The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Vessava stood with the one arm still raised, the barrier soon dropping along with their arm. The fusion let out a deep heavy breath in relaxing, yet despite the exhaustion of the others, Vessava pumped their right arm with their fist curled into a ball. 

"Alright! That was fun...and I didn't even have to use about half of my powe-"

A brilliant white glow suddenly engulfed the fusion, eyes wide before disappearing into the energy. In an instant, Vegetto and Kassava both stumbled out in opposite directions. Both crashed onto the floor with heavy thuds, wincing a bit.

Kassava grunted, her silver pupils fading back into their normal shade and color while she slowly rose to her feet and rapidly tossing the Potara earring off of her ear onto the floor in disgust.

"We are never doing that again."
(Now that my exams are over, expect faster posts from me!)

Byakko-Cuki winced at the explosion but with the help of the others, she was almost entirely unharmed. The cracks along her body worsen but they appeared to have stopped, for now, ending her convulsions and allowing the girl to sit up and calmly examine what happened. Cuki was still gone but the energy surrounding her body released steam, healing the patches where she received the most damage. Oddly enough, she was not losing control but was still fidgety and hyper aware of her surroundings. Any little spark could potentially set her off on another rampage. Byakko-Cuki rose to her feet, her skin literally cracking and brittle from her previous attempt to absorb Doom's massive attack.

She appeared a bit more level headed, but in this state, she still could not remember her friends or their voices. She stared at Spina and all the old Saiyan saw were blank intense eyes. Byakko-Cuki lifted her hand in an attempt to attack him but paused, her face frustrated at the confusion she had. Just like before, Cuki was in a moment where she was in disbelief Spina is still alive. She lowered her arm and grunted in his direction before nodding, slowing backing away from him.


Byakko-Cuki turned her head to look at the others, oblivious to her Master for the moment. She barely spoke out, just loud enough for anyone closeby to hear her. Her voice was raspy and out of breath.

"" Cuki looked around, trying to find the mad scientist. ""
“Doom’s done. Everyone did their part. Even the lovebirds fused for this one, haha” Spina said. “You looked like hell, kid. Take a rest.” Spina turned to Cross but realized that when Bara’s regeneration to attempt to repair and heal any damage, it didn’t. All regeneration, now exposed to outside, will not work. Meaning, no one can heal. No one can regenerate. No one can restore their powers back to their original state. The onslaught of that explosion was so much that the voice’s energy prevent any healing factors from kicking in.

“Guess we over did it a bit there.” Spina said, turning right back at Cuki. “Just relax. We just need to figure out the way out of here… now where is voice.”

"Over here..." The voice was between Vegetto and Raune. His pink colored was gone and looked completely gray. "I'm so... tired....."
Byakko-Cuki tilted her head in confusion while Spina spoke to her, barely understanding what he was talking about. Her ears twitched upon hearing Voice and she emitted a low growl upon seeing him. In her state she didn't recognize him, so she carefully approached the blob. As she got closer, she lowered herself on all fours, it is slightly more comfortable for her in this state. She stared up at Vegetto, Voice, and Raune, her face showing signs of struggle as she tried to remember them. She leaned closer to them, sniffing them.

"Ra...une... Veg...etto..." Cuki forced herself to say their names. "Voi...ce..."

The girl back away slowly, never taking her eyes off of them, occasionally twitching in pain. 

"I could go for a thousand-year nap if you ask me." Lambdadelta chimed in, but her voice was raspy and dry as she coughed out dust and smoke from her mouth. Her dress, what was left of it had faded from pink to gray upon surviving the blast. She was holding Bernkastel at the shoulder with one arm as they floated down closer to the group, but didn't touch the ground. Lambda looked up towards the gaping void of what used to be the ceiling.

"I don't know what went down in those minutes of being blinded and blown to smithereens, but this isn't the same place we walked into." Bernkastel eyed the surroundings suspiciously. "It's like we ended up somewhere totally different... Again?"

"Figures. Do you think we could reach that on foot?" Lambda pointed at the mass slowly forming in the distance away from them. "IF we can."

"It's the only thing for miles." Waldo said. "But it seems so far... and it feels like there's no sense of time or direction to even go off of. What a strange primordial soup we are in..."
Barachi grumbled, annoyed that it was unable to heal back for now using regeneration, something that was normally expected to happen as a Majin, being a magically-created being, so she was a bit disappointed that she had to heal up the old-fashioned way, leaving her with no choice to just take a rest, before she could even split back into Brachi and Majin Bara, her eyes sporting a unique form of complete heterochromia.
Spina raised his brows in confusion regarding Cuki’s state, but he didn’t want to push it any further or add anymore unnecessary stress. Everyone went far and beyond in this battle, and they need to find a way to get some rest.

“Interesting questions, so let’s ask the voice the next step.”

“Hey, Voice. Got enough power to get us out of here?” Spina grabbed onto the voice by the head and shook him a bit.

“Damn it… I followed that plan of yours, at least let me sleep for a bit.” The voice cried out.

“No way; we won’t be stranded here. Something is preventing us from healing, and we can’t move a muscle here. Looks like we got transported again.”

“No… you’re still in the same place, in a sense anyways.” Voice barely opened his eyes. “My powers released from that explosion is everywhere… raw and free. And it’s shutting down most abilities. If you can somehow bring all that energy back into my body… it would make… things so much easier.” The voice coughed. “There was an orb that can do that… but Doom locked it up somewhere.”

“Orb?” Spina narrowed his eyes.
Cross starts to draw things near the busters so they can help find it.

Cross says "It shooed be near us." Cross thinks "so far it only seems that only recovery abilities were the ones shut down. It seems to more a rap up event."
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