During the momentary halt given to him and the Breakers, Bage kept himself busy by gathering information about Panich's whereabouts from the Breakers and the recordings in the command center. From what was given to him, the Saiyan princess acted as herself for the time being, with a few outbursts from time to time, even Brachi was able to tell him of her sudden act of betrayal. It stung to hear how desperate she was to find him and all her other friends in this mess of reality. Maybe it was because he had begun losing hope that he would ever see her again but Bage would let that fact beat him up for a bit.
And Spina was a whole other story since it had been so difficult trying to talk with him during his isolation. He had faced Panich during her crazed state so it was important to the detective to hear from him what exactly happened between the two during what Brachi had claimed to be a ferocious battle. Maybe he had found out where she was going, what made her decide to leave. Something to give Bage a hint of confirmation that she could have gone to reflection city. But Bage had since given up trying to talk with the seemingly undead and bloodthirsty Saiyan and resigned himself solely to the recordings.
And when he wasn't doing that, the Saiyan trained as vigorously as the others. Knowing Panich was out there now gave him a new sense of hope and he wasn't going to fall behind because of a few bad feelings. during the month it would seem that Panich and training were the only things on his mind, with the exception of helping Spawn, May, and Cayde with the operation. The deadline was fast approaching and there would be no time to waste.
This morning, it would be nothing new to the Detective, having resigned himself once again to the command center, reviewing the day-by-day footage of the Hart investigation. He sat in front of the panel, maneuvering the controls as if he had known how to use them his whole life. It was today that he would finally get to the recording in which involved Spina and Panich's brawl. There was no sound, but the motion of the two clashing could be heard even without it. This particular recording seemed to hurt the most. As Bage zoomed in closer, he could see the black energy encasing her form along with black veins visibly running throughout her body.
He had never seen her with such murderous intent in her eyes. It was truly terrifying. Anyone could clearly see she wasn't in her right mind. With a heavy sigh, the Saiyan detective looked down at a notepad he had held in his arms, adding something new to it with intense focus, a list of reactions and side effects of the black crystal from observing the fight.
And Spina was a whole other story since it had been so difficult trying to talk with him during his isolation. He had faced Panich during her crazed state so it was important to the detective to hear from him what exactly happened between the two during what Brachi had claimed to be a ferocious battle. Maybe he had found out where she was going, what made her decide to leave. Something to give Bage a hint of confirmation that she could have gone to reflection city. But Bage had since given up trying to talk with the seemingly undead and bloodthirsty Saiyan and resigned himself solely to the recordings.
And when he wasn't doing that, the Saiyan trained as vigorously as the others. Knowing Panich was out there now gave him a new sense of hope and he wasn't going to fall behind because of a few bad feelings. during the month it would seem that Panich and training were the only things on his mind, with the exception of helping Spawn, May, and Cayde with the operation. The deadline was fast approaching and there would be no time to waste.
This morning, it would be nothing new to the Detective, having resigned himself once again to the command center, reviewing the day-by-day footage of the Hart investigation. He sat in front of the panel, maneuvering the controls as if he had known how to use them his whole life. It was today that he would finally get to the recording in which involved Spina and Panich's brawl. There was no sound, but the motion of the two clashing could be heard even without it. This particular recording seemed to hurt the most. As Bage zoomed in closer, he could see the black energy encasing her form along with black veins visibly running throughout her body.
He had never seen her with such murderous intent in her eyes. It was truly terrifying. Anyone could clearly see she wasn't in her right mind. With a heavy sigh, the Saiyan detective looked down at a notepad he had held in his arms, adding something new to it with intense focus, a list of reactions and side effects of the black crystal from observing the fight.
- Reality distortion
- enhanced physical and magical abilities
- Explodes with even a little bit of force applied
- Drives you totally insane