Rogue City Command Center
Seeing that everyone is present, Detective Spawn wastes no time to get into the purpose of this gathering. “As I said before, my informant had alerted me about her arrival in Reflection City. With her in the city, that will give us access to head to the Reality News Network headquarters and speak with the president. From there, you Breakers will be able to detail the information you gained about these Xy’phers. Assuming no clownery at all, not only it will give this city and other cities a chance to be prepared, it also, at least, grant some positives on your shitty reputation. That’s the easy part—I highly doubt you can mess this up, even if you try.”
Spawn turned his head slightly towards Vegetto and Avalon after hearing their questions. “That’s where the hard part comes in. I would like to bring most of you on this mission.” The detective eyed at Gogeta before continuing. “Just a refresher: Reflection City has a mechanism that tracks one’s energy signature to alert the task force if there’s any “new signatures” not recorded in their database. In addition, you have those Xy’phers are clearly looking for you, waiting for their opportunity to strike the moment it takes a swift of your energy. I have a way to get around the first option. I can mask your energy signatures to take on my own, so we can move freely into the city. People will still react to you, but considering you are with Bage and I, they will at least calm down and relaxed knowing that we’re there. Since I doubt the Red King will be interested in the me; his aim is at the Breakers. So long I’m masking your energy, we should be fine.”
He paused for a moment. “However, I can’t do it constantly. I can only do it for so long, so we need to find her and go to the RNN headquarters. Furthermore… all of you should get your emotions in check. If you start powering up, I can’t mask my energy to match yours in quick burst. So, whatever happens, don’t act like a dumbass. Once we alert the president with the information, we will take cues from Lucifer’s overall plan: lure the Xy’phers out by using some of you as bait. If the Red King considered you prized rewards, he won’t hesitate of sending his armies to you. That way, we can split into two teams: one can be bait, while the rest can stay idly by and attack them when their focused is on one group. That way, we can take them out as much we can, while leaving one or two standing. Then we can extract information, while saving the city. Another point for your reputation.” He turns to Bage, Cayde and May. “They have further information regarding the civilians with the generators and their safety, along with a replica of Reflection City to show how different it is compared to Reality Metropolis.”