The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cross says using that strange magic to enhance every buster and Jack's attacks "End him, this last longer than needed." The curse is still active on doom.

The Jacks start going in for the kill on doom.
The first Remnant looked in horror at the White Beam coming towards him, and in the last moments before he was erased, pulled Whitestorm free and threw the blade back towards the ground before the beam could consume it as well. He pulled off his mask as the beam struck, erasing him.

“Mom, dad, Cuki-“ were the last words from the red eyed face of Raune.

The true, and now only Raune, started to fall off of the even larger Doom due to the size increase wedging Stormruler free. As he fell, he jumped against and away from Doom, moving in such a way to intercept Whitestorm as it fell, catching onto the blade and landing on the ground. He landed next to the disabled Cuki and gasped, seeing how bad of a state she was in. He scowled, glancing around at Vevassa’s ultimate attack, Majin Barachi and Genvere’s onslaught, along with Bern and Lamb who just saved him from being erased like his Remnants. He picked up both swords and aimed them downwards, planting them into the ground. He pulled out yellow crystals from his suit, placing them into compartments in the hilts of the weapons, before pressing a button to activate them. He placed both hands on the pommels of his swords, energy flowing up from the blades into his hands. A blue and white aura began to shine across Raune’s body as he charged his aura back up, preparing a potentially dangerous move.

“Cuki, this one’s for you.”

He pulled his hands off the weapons, his aura shining brightly as he was overloaded, too much energy for the strength of his soul to handle for long. But it didn’t need to last long as he cupped his hands together, mimicking a certain fusion’s signature attack.

“Twin Storms Lighting Bolts! Bern, Lamb, take my power and end this!” He shouted, thrusting his hands forward in a direction to pass by above two on their cookie in the air. With a massive KRAKKABOOM two lightning bolts surged out of Raune’s hands, forming a two pronged lance, one white and one blue, aimed to go by but not hit the witches. Meanwhile, Whitestorm and Stormruler slowly fizzled with lightning, a good deal of their energy stores drained.
After taking a direct hit from Barachi and Gervene, Doom took every single strike from the billion atomic attacks from Vessava. He bounced around like a ping-ball, unable to control his own movements. His eyes was bulging out of his socket. His mouth contained so much energy, he fired off, blowing off his hands as a result, towards the ceiling. 

Doctor Doom’s mind went into disarray as his body is having a total meltdown. Unable to defend himself against Lambdadelta, Bernkastel and Raune, his eyes rolled back.

In the pool of darkness, Doctor Doom find himself in the middle. He looked left and right, finding that he was no longer in the battlefield. “Where am I?”

“Looks like you’re done, Doctor.” A gigantic pink machine appeared before him, crossing his arms.

“And you are?”

“My identity has no importance. You caused quite a stir in this world. And for what?”

Doctor Doom narrowed his eyes. “I saw the darkness in countless timelines. The black energy that flows within me allow me to transcend far beyond I can ever hope. All worlds suffered the fate of some being capable of wasting entire worlds. Yet, those that survive, all of them were save by…” Doom clenched his fists. “Me. All worlds, all realities, all life. Under the rule of Doom, I managed to succeed everlasting peace. That means that I am the ultimate catalyst for extreme peace, under the rule of Doom.”

“Ah, so the Dark Energy allowed you to see that…” The pink machine stand firm. “It tends to do that due to its strange powers. It exhibits the mind, excites it with flimsy realities…”

Doctor Doom lowered his eyebrows. “What are you getting at?”

“Dark Energy simply just supply wild imaginations as truth for you to see. Especially those of strong will… That dream of yours, is nothing more than a dream. But I’m impressed that you managed to do this much damage.”

Doctor Doom remained silent. “You’re mocking me?”

“You’re simply driven by what the Dark Energy wants. You’re will be completely submissive to the Dark Energy. Your will is the will of Dark Energy. Not your own.”


“I mean? If you were in complete control, this battle would be different. You’re clearly capable, yet, you completely abandoned your technology and magic.”

“Stop it.”

“You’re just a puppet drowned out by the addictive sensation by Dark Energy."


“And because of that, you lost.” 


“And even if you managed to win, what do you hope to do?”

“Achieved peace.” 

“No. After that. What would you do in your days?”


“That’s what I thought. You really have no idea what would you do after that. Your decisions in this time was completely irrational... but that what Dark Energy does to a person. You lost to Kaiser in your world, lost your way, attack the Breakers who have the determination to win and bested you. Your existence as of now is a failure. Admit that you lost and ends this.” 

Doom stared down at his bare hands. One hand, he see his own, on the other, he sees the destructive state of dark energy. The bones was clear, the skin was burnt off from the overused of Voice’s power. “No.”


“I will never admit defeat.”

“Not even Dark Energy can force that out of you. Tell me, doctor. What does that mean to be determined?”

“…It means…” Doctor Doom paused. “It means….” Everything around Doom lite up like a fiery storms, as his true body is on the verge of explosion.

Spina sweated a bit. “Looks like he’d about to blow.” Seeing Raune tossing his lances towards the witches. “If they hit him with that attack, everyone is about to get taken out. Cross, Vessava and Gervene! Make the strongest barrier you can put up on everyone! We don’t have time to take second guesses!” Spina went over to Cuki, seeing her in such a state. “Hold on a little longer.” He created a powerful water barrier on everyone—so everyone can have multiple barriers once Doom hits total meltdown.
Barachi and Gervene worked together in creating a massive energy barrier, while Gervene applied her Energy of Destruction to it in order to repel the vast majority of the blast should it come, Barachi's part went to a different direction, projecting a shield reminiscent of the Android Barrier mixed with something hidden in-between, which wasn't visible outright as the exterior of the energy barrier they had formed around themselves and gradually expanding it to shield everyone within range showed a mix of a brilliant jade-green and pink outlined sphere, with volatile purple and black flames surrounding it like a triple-colored sun, as both Barachi and Gervene braced for impact, waiting for the others to be either engulfed and protected by this barrier, or have those capable of forming similar energy barriers link up with theirs for added protection, as even Gervene wasn't sure that their triple barrier would be enough.
The ground nearby the gathered warriors in the shield suddenly cracked and smashed downwards, Vessava's body soon reforming shortly after. The fusion panted lightly, rising up to their feet with a cocky grunt.

"You call that a barrier?!"

The fusion threw up their arms, a thunderous roar erupting outward with the flare of the silver fire. The multi colored shades of energy in green and pink covered with black flames swirled only for a few more seconds, a sudden half dome of steel-like energy merely expanding out and easily dispersing the former shield. Silver fire radiated out from the ground, the intense heat radiating above.

Vessava broke out into a toothy smirk, lowering one arm down and maintaining the barrier with the other.

"Ha...I got this! One hand will do!"
Lambdadelta leaned back to change the direction of the cookie's trajectory, driving it away from Doom's body just before the massive explosion of power came from his mouth. The witches locked eyes before looking over their shoulders to Raune's callout. Each of them thrust their arms out to catch a lance.

Bernkastel held the blue one with her bare hands, her hair lifting slightly as she felt the residual effect of the electricity within the lance. Lambdadelta caught the white lance and dug her heels into the platform she and Bern stood on.

"Thank you, everyone..." Lambda smiled. "To last this far using your determination to persist... I'm proud, as a witch and a comrade. You can rest now.Just don't let your barriers down, okay?!" Turning away upon seeing the barriers fully generate, she nodded to Bernkastel. "They're ready for us to do it."

"Good! Ready, aim..."

Both of them reeled back their arms, the lances radiating crackling electricity as Lambda made their mobile cookie propel forward at high velocity; each steadied their aim right for the center of Doom's body where they believed Voice was the source of the pending implosion. 

"FIRE!!!" Both shouted.

The girls threw their lances at the same time, the weapons sailing right for Doom as they ignited like electrified meteors. Lambda immediately turned the cookie around so they can gain sufficient distance.


Waldo watched the action unfold above them, clutching his bag at his side. He pointed at the amassed barriers. "Odlaw-- uphold!" He commanded in a booming voice. The ghostly apparition attached to his body held up its arms to generate a peripheral force field as secondary support for the other barriers.

"Brace for impact!"
“Getting cocky eh!? Two egos combined into one will be troublesome!” Spina seen the lance launched towards Doom. “Stand strong everyone!” He held onto Cuki tighter, as Zenta is also protected by the barriers.

The booming energy is no longer contained. When Doom’s eyes returned to normal, he see nothing but pure light emitting out of the cracks around his body. The lance slammed into the middle of it, releasing so much energy from the combination of Bernkastel, Lambdadelta and Raune, that his body completely being ripped apart by the violent energy. The doctor narrowed his eyes as he tried to say something, but he exploded violently.
The first strike from the explosion was a powerful wave. It instantly shattered everything around it into specks of dust. The ground, the remaining parts of the ceiling, the walls, everything turned into nothingness. Afterwards, came intense heat that encompassed everything. It melted any remaining parts that somehow managed to survive the first initial shockwave. Then finally, the actual destructive blast. Turning into a white blinding light, the powerful explosion completely encompassed everything in all direction. No matter which side they looked too, it was nothing more than pure, white light.

The barriers protecting all the Breakers took the brute force of the blast—and few barriers completely got shattered, but the at the end, the remaining barriers managed to hang on, barely, as the explosion lasted for several minutes.




Five minutes had passed after the explosion, all the Breakers were on a floating rock in the open depths of space with the remaining dozens of universes still floating around. As the blinding light disperse, the room they were on was completely gone. Any traces of Doom was completely gone—no sign of white energy, no signs of anything. There was a large world, outside the reach of the Breakers (meaning, they cannot reach, contact anyone or sense any lifeforce by any means) was a new world forming due to Doom’s last second effort. The barriers around them were one moment away from completely shattering.

Spina sweated a bit, landing on the ground. “Damn… putting that barrier up worn my ass out.” He turns to Cuki, seeing her in such a state. “Hey kid! You’re alright?”
Cross dos cast a spell to help blocking the explosion.


Cross thinks as the remaining Jacks disappear "As expected form the blast."  Cross summons some tea and starts to drink it.
Following the explosions, Raune held onto his body, the blue force field that normally protected him shattering into dozens of pieces as at last, his aura was broken. He collapsed onto his knees, staring outwards wordlessly as Doom's new world, trying to recover.
Both Gervene and Barachi held onto their combined barriers as much as they could, which were among the few barriers which held, but were close to giving way.

Gervene looked at Barachi, noting that the fused warrior was panting, veins were visibly potruding over the bare skin on the arms and legs as Barachi's outfit was in tatters, only around her chest and hips area were intact pieces to retain her modesty, and there were some scratches here and there as well as some veins had burst open, although Bara's regeneration was gradually kicking in to repair the damage done.

Gervene herself wasn't unscathed either however, noting the numerous bruises she had from the explosion, but she looked still in better shape than Barachi, regeneration aside...
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