Bernkastel scowled from the insult to her stature, crossing her arms and hunching until part of her irritated expression was obscured by her bow tie. The sight itself unintentionally made her look even smaller than she already was. Forcing herself to stay quiet and let Spawn handle the guard, Bern tapped her fingers along her arms as she remembered why it was such a pain to interact with strangers. They only get this bold when they know Bernkastel is in a position where she is unable to retaliate, verbally or otherwise.
"Load of hogwash," Bern grumbled under her breath as she shuffled past the guard, grumpy from the brief exchange. The commentary about Vegetto having a better public image lost its punch considering what she knew of him now, but hearing about it still got on her nerves. As they walked her tail flicked behind her irritably. "And a leash...? The nerve of that guy!" she grumbled.
Berserk tilted her head in curiosity when Avalon stopped, seemingly surprised at the sudden appearance of a canary from the sky. "Huh. So they're like your own little surveillance system! Guess my old man was onto something with that bird conspiracy..." she eyed the scroll as Avalon recited the information he finished collecting, a grin spreading across her features. "So ya mean this place is fulla heroes! Isn't that awesome?! Too bad we're busy... guess we'd come play with him and Atomic Flare another time," she said in a hushed voice out of the guard's earshot. She pouted at the prospect of having fun only to be thwarted by their current task at hand... and the Agency.
Bernkastel maintained her grumpy glare as she eyed the image of Atomic Flare intently. This person was the 3rd time she had seen a costumed hero; why was it they all ran around in colorful tights and underpants? Atomic Flare was definitely someone they had to watch out for if there was a famous hero training her; and for some odd reason she didn't seem like a total stranger despite the mask obscuring her face.
...I decided I really don't like this place, Bern thought with a troubled expression that matched Gogeta's. Pondering the assorted bits of information they received seemed to give her time to simmer down, glancing up at Avalon's observation of Zenta's discomfort.
The witch looked over to the crowded traffic of vehicles before shaking her head. "No way. You'll end up lost just trying to figure out how to cross the street without getting hit," she said skeptically before pausing to observe how Lilith was hanging onto Lucifer's arm. "Hmm... usually I don't do this, but it'll work fine." She whispered, slowly reaching over to grasp Zenta's free hand, looking a bit sheepish. "Here. This way we can go together without you tripping somewhere or getting caught in a crowd."
"Load of hogwash," Bern grumbled under her breath as she shuffled past the guard, grumpy from the brief exchange. The commentary about Vegetto having a better public image lost its punch considering what she knew of him now, but hearing about it still got on her nerves. As they walked her tail flicked behind her irritably. "And a leash...? The nerve of that guy!" she grumbled.
Berserk tilted her head in curiosity when Avalon stopped, seemingly surprised at the sudden appearance of a canary from the sky. "Huh. So they're like your own little surveillance system! Guess my old man was onto something with that bird conspiracy..." she eyed the scroll as Avalon recited the information he finished collecting, a grin spreading across her features. "So ya mean this place is fulla heroes! Isn't that awesome?! Too bad we're busy... guess we'd come play with him and Atomic Flare another time," she said in a hushed voice out of the guard's earshot. She pouted at the prospect of having fun only to be thwarted by their current task at hand... and the Agency.
Bernkastel maintained her grumpy glare as she eyed the image of Atomic Flare intently. This person was the 3rd time she had seen a costumed hero; why was it they all ran around in colorful tights and underpants? Atomic Flare was definitely someone they had to watch out for if there was a famous hero training her; and for some odd reason she didn't seem like a total stranger despite the mask obscuring her face.
...I decided I really don't like this place, Bern thought with a troubled expression that matched Gogeta's. Pondering the assorted bits of information they received seemed to give her time to simmer down, glancing up at Avalon's observation of Zenta's discomfort.
The witch looked over to the crowded traffic of vehicles before shaking her head. "No way. You'll end up lost just trying to figure out how to cross the street without getting hit," she said skeptically before pausing to observe how Lilith was hanging onto Lucifer's arm. "Hmm... usually I don't do this, but it'll work fine." She whispered, slowly reaching over to grasp Zenta's free hand, looking a bit sheepish. "Here. This way we can go together without you tripping somewhere or getting caught in a crowd."