The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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The first Remnant had white lightning surge within his eyes, following Bern's orders of continuing to surge the hand with electricity to keep it from properly functioning, but between shocks from his sword he utilized his super speed, running over to one of the fingers that had been firing energy blasts. Grabbing a hold of it, he pulled it back at the joint until it would snap and break, preventing it from being used. He then went back to surging the hand with lightning from his semblance, ensuring continual spasms.

Have to destroy this thing, just in case!

- - - - -

The second Remnant, the real Raune, looked up with his ears perking towards Doom's declaration. He got up from where he was sitting on the ground and pulled Stormruler into his hand, dashing off towards Doom and Vegetto as a blur of black suit, blue lightning coursing around him, and a blade with a blue shine of killing intent. Despite how fast he was moving, he came to a complete and sudden stop right against Doom, to the side of Vegetto. Stormruler was impaled through the Doctor, drawing whatever liquid would come from the other side, the speedster's monster mask looking to Doom.

"I've been waiting all this fight for this moment." He stated, twisting the blade in Doom's stomach, attempting to draw out out the very energy the Doctor claimed would keep him immortal, utilizing Stormruler's energy adsorbing property. The same property responsible for Whitestorm's creation, and for this version of the Flash. Trying to take away Doom's immortality.

"Kill him! Kill him before he can recover any of his energy!" He said to Vegetto.
Bernkastel began to fly around the tussle going on between the arm and the Leviathan, intending to take full advantage of Raune's stuns. As she moved through the air, she gathered purple energy in her hands and began to fire energy beams on the exposed parts of the arm to further the process of its destruction. The Leviathan itself thrashed around as it sunk its teeth into the arm, using the immense pressure of its bite to tear the flesh apart with sawing motions.

"How much longer?" She asked herself impatiently. "It's like having an arm wrestle over here!"

"Zenta's down for the moment now..." Lambdadelta muttered. "Criminy, just what kind of thing are we going to end up dealing with later?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now it's not of absolute danger to us." Waldo stood, taking a defensive stance in response to the winds whipping up again. All this time, his mouth had been frozen to a chiseled grimace, but it finally upturned into a smirk.
"Be ready to jump in yourself, Pinkie. I've got a feeling... like something's about to happen but I don't know what."

"If that means what I think it means, we're in big trouble." Lambdadelta stepped forward in front of Zenta, making a circle with her thumb and index finger before blowing a bubblegum barrier around him so he could recuperate in peace. "Take a good long nap, big guy. So, what's your plan Waldo?"

"We're going to hold out just a little longer. But before it's too late, we should test that theory of his."

"Sounds good, just try not to die before then, okay? I don't do well under pressure you know." Lambda chuckled nervously.
"Your dream is dead, Doom!" Brachi snarled, charging up her own strongest attack, the Mystic Spirit, before she spotted Majin Bara having used her energy to make the machine collapse, even using the Ill Flash to blast more volatile energy on it to ensure it would be able to repair itself, while also providing cover to whoever had contacted her as well as Voice, noticing there was something going on.

Gervene also had seen the actions, her own Energy of Destruction aura blazing forth around her.

"Foolish mortal who thinks he can decide the fate of the universes..." Gervene said, her voice stern and cold as she clearly had enough of Doom, "it is not YOUR job to create and destroy things on a whim, or for the sake of 'balance', if that is your cause, since when it comes to the latter, that's MY job!"

With that, Gervene created four small purple and black Hakai spheres, before proceeding to merge them into a single one, causing the sphere to grow in size, preparing to fire at any moment, while also using that energy as a shield for herself and anyone within range, as any other attack or debris directed at her would be irrevocably destroyed. It was clear that Gervene took pride in her job as the Goddess of Destruction, trying her best to maintain the balance in her universe, vaguely recalling Hakai'ing a wizard, which looked like some kind of humanoid goat about 10 million years ago... she couldn't come up with his name, but that didn't matter for now. The Goddess chuckled as she found herself fighting side by side with someone of the 'lower' realms from the same universe she was in, and Gervene had to admit, she had grown a bit fond of Brachi as a friend, especially now that she had impressed her with the sudden progress she had shown so far... if only Doom wasn't in the way and stirring things up the way he did...
The giant arm scrambled around as it was being bombarded with attacks from Bernkastel. Unable to fend it off, its flesh were being tore away and drifted in space before exploding into fireworks. Its fingers broken by Raune and constantly being struck by lightning which halted its movements, it decided to release one more attack as a last-ditch effort. Building up energy on its pinkie finger as the beast chomped down its flesh. It fired off a powerful beam of energy which hurled downwards, passing both Bernkastel and Raune, instantly, before its body was completely ripped into shreds.

Moments before this, Doom narrowed his eyes after the blade impaled through his stomach. He squint as the true Raune twisted the blade in attempt to absorb the energy that burns within him. Vegetto, Brachi and Gervene charging their attacks towards him as Raune attempts to remove his “immortality”.

Doom simply laugh.

“Your words mean nothing.” Doom smiled as the blood drips down from the blade towards the ground. “There won’t be a next time, because Doom has won.” His eyes widened when he sense the Voice under the pile of rubbished.

In less than the second, in between Doom, Raune, Vegetto, Kassava, Cuki, Brachi and Gervene, a gigantic amount of energy from the destroyed arm above came down against the ground. An powerful, pure concentrated energy created an explosion of pure white light, blowing everyone away and blinding them in the process.

Doom dashed forward, pushing the true Raune out of the way as the Stormruler remains in his stomach, heading towards the destroyed machine. Arriving after passing everyone, and the blinding light disappeared, he dig through the rubbish trying to find the voice to fully use his powers to the fullest, until someone appeared in front of him.

“Looking for this?”

Doom lifted his head up, narrowing his eyes. “You!?”

Missing an arm and holding the tired voice on the other, the old Saiyan smirked. “I cut my arm off just in a nick of time; I won’t be erased that easily.” Spina smiled. He looked at the Stormruler, Raune's weapon, still attached to his body. Narrowing his eyes, he nodded. “Ah… this is perfect.”
Brachi and Gervene both blinked at this, right as Majin Bara joined them on Brachi's other side, winking at the two.

"Like I said before, NEVER underestimate a Majin!" Brachi said, smiling at Bara, who nodded at this.

"Great job." Gervene said, a genuine smile on her face as she complimented Brachi's bestie like that, with Bara herself preparing to assist them, having some more tricks up her sleeve while she was at it.
Cross says "even if you could not be killed. There are far worst fates than death Victor." Cross' curse is only growing stronger and starting to do more.

The Jack's are seeing what doom is going to do next.
Byakko-Cuki was about to make another attack but the explosion caught her off guard and the girl flung back. She skidded to a stop as her eyes squinted at the blinding light that affected her. Cuki swatted at her eyes, growling in annoyance as her spotted vision slowly started to come back. She glared at Doom, bracing her body before dashing out in a run on all fours. Suddenly, midway in her sprint, the ki-beast stopped, staring directly at the familiar energy signature coming from Spina. Cuki stared right at Spina, rage and pain turning to confusion and calmness. 

"" Byakko-Cuki said with an echoed, gargled voice.

Byakko-Cuki stayed in her spot, not moving an inch, however, it was apparent how Cuki struggled to keep that control. Grunts and whimpers were heard from her as the ki controlling her forced her to take one step to Doom. As Cuki struggled for control, her gaze never left Spina, almost as if the disbelief of him coming back snapped her out of her senses. She was still prone to attack the others, her control not strong enough to spare them; however, she remained calm, almost as if seeing her friends gave her the strength to control herself. 

The second Remnant was knocked back from the explosion, which temporarily shut down his senses. He managed to get back up and run over to where Doom was standing, ready to take back his weapon, while the first Remnant fell down onto the ground on his feet.
Bernkastel breathed a silent sigh of relief that the beam hadn't done any more harm than a widespread explosion-- it wasn't ideal, but nobody seemed too harmed by it.

"That was exhausting even with help... glad that's over with. The adrenaline rush was pleasant at least, I guess that's part of the appeal for these sorts of brawls." Her bestial emissary summon converged in on her after they watched the arm disintegrate, the felines returning from whence they came. Bern landed lightly on the ground next to the first Raune, eyebrows raised in surprise at Spina's reappearance. "Goodness, it looks like we missed out on some of the action while we were at it."

"Ohoho! No matter how smart the creator is, every blueprint's got a flaw. Good job, you two!" Lambdadelta piped up from behind a ballistic shield made of popcorn bits, which toppled on her command and floated around her body. "I s'pose losing an arm is a small price to pay for breaking out your little blobby friend."

"Impressive move to corner your opponent with at the last minute," Bern remarked. "But he's still standing after all this time? What gives?"

"He's apparently given himself true permanence-- we can't erase him like he can do to us." Waldo relented.

"And that machine caging the Voice was apparently indestructible, but you freed him in the nick of time." Bernkastel's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Perhaps the only one who knows for sure would be the Voice-- if he's still awake."

"In that case...!" Grinning mischievously, Lambdadelta threw her red chain around Doom without warning, intending to lasso his arms in place and confine him where he stood before Spina and the others.
Spina’s eyes drifted from Doom to Cuki, seeing her in a strange form. He remember, faintly, such state she took on during her battle against Demi-Fiend with Kassava. “What’s wrong, Cuki? You had so much overflowing power within you, but you look like you can pop off any second. Just to control yourself, would ya? Didn’t lose an arm for you to break down.” He joked as he shook the voice. “Brachi and Kassava… you two looks amazing with that new powers going on. Looks like the ladies had to carry the weight around here. Hey, even Cross is pretty damn serious… no wonder Doom is in the position right now.”

The old Saiyan took a quick stare at his missing arm. “This is a small price, but it was worth it. Bara, thank you for assisting me back there… couldn’t had done it without you.”

Doom felt his body chained up as the curse that invades his body grows stronger. “Breakers, is making it home clouding your judgement that you will prevent me from bringing everlasting peace?”

Spina continued shaking the voice to wake him up. “Yeah, but I think based on this battle, you are clearly had no remorse of killing those that stand against your way. So that peace you talk about it… nah. You lose Doom. Hey! Wake up! Do something with this guy’s immorality.” He turned his head slightly to the true Raune, nodding at him a bit. It seems that Spina has an idea.

The voice slowly opened his eyes. “Yeah… just give me two more minutes… I’m extremely tired….” The voice’s tone was sluggish.






Doom narrowed his eyes upon hearing the term “lose” land on his ears. His face changed; his eyes red with anger as foam formed on each side of his mouth. “Lose…?!” He wiggled his foot, activating a command where a small booster on the bottom of his metal feet seared off. Boosting forward, Doom dive straight towards Spina, intending to get to the Voice.

Spina narrowed his eyes as Doom came to him but did nothing. He simply let Doom grabbed the Voice with his mouth. Crashing onto the ground afterwards, Spina step aside in a calm manner as he smile. “There we go.” Said in a determined tone.

Doom chomped down on the Voice as quickly as he could until he was fully devoured. As he swallow, he turned his head around to face the Breakers; the redness in his eyes glistering at each heavy breath he takes. “Doom losing is not acceptable. I won’t let you misfits win.”

A powerful aura of energy twirl around the mad doctor, a gigantic beam launched upwards towards the endless space as the room began to totally collapse. His wounds did not heal, but he ended all affiliations that invade his body as he managed to absorb absolutely everything from the voice. “I will not let this end on me losing once again! Never!”

Doctor Doom raise his hands in the air and clenched them. All the remaining universes, expect for a dozen, rapidly exploded. Right afterwards, trails of lights, in the quintillions, stream across space to a singular point: Reality Vortex. The Breakers forced his hand; he was going to create a whole new existence and we won’t let a pack take him down. Not the Breakers. Not the Black Kaiser. No one.

His body was undergoing a rapid change… due to absorbing all the voice’s power, he was able to unleash to the absolute fullest. Doom’s body expand dramatically, becoming bigger than ever. Veins became more prominent across his muscles; his bones, due to the damage he sustained, were sticking out of his back, legs and arms. The sword, despite Doom’s changes on the verge on being unstable, still impaled through his stomach.

“Gervene, you said that I have no authority on making the balance… You are wrong. I AM THE AUTHORITY! I AM DOOM!” He raised his finger and form a small orb. He taps it once and it expanded so greatly, it completely encompass the entire room. “Supreme… Doom.” He uttered, pouring all energy into that attack that sits above him. It cannot be negated or countered; but Doom himself is still susceptible to attacks.
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