well, let's get to it, Detective. Let's put a stop to Doom once and for all."
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