The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cuki flew back and skidded on the floor, the pain still consuming her body. She held on to her arms, trying to comfort herself as the Mamudoon spell slowly subsided. She grunted in misery and failed to notice Demi-Fiend's condition. Cuki gasped for air, each wave of pain throwing the wind out of her. The girl was finally able to push herself up to her knees and arms from her sheer determination and slowly turned to see the horrific state of Demi-Fiend. She fell back down, slowly pushing herself away with her arms and legs but her body was still not ready to get up and move thanks to the Mamudoon spell.

He's... he's going to go all out. I.. I can't get up yet! I-I can't move! Kassava can finish him off..!

Cuki felt the world around them beginning to disappear from Demi-Fiend's massive build up to his attack. Her eyes widen with fear as she stared directly at the energy forming on Demi-Fiend's hand, aimed directly at her. No matter how hard she wanted to, the spell refused to make her body move for the precious seconds she needed.

"K-Kassava! H-Help me!" Cuki said with terror in her voice. "Kassava!"

"I would prefer that you lovely ladies not put foreign objects to replace my missing eyes," Zenta chuckled before bowing his head to Labdadelta. "Thank you, Lady Lambdadelta, I appreciate your generosity. With my new visor, I believe I am more... ah, what is it you youngsters say... 'hippity-hop' and 'rad cool.' ...No, that does not sound right."

Zenta held out his hand and attempted to grab the visor, missing the first few times before gently taking it from Labdadelta's hand. He placed it over his scarred face and let out a sigh of relief, finally hiding it from view. He offered one last humble bow to Lambdadelta before standing next to Whis, looking down at Bernkastel in her cat form. He seemed intrigued by her form change but decided not to pet her without permission. His ears perked upon hearing the door open showcasing Kassava and Cuki's battle against Demi-Fiend. He turned his head to the source, listening intently to Detective Vegeta.

Ah, so the demon child was fighting against Cuki and Madam Kassava. How peculiar... I wonder how the two held up against such a mighty foe?
Brachi also sensed it.
"This is troubling..." She said, "can't we do anything to help?"

Gervene shook her head.
"They're in their own battles and trials, Brachi..." She said, her four arms crossed, but her expression was that of her also wanting to step in and put a stop to this before others would get caught in the crossfire.
Cross says "I gest we waiting for them(Cuki and Kassava) for the for the finial show down. " Lady lightstep and Lady black rock seem reedy to fight as the rest seem to taken a defensive poster.
Kassava blinked, the damage done to Demi-Fiend by the weapon surprising her. She floated down to the floor, curiously watching his collapse before yelping at the sudden shock. Her hands fumbled to try and keep a grip on the gun, but stumbled a bit and let it go.

She glanced around with wide eyes, taking note of the destruction coming from Demi-Fiend's charging. Her breathing quickened, her head turning towards Cuki at hearing her pleas.

Meanwhile, in the room where the others could see the battle unfolding, Vegetto turned his attention off the Raunes and gasped at the sudden pressure emitting from Demi-Fiend. His narrowed eyes locked with Kassava's, her expression clearly lost like a deer in the headlights after Cuki's pleas. Vegetto, staring at her from an upside down position due to his sprawled out body on the floor, quickly called out once he saw Kassava beginning to turn away from the the two across the way.

"Kass! You can't run away!! That power is gonna reach us too!! You have to beat him now!! Do it!!"

Kassava stopped in place, her panick stricken expression remaining as even Whis perked his head up over Gervene's shoulder, his warm smile remaining while his petting of Bernkastel went uninterrupted.

"Good luck, Kassava! Finish what you started!"

Kassava nearly let out a whining cry, her eyes turning back towards Demi-Fiend and Cuki in the ominous growth of energy. Her pupils shook violently, the voices ringing out strongly in her head.

Help me! Kassava!

You have to beat him now!!

Her body began to shook, her vision distorting as the voices changed to familiar voices. Trunks, Chronoa, and even Whis once again.

Can you do it? Can you beat him?

He's out of control! You have to beat him or soon, he'll destroy everything!

It's far worse than you think. He's mastered the power of a a head to head match up, you cannot hope to win.

The words remained, her head filled with the desperate and harsh commands to finish the job, and in each passing moment those words began to muddle and become incoherent in the whirlwind of thought within Kassava's mind. Her eyes suddenly shot open, and her golden red aura flared as she violently hurled both arms out in every direction with a deafening scream.


At seemingly at her command, the entire world which they found themselves in completely froze. The tension and impending doom Kassava had felt just seconds ago was now gone, Kassava turning her head up to look around in confusion. Across the way, Demi-Fiend and Cuki stood in their exact positions from the scream. She blinked, realizing that time had now completely frozen once again from her input. She whipped her head around, seeing the other members of the group watching through the door with still, frozen stares. Kassava threw up her arms, twisting her right hand as if she were turning a dial. The red magical energy wrapped around her wrist, but the desired effect of breaking the dimension of frozen time did not come.

Kassava frowned, her eyes turning down in a wide stare at the floor while letting her arms slump back down to her sides.

"No...I can't be stuck here...I have to-"

Her eyes turned to the side, noticing the gun sitting on the floor. She quickly rushed to it with reinvigorated enthusiasm, scooping up the gun and rapidly aiming it with one hand towards Demi-Fiend once more.

"Kill you! If I kill you...I'll be free! I'll finally be free!!"

However, once she pulled the trigger, the gun made no change in its locked, frozen state. Kassava blinked at the inability to fire the weapon, and immediately grit her teeth in frustration. She rapidly walked forward, angrily yelling as she continued to pull the trigger in vain in approaching the frozen Demi-Fiend.

"Damnit!! Fire!! Why won't this damn thing fire?! Fire fire fire fire!!"

Once she was within rage, Kassava screamed angrily at continuing to fail to pull the trigger with the end of the barrel now touching the remaining portion of Demi-Fiend's head. Letting out one final cry of rage, she suddenly hurled the weapon itself at Demi-Fiend's body and turned away once it bounced off him without doing any damage. She panted and fumed to herself, clenching her fists together. Tightly shutting her eyes, Kassava's rage soon cooled into sobs of anguish.

"Someone get me out of here!!"

She suddenly dropped flat on her rear, balling up and hugging her legs to her chest while she cried into her knees, burying her face. Eventually, as time didn't pass, Kassava fell silent in sitting in her solemn stupor. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, perhaps even weeks passed by without her knowledge. What felt like an eternity seemed to pass as Kassava slowly lifted her head up from her legs, taking one more look around.

The area had retained its peaceful feel, and while she was unsure how long she had been trapped in the frozen dimension, Kassava spoke with a flat and defeated voice.

" least everyone's stuck here with me and can't die."

Kassava rested her head back into her legs, staring at her knees with half open eyes.

"You were wrong about me, Whis. I don't deserve these powers...I don't deserve your help. I broke time hard enough to make another me...and now I've trapped myself with no way out..."

She kept her stare forward, thinking to herself.

"But please...what do I do? I don't wanna be stuck here forever."

"Why not? It's so peaceful here."

Kassava's eyes shot open, her head lifting immediately at the sound of Whis' voice. She blinked, quickly shooting up to her feet with a gasp as Whis smiled warmly back at her, coming to a halt in his stride. She looked him over once, her voice trembling a bit.

"Whis?! How did you-"

Her eyes turned to the side, looking in between Whis' side and his scepter. Her optimism quickly turned to confusion, seeing Whis frozen in his stance in half rubbing Bernkastel's head. Kassava turned her attention back up to Whis, raising her right eyebrow.

"-what the, how are there two of you?"

Whis chuckled lightly, leaning forward a bit.

"Ohoho!~, my dear...I don't believe you're ready for that answer. To put it simply...there is only one of me, standing through that door. I am essentially a part of you: otherwise, I could not have walked through that door."

His warm smile rose slightly higher.

"The ability to manipulate time is impressive, but there are so many avenues and possibilities with energy that I have yet to show you."

Whis paused for a moment, glancing around with a light hearted tone.

"If you'd like, however, I could instruct you. We have all the time in the world right now for it."

Kassava frowned.

"What is this? Where am I?"

Whis turned his eyes back down.

"You are in a frozen dimension of time: a world devoid of it, to be exact. In your haste to stop the immediate danger of the moment, you ended up throwing yourself from the progression of time itself and trapped yourself in a dimension you can't escape."

He giggled to himself.

"I'm glad you didn't end up erasing yourself completely, otherwise we both wouldn't be here!"

Kassava frowned, glancing down.

"Is there anyway out?"

Whis rubbed his chin, glancing around.

"I imagine not. How do you think we can break out of here?"

Kassava kept her frown.

"If it wasn't for me...I wouldn't be here in the first place. I tried so hard Whis...I tried to control my emotions. I tried to be a good god...but I don't deserve this. I can't even follow your training correctly; if I had done what you said, I would be able to control my energy."

Whis nodded, keeping his smile.

"Then let's forget about it."

Kassava blinked, turning her head up in confusion.


Whis smiled down at her, his voice relaxed and warm.

"Let's forget about the training. You've grown into a wonderful warrior, Kassava, and you did it all without completing my training. You have failed spectacularly at meeting my expectations; you couldn't control your energy, you never got your temper in check, and you've lost almost every fight you've been in."

Kassava frowned, a small scowl forming. Before she could interject, Whis leaned forward a bit with his same, signature smile.

"Yet everytime you needed to step up, you did. No one believed you could truly defeat Vegetto...but you did. No one believed you would really become a god, but the Grand Priest made you one. And you did it all, without meeting my standards for you."

He nodded lightly to Demi-Fiend.

"He's just another mountain for you to scale, nothing more."

Kassava turned her eyes, frowning.

"But how? I can't even get out of here...let alone beat him!"

Whis rubbed his chin for a moment, before perking his eyebrows.

"Oh, then let's do the exact opposite of what I instructed you on!"

Kassava raised an eyebrow.

"Which is?"

Whis lowered his own, his eyes turning down.

"I've always told you to control your energy. It was always important that you never crossed that line, in the potential destruction of reality."

Kassava perked her eyebrows, the realization dawning on her.

"So...if I let out all of my power, I can break this dimension?!"

Whis smiled, nodding curtly.

"Perhaps. But would it be wise to just emit energy until the dimension breaks? You still would have a problem with Demi-Fiend, once you're out."

Kassava groaned, whining at Whis.

"Why can't you just beat him?! I don't know if I can win!"

Whis chuckled lightly, shaking his head.

"Oh no, I couldn't. I don't have the power to defeat him!"

Kassava blinked in shock, watching Whis nod down to her.

"But perhaps, if you gather enough energy for one, final could break out of this dimension, and have enough power to destroy him."

Kassava paused, staring down at Whis' shoes. Her gaze hardened a bit, watching the large shoes of the tall angel begin to slowly dissipate away along with his warm voice.

"You can do it, Kassava. You always could."

Kassava kept her stare to the floor, standing still momentarily in the silence. Her head slowly lifted, a deep breath being inhaled through her nose as she turned back towards where Demi-Fiend and Cuki stood. Her arms raised, her hands balling into fists as her familiar firey aura exploded outward in every direction. In an instant, Kassava roared at the top of her lungs as she threw out her hands, bringing the ends of her palms clashing together in the Final Flash pose.

The sky above began to slowly crack, the immense pressure of the gathering energy rising violently in the frozen void where Kassava powered up.

In the instant Kassava screamed the word, she suddenly froze in place with her arms outstretched. Vegetto blinked, his eyes widening in shock at the sight of her being completely still in the rising chaos developing behind her.

"What did she just do?"

Whis perked his head, his fingers scratching behind Bernkastel's left ear as he turned his head back to the doorwar. He frowned lightly, letting out a small sigh.

"Oh...hold on a moment. I'll talk to her."

Vegetto turned his head as best he could towards Whis, shaking his head with a grunt.

"Huh? Talk to wh-"

Vegetto yelped, rocking upright a bit from the violent surge of pressure and energy through the door. The frozen form of Kassava suddenly exploded outwards, the body flying outwards in broken glass-like pieces in every direction that did no harm to anything in the immediate area. In place of the statue stood a fully powered, surging energy that nearly dwarfed the rising energy Demi-Fiend had built. Kassava stood with her arms pointing forward, having spent an unknown amount of time gathering energy to build her attack. The immense aura surrounding her flared outward, the destruction of the world she, Cuki and Demi-Fiend were in beginning to quicken under her immense power. Her arms trembled violently under the enormous weight of the energy, her barred teeth flarred as she hesitantly whimpered.

"It's...too...much!! I can't...control it!!"

She twitched heavily, shaking violently as the power threatened to overtake her. However, the sound of a strange voice rung out in her head. At first, she thought she recognized the voice as Whis', but the incoherent sound it made hard to tell. The voice spoke again, completely different from Whis', and the word it uttered was clear within her mind.


Kassava whimpered again, her head spinning as her arms trembled. Despite the immense emotional distraught, however, she slowly inhaled deeply through her nose. The red and glowing energy surrounding her began to violently compress in size, swirling closer to her body in response. She closed her eyes, exhaling the breath she took. The energy blasted outwards, the pressure rising dramatically under the sudden reduction in size.


Kassava inhaled deeply through her nose once more, energy spiralling upwards into her nostrils and out once she exhaled the air. The power continued to mount and rise in the short time she reappeared, and her eyes suddenly shot open. A loud chime erupted from the shining energy that boiled over. Her pupils glowed with a brilliant shine, the red and golden outlines lighting up tremendously. In little whisps, energy rolled off her pupils into the air as she slowly brought her arms behind her back. As the energy rolled off her pupils, the red and golden colors began to morph. Like lava cooling into coal, the red and golden glow that lit up Kassava's pupils began to harden into a bright, brilliant shade of silver.

The firey aura condensed even more, little dots of white light spiralling up from her boots into her aura. The orb in her hands that she cradled exploded outwards in size, her voice distorted by the same presence all too familiar in its iteration.

"F͓̰̣̣̺̹̹i̷̹͓̳̗̠̖͉n̯͍̯̰͚̪͡a̭̲̞̰l͕ ̙͍̬̱͖ͅK̵̼̖̘̺̤a̦͍͍m͕͉̣͝e̦͖̰̞̜͎̦͢h̩̰a̪̘̳̘̜͖̼m͏̺̺̣e̤̘̝͈h̛͙̠̖͍̯̟a!̶͎̬"

Kassava let out a final, deafening roar as she hurled her arms forward to finally unleash the attack. The massive wave of pure silver energy blasted forward, tearing through the air and rapidly closing in on Demi-Fiend.
"I'm an old hag, so I have no idea what's cool to kids these days!" Lambdadelta laughed in jest, before she briefly gazed up at Raune's words, tilting her head slightly with a lopsided smile at him. She gently pat the Remnant on his shoulder before looking sympathetically at the second one who mentioned having no home or universe to return to. "I'll take the comparison to your aunt as a compliment... When all this is over, I'd love to have tea with you three. That kind of thing is something Bern and I are uncomfortably familiar with."

Bernkastel wanted to argue with Whis some more about how much she enjoyed mutual teasing with Lambda, but she was under the spell of his petting, and could only reply with muffled purrs. "Okayyy, you win this time..." she opened her eyes once the door revealed to them Kassava and Cuki were facing off against the Demi-Fiend. She had somewhat expected this turn of events, but she didn't see it going down as part of the trials. How was Kassava going to get out of this one without help, she wondered...

Her purple eyes widened considerably, even while Whis was scratching behind the ear, her round pupils had become slits, as she witnessed the formation of a Final Kamehameha powered by the Ultra Instinct. Her tail coiled and uncoiled as she watched with deep interest.

"There's no mistaking it... that's--"

Lambdadelta cackled with glee at the sight. 

"Wonderful! Simply wonderful, isn't it, Bern!? Too bad we can only watch from afar..." she squinted her eyes in anticipation of whether Demi-Fiend would be able to survive it in the shape he was currently in. "Look look! What will happen next!? What what!?" She cheered with a crazed expression that formed from the excitement of spectating. "Come onnnn Kassie! Show us your wonderful Checkmate!"
Demi-Fiend narrowed his eyes, realizing that something strange just occurred, witnessing a drastic change of Kassava having a massive surge of energy building up around herself all the sudden. His defenses shattered; he did not back down. Instead, he smiled with pride. 


“Whoa… amazing Kassava!” Detective cheered on. He clenched his fist. “You got this, milady!” He was confused of what had transpired, because he, along with everyone, was staring at Kassava, and suddenly she is gathering energy far beyond what he can sense right now. Regardless, he was supportive, because to him, Kassava reminds him of his daughter. “Give it your all!” He jumped in the air, and accidentally landing on Spina instead. “Oh! My word, my apologies!”


“Is that your resolve. That shell holding you down… you broke out of it. Finally, I can take you on as a serious opponent.” Demi-Fiend pulled his arm back, his voice no longer have any hint of sarcasm. It was harsh, rough, and filled with madness and malicious. Yet, his comment about Kassava finally breaking free, he meant that sincerity.

“Gods are dead. Crumble under the feet of mortals.” He uttered under his breath, seeing the incoming blast coming at him. “Rejection.”

For one last time, his tattoos muster any remaining energy, singling every single God around him. Each of them had a spark of light on their chest, indicating their recognition as a God based on status of energy signature: Gervene, Cuki and finally, Kassava. This isn’t an attack, but a sign of Demi-Fiend recognizing their positions; however, it does have a interesting effect in the future. He whipped his head upward at the powerful blast Kassava had sent him. He had a malicious smile on his face, as his eyes beaming bright red. He lifted his right hand to the air and shouted as loud as he could.

Gaea Rage!”

He unleashed a powerful blast, just mere inches away before being struck, and it collided. It resulted a powerful shock-wave, pushing everyone thing away, destroying everything around them. It even managed to push Vegetto and the others from the other side, away from the door. The world they were in is being rip apart; it started to glitch out. The Jack Frosts tried to run away and escape, but debris smashed onto them before they had the chance to escape.

Demi-Fiend tried to push back, but the gun wound on his face was too much. His power was seeping away; his defenses is too weak, and unable to cast anymore magic aside from the one he’s doing now, while Kassava’s continues to grow. His feet burrowed through the ground, his legs about to give, and his right arm started to ignite as the blast swallows it. He stared at Kassava and suddenly burst into a dark, malicious laughter as the blast completely engulfs him whole, leaving one last message for the young god. He was not afraid of death, for death is afraid of him.

"Death's vastness holds no peace. I come at the end of the long road. Neither human, nor devil... all bends to my will."

Demi-Fiend’s malicious face of pure madness burns through as the destruction completely engulfs him and nearly preventing him from using the fullest strength of Gaea Rage to muster through. An explosion emerges from it, resulting a powerful flash of light.

The smokes clear away, as the world tries to manage itself from being wipe out.

Demi-Fiend remain with his face of madness ringing through his rotten, scorched body. He fell on his knees as his head dropped downward, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to battle. He was defeated by the team effort by Cuki and Kassava. His eyes closed, his entire body loses it tighten, becoming loose like a ragdoll. 


Detective Vegeta, shock at what he witnessed. Suddenly, another light appeared on the other door with all the lights, opening for the Breakers. Sweats dripped from his head, because that kind of power was just beautiful. “Bravo!” Detective Vegeta praised, nearly on the verge of tears. “Bravo!”
Cross says "I will give it points for being showery." Cross thinks "regen (Cross' regenration spell been active this entirer time) shooed last long after doom is bested. I think the stander buff assortment shooed help all them."
Cuki yelped upon seeing a bright flash coming from Kassava. She was too scared to realize what she had done but used her chance to force her body to move. She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, the pain barely counteracting the spell Demi-Fiend placed on her. Thanks to her new transformation, she gained a few new quirks out of instinct. She pushed herself on all fours and dashed out of the way from the Final Kamehameha Kassava launched towards Demi-Fiend, however, thanks to the collision of both Gaea Rage and Final Kamehameha, the explosion threw Cuki next to Kassava. She skidded to a stop before pulling her head out of the dirt and gazing at the final moments of Kassava's massive attack. Her eyes were wide with awe.

Whoa, Kass did that to Demi-Fiend..? I never knew she had that much power in her! I guess this fight really pushed her to her limits.

Cuki's new ears twitched, hearing the familiar voices of the others from the door. She felt a smile form on her face, realizing that the battle was finally over and they could reunite with the others who cheered for Kassava. She was slightly nervous about Demi-Fiend waking up and punishing them, so she gently tapped Kassava's shoulder and jabbed a thumb to the door.

"That was an amazing display of power Kass! Errm, but let's celebrate in the safety of the other room," Cuki nodded to Demi-Fiend. "The last thing we need is Demi-Fiend waking up again. Let's head back quickly, your buddies are waiting for you."

Cuki headed to the door, not realizing that the others saw her new look. Her jacket fell from the sky, somehow miraculously surviving untouched from the entire battle. Cuki quickly grabbed it and wrapped it around her head to cover her ears. Her cheeks flared red, a little embarrassed by her new look. Without hesitation, Cuki hopped through the door and found herself reunited with the others at last.

Zenta skidded backward effortlessly with Demi-Fiend's massive attack colliding with Kassava's. He grunted, his fur ruffed up slightly from instinct before setting down. He gazed to where the immense power came from and smiled upon sensing it came from Kassava. With his arms clasped behind his back, he watched silently as the Saiyan pushed herself beyond all limits to throw Demi-Fiend back. He loved seeing that in people.

"My, my! This Kassava is quite a fighter. She appears to have a vast amount of hidden potential, this being a touch of her power. I must say, Mr. Whis, your training sessions must be spectacular and with the utmost of care! Perhaps we should exchange notes when this fiasco is over, yes? Ohohoo~" Zenta chuckled. "I am rather curious to see how this fight impacted the girls."
Vegetto gasped, watching the development silently through the Detective's praise. He cried out in slight pain, the wind of the building energy emitting enough through the opening to cause him to tumble away on the floor. He hacked slightly in pain, coming to a halt once his back slammed into a wall close by, soon falling to the floor upright and on his rear. His eyes remained wide, watching the growing energy with awe along with the others before turning his head towards Whis.

"Whis...are you seeing this?!"

Vegetto blinked, staring at Whis in confusion at the sight of the taller angel standing mostly idle. His entire expression had completely vanished, an empty stare nearly meeting Vegetto's eyes and his hand still gently petting Bernkastel's head in consistent, even stroke. Vegetto narrowed his eyes a bit, noticing Whis' lips move. No sound came from his mouth, but the lips moved in motion as if simply stating the word, 'breathe'.

Vegetto stared on, watching Whis only uttering the word once in silence, before Whis suddenly perked both eyebrows. As if snapping out of a small trance, Whis' normal content expression returned as he turned his head slightly towards Vegetto with a smile.

"Oh yes, she's doing quite well isn't she?"

Vegetto paused, the confusion clearly throwing off his thought process. However, after collecting his thoughts and preparing to speak, Vegetto turned his eyes to the resulting explosion from the two massive attacks colliding head on, letting out a small cry in bracing against the energies.

Kassava's arms remained upright in the launched position of her attack, her boots having dug into the ground in managing to stay upright through the explosion. Her attention and focus remained locked on Demi-Fiend throughout the entire finale of the battle, watching him fall to the floor in a defeated heap. Her aura had faded completely, no sign of energy whirling outward from her body other than the little speckles of light rising in columns up into the air around her body. Her hair had retained the golden and red color of the original Super Saiyan God form, but her silver eyes gleamed strongly as they locked firmly onto Demi-Fiend.

Her focus remained locked on the body before the two, making no movement or response to Cuki suggesting that the two leave the area. The crumbling world around them did little to impact her attention as well, her breathing calm and entirely through her nose with her mouth completely shut. She stood still even after Cuki turned and started running to the exit, staring down at the body without emotion despite the fierce glare.

"Tha͟n̸k̕s f͘o͜r̛ t͝h͡é f͟ight̵."

Kassava turned on her heel, the crumbling world shifting around her feet. She stepped forward one one foot, the ground collapsing from underneath the other once she took her weight off it, and she suddenly sprung forward in a light leap to the exit to leave the dimension behind.

Vegetto shielded himself from the light as it slowly subsided. He stared on with wide eyes, silent while listening on everyone explaining what exactly had happened. He lifted his arms, feeling the spell Cross had casted begin to take effect and quickly sprung up to his feet. He quickly strode towards the entry, standing behind the others in eagerly waiting for Cuki and Kassava to return to the group.

Whis smiled, turning her head to Zenta at the praise.

"Of course! Thank you for the wonderful compliment; I do try my best with these two. However, your prodigy seems to be fairing just as well-"

He smiled, gesturing to her and blatantly seeing through her minior disguise.

"What wonderful new power and ears she has!"

Whis stepped forward, excitedly leaning forward over Cuki with a large smile.

"May I scratch your furry ears, miss Cuki?"

Vegetto's eyes had turned to Whis in the conversation, looking on with a disturbed expression at the sight.

"What has gotten into you Whis? You're acting really strange."

He stopped the thought immediately, his eyes turning to Kassava once she emerged through the entryway. Vegetto blinked, staring at the strong silver shine in her eyes despite the differing golden and red spiked bundles of hair on her head. Kassava stood still, her eyes meeting no one's in particular as she moved around like in a trance. Her head turned a bit, her eyes finally locking with Vegetto's as they both stared at each in silence for a moment.

Vegetto's cheeks reddened slightly, his wide eyes remaining.

"Wow...those eyes are beautiful."

Kassava's eyebrows perked in the first show of emotion since the unleashing of the blast on Demi-Fiend, her own cheeks flushing red with a small yelp in surprise. The silver gleam instantly vanished with the noise she made, reverting to her base state instantly with a strong blush. Vegetto blinked, his cheeks still red as he reached up with his right hand and cupped Kassava's cheek.

"Hey wait...don't go. I want to see that glow again."

Kassava yelped again, her hands instantly flying up and quickly brushing Vegetto's away. She shook a bit in the elevated heart rate, turning her eyes to the side in a completely changed expression from earlier to go with her embarrassed tone.

"Stop that!! And for Kami's sake, put a shirt on...jeez!!"

Vegetto perked his eyebrows, letting out a small chuckle in embarrassment.

"Oh, right! Hey Whis, can you give me another top here?"

Whis contained his giggling, nodding curtly and lowering his scepter towards Vegetto. The orb at the end shined in a bright green glow, and within a second, Vegetto's entire outfit became instantly pristine from the magical energy. Vegetto grinned as he patted the gi on his chest, turning back to Kassava.

"There we go, good as new!"

Vegetto raised an eyebrow, watching Kassava still breathe in deeply through her nose, her blush still strong in trying to regain her composure.

"Kass? You ok?"

Kassava nodded her head, despite her clear struggle to actually regain control of herself as she tried to breathe deeply and lightly chanting to herself.

The three Raune Remnants all braced from the sheer amount of power and wind coming from the door to Demifiend, Kavassa, and Cuki's battle, holding their arms out in a barrier formation and tensing up their legs, doing their best to remain upright. By the end of the battle with Kavassa and Cuki's entrance into the central group gathering, the first Remnant was holding onto a wall with their glove, barely upright. The second Remnant was standing on the floor, managing to hold back against the force with his own strength. And the third Remnant was up against a wall, relying on it to not fall over. When the wind and energy settled, Veg and Kass having their moment, and Cuki coming in hiding her ears, the first and third Remnant looked towards the doors that had appeared.

"It looks like Vegetto's talk about myself needing to find Doom just got a short cut for everyone."

"No need to run around the castle and find out whatever happened to Cross' minions and army the hard way when the door's right there, waiting."

"I don't know if we'd want to run in just yet. Time's of the essence but, better wait for the rest of the team to be ready. Last thing we need is team members getting knocked down the moment the fight starts. Again." The two chatted among themselves, settling the discussion that had been occurring before well, Kass' shining moment.

The second Remnant looked to Lambdadelta's hand on his shoulder, and nodded.

"I'd enjoy having tea with you and Bernkastel when this is over. That's something I haven't had a chance to do in the last while. It was something I did as both a king, and then with family. Though it will probably just be me. I'm the real Raune. The other two are duplicates who, will either die in battle today, or get erased once their purpose is up. Gruesome, but necessary." He stated.

The first Remnant zipped over from the door to the transformed Cuki, giving her a quick look over.

"Well, how about that. Now that we've got Bern, myself, and your new appearance, us felines are finally getting a major stake in the proceedings. Though, not sure how a Saiyan suddenly looks like a cat of some kind based on your fur... Its kinda cute though." He stated with a wink. The second Remnant called out from where he was standing.

"Looks like Whis is more interested in her than I am, though." He responded, barely holding back what would be demonic sounding laughter with Whis approaching, the first Remnant suddenly shifting their position into a defensive one and crossing their arms and giving a scowl.

The third and swordless Remnant stayed where he had been, looking to the doors.

"Outfit renewal. New helmet for Zenta. Wonder if I'll ever get my sword back." He remarked, tightening his left hand, missing the weapon. "Won't matter in the end, anyways... Either Doom erases me or one of the other Remnants will ensure I get kicked back into my aborted timeline. Though..." He glanced over to Bern and Lamb. "Hey! Bern, Lamb! Either of you able to repair a shattered sword with your magic? Without the sword being present, also?"
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