The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Forcing herself to keep quiet, Bernkastel sat on the train and ran her fingers through the fur on Zenta's tail in her lap, occasionally giving a nasty side-eyed glare back in the direction she'd hear the disparaging remarks. 

"Petulant gadflies," she'd mutter under her breath.

"You guys worry too much," Berserk said with a dismissive wave of her hand, evidently disinterested about the whole thing. "Unless you're a newspaper reporter, nobody'll believe what we have to say that can change their minds. Let Veggie's mask slip on its own and he won't have anyone to blame other than himself."

Once the train stopped, Bern took Zenta's hand and led him out to join the others. Berserk was on her way out but stopped seeing that Spina still hadn't woken up from the ride, contemplating whether to leave him there or not.

"Hey Grandpa, we're here at the place. Wakey wakey eggs and bakey?" she said quietly to him with a poke to his cheek, tilting her head on what to do since surely the train would have to depart sooner or later. "Hm, I guess I can just bring him somethin' to-go. He looks dead tired! Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I heard him stay this quiet, heh."

As Bernkastel made her way inside the cafe with Zenta in tow, she maintained a grumpy scowl hearing strangers make so much of a fuss over Vegetto and the Agents. You want someone's signature on your forehead and yet we're the odd ones out? This place is chock-full of eccentric lemmings... she thought cynically. However, her expression was replaced with momentary surprise upon Gogeta having stolen Vegetto's thunder right when he wore the most prideful expression. Effectively ruining the other fusion's moment.

Despite Gogeta's uncouth outburst and dramatically antagonistic act of behavior, Bern found Vegetto's reaction to be utterly priceless. So much so, she realized she was smiling wide and about to let out a giggle of amusement.

No, don't laugh! You can't laugh! Everyone is staring! Bern repeatedly thought to herself while clamping a free hand over her mouth and muffle her laughter. If she didn't get it under control, people were going to think they were there to terrorize civilians! Barely able to breathe steadily, she wagged a finger at Gogeta in a scolding manner.

"N-no Gogeta, you-- pfft-- you mustn't do that," she did her best to chide him through her fit of childish giggles. "We're not here to cause... trouble for people... remember? This is important... hihihi!"
Reflection Café

“Ahh!!” The fan shouted once Gogeta dug into his forehead with the pen and pushed him down afterwards. Raising both his hands to touch the markings, the fan audibly cried out in pain and disappointment. A once of the lifetime opportunity, squandered in mere seconds by the one and only Blue Devil. “Why the hell did you do that!”

Silence is what came after when Gogeta’s outburst. All the onlookers stopped in their tracks with concern on their faces. The one who asked for Bage’s autograph withdraw his request and instead, head over to the man that fell on his behind to help them up. Without uttering a single word, the man with his forehead scribbled got up and leave the café, while in tears, to avoid any conflict: the moment was practically ruined.

While Bernkastel snickered away at the prospect moment that will shine Vegetto in a greater light practically shattered in front of him due to Gogeta’s interference. Lucifer, on the other hand, had his signature smile present at this unfolding scenery. He made no attempts to add onto the fuel; the mere fact of Vegetto’s reaction towards Gogeta’s action was more than enough for him, and Bernkastel laughing was simply icing on the cake. His face alone was mere judgement that Vegetto, a hero proclaimed to be better than the Breakers, yet needs someone to calm him down and take on the path of what’s appropriate.

Detective Spawn turned his head when the entire café shook from strong gust of wind, generated by Gogeta. His eyes dulled when the fusion continue his antagonistic behavior. He ignored him at first for a while, preferring that the mission above all else triumphed mere feelings. But it seems that Spawn didn’t to ensure that there won’t be any outbursts from now on out. The detective reached towards his pocket, readied to pull out something to force Gogeta and anyone else that will make a continuous fuss.

Yet, for some reason, everyone else didn’t took their leave. Instead, they returned to their business and ignored what had transpired. Yes, they were concern, but it seems that, as someone said earlier, there’s a hero working there. Hence their attitude remains largely unchanged save for that one person. Spawn took noticed on their faces, still deciding on whether to temporarily take him out before anymore issues arise.
However, a woman stood up from her table that was near the entrance of the café and waved at Detective Spawn, Bage and May. “Heya! There you are!” She shouted. “You guys can sure keep a girl waiting. I’m on a tight schedule, you know!”

Detective Spawn narrowed his eyes after hearing a familiar voice from behind. He turned around and didn’t recognized her appearance at first. She’s usually wearing a hooded jacket that mostly covering her face, but now, from the last time he spoke to her in person, she was sporting a new look. Removing his hand from his pocket, Spawn made a smile. “Hmph. Hardly recognized you with that new look, Brainstorm. Why the hell you called us to a place like this? It was a pain in the ass to get over here.”

“Duh! The menu in this place is top notch. I’d assumed you didn’t just contact me out of a blue for a little date. You want something, so I might as well make use of that. Making sure you foot the bill.” Brainstorm was tall and lean; she’s slightly shorter than Avalon and Bage by a few inches. She had blonde, medium-length curly hair, with bangs, and blue eyes. She wore a Troulos Royal Blue Midi Dress. She had her green jacket rested on the chair she’s sitting on. Her stunning beauty didn’t go unnoticed by the crowd around her. Her eyes trail towards the Breakers themselves. “When Spawn said that he’s bringing the Breakers, I couldn’t believe it. But here we are… Come, sit! Our order will come any second now. We can discuss whatever you want for me.” She gave out a warm smile, seemingly withholding no judgement towards the Breakers. “Besides, we don’t want to make a mess now, do we?”

Detective Spawn calmed down. “Let’s go. Don’t embarrass yourself in front of Brainstorm. She’s quite intelligent.” Spawn took a seat.

“Finally. Some delicious food.” Lucifer said after hearing Brainstorm had ordered food for them. “You Breakers will finally have some edible cuisine.” The angel took a seat as well.

Spina is still asleep on the train, despite Berserk poking him.
Reflection Cafe

Vegetto's frustration seemed to simmer slowly once Cayde's motions signaled for his composure, yet his eyes slowly turned onto the fan that picked himself up. His expression softened; the genuine empathy of the fan's distraught state. Despite the image, Vegetto felt his own innate shame at the prospect that his own influence had caused the effect upon the fan. To any onlooker or those that had spent their contact with him, it undoubtedly appeared that the Potara fusion was momentarily lost in the notion of his shining moment dashed. Despite the clear juxtaposition of his ego being smashed, the moment of empathy was genuine at the core.

However, Bernkastel's snickering immediately shattered that prospect; the black and malicious energy that mounted within Vegetto at the last mental game with Lucifer surging in his core. The very signature was faint; nearly untraceable especially under the curtain of Spawn's disguise. However, his intense glare sharpened immediately onto the witch in a hateful state; his ego and pride the source of rage in Bernkastel's taunting. He clenched his fists together promptly, his arms visibly shaking and his eyes locking momentarily with Lucifer's; the angel's trademark grin naturally stoking the fire higher.

Meanwhile, Gogeta lowered his arms, and at the same laughter coming from Bernkastel, he turned towards the witch. The onlookers seemed to disappear in Gogeta's eyes; the other fusion blinking with wide eyes momentarily at Bernkastel's attempt to chide and condemn the action while laughing. However, Gogeta slowly broke out into a wide grin, happily and proudly smiling back at Bernkastel at the sight of her laughter.

The happiness between the most destructive and dangerous of the Breakers finally elicited the extreme response, and Vegetto soon raised his fist, the fingers clenched together in a bid to simply punch Gogeta's head clean off from behind. The prospect of family, the attempt to repair the damage done to the only group Vegetto grew close with aside from Superman, all of it vaporized to the black flame that burned strongly within Vegetto's mind. Once again, his pride had been effectively damaged and only the extreme result could satisfy the rage

"Mud puddles!! Mud puddles!!"

Vegetto blinked a couple of times, the glint off his eyes like a light striking black metal that covered his pupils. His eyes shifted to Cayde who flapped his arms and yelled the strange code phrase twice. The Potara fusion continued to blink; almost as if breaking the trance and whether or not the phrase itself meant anything was never answered. Instead, the words served as a distraction long enough for Brainstorm's introduction, and Vegetto soon turned around to see the appearance of the woman.

Vegetto glanced around, as if suspiciously making sure no one picked up on his depraved state, exhaling deeply and straightening out his blue gi top while he turned around to the table. He raised his eyebrows, relieved and moving to take a seat at the table.

"Yes, lunch would be lovely."

Cayde sighed in relief at the display, his head turning as he looked between Bernkastel and Gogeta. He rolled his eyes heavily after a few seconds, moving up to the table as well while he promptly dropped down in a chair next to and after Lucifer, his mechanical voice light and quippy.

"If by eatable cuisine, you mean the finest ramen in the city!"

Bowing his head slightly towards Brainstorm, Cayde broke out into a small, flirtatious smirk towards the woman while he gestured towards her with his right hand.

"I'm sure a classy, intelligent and beautiful woman such as her would appreciate the delicacy and refinement of proper spicy ramen-"

The android dropped a quick wink of his right eye, the smoldering expression on his mechanical face still strong.


As the other Breakers moved to the table for the lunch, Gogeta kept his eyes trained on Bernkastel. The fusion had no clue what had transpired in the momentary surge of Vegetto's wrath, having only looked forward. He kept his grin at Bernkastel, and raised up his right hand in a thumbs up sign towards her in his silent, genuine glee.
May says flatly "If you were really concerned time you would chosen not what has become a torus trap since the last time I came hear." May takes a seat and thinks "Now it makes since."

May asks "Do I even need to ask about every ones ability to pay?" May seems to have a felling she may not like the answer. May thinks "Good thing I have a good amount of money locally."
"Ehh, just leave him. He's fast asleep, so I doubt he's gonna cause any trouble, Berserk," Avalon said while he also poked Spina on the side of his head. "And since people are scared of him, I don't think they'll mess with him either. Reminds me of my village elder; can't move to cross two villages without falling asleep..." He then urged the Powerpunk to follow the group and wave off Spina. Even if someone were to mess with him, he was more than capable of fighting for himself. Still, he did worry a bit.

As Avalon reached the café, he noticed Gogeta trying to start another situation but even he couldn't help but chuckle at his antics, not because he distrusted or disliked Vegetto but because he genuinely thought what Gogeta did was funny. He laughed a little louder than he expected and shook his head.

Well, at least he knows how to put on a show.

Only when Vegetto got upset and Cayde calming him down did he frown. He chose to ignore it since he was already getting annoyed with the both of them. To distract himself from the ticking ego bomb, he glanced at Brainstorm. He eyed the lady up and down, but, surprisingly, did not make a move when he normally would. This was the person Spawn was talking about and the whole mission was meeting up with this woman. He thought it would be unprofessional, or, at least, very stupid for how serious their mission was. Their reputations were on the line and so were their lives, in a way, so he did not want to play around. At least not with Brainstorm. He nodded to Brainstorm and gave her a thumbs up, trying his best to not ruin this mission for the Breakers.

"Hey! Nice t' meet you! The name's Avalon!" He immediately grew excited about having to eat some city food. "Alright, city food! Maybe it'll be one of those double cheese pizza-donuts things Berserk mentioned. Or was it double burger-pizzas?"

Zenta, guided by Bernkastel, bowed at the waist to Brainstorm's voice and her introduction.

"It is an honor to have you dedicate time for our needs. We will value the time you spend with us," The beast kept his head bowed, arms poised like a servant ready to serve before finally lifting his head and rewarding the woman with a smile.

He was getting more and more used to his environment, notable by his grip softening around Bernkastel's tiny hand. With a quick release of her hand, the stubborn beast tried his best to make out the noises in the café and held his hands, trying to feel for the table they would sit in. With a loud clap, he stared blankly at what was in front of him before taking it all in. He nodded to himself before effortlessly reaching out to a chair and pulling it out for Bernkastel to sit, doing the same with another chair for Gogeta so he can sit next to his friend.

"My Lady, Gogeta," He gently called out to the two, saving their seats for them.

Avalon decided to take the seat next to where Gogeta sat, knowing Zenta would probably take his spot next to Bernkastel. He was on his best behavior, but he couldn't help and get excited about the food that will arrive. "Detective Spawn said you're the best of the best when it comes to meeting certain people!"

Near the back of the café, the same woman that was eyeing them in the train was sitting in the café, drinking a coffee and eating some biscuits. She never took her eyes off the Breakers, not once, as she sipped peacefully on her cup of coffee. Occasionally, she made small talk with the waiter, laughing and smiling with a few passersby, but her attention seemed glued on the Breakers, specifically Bernkastel and Gogeta. When Gogeta had his little outburst, her eyes widen not with shock but with admiration. A smile formed on her face as the fusion taunted the other scared inhabitants. Her eyes then shifted to Vegetto, eyeing his rage and the secret message between him and Cayde. Just like Bernkastel and Gogeta, she never took her gaze off him while she drank peacefully. Each of the Breakers would have an uncanny sensation of this lady staring at them with nothing but infatuation and adoration. It was at least a different stare from what everyone else gave them, so it was actually very welcoming.
"Wow... I didn't know the agency had such a presence in this city." Bage chuckled slightly, surprised at all the attention he, Spawn and May were getting from the citizens in the cafe. He turned to the person asking for an autograph, hesitating a little. It was the first time he had been praised by a fan. The thought of being someone's idol never crossed his mind until now. The Saiyan detective smiled awkwardly at the fan, waving to them as he passed.

"Sorry, but maybe some other time, we're here on business-" As he went to politely decline, he watched as Gogeta harmed and completely humiliated another citizen asking Vegetto for an autograph. His expression turned to one of shock as the citizen ran out of the cafe with tears in their eyes. Bage's face twisted uncomfortably as the others among the Breakers simply laughed it of. He shook his head and took a long breath through his nostrils, clear annoyance on his face. However, Bage's attention turned to Brainstorm as she called to them. His irritation toward the Breakers subsided, his face quickly changed to a smile. 

"Nice to see you again, Brainstorm." He said as he took a seat as she instructed. "Looks like all is well with you?"
"Pleased to meet you, I am Brachi." Brachi said as she introduced herself while bowing politely, "these two fair ladies here are two of my best friends, Majin Bara and Jize."

Majin Bara and Jize also bowed towards Brainstorm as a gesture of polite greeting, before the three took their seats for their lunch.
Berserk scoffed loudly, gesturing over to Spina as Avalon dismissed himself to join the others. "Wha-- hey wait up! Jeez, these guys have a lotta nerve leaving me with this old fart by myself..." she fumed in annoyance as people began milling by the train station, staring into the car with a wary look.

"What, just 'cause you're the leader and you're old means you get a free joyride around the city? Those shitty Detectives ought to thank me for doing their job for 'em..." Berserk grumbled, roughly grasping Spina by his arm before dragging him out of the train car. "If I gotta be stuck with the Geek Patrol all day, then so do you!"


Bernkastel was focused so much on containing her fit of giggles that under Spawn's cloaking technique she didn't pick up on Vegetto's murderous intent. With Cayde and Bage sending disapproving looks in her direction, Bern bit her lips together and only gave them a shrug of her shoulders, brows raised as if it could actually convey to them some degree of being apologetic about not keeping quiet.

Upon Brainstorm introducing herself and offering them a spot to sit and eat, Bern audibly cleared her throat before speaking up. "R-right then, I'm... er, well, you probably know who I am I'm sure," she said before breathing in to recuperate her lungs. "At any rate, just call me Bernkastel." She curiously watched Zenta move to pull out some chairs, wondering to herself how he could do it despite his blindness. "Oh, thank you... didn't know you could do that."

Scooting the chair in, she claimed a glass of water for herself, meeting Gogeta's gaze as she felt herself smiling again by recalling their little 'joke' he pulled on Vegetto. Quickly she started to drink water before she'd begin to laugh again. There was a sensation of being watched from afar, but for now she neglected to look for the source out of being acutely aware of the others at the table eyeing her.

Berserk kicked the door to the cafe open with Spina's body limply dragging behind her, scanning the area before locating the Breakers' table. Making a beeline for it-- and giving mean looks at anyone staring, with a "what're you lookin' at" uttered along with it-- she shoved the older Saiyan into the nearest empty seat and claimed her own by Avalon's side of the table. "Sorry I'm late, I had to walk the old man across the street." She eyes Brainstorm up and down, figuring she was the person of interest. "Sup. I'm Berserk," she greets with a nod of her head. "Do they have pizza here? I could go for a pizza right about now! With a big Cherry Cola next to it."
Reflection Café

“Always a straight shooter, May. But rest assure, save your money. Detective Spawn here will cover it.” Brainstorm said with a smile beaming on her face. She turns to Bage second, glad to see him in the city as well. “I’m quite fine; more than I say about you.” She based this on a mere glance from his body language. Seeing more Breakers taking their seat, she was taken aback when Cayde boosted a spicy ramen dish. “Well, I haven’t seen ramen at the place I was previously at…” She smirked. “But here, they do, and you bet that I love myself some ramen. The spicier, the better.”

Lucifer’s face turned into disgust when she mentioned liking ramen on top of other dishes. “Well, at least you have some palate on you…” His eyes trailed off, eyeing the strange woman towards the back that kept staring at them. He noticed such during the train ride but didn’t pay any mind to it. Now, she’s here, and once again, staring at them. “This place has a lot of overzealous fans.”

“I heard this place went into a frenzy when three new heroes shown up out of nowhere and made a name for themselves. It’s not surprising if they see something like you Detectives…” Her eyes darted towards Vegetto. “And Vegetto. It’s not everyday you guys appeared here in person.”

After Berserk grabbed Spina and pull him from the moving train, the man was practically silent. Not a single sound was made as he continues to sleep peacefully. Although, there was slight movement, notably his hands, that was similar to what he did when he was in the healing tank. This was an indication that the Saiyan was dreaming. After Berserk shove him into a chair, he continues to sleep soundly.

Seeing that everyone was here, Detective Spawn smirked, seeing that they at least made it to step two of the plan. It was hard, practically disastrous, but as long they don’t start getting into brawls or contain their anger, it was fine. Gogeta’s action was out of line; Vegetto’s intent to kill was extremely worrying since he previously thought he was more heroic, and Spina’s role so far had been extremely disappointing, but now knowing that Brainstorm was in the vicinity, there was no need to worry too much. Despite Brainstorm essentially using his dime to pay for the expensive meals, Spawn was fine with that. She was needed to go to the next step of the plan. And once that happens, it’s smooth sailing from there.

Once all the Breakers are accounted for and introduced themselves, with the exception of Spina, food arrived relatively soon after. They practically filled the table for everyone, expect for one person: Bernkastel. Her side had no food placed in front of her as if it were deliberate.

With the food arrived, Brainstorm immediately start right away. “I’ll give you a bit of insight of myself since I’m sure Spawn didn’t want to bore you with the details. I’m a journalist working for the RNN. I travel to vast regions in Reality Vortex, mainly the North region. I’m still writing my report on them so it can be published, but you know, hard work and stuff.” She took a snip from a delicious, flavored juice. “And because I’m a journalist, I know every aspect of you Breakers. I’ve watched the battle against the unstoppable Doctor Doom multiple times personally. It was quite a show. And whatever news I get you from afterwards, I made sure to study them extensively. And I seen that you have since expanded as well.” She said, seeing Avalon, Lucifer, Berserk and Jize. “And I do offer my sincerest apologies to those that you’ve lost. When I saw the deaths of Kassava and Lambdadelta, that was hard to watch.”

“Quite an eye you have there, Brainstorm.” Lucifer praised.

“If I’m going to get stuck away from my world and live here, I might as well make something for my intellect. Otherwise, I’ll be constantly bored… and boredom is something I shall never wish on my greatest enemy.” She spoke. “Well, I think that’s about covers it on my side.” She turned to the Detectives, Vegetto and the Breakers. “What’s the purpose of this meet?”

Detective Spawn nodded. “We need you to take us to the RNN and speak to the president. We have information of an attack by the Xy’phers from the Red King’s armies in multiple cities. So, we’re here to warned them so they can be better prepared when they do attack.”

“…Xy’phers? What the heck is a Xy’pher?” Brainstorm asked.
May says "Did not know Spawn has money on him." May did not know that Spawn had local currency or any thing since the Xy'phers attracted his place or work. 

May switches to professional tone and says "I will let those that faced them give more details but as far I know they are some kind of living crystal that uses the coins of people." May will let the others cover the rest of the details.
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