The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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As the water around Vegetto evaporated, Avalon knew that he had to put forth more effort. So much so that he needed to overextend the energy he had and gain even more to even keep up with the Fusion. When Vegetto took down the Xy'pher clone, the force behind the punch sent him back a few feet. He was amazed but knew he couldn't let Vegetto handle the situation by himself, but what could he do to help? He watched in awe before balling his hands into fists, feeling the gap between him and the others get wider.

I'm completely spent... I can't go on. I let everyone down again... Upon hearing Spina's encouraging words, Avalon's eyes widen. Wait, what am I sayin'?! Boss is right! I'm not some loser, I gotta show my best face to help everyone. Berserk, Bage, even Vegetto are trying their hardest, I should too! Avalon glanced for a moment towards Vegetto and nodded to himself. It's risky, but there's only one way to get Goku's core...

Avalon slammed his hands together, and with the last remainder of energy he had, performed a blur of hand signs. The ground beneath him started to rumble and shake as the water in the city started to gather to his location. His body started to change and the marking under his left eye began to glow, similar to when Cuki enters into her wild state. A familiar blue aura pulsed from Avalon and engulfed his entire body, identical to that moment when he helped Berserk. A thin and faint ghost-like figure appeared behind Avalon as he smiled. His eyes were a brilliant blue color and the two whips of hair flowed elegantly in the wind.

“Water Style! Dragon's Ascent!”

Suddenly, from under his feet, all the water from Reflection City shot upwards in a massive torrent that took the shape of an elegant snake-like dragon. The dragon let out a roar so massive that it began to change the weather and form dark clouds over the city. It began to drizzle throughout the whole city. Avalon was seen within the dragon, right behind its forehead as he loomed over Bage and Goku locked in place. His goofy persona now changed, and his tone seemed much more serious and direct. The dragon rushed towards Vegetto and opened its mouth to consume him, yet, Vegetto remained entirely unharmed. Just like before, the waters were soothing, but this time, Vegetto felt a type of empowering aura from the mysterious apparition behind Avalon that seemed to entice him to continue. As Avalon stared ahead towards Bage and Goku, the ghost stared at Vegetto, as if to judge him.

"Vegetto! Get ready!" Avalon's voice rang out to Vegetto, but it was mixed with another unfamiliar voice. "Prepare the ultimate technique you have because I'm going it to grab Goku's core."

As Vegetto floated within the water dragon, he would be right in the mouth of the beast, giving him a perfect view and aim of Detective Goku. His powerful flames did not evaporate the surrounding water, instead, it merged with the water, giving the dragon blue fiery spines on its back, flaming whiskers, and a magnificent blue fire mane which almost matched his hair. A perfect balance between fire and water. The beast roared once again, preparing to launch a massive beam from it directly towards Bage and Goku.

The nearby Xy'phers were desperately trying to merge with Goku and heal him, but the rate he was getting damaged made the healing slow to a crawl. Eventually, it landed in a standstill, the Xy'phers unable to heal Goku no matter how much they piled on him.

(I'll let Vegetto post so I can wrap it up in my next post for you guys.)
Arriving in the vicinity as well, the newly formed Majin Bara noted that Bage and Xy'pher Goku were currently in a stalemate, while also noting that the core was exposed and the Xy'phers nearby were vainly trying to heal him and hearing Avalon's command towards Vegetto, she nodded.

"Okay, Vegetto may have the finishing blow, but let's make sure that this monster has nowhere left to run!" She said, as she suddenly teleported above the Xy'pher Detective and came down with a vicious ki-embassed chop, a single strike which only made sure the core was now completely exposed for Vegetto and Avalon to do their part.

As Bara made contact, the resulting strike unleashed a sudden energy pillar from underneath the Xy'pher detective, the pillar distorting in its center for a brief moment to reveal an image of an exploding skull before the pillar itself evaporated into nothing, but would be enough for Vegetto and the other Breakers to know where their true target was, at which Bara then emitted two words for Vegetto and the other Breakers, if they would get involved that is, to finally put the corrupted detective out of his misery and save Bage.

Vegetto stood confident, his eyes following the clash between the Detectives high in the sky while the dangerous destruction to the fabric of reality itself began to take hold. He stood stoic and unmoving from his position; relishing the combat above. Yet his eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of the massive dragon of water, a twinge of concern taking hold on his face. He paused for a moment, the strange sensation of fear creeping into his mind from an unknown memory slowly coming to fruition.

The Potara fusion gasped slightly, his mind racing once the dragon rushed towards him. Frozen, he felt his senses dialate and heighten but trapped in his stance as he was swallowed whole. His eyes shifted around; a flash of light blinding him momentarily as a rush of images replayed in his mind. The roar of the dragon was different, and instead of water, the beast itself had transformed into pure, volatile, and destructive ki. Yet as quickly as the ominous and foreboding memory began, so too did it suddenly cease within the Potara fusion's mind.

The aura of the soothing waters flowed inward, and as a potentially unintended side effect, clarity filled Vegetto's mind. The ominous and destructive dark energy that radiated from the man before was no where to be found; like disease removed from the spiritual energy that now flowed within the Potara fusion's body. With the fear and anger gone, Vegetto blinked widely while he floated in the water as the memory of his past caused by Avalon's water dragon became clearer. His eyes never met the ghost that floated in front of him; unable to see the figure due to the nature of the aura mixing with his own spiritual energy while he focus landed on a visual image created by the energy floating within the dragon. The memory itself depicted the rambunctious and novice Saiyan woman he grew ever fond of, launching a massive energy dragon attack at him. Vegetto blinked hard once, but as the scene played out exactly as he remembered, he chuckled to himself while he spoke to no one in particular.

"Ha...the first time I ever lost a fight..."

Vegetto watched on as he saw his own point of view dodge the incoming dragon, only for it to redirect seconds later at the command of the charging Kassava. Her other fist launched forward, another dragon of pure energy nearly annihilating him with her favored attack from their universe and the memory fading into the blinding flash of light. He sighed contently, floating peacefully in the water with his long spiky blue hair flowing outward as his mind wondered further.

"That was a good memory."

The flow of energy morphed inside the water dragon, nearly indecipherable scenes depicting the fusion's thoughts falling on more and more memories of his past that brought his positive energy back. The silhouettes of both Vegetto and Superman floating away from each other in the vast depths of space, the blurry silhouttes of two merging together into one being during the final Doom battle, a seemingly un-noteworthy apartment, and a strange city floating high in the sky of a world lost to Doom's destruction. Vegetto exhaled slowly, his expression sombering a bit.

"From another lifetime."

Vegetto suddenly snapped his head at attention from Avalon's request, furrowing his brow while he thought.

"Ultimate technique? But I can't use the Final Atom Strike from here; I need to get closer."

However, Vegetto stopped himself from issuing a command to bring him closer to the Xy'pher detective, staring down at the sight of the exposed core. He narrowed his eyes a bit, frowning slightly in realizing the danger that striking the detective with a melee attack would entail.

"I have to use a ranged technique...but I don't remember any of those. They waste too much energy and cause too much destruction in their wake...but...hell....I'm already wasting energy using this old form. C'mon Vegetto...remember. The biggest attack...which one was the biggest..."

Vegetto furrowed his eyebrows, haphazardly throwing out his arms and slightly turning in the water within the dragon. His muscle memory kicked in slightly; the arm flailing strangely reminiscent of the Potara Fusion's signature beam attack stance. Yet the awkward pull of his hands was proof enough of his ineptitude, barely any rise in energy forming while he cradled his hands behind his back.

" did it go again? Final...Flash...Kamehameha?"

He shook his head once, dismissing and emptying his mind from the confusion behind the mess of memories flooding as direct images playing out inside due to the connection of his energy to the aura. However, his eyes widened a bit once the memory of Kassava launching her first energy dragon attack at him during their first duel played once more; the warmth and soothing effect of the energy flooding his mind once again. He spaced out for only a second, the somber stare giving way to the creative surge of inspiration that mounted within his mind. Vegetto kept his eyes down towards Detective Goku, his own smirk barely giving way under a gruff scoff in amusement at the sound of Cayde's mechanical voice ringing out within the dragon.

"Forward momentum buddy! It's what Kass would want...and uh...what else can you do?"

A surge of blue fire swirled outward shortly after the inspirational quote, Vegetto's eyes lighting up with a bright gleam from another rise in his energy. Chaotic crackles of lightning surged as a bright blue sphere of pure energy rapidly formed in the Potara fusion's palms; the energy growing at a monstrous rate from within the dragon's mouth. The full effect of Avalon's connection to Vegetto from within the dragon finally became clear at the building energy; whatever the ninja had done gave a spiritual effect that helped the Potara fusion control his trauma. With the negative spiritual energy cleansed, albeit momentarily, Vegetto powered through the old memories and focused solely on the pride he felt in Kassava for defeating him with what was at the time, a new move. The knowledge of the attack itself began to return, and with each moment passing in understanding the old methods used, Vegetto's destructive energy began to grow at his manipulation. At his side, another apparition of the long lost Saiyan began to build, the feminine ghost reaching out and nurturing the growing energy within Vegetto's palm.

Vegetto glanced around, nearly gasping at the sight but only held a shocked stare. The clarity of the moment fully kicked in at the culmination of the entire world around him: Cayde's advice, Avalon's healing energy, Bage holding the barrier against the Xy'pher Detective, Brachi's call to end the fight, and the remaining Breakers all moving to the side for him to finish it. In a strange shift of his normal stoic and cocky character, a familiar spur of childish glee took hold in Vegetto's expression as the Potara fusion giggled to himself.

"Yeah!! The old's back!! Woohoo!!"

 Vegetto's eyes narrowed slightly, the happiness sharpening into a determined and proud smirk once more.

"Thank you...thank you"

The Potara fusion roared violently, the massive swelling of energy expanding out of the water dragon's mouth. A blinding sun like sphere had fully illuminated above the entire fight, as if the dragon itself was preparing its own beam of energy. Yet at the center, Vegetto called out with a confident shout in his dual voice to the Xy'pher detective below.

"We'll be waiting for you, Kakarot!!"

The dual voice cracked in a final tumultuous roar, and suddenly, Vegetto's arms shot forward. The scream of his dual voice had changed ever so slightly, as the sound of the third feminine voice that inspired the new technique rung out alongside Vegetto's voice like the old fusion during the Doom arc.

"Dragon's Kamehameha!!"

Pure golden energy spiralled out from the water dragon's mouth, the massive stream of energy rapidly spilling downward like destructive gushing torrents of water headed straight for Detective Goku.
The Plaza

A powerful beam fired from the dragon's maw, a combination of both Vegetto and the Dragon's attack. The moment the beam of energy launched towards Goku, Avalon shot out of the Dragon's forehead and rushed directly in front of the beam. He let the attack consume him, but he used it to send himself flying towards Goku in order to obtain his core. There was a horrible cry of pain that came from him as he took the full force of the attack. Being an incredible dangerous move, there was no way he could survive, not in his current condition.

Heh, this is how I go, huh? Man, what a trip... Shame I never found my sister or saw Seilong... I guess I just wasn't good enough, but hey, I'm happy with what I'm doing now. The Breakers are great... I guess Vegetto's not such a bad guy after all. He's still a lyin' bastard with a huge ego who only cares about himself... but at least he stuck his neck out for us and hella good fighter. I wouldn't call him a hero, but I'd totally call him my friend... just not in public, haha..!

Once the massive Dragon's Water Kamehameha hit Goku, it created a massive explosion that shook the entire city and overtook the plaza in a massive light. The impact flung everyone that was in the plaza through the air, Bage taking the hardest hit since he was the closest. Smoke and debris littered the area, as there was a crater in the middle of the plaza, right where Goku was standing with Bage. Once the dust settled and everything started to calm down, Avalon was stuck right in the middle of the crater. His body incredibly damaged and he wasn't moving or breathing. Normally, he would prank the others by using a water clone, but it seems that this one was the real deal. His eyes were entirely blank and his body started to show visible cracks on it with light coming from them, almost like Spina back in Rouge City. The ninja cradled something in his arms; it was Detective Goku's core which released a gentle orange glow.

It was at this very moment that every Xy'pher in Reflection City had a reaction.

Reflection City (Sky)

The Xy'phers that were firing the cannons at both Bernkastel and Spina fused together to create an ultimate cannon that took aim right at the two. The cannon was so massive that it would easily catch Spawn and Null Knight in the blast, no doubt in the same black flames that latched on to Bernkastel. It let out a low hum, indicative of it powering up a massive blast, followed by the center of the barrel lighting up the entire area. That blast would no doubt level the entire city as if a nuke hit it. Yet, the blast never happened. Instead, all the Xy'phers that made up the giant cannon began to pull themselves apart.

Recon Hub

Emilyn nodded to Atomic Flare, ready to head off with her to safety until the Cerberus let out a terrible roar from the building Atomic Flare threw it. It jumped out of the building and landed on top of Atomic Flare to pin her down as the multiple heads of the beast started to detach themselves from the body and run towards Cayde, May, and 07. The dogs managed to pin the trio to the ground and open their mouths, ready to open rapid fire on their helpless bodies. Yet, it never happened. The dogs simply remained still, mere moments away from shooting them down.

"Mr. Cayde!!"

Reflection City (Outskirts)

As Gogeta's massive beam fired off, it completely blasted the Valkyrie away, shattering her into tiny pieces. Near Zenta, however, things started to stir. The entire area under Zenta's feet began to sink, almost as if the ground beneath him was a sink hole. As quickly as Zenta moved, he was unable to escape the pit that sucked everything in. Jagged pillars erupted from the ground that seemed to form a dome around the beast. From Gogeta's perspective, it was not a pit. Zenta and the President were caught in the mouth of a giant crystallized Venus-Fly trap that was coming out from the ground, eating everything in sight. All the Xy'phers Gogeta killed underground merged into this massive plant-like beast.

Zenta grunted, hopping and jumping from the rubble that fell in, but since Gogeta had turned the area barren with no buildings left, there wasn't much for him to jump off from. His priority was the President's safety, and so, in one mighty jump, he grabbed the President from his tails and flung him as hard as he could towards Gogeta. The President managed to escape moments before the massive jaws of the Venus-Fly trap shut tight, Zenta still inside.

Around the stem of the Crystallized plant was a mane that shined magnificently in every color. Vines started to crawl out from the mane and quickly lash out towards Gogeta, wrapping around every part of his body. One vine started to take the shape of a spear, aimed directly towards his chest. If he were to shrink himself, he would be crushed instantly by the vines closing around him. The spear rushed at great speeds towards Gogeta, yet, never pierced him.

All the Xy'phers the Breakers were fighting instantly landed their full attention to the direction of the plaza, almost as if something invisible had called to them and gave them orders. There was an eerie silence among all the Xy'phers as some came very close to fatally wounding some of the Breakers. The jet fighter that was fighting Bernkastel and Spina flew away in a random direction, and the Xy'phers that made the giant cannon scurried into cracks on the ground to escape. The Crystallized hounds that were pinning Cayde, May, and 07 each ran off in a different direction, while the Cerberus beast on top of Atomic Flare leaped away, disappearing behind the massive buildings and fleeing. The spear that was supposed to impale Gogeta would stop mere inches from his chest, just barely pricking his skin, before it retracted itself. The vines loosened around his body, freeing the Saiyan, as they quickly zipped back to behind the crystallized mane. The giant Venus-Fly trap sunk its entire head into the hole it created and disappeared into the shadows. The hole was so deep, it looked like it went on for miles. Zenta, however, was still stuck inside the jaws of the plant as it vanished from sight.
The junior detective practically panicked when he saw the small sphere encase both he and Goku. Was it a trap? A barrier to keep any outside force from breaching it to get to them? Plans began to formulate in the detective's head to try and open the black orb up, his head whipping around to look for an opening. But at hearing the soft call of detective Goku, he turned his head back slowly to examine the soft features on the crystalized face. Was it really him...? He could only listen in wide eyed disbelief as the Xy'pher of his mentor recounted memories they shared together under the agency, even that he remembered him... Goku actually remembered him. However, even after all of it, his final words struck the detective the hardest. Any of his doubts had instantly washed away, being replaced with relief.

Suddenly, the ground was wet underneath Bage, his bloody face twisted uncontrollably as his sight began to blur from the tears.​

"Right... No regrets." Bage mustered through the silence with a forced smile as he looked back up at Xy'pher Goku. After that brief moment, the bubble popped open to reveal the other Breakers closing in with their attacks. All the sound rushed into the saiyan detectives ears, from the screams of pain to the roaring of Avalon, Vegetto and Brachi. But as quickly as his hearing returned it would soon be taken away again from the impact of the water Kamehameha striking both he and Goku.​

His back slammed into the crater behind him. Bage's vision had gone dark. having taken the brunt of Vegetto and Avalon's combo, the detective was knocked completely unconscious.​

Atomic Flare turned suddenly at the roar, before being pinned to the ground by the beast. Her eyes widened as she looked up to see the others being restrained by the dogs formed from the main body. She struggled intensely, trying to escape the beast's frontal assault. Then there was nothing... Atomic Flare looked back toward the dog, seeing it frozen in place before disappearing into the city with its pack.​

She sat up, remaining silence and confused before turning toward the direction the Plaza was in. It was done. She sighed heavily and walked toward the others to check on them.​

"Seems your friends have succeeded in defeating whatever head Xy'pher they faced." She said, walking over to and standing by Cayde, May and 07.
May says shifting back to her professional tone "It seems so but we should see how much damage Xy'phers did." May starts to look at 07's hand that was damaged by by the Cerberus Xy'pher.

The check and the replacement of the hand of 07 was quite quick. May says to the group "Shall we check on the other."
Reality City (Sky)

Bernkastel clutched onto Spina even as Spawn took them in to the pocket dimension of his cape. She glanced over at Null Knight and haughtily nodded.

"Of course I do! I am one of the strongest Breakers after all. Besides, if we just stayed in Spawn's cape we'd only be a hindrance." Holding up her hand, the witch prepared to open a portal for the three of them to get to their next destination and allow Spawn to do his work. Just as it opened up to the other side in its inky swirl of purple, Bernkastel's eyes widened as something caught her alarm.

"The bullets-- they're suddenly diverting all over the place!" Thanks to Spina, she sensed the bullets assigned to the group at the Plaza seemingly be blown back by some kind of force. Furrowing her brow, she gripped onto Spina tightly as she jumped through. "Zenta too! He's-- he's gone?!" Emerging with him, they both floated high above where Gogeta and Zenta were busy fighting, looking around as an air of unease washed over her. Her expression became pallid, though as her eyes fell on Gogeta she felt some relief.. until her gaze fell on the open hole gaping below them.

"Why is it so... quiet? I don't see any Xy'phers anywhere. It's like they just... vanished. Just what happened?" she inquired as she floated cautiously down towards Gogeta for an explanation.

Berserk laid in a pile of dirt and dust, covered in smoke marks as she coughed heavily, stirring herself to a sitting position. "Did we win?..." it seemed the shockwave knocked her around that she lost track of where everything was just before the finishing blow. "Who's alive? Sound off if you hear me!" she called, standing up by propping herself up with her sword. Glancing around, she floated towards the edge of the crater, eyes widening as she spotted Avalon and Bage at the bottom.

Turning around she waved her sword like an S.O.S.

"Hey! Anybody here a medic?! They don't look so hot!" she shouted, hoping Vegetto or at least Bara were able to respond. "Oh, shoot, wait. We might not be alone for sure," she whispered to herself as she noticed how eerily silent their surroundings were. Berserk grew restless seeing Avalon in a far worse shape than Bage, eyeing him from afar. "It's those cracks again... Avalon you stinkin' dummy! Wake up! It's not funny!" She repeated with a hurried tone, as if that would magically wake him up by the time she floated down by his side, shaking him by the shoulder. "... Don't die on me, dummy. We were s'posed to get pizza and play arcade games after this!"
The Plaza

The Xy’pher Detective was defeated and the remaining essence of Genki vanished, but the space distortion continues to dawdle. However, the enlarge cracks closed, soon vanishing shortly afterwards by an outside factor; space around the Plaza returned to normalcy.

After Berserk cried out for medical assistance, Lucifer quietly appeared before the Powerpunk, looking down at them with a soften smile, decoy to the cold stone of his face. The angel raised his hand in the air, making a roaring applause loudly, so everyone, still conscious, can hear.

“Bravo! Magnifico! Excelente! That was a spectacle worthy to witness. The pure, unfiltered ambitions showcased in this battle is so soothing to my eyes. I believe that secured a deeper insight of your characters, my dear lovely Breakers. You never disappoint.” His eyes trailed away from Berserk, Avalon and Bage, looking straight at Vegetto.

“To think you have such a form as well… that blue transformation.” As Lucifer stands in the middle of the crater, the terrain burn so significantly that the landscape was pitch black. The corner of his lips turned up, resulting a condescending sneer towards the fusion. “You’re not just the Breaker,” Lucifer’s eyes squinted. “Your emotions scream a hero, but your actions resemblance that of a devil. An interesting paradox, hmm?” He noticed a ghostly figure that was hanging back, whom appearance was unknown to him. He did, however, recognized its energy.

Returning back to Berserk, Avalon and Bage, the angel headed towards the junior detective first. He bends forward slightly, analyzing his injuries. “You chose a reckless plan and went with it without consulting the others. What a scene to demonstrate your will… I’m very impressed. I’ll do a favor; I do intend on repayment soon, my boy.” Closing his eyes, he let out a number of words in a strange language that sounded like gibberish. Bage’s body shine briefly, in which Lucifer stood up straight. “He’ll live.”

Lucifer turns to Avalon to see the state he’s in. Leaning forward, the angel observed the apparent cracks all over his body. He didn’t sense familiarity to Spina’s case in terms of energy. “A predictable end for someone that hails from a pitiful universe, Avalon.” His eyes narrowed at Detective Goku’s core that contains his Vortex Coin in his grasp. “Although, I do commend you for improving your self-worth and utilizing your free will. A vast improvement compared your previous dutiful display.” The angel eyed the ghostly figure once again. Having a sinister smile on his face, he turned to Berserk.

“He’s done for, Berserk. None of us has the capabilities to heal when cracks are like this. Since he’s on the verge of death…” Lucifer gently pointed Berserk’s sword towards Avalon’s chest. “You have the choice of putting out his misery. Otherwise, it could become a pose a problem. Coining him will be the most beneficial option, but it is your choice.”

Reflection City [Outskirts]

Null Knight followed Bernkastel and Spina through the portal and looked around to see any people in the sky currently falling. “Six people falling. Sentai Flash.” The Knight dashed in incredible speeds, hoping one building to the next as left a trail of rainbow behind.

Due to the outskirts of the city being leveled, there were plenty of pointy rock formations. In a nick of time, Null Knight grabbed onto each one of them before landed on the rooftop of the abandoned building. “Made it. You’re safe.”

“Thank you!!” One of them cried. “The battle was getting crazy over here. I didn’t know what to do; I couldn’t run or anything like that.” He paused for a second. “That Gogeta… he actually tried helping and stop them from killing everyone on this side. Him and that hairy guy… they even protected the President of the RNN!!”

“Well, he did start to turn people into Coins on his own…” Another recalled.

“Better than being turned into those things.” The crying man responded. “I recognized some of them… friends from work.” He turns to Null Knight. “I’m thankful that you managed to work with them!!”

Null Knight became silent. “Let’s get you out of here. I don’t see any of those Xy’phers around.”


The President latched onto Gogeta’s leg, shaking tremendously after nearly being eaten by the Venus-Fly Trap Xy’pher. When he saw the spear spiral towards Gogeta’s chest and then stopped, the President was confused. “W-why did they stopped all the sudden?” He questioned, seeing the Plant Xy’pher descended to the large hole and disappearing from sight. “Hey! That furry is still in there!!”

Spina narrowed his eyes after seeing Xy’phers fleeing and outright vanishing. He knows that one of the Xy’phers was aiming to blast them before Bernkastel made the portal but stopped; it could’ve taken the shot, but it didn’t. He turned his head towards the direction of the Plaza. He sensed incredible powers from there. “Their ace went down; with no reason to continue, they simply withdrew. Bage’s team managed to defeat him of all people.” He said, impressed that they managed to pull off such a feat. “Hmph. Those rock bastards aren’t mindless drones after all.” He noticed that the President was not only still in one piece, but there’s also barely any notable scratches on him.

When Bernkastel floated near Gogeta and the President, Spina instead landed on the ruined landscape. Able to move now due to his regeneration, the old Saiyan stared down the huge hole in the ground. “They definitely withdrew.” Seeing that he can no longer sense any Xy’phers. “Did Zenta fell down in that hole?” He thought. “HEY! Get your ass up here, you damn furball!”
A small, greenish beam hit Avalon, encasing him in a gentle green glow, but even that didn't help much to make the cracks on his body vanish, nor did it do anything to stabilize his condition to the point where he would be able to make a steady recovery, leaving him just as critical as he was before. 

A disappointed Majin Bara, whom by this point looked a bit taller and more mature than earlier, sighed as she descended down towards the small group surrounding Avalon, ignoring Lucifer.

"He fought valiantly to help us dealing with that Xy'pher Goku... we have to see to it that his sacrifice won't be in vain," She said, complimenting Avalon on his efforts, "not if we are to prepare ourselves for the inevitable."
The Plaza

Vegetto slowly lowered his arms, the scene of the Xy'phers retreat and the silence that followed filling him with a sense of relief instead of dread. The hair shrunk as quickly as it shifted back to its normal hue; the blue glow evaporating away while he descended towards the ground. Landing on the ground gently with his arms at his side, Vegetto's eyes landed on Beserk in watching her toil at waking Avalon in his current state.

The Potara fusion immediately frowned, the helplessness an all too familiar reminder of his own past while he watched on in silence. At the cry for help, Vegetto slightly opened his mouth to speak but held his tongue once Lucifer's applause and confident voice filled the air. Any form of melancholy that had been on Vegetto's expression instantly vanished; immediately replaced with a rising agitation and frustration while he stared the angel down with a heavy scowl. Yet once he watched Lucifer heal Bage, Vegetto blinked in surprise with his eyes widening slightly. The moment was short lived, however, as he suspiciously watched on while Lucifer explained the need to put Avalon out of his misery to Beserk. His eyes soon shifted past Beserk, staring down at the motionless Avalon; the glow of the cracks prominent enough to illuminate the Potara fusion's front from where he stood.

The glow itself shined within his mind, the white illumination alone morphing into the shot of a singular beam of pure energy. The piercing thought alone created an intense sensation of burning and pain within Vegetto's body; as if he could feel his head exploding outward in a familiar fashion. The state of panic, the denial of loss, and the fruitless efforts of the green healing energy failing to even slow the progression of Avalon's demise built within Vegetto's core as motivation to simply do something. Anything. His eyes slowly lifted once again, finding Lucifer smugly watching over the pair below; a distortion of the vision soon taking hold within his eyes in seeing metal armor and a green hooded cape adorn the angel despite nothing changing. The angel, in his eyes, brought the detective back from the brink of death and denied that same gift to Avalon in some unknown quest to appease his own plan for the Vortex.

Despite a clear protest from Beserk, Lucifer had lorded over the power punk and played with her emotions as if it were a test. More trials and games put forth to challenge the Breakers, in a manner that stung in Vegetto's mind as a painful reminder of the Doom Trials. The memory of Brainstorm exploiting his own spurred him into building that connection; Vegetto's scowl sharpening to an even stronger glare as he trained his eyes on Lucifer. Another pair of Breakers separated against their will; the first pair destroyed through the direct action, and this pair about to be destroyed by inaction. Rationale and reason snapped under the weight of such an emotional pull, the potential aspect of Lucifer not having the capability to help never crossing Vegetto's mind from the immense loss of control on the emotional view he had of Lucifer's behavior. The black energy that swirled within Vegetto mounting once more while he stepped forward past the others.

Vegetto came to a halt within a foot of Lucifer, the commanding tone of the dual voice firm and agitated in his delivery. His arm muscles visibly tensed as he rolled his white gloved fingers into fists, the burning hatred prevalent in the sharp glare while Vegetto stood tall before Lucifer.

"Heal him. Now."

Recon Hub

Cayde gasped at the sight of the heads barreling towards them, getting pinned in an instant without a chance to react. He lashed out and pulled out his hand cannon, and despite the danger presented from the guns out of the mouth pointing at him, Cayde roared in a scream of defiance as he rapidly fanned his hand cannon. Yet his aim had not been pointed to the head that pinned him down, but towards Emilyn's where the android continued to fire despite the lack of response from the beast in finishing them.

Cayde continued to open fire on the beast towering over Emilynn, but once his cartridge emptied, he blinked in confusion in seeing the Xy'phers retreating. He sat up in stunned silence for a moment, before angrily waving his pistol towards the retreating Xy'phers with a triumphant yell.

"Yeah!! Take that; you better run!"

The android brushed himself off, turning to Emilyn to help her up before he looked between May and Atomic Flare, speaking up with a proud and happy tone after the hero.

"Naw, it had more to do with my dashing rogue heroism."

Cayde tipped his head with a small salute towards May and 07.

"With some help, of course."

He didn't wait for anyone in the area to rebuttal him with truth or frustration with his antics, Cayde following up his own explanation by patting Atomic Flare on her back.

"You did great out there, man. A little green on *effectively* saving the day, but with the right guidance, I think you got what it takes to be a great hero. You should stick around with us, I can show you the ropes. After we check in with the rest of the Breakers.

Reflection City Outskirts

Gogeta looked down into the massive hole once the Venus fly trap Xy'pher had fully retreated, a scowl of confusion and annoyance across his face. He glanced down to see the President clutching tightly onto his leg after the question was posed, but Gogeta scoffed in disgust while he reached down with one hand and yanked the President off with a quick flick of his wrist. He dropped the smaller, fatter man on the ground as if peeling off trash from his shoe.

"Gah! Shut the hell up; you're disgusting."

His expression softened briefly for a moment though; the harsh phrase thrown out not having been untrue, but a strange sense of guilt filling his mind albeit very briefly. He had no reason to even like the President, but the pathetic state the man was in, desperate to avoid dying twinged on a sense of humanity within Gogeta that had been buried deep since he arrived. Up until recently, his ambition to fight and do whatever he wanted had annihilated a sense of good within his mind, but the desire desire to build something positive for a change with the Breakers and give up some of his ambitions brought back a little bit of his humanity towards others.

Gogeta grunted still, the mixture of the new feelings and his disdain for the situation present while he spoke.

"I ain't no hero of justice...I only saved you cause my friends wanted to help. Got it, fat man?"

The fusion turned his head up, however, a brief look of surprise to see Bernkastel and Spina floating down to the ground near him. The posed question by the witch went unanswered as Gogeta watched Spina call out for Zenta. Gogeta sighed heavily, still transformed in his Super Saiyan Blue 4 state while he spoke with a gruff tone.

"He's gone. Some big alien Xy'pher looking thing ate him and ran away with the rest of them."
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