The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Bernkastel jabbed a finger in the general direction of where Valeria had detonated. "Well good load of help that's done! I don't recall that being part of the plan-- and now look, it's all a... mess?" Startled by the sudden sound of gunfire the Witch looked up and saw two of the guards were dispatched by seemingly their own men. Her eyes narrowed once their disguises peeled away, grimacing with a frustrated expression at the situation they found themselves in.

"What?! They're regenerating like it's nothing?!" Things were devolving into more chaos rapidly, faster than she could adapt to. She stepped back from Spawn just as she felt the floor begin to fracture and collapse beneath them. In the distance from their floor in the building she could spot multiple explosions erupting in random areas near the other group. "Damnit, they really are everywhere!" But what's worse is that unlike before their sheer numbers couldn't just be dealt with as easily as before.

"Hey, wait!!" Bern called out to Brachi as she absconded elsewhere once the President was taken literally out, glancing down in alarm to see Xy'phers clutching onto Zenta with intents to explode. How was she going to deal with regenerating exploding Xy'phers between herself and Spawn?

"Fine! You're the only one left that isn't one of those things, anyway! Just help Zenta! I have to think-- what do I do, what do I do?!" Bernkastel floated in midair and gripped her head as she started to feel her thoughts rushing without any coherence while she fired magical blasts at any stragglers trying to come at Zenta and Spawn. Where did everyone go, should they regroup or split off and run? There wasn't any location they've been in Reflection that was safe, and she couldn't just destroy the whole vicinity expecting them to be taken out-- not to mention it could bolster their numbers if any civilians were part of the damage, especially the President. "Damn it damn it damn it!" In her flustered attempts to create a solution that didn't involve an infinite stalemate she wasn't paying enough attention to notice Spina had woken up.

When he suddenly came down and grabbed her by the torso she gasped in surprise, ready to swing but stopped seeing his face. "Spina?! You... waaah!" Suddenly they were spinning and the world around them was blurring. Adjusting her eyes and trying not to get dizzy, she found herself nodding at Spina's orders. "O-okay, I can do that. I've got good aim from here..." The black energy swirling in the tornado was a surprising sight, but she had no time to question. Staring out of the top of the tornado, she threw her hand out to fire blasts at any Xy'phers that weren't immediately dispatched by Spawn's attack.

"Wait, you're sending Zenta down there alone?!" Before she could object in full, Spina already made the decision. Bern watched the beast be thrown and remembered how narrowly Zenta escaped from the Xy'phers last time they were ambushed. Biting her lip in concern, her face was somber before hardening back into a serious expression. No... he'll be alright. I just have to believe... that it'll be okay. If nothing else, I have to believe. Instinctively her grasp on Spina's shoulders tightened.

"Let's... put an end to this nightmare."

Reflection Plaza

Berserk groaned as she stood back up, residual sparks of lightning rolling off her limbs. Shaking it off, she assumed an offensive stance with her back to Bage's in anticipation of the Xy'phers and Detective Goku surrounding them.

"There it is again..." she remarked as the surroundings phased into pitch black momentarily. Narrowing her eyes, Berserk eyed the movements of the enemy. She couldn't take on Goku with Bage if the Xy'phers weren't being dealt with at the same time. Until she could find a pattern in Goku's attacks, there was a lot of room for errors.

"Here goes nothin'!" Berserk focused energy into the center of her body as she leapt into midair. "Equip Mach 2! Extend!" Whipping it above her head, her sword shifted unto a segmented whip sword, promptly glowing with crackling red energy. Berserk spun in place, the sword's ribbonlike segments wrapping around her like a spinning coil. Soon a long stream of bright fire followed with blasts of lightning erupting from her spinning centre, in ringed shockwaves for crowd control on the Xy'phers and provide an opening for the others to recover.
RNN Headquarters (Above)

As Zenta fell, he struggled to grip the surrounding area. Thanks to his blindness, he could not find a proper grip on anything. Only until Spawn grabbed his tail did he let out an animalistic yelp and wiggled around, obviously not a fan of having his tail grabbed. Being held and dangled by his tail not only made Zenta visibly upset but made him bare his teeth at Spawn; however, upon hearing Spina's voice did he seem to snap back to the situation at hand and quickly realize that he was being taken up into the air. His body seemed to go limp, but it looked like he was enjoying the ride for the time being. One thing he took notice was Spina's direct leadership when things got out of hand. Once he heard his order to save the President, he gave a thumbs up before being tossed towards the Xy'pher group.

I see Spina is finally taking a stand. Things might be interesting...

He dropped from the sky, aiming directly for the President.

Near Bernkastel, Spina, and Spawn the flying Xy'phers eyed them with disgust. The majority of the flying Xy'phers began to group together and merge with one another. They fell briefly before several sonicbooms was heard echoing the sky, followed by a powerful gust of wind next to the trio. Above them were three crystalized fighter jets, with a Xy'pher piloting the crystal machine. The glittering jets were incredibly agile and flew in the sky with perfect coordination to one another. They quickly rushed at Bernkastel, Spawn, and Spina, firing crystal bullets at them from their wings and preventing the three from escaping.

Reflection City Outskirts

The Xy'pher Task Force barely paid attention to Gogeta, instead, they seemed more interested in Gogeta's destruction of the area, their heads twitching at the jingles of nearby Coins falling. They noticed Gogeta's goad and tilted their heads, muttering and whispering between themselves. For the moment, they seemed to ignore him, wishing to continue moving, until they noticed Gogeta picking up the Coins. They stopped for a moment, as did the tiny pieces of crystal trying to regenerate. There seemed to be a small moment of pause before two Task Force members took a step forward and held out several grenades, tossing the explosives around Gogeta. The damage caused the ground under the Saiyan to crack but, oddly enough, did not mean to hurt the Fusion. The tiny pieces of Crystals fell into the cracks, disappearing into the darkness.

The ground started to shake like an earthquake, and two giant hands shot out from the ground, far bigger than the ones that gripped his ankles. They appeared to be a fusion of all the crystal pieces from the Xy'phers that perished in Gogeta's attack. The hands gripped both of Gogeta's legs and flung him around, slamming and dragging him against the ground and other debris. However, the way it wiggled him around shook off most of the Coins he collected, causing them to fall into the cracks below and disappear. Finally, the two large hands gripped Gogeta with the intent to bend him backwards to break his spine. They began to apply pressure and stretch him past his limits. While the Task Force Xy'phers watched their fusion'ed Xy'pher handle Gogeta, they nodded to each other, preparing to leave.

The Task Force quickly glanced upwards to see Zenta falling down, his body glowing white and leaving behind a trail. They tried to move but realize they were unable to. It felt like there was a ton of force holding them down, and the closer Zenta got, the heavier they felt. Finally, they fell to their knees as Zenta, landed on top of them. Using his energy, he not only managed to soften his fall, but transfer it to the Task Force upon landing, causing the Xy'pher to rupture into tiny fragments. The one Task Force member holding the President backed away from the beast, preparing to take the President's life as it held a live grenade in its hand. Without wasting time, Zenta kicked the arm holding the President until it shattered, causing the Xy'pher to tumble back. The Beast grabbed the President and shielded him from the explosion.

"Your safety is my priority, Mr. President," Zenta said with a smile. "Please hold on to my back."

The moment was short-lived when Zenta perked his ears up and see something digging its way out of the ground around him. Out from the ground came out whips made entirely out of crystal but completely flexible. Before the President had time to respond, Zenta grabbed him and placed him on his back, wrapping his tails around his waist so he wouldn't fall off while he moved. From above, a few of the flying Xy'phers swooped down and snapped off the crystal whips and stood before Zenta, blocking his exit.

"Mr. President, no matter what happens, please do not let go." The beast then looked back at Gogeta's situation and knew he couldn't leave him. "But first, I must help my friend."

As the Xy'pher Valkyries lashed at Zenta, the beast was quick to grab onto one of the whips and fling one of the Xy'phers to one of the arms holding Gogeta. It loosened its grip on the Saiyan thanks to the impact.

Reflection Plaza

Many of the Xy'phers exploded thanks to Bara and Jize's attacks, leaving a dent in their numbers and Berserk's technique preventing them from getting any closer, leaving them at a standstill. However, thanks to Goku's technique and multiple explosions, the Xy'phers took their chance and stormed out from the crowd. A few of the Xy'phers, however, stood back and began to morph and contort with each other, almost as if they were fusing. 

The smaller Xy'phers followed Goku's lead and barged in directly to attack Bage to aid Goku. However, before either Goku and the Xy'phers got close to Bage, a powerful geyser of water erupted from under Goku, pushing him back from Bage. The water smelled weird and had an odd color to it. Out from the cracks in the ground came out a water clone of Avalon, who appeared next to Bage. He looked back to see water rise up from the cracks near Berserk to form a water clone identical to the Powerpunk. The Powerpunk clone smelled and looked like the water on Goku. Once Berserk's fire shockwaves touched the clone, it erupted into flames. The clone was water mixed with gasoline.

"Yeeeeeah! Time for a huge bang!" The clone shouted before running off towards Goku. "Get out of the way, nerd!"

The Avalon clone quickly hopped on Bage and coated him in regular water to protect him from the kamikaze Berserk clone. The moment the flaming Berserk clone jumped on Goku, it instantly ignited the gasoline water he and the smaller Xy'phers were covered in.

The Xy’phers that were fusing started to finally take shape. They grew in size, strength, and looked more like crystal golems, two of them. They moved slow but were incredibly durable. The Golem Xy'phers planted their feet into the ground and held out their palms to Bage, Bara, Jize, and Berserk. Suddenly, giant multiple crystals fired from their palms like machine gun fire. The crystals were so quick, they managed to impale Bara's leg and Jize's shoulder. Another gashed through Bage's side! The crystals that were heading towards Berserk were ready to completely skewer the Powerpunk until a giant paper toad landed in front of the girl and opened its mouth to eat a majority of the crystals. On top of the toad's head was the actual Avalon, who was performing quick hand signs.

"Water Style, Spiky Toad Rollout!"

The toad swallowed all the crystals it could and forced them to come out of its body. It then hopped in the air and curled into a ball before rolling towards the two crystal Golems as a giant spiky ball. The impact shifted their line of fire, giving Bara, Jize, and Bage the precious seconds they needed to recover.

"C'mon Berserk, I thought you would've blown 'em all up by now!" Avalon laughed. "Don't tell me you're gettin' soft!"

Recon Hub

The Xy'phers that tried to attack Cayde, May, and Emilyn exploded into crystal bits but were quickly morphing into something entirely new. Emilyn, terrified out of her mind, held on to Cayde as tight as she could as they made a dash for the plaza. In the while that Cayde and May escaped the Recon Hub, howls can be heard coming from inside the building. Out from the windows rushed out crystal dogs that immediately surrounded Cayde and May from going any further to help the group in the Plaza. They snarled and circled the trio like prey before the first pack rushed at Cayde first. The dogs were remarkably fast and had very sharp claws and teeth that they used to slash at Cayde's leg, in hope he would drop Emilyn. While Emilyn was holding on to Cayde, she decided to help in any way she can. She launched out her foot, kicking one Xy'pher dog in the jaw, pushing it back from Cayde as it tried to sneak up behind him.

"Hey! No sneak attacks!" She shook like a leaf in Cayde's grasp, but was determined to help him out by at least covering his blind side. "I-I got your back, Cayde..!"

Another pack of dogs rushed to May, biting her shotgun and crushing it in their jaws. May would then get bitten by the dogs on her legs. A few of the dogs targeted 07, jumped on top of the servant and bit down on her shoulder, trying to pull her down to the others.

Reflection City Streets (Above)

The letter in Lucifer's hand was beautifully and elegantly written.

Hello, Lucifer Morningstar,

There is something preventing me from going to the moon and the stars beyond. It is like a barrier. I managed to catch a glimpse of what is beyond the barrier. That information I will divulge later when we meet.
May's armor is on her legs is stronger than the metal that her shot gun is mad of but may is moved slightly. Despite that May keeps her balance with out hesitation takes out a pistol and shoots in the heads the dogs trying to bite her in the head. May says as she kicks off the bodies of the dogs "teaches me to be lazy wend choosing my weapons metals." May did shoot the dogs on 07. May thinks "good thing my armor is one the things was not lazy on and note to self chose a gun that can I maid my self. wend picking a gun for hammer space."

07 after getting moved a bit and the dogs getting shot off by May runs over to May. 07 says with concern for May "Mistress did those vile mutts harm you." May says flatly but with slight resigned announce "My armor handled it and ... never mind." May thinks "Ok this time I will grant that its a bit better to link up with me than go with the inlayed order. I just have to hope orbs 101-105 will be plenty for those two."

May takes out 5 more orbs and orders "orbs 106-110 protect 07 and me." May thinks "I should link with one the other groups." May says "07 we moving to link with one the other groups." May and 07 start to do just that.
Jize grunted as she was hit in the shoulder by one of the crystals, but repelled another with her trident, using the time she for recovery to remove the crystal from the shoulder in the process.

Majin Bara on the other hand merely scoffed in annoyance before using her own body manipulation to push the crystal out, the injury soon vanishing as her body repaired itself due to her make-up. Powering up which ejected steam from the holes in her body, Majin Bara then inhaled sharply and then fired a larger Mouth Energy Wave towards the Crystal Golems after the toad had shifted their line of fire, moving quickly to tend to Jize.

"It's a superficial wound, nothing serious." The Superme Kai commented to the Majin, who nodded as she got ready to attack again.
Reflection City Streets (Above)

“Oh? How curious.” Lucifer smiles at this supposed discovery about something beyond Reality Vortex. “Hmph. Well, you have gone and capture my curiosity, Red King.” He placed the letter within his suit, in which Lilith swallowed it whole; just in case it was a trap or an explosion. “Something beyond the barrier, and perhaps the Moon?” He chuckled when it seems that the Red King made the implication that he’ll meet the Breakers soon enough. “We shall meet, indeed.” He turns to his attention towards the plaza, watching the battle against the mighty detective with the Breakers.

The Plaza

The sudden explosion erupted due to the contact from an Avalon clone and his body drenched in gasoline, engulfed Xy’pher Goku in a fiery storm. It was an intense storm of fire, scorching around wildly as it blocked their view of the Detective due to the intensity of it.
Suddenly, an air pressure attack was fired from within the fiery storm, striking the toad Avalon is riding on and stopping in its tracks as it went straight through its body.

Xy’pher Goku remerged from the scorching storm of fire, the flames still burning on the upper right side of his body. The unsettling look as it appeared to not be fazed by his current situation as it remained focus on the battle. Once again, the detective took another deep breath as the scenery temporarily changed to pitch black; the only thing colored was his breath and the raging red flames burning on his body.

Dashing forward, Goku tackled Avalon with his right shoulder currently on fire, both his arms swung forward in an elegant fashion. Crossing his arms, it let out a devastating instant attack against Avalon’s upper torso. He turned his head just slightly, seeing Berserk wiping her blade around. Timing it perfectly, the Detective grabbed hold of the sword and started to spin around until he hurled the Powerpunk towards Avalon’s direction.

Firming his footing, Xy’pher Goku motion his arms in a circular manner as spheres of energy formed on both of his palms. He combined them together as his cupped his hands together. Bringing it down slightly above his lower torso, the energy grew larger by the second, indicating his intent to fire. Debris raise around it, crackling due to the intense energy Goku was raising behind the attack until it practically shattered the crater underneath him.

Reflection City (Sky)

Spina narrowed his eyes upon a bullet storm of crystals launching at their direction. “Cayde and May, it seems that we’re getting caught in an aerial battle. Try to alive and assist the others if you can. We’ll come to you once we done dealing with these freaks, heh.”

“Heh, don’t worry about Zenta. He isn’t weak. For now, focus on these bastards.” Spina loosen the grip on Bernkastel to throw her in the air for a second so she can land on his back. “Let’s eradicate them.” A surge of darkness formed around his eyes in a similar manner as Berserk. It seems that he learned something from their brawl. “Brutal Laser!” Black cracks appeared on his eyes as he fired black laser from his pupils; it zigzagged around wildly, hitting crystal bullets in its path, while swiftly dodging the ones that didn’t connect. “Take them out, Bernkastel and Spawn!”

Detective Spawn drew his energized green blade. “Tsk, these damn things are adapting rather fast.” He noticed their behavior. He was unsure about Spina’s abilities or his qualities as a member, but now, it was best to follow his command. “Let’s do this, Witch!” He swung his blade, launching energy blades towards them with intention to slice them.


“Did you see that?! Hey pilot! Get us closer so we can show the people the action taking place!” Stacey shouted at the pilot.

“Are you nuts?! That’s dangerous!” The Pilot fired back.

“You’re right. We need to be right at the center. That way we can get the best footage.” Chad smile at Stacey.

“I like the way you think, Chad! Now do it, pilot!!” Stacey shouted. "We're missing important footage here!"

“I don’t think paid enough for this…” Pilot flown the chopper to be above the action between Spina, Bernkastel and Spawn against the flying Xy’phers.

Reflection City Outskirts

President Beard’s eyes widened when Zenta came and save him from the Task Force Xy’pher. He didn’t know what to say. Instead, he simply followed Zenta’s request without question and grabbed onto his back so tightly, he was pulling the beast’s fur. He was literally moments away from death, but he was saved. “O-okay!” He said, nearly on the verge of tears and rubbing his snot on Zenta’s back since he couldn’t control his emotions right now. “I’m counting on you!!”
The Plaza

Bage tried to keep the pressure on his attack but it seemed a heavy-hitting attack like this wouldn't be enough to crack the crystals forming the Xy'pher detective's body. The Saiyan's eyes widened as Goku slammed both his fist then palm against his torso with amazing force before finally using a gust of wind to send him flying backward into the nearest shop. He tried to react quickly, watching the crystal leader shoot forward at him with a group of smaller Xy'phers as he gasped for air, only to be saved by Avalon's geyser.

A pained smile of relief grew on the detective's face as the clone of the ninja came to his side. He was a bit confused when the clone completely submerged him with the normal water before shutting his eyes as debris shot out in all directions from the other clone's explosion encasing Goku within it. Bage's eyes narrowed, ready to get back into the action, but then suddenly his side began to sting. He looked down and noticed the new wound caused by the smaller Xy'phers projectiles. When did that happen..? The wound itself wasn't too deep, but he couldn't afford to lose any blood at such an early stage of the battle. So, while bracing himself, the detective filled his palm with heated ki and brought it to his side to singe the gash shut. 

He cringed slightly at the pain, but once he was able to completely close up his wound, Bage jolted forward. They couldn't let the Xy'phers, especially Goku, rest for even a second. He charged forward, his energy rising as he shot himself forward and slammed into the group of crystal beings that had their feet planted in the ground, shattering through them on his way back to Avalon and Berserk.

He saw the two of them being hurled through the air then looked back at Goku, watching him prepare a lethal blast to shoot their way. At the moment just before firing, the detective opened his palm out toward the lead Xy'pher, his crystal body shining with a pink glow. Bage then shut his palm into a fist, causing the remaining energy from his earlier attack to form a pink barrier around the upper half of Detective Goku's body in hopes to absorb and then redirect the strong blast back at him, causing an explosion within itself.
Reflection City Outskirts

Gogeta howled in pain as he was bent by the hands of the massive Xy'pher that gripped him. However, the small change in the grip on his legs didn't go unnoticed from Zenta's tossing of the Xy'pher into the arm, Gogeta's eyes turning down. The fusion roared as he kicked his legs up, snapping his legs out of the hand in a tumultuous spin. He pulled upwards in his half flip, soon using his brute strength and energy to free him from the last hand before sending out a powerful shockwave of wind and energy in every direction.

His hands and legs flaired out as he suddenly brought his hands together in front of him, as if pushing against an invisible wall with both outstretched in front of him.

"One hundred times-"

In an instant, a massive sphere of destructive blue energy welled up and formed in Gogeta's blue fur coated hands in front of him, rocks and debris kicking up in his wake with rings of blue energy cascading outward into the area harmlessly from the spilling energy radiating off the sphere. The dark depths below began to illuminate under the bright light of his massive attack that shined outwards across the entire city; Gogeta's frustrated eyes sharpening into a strong, determined glare from his plan having been foiled. The rage mounted, his desire to unleash all of it on the fused Xy'pher below coming forth in the monstrous angry roar of his attack name that thundered out with the light across the city.

"-Big Bang Kamehameha!!"

The massive sphere of blue energy shotforward not as a ball traveling down, but a wave of energy that shot forward from the sphere like a stream of water blasting down towards the massive Xy'pher. The sphere melted into the stream, the immense torrent of energy all that was left of what once was the sphere.

Once the energy had finished cascading down, Gogeta did not wait to see the results of his work and quickly unleashed another surge of his aura with a violent roar. He clenched his fists tightly, and from where he floated, the fusion suddenly bolted to the side in a hazardous and blinding zigzag towards Zenta and the President. The zig zagging energy shot from point to point around the two; each strike emitting quick shockwaves of wind and pressure next to them in total of the amount of Xy'pher Valkyries that had been launching attacks. The strikes themselves were minimal in total output, the various kicks and punches that occurred on the Valkyries only meant to knock them back to give Zenta and the President breathing room.

However, in the blink of an eye that it took the attacks to land, Gogeta appeared next to the two with a cocky smirk, his fists tensed as he spoke with a firm dual voice.

"Ha! You're not gonna hog all the fun for yourself; I'm gonna protect the president too!"

Streets of Reality Metropolis

Vegetto grunted, the comms falling silent on Cayde's end and leaving the Potara fusion to stew in his frustrated state alone. The helicopter that floated over head prompted his gaze shortly, the immense and angry scowl on his expression staring back up at the three above. While the look was rooted in pure frustration at failing to get a potential new villain under control, it only further sold the destructive image that slowly began to unravel itself. An image of his current expression served to further to paint the man in a villainous state, a near murderous stare trained on the helicopter as Vegetto momentarily contemplated destroying the very vessel above.

Yet he turned his eyes away once they sped off towards the fighting towards the Plaza, glancing down with clenched fists.

I'll die!!

Vegetto immediately scoffed as Cayde's words rung in his mind, glancing to the side.

" little drama queen. Trying to get in my head and make me come're supposed to be tougher than that. It's not like you're one of these civilians that can't fight-"

His eyes suddenly widened a bit, the last comparison spurring his memory that had been buried under his rage towards Valeria Meghan von Doom.

"Shit! Emilyn!!"

Vegetto suddenly unleashed a bright white aura of energy, blasting across the ground and instantly dashing through the city streets towards the rest of the group.

The Recon Hub

Cayde glanced over his shoulder at the sight of the Xy'pher dogs crashing outwards through the windows of the building. The android immediately groaned, a high pitched whine ringing out once the creatures rushed around to cut off his run.

"Damnit! Not attack dogs; why can't they ever be cats?!"

Cayde quickly tugged on Emilyn's hip and guided the woman to wrap her arm around him like a hug. The new grip allowed the gunslinger to free up his second arm while he nodded briefly to her.

"Hang on tight, there's gonna be some spinning!"

He then turned his head back towards the encircling dogs, waving his gun like a shooing a fly as he spoke with a light tone as if he were commanding his own pets.

"Ok puppers...back in your cages!"

Cayde;s light hearted expression vanished once the dogs lunged, quickly tensing in preparation. He hacked at the Xy'pher dog slashing into his leg in reply, dropping down to his knee. However, the android rolled with his momentum in the drop, spinning around and bringing his other leg crashing down on the dog to pin it between his legs. Rolling upright with Emilyn, Cayde promptly brought his hand cannon down towards the dog's temple, followed shortly by three loud bangs of fire eradicating the dog's head.

He quickly rose back to his feet, his eyes narrowing once the other dogs began to lunge towards him.

"I said...back in your cages!!"

Cayde quickly flung his free arm forward, hurling a throwing knife directly into the temple of the closest dog shortly after. As he brought the free arm back in from the toss, he held his free hand above the firing pin of his gun. In unleashing bullets in shots almost like an automatic gun, Cayde fanned the firing pin on his gun while pointing with his gun and repeatedly pulling his trigger to push some of the dogs back. Yet he blinked at the massive surge of energy that bolted into the group, followed shortly by the sound of Vegetto's dual voice.

"Banshee Blast!!"

Cayde turned his head in time to see multiple little bolts of white energy shoot down into the two packs of Xy'pher dogs, and Vegetto landed with a heavy impact into the cement behind May and 07 shortly after knocking the dogs back. He quickly swung out his left arm, sending out a massive torrent of energy and wind to knock back the chasing Xy'phers from the building. The Potara fusion straightened himself out, turning to the group in the small window of calm that he brought.

Cayde's surprised expression soon faded into a flat emotionless look.

"We had it under control."

Vegetto broke out into a small smirk, glancing back to keep tabs on the Xy'phers chasing the group.

"That's not what you said earlier."

Cayde flicked his wrist, the revolver's cartridge for holding bullets flicking out while the android reloaded his gun.

"Ok I exaggerated a little bit...but...really need you to start working on how to apologize."

Vegetto frowned, the realization of his words earlier hitting him as he moved past May towards Cayde. He remained silent, glancing momentarily at Emilyn before turning his eyes back onto Cayde once the android finished reloading his gun. The sound of Spina's voice on comms rung out after a few seconds, Cayde touching his ear to activate his microphone.

"Don't worry, we're having a ton of fun down here. If Lucifer's with you, can you tell him to get us some ramen? I need some food to keep up with all these Xy'phers."

Vegetto raised an eyebrow, extending out his right arm.

"You want me to take Emilyn?"

Cayde shook his head, breaking out into a warm smile as he nodded back to the woman hugging tightly onto his back.

"Nah, I got it."

Vegetto frowned momentarily, struggling to still allow someone else to lead and tell him no. However, before the feeling could develop further, Cayde sharpened his eyes slightly with a more concerned tone.

"They need you over at the Plaza. Detective Goku is one of those Xy'phers now, and Gogeta ran off to who knows where. We're on our way to assist, but you can get there quicker than us."

Cayde perked his head, and steadied his gun while the Xy'phers began to slowly close in on the four standing in the streets.

"Don't worry, May and I will keep your number one fan safe. Go help the others; we'll catch up in a minute."

Vegetto kept his frown while the Xy'phers began to reengage the group, a bit of the shame behind his failure to treat the others with decency creeping into his expression. However, at the command, Vegetto suddenly bolted into a dash towards the Plaza to leave them behind. Cayde let out a heavy sigh, rolling his shoulders and nodding towards Emilyn while he spoke over the comms.

"Plaza team, you got help on the way; Vegetto is inbound. How's everyone doing over there, by the way? Anyone need some snacks?"

Cayde then turned his head towards May and 07 with his gun, breaking out into a small sprint of a run towards the direction of the Plaza.

"Alright ladies, this is a Cayde-riff in 6! Watch me for any route changes and...uh-"

The android winked with his left eye, chuckling at his own pun he made with his name.

"Try to keep up."

He happily waved his gun around once more, a strange ecstatic mechanical voice ringing out.

"Now let's kill some Xy'phers!!"

As the hoarde of Xy'phers rushed in on the group, Cayde swung his gun around and indiscriminately fired quick, clean shots at each approaching creature, shouting with a light tone after each shot.

"Got you!! Got you! Gotcha ya!"
Reflection Plaza

"You sure took your sweet time, didn't ya!" Berserk laughed in response to hearing Avalon's voice cut in through the chaos going on. "But I'll give you the credit of getting Goku into a real scorcher--" Although she was spinning at a rapid speed, she spotted something emerge from Avalon's attack. "Hey, wait-- look out for--" before she could finish warning the others, Avalon's temporary advantage over Goku was overturned.

She attempted to get a hit on him with the whip-sword but gasped in surprise once she felt a sudden tension pulling from the other end of it. Berserk then found herself being spun, letting out a dazed shout of alarm. When Goku released her to throw her right at Avalon, she lost her sense of position and feebly tried to revert the sword back to its original form. Despite her efforts of slowing down by dragging the blades of the sword into the ground, only a trail of bright sparks followed behind her as she collided with the ninja.

"Oof, ow, ouch... geez! This is impossible!" Berserk complained while she fell to the ground and tried to get back up. "I thought we got him, but it's like he can practically see through whatever we throw at him and turn it against us! Just what the hell is he?!" She turned to see Bage making his way over to them, lowering her gaze towards Avalon and checking him over. "Could it be that weird void-thing I keep seeing? Would Veg' even do a thing against this guy...?"
Reflection City (Sky)

Bernkastel looked around them on alert as she watched the Xy'phers transform into aircraft, eyes wide in shock at the display. "They can change that quickly?! This is insanity... whoa!" Bern yelped at being tossed up and finding herself landing on Spina's back. The sight alone would probably be comical if it weren't for how precarious the situation was. She flinched at the sound barrier breaking in their vicinity-- facing creatures that mimicked advanced looking aircraft was somewhat intimidating. But it was just a different kind of magic in her eyes-- she could definitely win over them.

"Alright-- just make sure we don't get rammed by any of them while I do this." Bernkastel held on tightly to Spina's shoulders before sitting up straight to hold out her arms. "This time, I'm going with a chaotic approach!"

While Spina aided in destroying the projectiles posing an immediate threat, Bernkastel focused on throwing off the coordination by restricting the jets' ability to freely move in the air. Blue streaks of light began to come together behind her until they formed a bright streaming ring. Her eyes concentrated on the field before them, Bern threw her arms forward with the same light trailing her fingers.

"Swallow them up in a labyrinth of blue!" Separating into single streams of light, Bernkastel fired blasts of magical energy that moved for the jets in erratic patterns of spirals and zigzags. They moved with the agility of laser beams but possessed the concussive force of comets. Bullets were destroyed in the chaotic paths they traced in the air.
May says flatly as she says it as a matter of fact "Cayde your a little late in both senses. Despite that it's good to know your still living." Pointing at the Xy'phers dogs bodies. May orders "07 I gest your with me, Orbs 101-105 scout, orbs 106-110 cover any blind spots as we move or kill any we missed wend fighting."

07 says with a happy tone "yes mistress." In 07 voice there sines she worships May.

May says "Got it." All the golems started to follow mays orders.
The Plaza

Thrusting his hands forward, Xy’pher Goku shoot out a streaming, powerful beam of energy towards the duo. However, the Detective noticed a pink barrier forming around him; the attack slammed into the barrier and deflected right back at him. Despite an ample of time to dodge the attack; Goku did not do such. Engulfed by his own attack, the crystallized Detective was flung back, shattering the barrier in tow as he tumbled against the ground as a cloud of smoke that billow from the explosion follow suit like a trail.

Fragments of crystals fell from his body as the smoke clears away; Detective Goku raising his head with major cracks forming and spreading across the left side on his face: his eyes locked onto Bage’s. The flames still raging wildly on one side of his body. Goku could’ve easily dodged his own attack by breaking through the barrier, adding more energy, redirecting it again or teleported away. Yet, his movements and patterns so far indicating that something is going on.

Balling his fists once more, Xy’pher Goku took a deep breath. This time, the strange black void appeared before them, this time, lasting far more a few seconds. He positions himself towards the targets in front of him: Bage, Avalon, Berserk, Jize and Bara. Once he set his sight, the black void disappears and everything returned to normal, with Xy’pher Goku taking on a different fighting stance.

Raising his foot from the down, then immediately stomping it as he shouted an Kiai, albeit extremely static like. A powerful shockwave erupted forward, with multiple air pressure attacks tore through the ground towards their intended targets. He kept performing different poses and letting out a Kiai, until there was a literal wall of air pressure attacks in front of the Breakers, intending to overwhelm them while gearing for his next attack.

Reflection City Outskirts

“Oh god… not him.” President Beard was hyperventilating from just a mere glance from seeing Gogeta’s face. The bright blue light and the apparent destruction of one section of the city, he thought that was from the Xy’phers, but it was none other than the Blue Devil himself. “I rather die than be save by you! Everywhere you go, you cause nothing but trouble!! I don’t know how your old world even tolerated you!!” Those thoughts were the only thing in his mind as his face continued to muster Zenta’s thick fur. “J-just get me out of here…!” Were the only words he managed to finally say after seeing Gogeta’s display.
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