The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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May says to the plaza group "I think we found our mark for capture." May might think Goku is an lucky fool but she knows that given a chance Goku would tell what he knows to the group. 

May says "If you can keep him a live and damages as low as you can. If you need to coin Goku you can you not being coined takes priority." 

May says "if you can run a detail scan on Evilyn, Cayde." May says "I trust the scan should be safe for you Evilyn."
RNN Headquarters

In the silence following the broadcasting of what Vegetto had planned to do with the breakers at the Cafe, right in suit of Brainstorm revealing her true identity before them, Bernkastel stared wide-eyed at her upon hearing the utterance. Her stunned expression didn't immediately morph into rage or anger; she was instead piecing everything together.

Inquiries about the Castle, the indication of studying the battle endless times, the oddly high security of the building despite reported lack of Xy'pher activity. As if their unannounced visit was anticipated ahead of time. There was no doubt about it; the informant they were working with turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing-- or perhaps an opportunistic actor in the whole mess. Either way it didn't matter to Bernkastel.

The whole thing reeks of a set-up, and Cayde's reports to them confirmed her suspicions.

By the time Bern completed the thought process Vegetto had already gone after Valeria, which left her and the other Breakers with the room full of the President and his guards. The Xy'phers hid in plain sight the whole time. Her stare locked onto Spawn and tracked him even after Vegetto knocked him away. She remembered how dodgy he was about them meeting the informant, and then recalled the odd wound on him that wasn't there before when he supposedly escaped the Xy'phers. He escaped, but Detective Goku did not.

Bernkastel's silhouette phased out before reappearing above Spawn once he crashed across the room. Her expression was still blank, but her eyes were barely withholding of malicious intent.

"It seems we were found out by a mole. Someone has to answer for this, Spawn... if you're who you say you are." She pointed at his neck as several energy daggers manifested above her arm. "You knew who this woman was the whole time, didn't you!? Give me a good reason to not obliterate you before any other non-Breaker in this room! I'll save that miserable wretch Vegetto for last!"


Berserk struggled to move, feeling herself incredibly restricted. She had to check if Avalon was able to survive, but right now she had to get loose from their grip. Seeing the others manage to pry themselves loose, Berserk cooked up a scheme of her own. Locking eyes with the first Xy'pher she saw, she fired beams from her eyes directly at the heads of the Xypher's holding her legs while clenching her fists to build up enough of her energy to release concussive blasts out of her palms and free herself.

"You knew about the plan? So what!" Berserk shouted as she flew into the air, armed with her weapon. "I'm more pissed off you kept us waiting for Round 2!"
Brachi was quite pissed as she watched the event going on, growling.

"I didn't know that Doom guy even had a daughter... so this is what it has come to, we believe to have been going for a good cause, only to fall in some kind of trap... honestly, I thought you fools were better than this..." She muttered.


Majin Bara raised a hand in the air and summoning one of Kid Buu's main attacks, a Vanishing Ball, and sending it flying towards the Xy'pher whom had initially held her captive. 

"You Xy'phers don't belong here," she declared, 'VANISH!"
Reality News Network Headquarters

Detective Spawn was flung back, crashing through rows of guards that was protecting the President of the organization until he crashed into the wall. His upper torso hung briefly out of the room for the rest on the main floor below to see. Hacking out blood from the impact, the masking energy was no longer in effect, and freeing them to do as they please. “D-damn it!” He looked over, seeing few people reacted in such a manner of what transparent in the room. Blood dripped from his forehead as he attempted to recovered from his wounds as he made eye contact with the reporters below.

Spawn’s body started to change, returning to his usual look; where darkness billowed around, and his signature red cape became apparent. His eyes glow green in annoyance and pain, cringing at the slightest movement upon moving his torso around, then stand on his two feet. “President…” He tried to reason with the man, but it was too late. He looks up, seeing that Vegetto already taken off with Brainstorm, and in the intense rage he senses earlier came into fruition, accompany with that blue hair form that residents have associated the Breakers with. His communicator was still active and tried to inform Cayde, but instead got the noises of children screaming, energy blasts being hurled and explosions, catching the last words of Cayde, Bage and May: they have fell where the Xy’phers wanted them. “God damnit, they’re here along! Damn Xy’phers were hiding among them!? Bage!? Cayde and May! What’s the status now!?”

The Detective narrowed his eyes when spears of energy daggers linger around his neck. “She’s not your enemy. Her identity was not relevant because she—and—was helping out our problem. “I ain’t no mole, you damn fool! If my intentions is what you say, I've never led you here to simply be capture by the Xy'phers, would I?! And sure enough, I didn’t expect her to reveal her identity. I cannot explain this right now, because we have bigger things to worry about right now?!”

President Beard’s eyes widened after seeing Vegetto reacted in such a manner and attacking Brainstorm. Typically, the President reacted negatively and believe that this entire meeting was a ruse to get close to him for publishing articles about them in a bad light. “Guahh!! I knew something was off about this meeting!! I was a fool to actually think you came here on good intentions! You Breakers are a dangerous lot and should’ve been taken down right away… and you somehow managed to trick the Detectives too… This was all just a big lie and now Vegetto is attacking one of my employees!?” He felt ill upon hearing those words ringed out from Brainstorm’s recording device, then seeing the blue hair that was all too familiar to that of Gogeta and Bernkastel. “Sick… you are all sick!!!!” President Beard pointed his finger at the rest of the group as he begins to shout at the top of his lungs. “Guards! Take them down! Take them all down! I’m calling the Task Force!”

The Streets of Reflection City

“There it is,” Valeria comment as she was tackle, then hurled across sky before crashing against the pavement on the streets. She laid there as debris landed nearby with a smile on her face.

Several citizens were flung backwards from the impact. They recovered quickly, seeing their favorite news reporter, Brainstorm, being thrashed around. They looked up at the sky, seeing that it wasn’t Gogeta, but Vegetto that done the deed; fear became a permanently state as the fusion rushed at her with such rage on his face.

Valeria’s face cracked from the intense damage inflicted on her, revealing robotic components on her. Pushing herself up from the ground, Valeria spread her arms open and wide for Vegetto to rush at her with all of his rage. “Come, Mr. Vegetto. Your rage is not enough. I’m not some common punk you can just thrash around in your trifling tantrum. I’m the one who relates to a mere man that bested you and tarnished your old legacy.” She made a big smile on her face, her blue eyes glittered with a side of sadistic as Vegetto coming closer. “So please, as I, a mere human that puts the final nail of your new legacy and give you something that truly fits you, stop embarrassing yourself and give me everything you caught.” Her left eye started to blink rapidly, indicating a countdown for an explosion. The moment Vegetto got mere inches towards her, she erupted into a violent explosion; showing any nearby civilians that hadn’t been turned to witness such.

The Plaza

As the clouds of smoke started to disperse, an orange, burnt jacket was flying through the sky until it vanished into nothing. Goku’s signature glasses were on ground before being stepped on by black boots.

Immediately, everything around Gogeta, Jize, Bara, Berserk and Bage became pitch black, replacing the scenery of the fallen city. Detective Goku inhale, then exhale; a common breathing technique for martial artist. Like lightning, multiple strikes erupted on their bodies while avoiding damage to the Xy’phers and slamming them towards the ground. Afterwards, everything returned to “normal”.

Detective Goku stood still with his back facing them as he slightly turned his head towards Bage and his team. His body was completely crystallized, turning into a Xy’phers as Detective Bage suspected. “…I’m going all out.” The final words he will let out form thus forth.


Survival: Unknown
Ability: Shin Goku is every incarnation of Goku!!
Status: Xy'pher Shin Goku is being supported by the Xy'pher army!



At the top of the building, Lucifer sat the edge of it as he watches afar of the show. “And here we go, the main show has finally started.” The angel smiles. “Let’s see who will come on to, hmm?” His eyes drifted to seeing an enraged Vegetto tossing Brainstorm towards the ground and chasing her before an eventual explosion. “Oh? It seems that I’m getting deserts along for this entrée.”

The Xy'phers that attempted to blow up were destroyed by the gang, shattering into pieces. Normally, that would be the end of it, but something odd was happening. These Xy'phers were not like the ones they fought back in Metropolis. They evolved. The tiny shatter pieces began to twitch slightly and quickly morph together and gravitate back to the crystallized Coin and reform the child that was destroyed. The children stood up again and laughed as if they were having fun. The crowd around the group began to morph and contort as well. The ones in the front bent over and had strange spines jut out of their back and morph together to form what looked like crystallized wings. The ones behind them began to dig into the ground, disappearing a mere seconds.

"Yes... this is what we want..." They all said in unison. "Show us... your beauty."

Suddenly, the crystallized wings opened and the Xy'phers took flight, some of them even had children in their arms. A few went out to grab the regenerating children and flew high into the air before dropping the suicide bombers on to the Breakers. However, this time, the children were curling into a ball and having spike come out from their small bodies. Once they blew up, they would explode into a literal rain of crystallized spears that would shower the Breakers and citizens nearby.

A few of the flying Xy'phers left the area in order to target the actual civilians that fled for their lives, picking them up into the sky and turning them into Coins. Finally, within the many towering buildings, windows shattered to show Xy'phers crawling out of them. It was a horde unlike the ones they saw in Metropolis. These were planned and coordinated attacks, and not mindless attempts to grab the Breakers. They were much more intelligent and worked very efficiently as a team. It seemed that their primary objective was not entirely on the Breakers, but rather, to capture as many citizens as possible.

"You are merely... an extra." One of the Xy'phers said. "You indirectly fell... for a trap that wasn't... for you."

Streets of Reflection City (Above)

One of the flying Xy'phers took a different direction, opting to go directly to Lucifer as he watched from above. The Xy'pher was not hostile, instead, it appeared to only deliver a message to the Fallen Angel. It shuffled in its pockets to pull out a small crystal envelope with a small note inside.

"You are wise not to... interfere. Very odd behavior... Lucifer Morningstar," The young Xy'pher handed the envelope to the Angel. "My King wishes to... inform you about a discovery we made. Perhaps it will peak your curiosity the same way... you peaked ours."

Without waiting for a reply, the Xy'pher flew off, leaving Lucifer alone.


As the President yelled for the guards to do something, only two guards, the ones closest to him, reacted by lifting their guns towards the Breakers while the others remained perfectly still, even after Vegetto's initial attack on Brainstorm.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" One of the guards shouted. "You heard the President! Don't stand there--"

There was a splatter of blood on the President and the glass behind him. The guard talking was shot through the chest with a large crystal that came from one of the silent guards. Upon closer inspection, the guards that lead the Breakers up to the office were made peeling their skin off, showcasing a crystallized body underneath. The weapons they had were not a part of their body, instead, actual weapons that fired crystal javelins towards people. Not only were the Xy'phers adapting, but they were also copying the weapons they found.

"W-What happened..?" The guard said before exploding into a coin.

The famous Task Force arrived at the scene, standing next to the President before he even had to call them. However, just like the guards in front of them, they shined and gleamed with the light from the outside. They instantly grabbed the second guard and impaled him from behind, watching him poof into a coin.

"You Breakers are... making this easy," The Task Force Xy'pher said, watching Bernkastel handle Spawn. "Your paranoia is very... advantageous for us." They then turned to the guards. "Keep them... occupied."

The Task Force then turned to the President and grabbed the President before jumping out the window. Thanks to the order they received from the Task Force Xy'pher, they turned their weapons towards Zenta, Spawn, Brachi, and Bernkastel. Zenta let out a low snarl as he watched the several guards take aim. He knew that talking to Bernkastel would most likely be pointless, and Vegetto was already a lost cause to reason with. The fact that they landed in a trap and those two continue to make things worse seemed to boil under his skin. He knew there was no time, and he needed to think quickly.

He held out his hands, allowing a white energy to flow across them. Once the guards started to fire at them, he stayed close to Bernkastel and Spawn, deflecting every crystal-bullet right back at the Xy'phers. The Xy'phers shattered, but, just like the ones from before, they began to regenerate, albeit slower. Zenta gasped, seeing the energy of the Xy'phers reform once again.

"Are they... regenerating?" Before Zenta can completely figure out what they did, the floor under their feet began to crack and shatter. However, the only one that seemed to fall through was Zenta since he is the only one that cannot fly or levitate like the others. As the beast fell, children Xy'phers latched on to him, preparing to explode. "Ugh..."

Zenta sent a surge of energy throughout his body to yank off the Xy'phers and toss them out the building, where they exploded.

Recon Hub

"H-Hey! W-What the hell's going on?!" Emilyn as she heard Cayde and the explosions outside. The sudden cheery expression she had was riddled with fear. "X-Xy'phers?! What the hell are those?!"

The building they were located in began to shake and sway while the lights flickered in and out. Suddenly, from under the ground, the Xy'phers that had burrowed earlier started to dig up and enter the building. They pulled themselves out of the ground and had their attention on Cayde, May, and Emilyn.

"You cannot hide… from us. We know your plan... Cayde and May. You have even gathered... another servant for us." A few then turned to Emilyn and rushed at her, causing the woman to scream for help.

"Cayde! May! Vegetto..! Help me, please!"
The Recon Hub

Cayde immediately turned his head to the console, his gloved fingers dancing around the keyboard as he hurriedly spoke.

"If she's a damn Xy'pher, can you just blast her? I'm a little busy here with the entire city falling apart!!"

He quickly pulled through various images, the immense chaos unfolding before them from the coordinated assault.

"Damnit, there's way too many of them!! Uhh...uhhh...ok yeah, we need to start by taking out the detective. Can we get ANYONE to go after the President?! He's been taken!"

Cayde zoomed in on Vegetto and Valeria's battle, grunting in annoyance.

"Of all the goddamn things to happen, first he goes after a married the literal daughter of Doom. Vegetto, can you read me, over?!"

Streets of Reality Metropolis

As Vegetto lunged for Valeria Meghan von Doom, the immense explosion sent him flying backwards and crashing into a nearby building. Brick and rubble cascaded down on him, soon burying the Potara fusion in the collapsing building's wake, the chaos of the city unfolding as he disappeared from sight entirely.

Yet in a flash, bricks and rubble rapidly exploded outward in every direction. The raining debris served as weaponized rubble, momentarily blasting outwards and dismantling Xy'phers upon impact as much as unlucky civilians caught in the cross fire to be turned into coins. Vegetto panted heavily while he stood upright in the debris, the blue flames spiraling outward in an uncontrolled rate. His chest rose and fell dramatically; the form itself clearly a wear on his body while he looked around intently for only one specific target. His rage and anger mounted with each passing second that he didn't see the woman, unaware that she had detonated her robotic counterpart entirely.

He suddenly flung out his left fist, punching an entire building across the street a few feet to send it crashing down into massive rubble in the ensuring chaos and was about to loudly roar until Cayde's voice rung out in his ear.

"Hey man, you gotta let this go! It was just a bot, she's not here! Mud puddles man!"

"Fuck the mud puddles!!"

Vegetto fumed angrily, stepping into the city streets with his fists balled. He barely did little to swing or attack the invading Xy'phers, the pandemonium of civilians running and fleeing for their lives unaffecting his decision to keep looking for Valeria. Cayde audibly groaned over the ear piece, his voice loud enough to be heard on the streets.

"Look! Everyone's in danger; you gotta help us! If you don't, they're all going to die! I'm gonna die!"

Vegetto snapped his eyes back towards the earpiece, his dual voice a near dead copy of his destructive voice that spoke outwardly in defiance to the Voice years ago.

"I don't care! Beating Doom will mean more than you ever will!"

However, despite the gravity behind such a statement, Cayde only spoke back into the earpiece like a flustered and stressed out parent scolding a child.

"Fine!! Keep throwing your tantrum then! But if you really want to fix the shit you caused, you gotta get out there and help them with Goku!"

The line cut off as Vegetto glanced down, the anger still ever so present in his stance. The Potara fusion lifted his narrowed eyes to the side, his attention turning towards the group battling with Detective Goku in his new state.

The Recon Hub

Cayde grunted as he cut off the line to Vegetto's earpiece, lowering his arm. Yet his head turned immediately at the sound and quake of the building, the lights shutting off shortly after. The entire image of the city disappeared with the power, Cayde immediately reaching for his holster and drawing out his massive hand cannon.

"May...what the hell was that?"

The android yelped loudly once the first pair of crystalized arms shattered through the floor into the room. He quickly rose his gun, taking aim and firing a couple of shots at the first advancing Xy'phers that crawled through. The generators and console showing the city were lost, the technology being ripped apart and slowly tilting over to crash down deeper into the building.

The screams of the woman prompted Cayde to bolt over, quickly dropping down and sliding over towards Emilyn while firing off a couple of more shots. His gun did little to fully debilitate the attacking Xy'phers, their bodies shattering a bit from the gunfire but Cayde quickly lept up once he reached the two on the woman, deftly punting one out the nearby window and driving his elbow up to knock the other outside. He glanced over his shoulder, soon sweeping Emilyn up by her waist and looking outside to see how far the drop was in the new hole he created.

Turning his head to May, he nodded down towards the city street: the plaza only a few hundred meters away from their holdout location.

"Alright May, time to go to work!"

Cayde lept from the window shortly after, the fall from the building in the second story a very small drop for the android. He landed on his two feet deftly, the boots denting the concrete a bit as he bolted into a sprint while holding onto Emilyn with one arm, the other aiming his gun forward.

"Hang on tight kid, it's gonna get messy!!"

Without waiting for May, Cayde bolted forward and fired off shot after shot to dismember or weaken any Xy'phers planning to lunge at him, running for the Breakers fighting at the Plaza.

The Plaza

Gogeta kept a heavy frown and glare strongly trained on the Xy'phers while they regenerated. The fusion didn't speak a word, albeit either not surprised by the development or simply didn't care. The challenge the creatures now posed was far higher than planned, however, and with Detective Goku now facing off with the team, he quickly balled his hands into fists at the impending doom that surrounded the group.

However, at Cayde's request for someone to take on the bid to stop the President from being captured, Gogeta lifted his head towards the RNN building. His eyes followed the Task Force Xy'pher's carrying the hostage down, disappearing into city streets shortly after.

Gogeta suddenly launched out his left arm, hurling a small ball of ki that shot forward at blinding speeds towards the inner city in a direct path the Task Force Xy'phers were following. In an instant, he disappeared into thin air in raising two fingers to his forehead, leaving the group behind to fight Detective Goku.

Reflection City Outskirts

Upon the blast shooting through the streets, Gogeta soon reappeared into thin air in having locked onto the blast at a certain time to appear in the opposite side of the city. He glanced around with narrowed eyes, a smirk soon forming at the sight of the denizens fleeing and running from the Xy'phers hunting them. He soon clenched his fists together, a surge of bright blue flames erupting outward while fur began to slowly coat his arms and chest.

In an instant, Gogeta let out a thunderous roar as a massive blast of blue energy erupted outwards, forming a huge dome of pure destructive energy that vaporized anything within a half mile radius of where he stood. Once the bright light and energy faded away, an entire section of the city was turned to dust and provided clear line of sight of the Xy'phers holding the President; Gogeta in their direct line of travel out of the city. With the small quiet of the area while the vaporized Xy'phers began to repair and regenerate, Gogeta stood as a fully transformed Super Saiyan 4 Blue once again: the true Blue Devil form he was known for.

He quietly began to move around the street, taking every coin from the civilian population felled by his attack and tucking them into his vest to prevent the Xy'phers from taking the coins. His blue pupils remained forward, however, goading on the approaching Task Force Xy'pher holding the present.
May says flatly "if what we know is true about Xy'phers, never mind on the scan." May takes out a shotgun with rounds able to harm Xy'phers and some 5 orbs.

07 destroyed all the Xy'phers that went for Emilyn "don't bother my mistress with such minor pests." She brushes off any dust form her self.

May says flatly "I gest it was a little too optimistic not to see something like this happing." 

May says "I trust I don't need to tell you your orders 07." 07 nods at that.

The orbs head near 07 and Emilyn.
Brachi narrowed her eyes, floating up as the floor collapsed after Zenta's actions and watching Vegetto take off. She briefly looked around the ruined floor, before laying eyes on the president as the Xy'pher guard had taken him out of the window.

"We're NOT the ones who started this fire, you'd be wise to remember that. If you want to blame someone, blame the Xy'phers; they're the cause of all of this." She snarled in his direction, before she took off to do her part in the fight, heading straight to where she had last sensed Bara and Jize, wanting to help them out asap.


Using her body manipulation, Majin Bara enlarged her right arm to make it at least three times as big and made of pure muscle, using it to clobber a nearby Xy'pher with it to send him flying.

"YOU GET NOTHING! YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!" She snarled at that Xy'pher, before she turned her arm back to normal, before she continued her assault by firing a Mouth Energy Wave at it, while using her hands to fire several pink energy spheres which began teleporting around the area, aimed specifically at the Xy'phers nearby to strike them from the sides or behind to make them reel and leave them open for the others to take care of them.

On her own turn, Jize summoned energy versions of her Trident and sent them flying towards the Xy'phers aiming for Cayde, Emily and May form the side, striking at them to pin them to the ground. She could sense Brachi headed towards their location, which made her smile, since it would now be time to show what they were capable of doing, and make the Xy'phers regret having crossed them with every move they make.

Bara and Jize then saw Detective Goku and did their best to block the incoming strikes as the area became pitch black after which things returned to normal, while Jize showed a few bruises here and there already, Bara on the other hand had dents in her body which she herself fixed due to her physical make-up.

"So this is what has become of one of the greatest detectives of this place, becoming a mere puppet for this red dictator or whatever," Bara commented as she now went in her Potential Unleashed state, "you have just made the biggest mistake of your pathetic life as a crystalized servant."

With that, Bara sent out a few more  of her teleporting spheres, intending to disorient the crystalized detective, while she and Jize moved in to deliver swift strikes with several punches and kicks to make him hit some of the spheres which would explode upon contact, before hopping into the air to let the others have their shot in striking him.
The Plaza

"They're able to come back!?" Bage huffed, bringing a barrier up to block the crystal spikes raining down above. His head whipped from the left and right, watching as helpless people were whisked away and turned into coins right before his eyes. This wasn't good, the more they traveled out, the worse it would get for the Breakers. The Saiyan detective tried to think of a way to keep the Xy'phers in the area, but then a tremendous pressure caught his attention. Bage's eyes widened at the flicker of the city's illusion disappearing for a mere moment at Goku's breath, grunting in pain as he hit the ground from the strikes. Slowly he rose from the ground, his body already bruised up like Jize. Bage couldn't even see what happened. The junior detective's heart rate was slowly increasing at the inevitable truth that they would have to fight the strongest detective in the agency. Seeing his superior and friend in this crystalized state hurt his heart. "I can't believe this..." His fist clenched, suppressing the fear and replacing it with determination. 

As Gogeta took off for the RNN, Bage turned back to the rest of the group. "Stay sharp you guys. Gogeta won't be joining us in this fight, so it's up to us to hold him back until we figure out how to defeat him for good. If he's not gonna ease up..."

Bage's eyes narrowed his eyes as Goku spoke again. He hesitated for a moment, watching Bara and Jize already begin their assault on him. In order to keep his hope from dwindling, Bage turned to Xy'pher detective, raised a fist at him, and shouting loud enough for everyone to hear.


Then, with little hesitation, the super Saiyan god shot himself at detective Goku, emerging from the smoke-screen Jize and Bar created over the Xy'pher with his fist encased in brightly shining ki in the shape of a large sledgehammer. "SHINING WAR HAMMER!" 

He swung his fist downward in an attempt to crush Xy'pher Goku, the force strong enough to crack the ground underneath the both of them.
The Plaza

Xy’pher Goku did not respond to the taunts hurled by Bara. Instead, he remains stationary until they made their move. The combination strikes by Jize and Bara pushed him back towards the sphere, but that was intentional. He twirls around elegantly and gently placed two spheres on his palms, preventing its instant detonation.  He firmly pressed his feet against the ground, he tosses the spheres at the duo; just mere inches before coming into contact with Bara and Jize, the sphere of energy split into multiple fragments, slamming against their bodies to instead cause multiple explosions rather than a singular one. This was a chance to allow the Xy’phers to continue their assault.

Shortly after, Goku was struck by Bage’s attack, causing his body to fall forward more catching his footing. The pavement underneath them completely shattered because of the impact and the shockwave that came after clearing away any clouds and smoke around them.

Balling his right hand, Goku arched his back a little further to slam his fist [Rock] against Bage’s stomach. After pushing him away just slightly, he used his left hand in an open palm [Paper], slamming against Bage’s chest to pushed him back even further. Standing up right, he pointed two fingers on his right hand [Scissors], firing off a powerful air pressure attacks that struck blows against Bage’s upper torso.

Bringing his left foot forward, then taking a battle stance, Xy’pher Goku once again let out another breath, making the entire area pitch black for than a less of a second. He charges forwards towards the Detective in breakneck speed.

Reality News Network Headquarters

President Beard glanced at the guards when they didn’t respond to his command. He tried to give out another order since perhaps they simply didn’t hear him, a guard that initially responded to the order was coined immediately after. His words couldn’t escape from his lips as the realization that perhaps the Breakers were actually right about this. “W-what—” He took several steps back when his clothes were drench of blood from the first guard. Once again, no other words were uttered but babbling. His eyes widened when the guards’ skin peeled off, showing off their crystallized bodies, remembering what Vegetto, Spawn and Zenta described them. There was an invasion of some sorts, and they had already infiltrated within them.

Members from the Task Force had shown up, despite the President never actually calling them yet. Just as the first guard was coined, another one died the same. His eyes slowly geared towards the Breakers with fear in his eyes. He turned to the remaining Breakers as he tried to speak. Such a situation, the fear of being killed too priority and extended his arm to reach to the nearest Breaker; particularly Zenta. His opinion on the Breakers has no purpose here; they were the only ones that didn’t seems to turn into those rock creatures. Finally, he was able to set a few words out, just as one of them grabbed hold onto him and jumped out of the window. “Help me! Guaaahhhhh!” Crying out as specks of glass shredded his arms. He was unable to hear out the scolding from Brachi since he was already gone by that point.

Detective Spawn grunted at the Xy’phers pointing guns at them, interrupting the conversation between Bernkastel and himself. “Shit! You freaks think you can make a fool out of me? That’ll be your biggest mistake.” His arms turned green, able to unleash an attack against them, but Zenta appeared before him and deflected all the crystallized bullet storm. Despite his issues with the beast, Spawn was able to see that this situation was far more important. “I’ll tolerate you for now. Thanks for the defense.”

However, the beast fell straight down due to parts of the floor collapsing underneath them, causing Detective Spawn to act quickly. He turned to Bernkastel. “Once this is over, I’ll tell you everything. Can’t really do that if you decide to smear the walls of me, won’t it?” He hurled downwards, seeing Zenta pushing away the Xy’phers outside before their denotation. He grabbed hold onto his tail to stop him from falling. “You’re a lot heavier than you look!” Spawn said, practically struggling to lift him up as he remains stationary in the air.


Just moments before the Xy’phers can regenerate their bodies, Spina rose to his feet. Despite the fact that the entirely of the trip, Spina was asleep and didn’t cause any significant trouble, he was still listening to everything that transpired. Unknown to the rest, Spina also had a communicator on him, that he swipes without Cayde knowing, and use it to be in touch with everyone that was sperate during this mission.

“Vegetto abandoned his position to go after Brainstorm. I sense Gogeta is no longer with Detective Bage, leaving them to find off the Xy’phers on their own. And Brachi abandoned everyone and didn’t bother to save Zenta nor the President; her own friends is the only thing in her mind. They won’t be useful for the duration of this mission if they’re acting on their own interests.”

Spina smirked. “That was worth taking a nap. Now, this is where the fun begins.” He jumped up in the air before the Xy’phers can finished regenerating and slammed his fist against the ground, shattering it completely. As everyone fell downwards, Spina grabbed hold to Bernkastel tightly by her torso and flew towards both Detective Spawn and Zenta, grabbing the back of the former’s cloak. “Hold on.”

“Hey, what the hell are you doing!?” Detective Spawn shouted.

“Shut up. Grandpa is taking charge now.” Spina waited for the moment all the regenerating Xy’phers fell into his view of direction and push forward. A surge of black energy formed around the old Saiyan as he spun around like a rapid tornado, slamming against the horde outside of the building with significant damage. “Spawn, kill these bastards immediately. Even if they can regenerate, it’s clearly not instant, so that will give us time to get away and recover. Bernkastel, you provide aerial support in case we get jumped by Xy’phers in the air.”

Spawn narrowed his eyes in reaction to the order once he collected himself from the rapid spin. “R-right.” He raised his left hand and fired off a powerful energy wave towards the falling Xy’phers, generating a massive explosion.

“I have the president on my sight.” Spina looks down, seeing the Xy’pher Task Force member with the President in their grasp. “Cayde. May. Don’t fall over and die. We’re currently on your way once we save the damn President. If you see any dumbass civilian still lingering around, take them to safety with May’s orbs.”

“Spawn, let go of Zenta. He’ll save the President.” Once again, Spina spun his body around rapidly in such speed until it turned into a powerful energized tornado, in turn, Spawn let go of the beast as he hurled himself towards the Xy’pher holding the President.

President Beard tried to attack the Task Force Xy’pher with his face, only to break his hand upon impact. “Argh!!” He cringed in pain. Let me go!!!” His eyes narrowed, seeing a furry man hurling towards them. “H-huh!?!”

Reflection City (Sky)

There were two helicopters in the sky that’s seemingly watching the events unfold.

“My name is Stacey.”

“And I’m Chad.”

“And we’re here to witness an apparent invasion of rock creatures in Reflection City… and it seems that the Breakers are here. We have the latest updates, including legendary hero Vegetto killing the beloved Brainstorm.”

Streets of Reflection City (Above)

Lucifer stared at the letter handed to him by the Xy’pher, prompting him to smile. “Well, it seems that King wants to inform me of something.” Lilith shifted around his sleeves in concern that the letter could be a trap. “Worry not, my dear. There’s nothing on the letter nor anything that will pose any threat to us. Let’s see what this King wants to say to me.” The angel opens the letter.
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