As the water around Vegetto evaporated, Avalon knew that he had to put forth more effort. So much so that he needed to overextend the energy he had and gain even more to even keep up with the Fusion. When Vegetto took down the Xy'pher clone, the force behind the punch sent him back a few feet. He was amazed but knew he couldn't let Vegetto handle the situation by himself, but what could he do to help? He watched in awe before balling his hands into fists, feeling the gap between him and the others get wider.
I'm completely spent... I can't go on. I let everyone down again... Upon hearing Spina's encouraging words, Avalon's eyes widen. Wait, what am I sayin'?! Boss is right! I'm not some loser, I gotta show my best face to help everyone. Berserk, Bage, even Vegetto are trying their hardest, I should too! Avalon glanced for a moment towards Vegetto and nodded to himself. It's risky, but there's only one way to get Goku's core...
Avalon slammed his hands together, and with the last remainder of energy he had, performed a blur of hand signs. The ground beneath him started to rumble and shake as the water in the city started to gather to his location. His body started to change and the marking under his left eye began to glow, similar to when Cuki enters into her wild state. A familiar blue aura pulsed from Avalon and engulfed his entire body, identical to that moment when he helped Berserk. A thin and faint ghost-like figure appeared behind Avalon as he smiled. His eyes were a brilliant blue color and the two whips of hair flowed elegantly in the wind.
“Water Style! Dragon's Ascent!”
Suddenly, from under his feet, all the water from Reflection City shot upwards in a massive torrent that took the shape of an elegant snake-like dragon. The dragon let out a roar so massive that it began to change the weather and form dark clouds over the city. It began to drizzle throughout the whole city. Avalon was seen within the dragon, right behind its forehead as he loomed over Bage and Goku locked in place. His goofy persona now changed, and his tone seemed much more serious and direct. The dragon rushed towards Vegetto and opened its mouth to consume him, yet, Vegetto remained entirely unharmed. Just like before, the waters were soothing, but this time, Vegetto felt a type of empowering aura from the mysterious apparition behind Avalon that seemed to entice him to continue. As Avalon stared ahead towards Bage and Goku, the ghost stared at Vegetto, as if to judge him.
"Vegetto! Get ready!" Avalon's voice rang out to Vegetto, but it was mixed with another unfamiliar voice. "Prepare the ultimate technique you have because I'm going it to grab Goku's core."
As Vegetto floated within the water dragon, he would be right in the mouth of the beast, giving him a perfect view and aim of Detective Goku. His powerful flames did not evaporate the surrounding water, instead, it merged with the water, giving the dragon blue fiery spines on its back, flaming whiskers, and a magnificent blue fire mane which almost matched his hair. A perfect balance between fire and water. The beast roared once again, preparing to launch a massive beam from it directly towards Bage and Goku.
The nearby Xy'phers were desperately trying to merge with Goku and heal him, but the rate he was getting damaged made the healing slow to a crawl. Eventually, it landed in a standstill, the Xy'phers unable to heal Goku no matter how much they piled on him.
(I'll let Vegetto post so I can wrap it up in my next post for you guys.)
I'm completely spent... I can't go on. I let everyone down again... Upon hearing Spina's encouraging words, Avalon's eyes widen. Wait, what am I sayin'?! Boss is right! I'm not some loser, I gotta show my best face to help everyone. Berserk, Bage, even Vegetto are trying their hardest, I should too! Avalon glanced for a moment towards Vegetto and nodded to himself. It's risky, but there's only one way to get Goku's core...
Avalon slammed his hands together, and with the last remainder of energy he had, performed a blur of hand signs. The ground beneath him started to rumble and shake as the water in the city started to gather to his location. His body started to change and the marking under his left eye began to glow, similar to when Cuki enters into her wild state. A familiar blue aura pulsed from Avalon and engulfed his entire body, identical to that moment when he helped Berserk. A thin and faint ghost-like figure appeared behind Avalon as he smiled. His eyes were a brilliant blue color and the two whips of hair flowed elegantly in the wind.
“Water Style! Dragon's Ascent!”
Suddenly, from under his feet, all the water from Reflection City shot upwards in a massive torrent that took the shape of an elegant snake-like dragon. The dragon let out a roar so massive that it began to change the weather and form dark clouds over the city. It began to drizzle throughout the whole city. Avalon was seen within the dragon, right behind its forehead as he loomed over Bage and Goku locked in place. His goofy persona now changed, and his tone seemed much more serious and direct. The dragon rushed towards Vegetto and opened its mouth to consume him, yet, Vegetto remained entirely unharmed. Just like before, the waters were soothing, but this time, Vegetto felt a type of empowering aura from the mysterious apparition behind Avalon that seemed to entice him to continue. As Avalon stared ahead towards Bage and Goku, the ghost stared at Vegetto, as if to judge him.
"Vegetto! Get ready!" Avalon's voice rang out to Vegetto, but it was mixed with another unfamiliar voice. "Prepare the ultimate technique you have because I'm going it to grab Goku's core."
As Vegetto floated within the water dragon, he would be right in the mouth of the beast, giving him a perfect view and aim of Detective Goku. His powerful flames did not evaporate the surrounding water, instead, it merged with the water, giving the dragon blue fiery spines on its back, flaming whiskers, and a magnificent blue fire mane which almost matched his hair. A perfect balance between fire and water. The beast roared once again, preparing to launch a massive beam from it directly towards Bage and Goku.
The nearby Xy'phers were desperately trying to merge with Goku and heal him, but the rate he was getting damaged made the healing slow to a crawl. Eventually, it landed in a standstill, the Xy'phers unable to heal Goku no matter how much they piled on him.
(I'll let Vegetto post so I can wrap it up in my next post for you guys.)