The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Gervene on her turn tossed a few more Hakai spheres at the hand with the universe, when she suddenly felt Kassava power up as the area got coated in the galaxy-formation of light particles, making her stare at Kassava for a moment, crossing her lower arms.

"Well then, this is going to get interesting." She said, knowing what Kassava was about to reach, or had reached if that already was the case, but then her attention was caught by Brachi, whom also had started powering up.

On her turn however, Brachi was in an inner turmoil herself.... standing on one part of the platform, hunched over, her eyes closed tightly shut and gritting her teeth, it was as if the amalgamate was preparing to go all out for this... however, her Kaio-ken aura was not appearing this time, instead her Super Saiyan Blue hair started to shimmer and glow, while her entire body was trembling.

"I............. have.......... to............." Brachi said in between grunts, while Majin Bara was staring at her bestie in wonder, what she was up to...

Throughout all this time, Brachi was still confused as to what the place she was in at was as a whole and why she was brought here in the first place, in the midst of a battle which was going on at the time. She did try to make the best of things, even though there was still things left unanswered for her... but these thoughts didn't matter that much to Brachi... her TRUE thoughts lied with her friends whom were still back in her home universe, except for Lady Gervene and Majin Bara whom happened to be here with her, but she cared just as much about her other friends as she did about those two... and seeing her universe being erased just like that because of that Doom guy was sending her nerves on a spin. She wanted them back, and she was ready to go through everything that was necessary... and now that she had recognized Doom as the major threat he represented, coupled with how he could easily erase her as if she was nothing, was driving Brachi mad... and now that the danger had presented herself to the fullest, and seeing others breaching through their limits within this fashion, coupled with the battles the amalgamate had faced before with her friends, especially her Majin bestie, Brachi had to breach through hers if she wanted to stand a chance against any future threats. And she would have to do this in her own way!

Gervene watched as Brachi's cyan-blue aura took a more darker shade of royal blue, surprising the Goddess of Destruction, followed by a blue spark within Brachi's eyes. Emitting a mighty yell, Brachi then stood upright as the darker blue aura blazed forth around her, the gusts of wind emitting from that would likely distract Doom enough for Kassava to make her move.

"Just what are you doing, Brachi?! You're going to tear yourself apart if you go too far!" Gervene thought, concerned for her mortal friend.
Cross says "Cute Victor but my counter is far more damming." Doom's hands punching cross start to freeze and Doom is starting to get weaker. This was some thing is some thing that will take time to recover form.

The wisps and the Jack-o-lantern grown more powerful to the point that all the wisps have become Jack-o-Lantern. The group of jacks start more actively preventing doom form recover.

Cross says "Gerverne she going be fine. My regeneration spell is still in effect on all you that are still alive."
"Ack! This! Is! So annoying!" Lambdadelta grunted between each hit, feeling like she was getting sandwiched between two pistons. "Can't you come up with something more creative than throwing oversized tongue fists!?" She gasped loudly to force her lungs to retain air, fighting back by throwing more of her explosive candies at the arm facing her front in order to deal enough damage for her to escape.

Meanwhile, Bernkastel was stunned by the first blow since she had been caught off guard followed by the second fist's barrage. "Damn it, I have to get out of here!" She strained to speak due to lack of room for breathing in. A scowl permanently fixed on her face, she was forced to keep taking hits while thinking up of a solution to get out of the trap. But she was going to end up forced out of her human form if she didn't calm down and think in time... and it really wasn't a good idea to fight a megalomaniac in the form of a cat. Teleportation wasn't yet an option, it wouldn't outspeed the fists.

With a loud grunt, she thrust out her hands to either side of her, the scythe parallel to her arms. Giant crystal shards the size of ballistic shields formed at her sides to restrict the impact of the arms. The scythe was the only thing keeping the arms from slamming into her body again. The crystals were already cracking under the force but she finally got to breathe. To focus.

"Bern!" Lambdadelta's cry alerted her, catching her gaze on Lambda who was pointing frantically at the 3rd arm that was charging the White Beam. "Get out of there!" Lambda screamed.

Bernkastel stared dead ahead at the finger intent on erasing her, glaring at the sight of the white beam charging up. Silently she took out the konpeito candy she had pocketed from Lambda in the battle with Wordplay, studying it leisurely despite the sheen of sweat on her face and the multidude of danger around her. The cracks of the crystals were getting louder and just as the beam fired off towards Bern, they parted in half from the sheer pressure exerted by the fists on either side of her.

Sighing, she took the candy and bit into it with reckless abandon; the spiked candy glowed and ignited from the abrupt friction, detonating with the force it was expected to have, knowing Lambdadelta.
Lambda, in the middle of her own struggle against the fists, threw out the mace end of her chain and watched it wrap around the charging arm. With a pained grin, she was about to taunt that she caught him red-handed before pulling, but the words stopped in her throat when she watched the beam fire.

"NO!" She yelled out, squirming her way out between the fists trying to reach Bernkastel. But just as the beam closed in, Lambda was blinded by the explosion that radiated out from where Bern was standing. She shielded her face from the oncoming debris of crystal and candy. After the smoke cleared, Bern was gone from her spot between the fists that had pinned her in place. Lambdadelta's mouth was agape like a fish out of water, in disbelief.

"...Not bad. But not good enough-- Witches don't die that easily. Let alone one with nine lives."

Bernkastel's voice cut in as particles of her body came back together and reformed on the back of the chained-wrapped hand that attempted to erase her. She held her scythe nonchalantly, but smoke billowed off of her tattered dress and half of her face was blown off on the side that had bitten into the candy. Her hair was choppy and singed, but other than the healing wound to her face, Bernkastel narrowly avoided the beam by forcing space created by the explosion long enough to successfully teleport from its grip.

"I'm very disappointed you think me so lowly that pulverizing me would be your trump card against me. At least I could admire Wordplay's futile extravagance." Bernkastel raised her scythe high above her head, the blade glowing once more. "Dreams are byproducts molded by the illusions of one's own reality that exists opposite to the realities others live by. But the brutality of the truth is beyond even the wildest of dreams."

The blade increased in size, extending through the other side into the size of a crescent moon for a blade.

"Your dream isn't any of those. I'll cut your madman's delusion to pieces!" Bern shouted, swinging it as she flew through the air towards the arm that had burst out of the ceiling and grabbing onto a universe. She drove the scythe into it, screaming a battle cry at the top of her lungs.

Waldo leaped forward at the arm Lambda chained up. "Odlaw! We're gonna break some bones!" Reeling his arms back, he started to strike all along the arm. Attached to his body appeared a ghostly apparition that seemed almost twice his size in terms of muscle density. The ghost looked almost identical to him, but sported a black and yellow sweater with a moustache framing its sinister grin.

"C'mere!" It shouted in a menacing echo, unleashing a whirlwind of bone-breaking punches at all the weak points Lambda's chain had left open for Odlaw to maximize the brunt of its crushing blows.

"Get him Kass! We'll keep him open!" Lambdadelta started destroying what remained of the arms that attacked her using her flurry of candy attacks, one hand pulling on the chain to keep the arm still enough for Waldo to turn into nothing more than a fleshy noodle.
“White this, white that, when are you going to-!” The first Remnant taunted, looking as the hands were revived, only to fall silent with the wind blasting behind him. His eyes narrowed in concern, his ears falling down, and tail raising upwards in alarm. He slowly looked behind him, turning around to watch Kavassa get up off the ground and prepare to move for Doom.

“What, is this?” He asked dumbfounded, before shaking himself out of his stupor and before bolting away towards from Kass.

- - - - -

The second Remnant looked at the rapidly changing battlefield conditions, showing concern for the first time in the fight. Burning power, mist filling the field, Doom’s repeated onslaughts, it was becoming too much. As the mist cleared however, he saw a streak of black blur and white lightning lightning heading towards him. He crouched down and got ready. In a movement that took less than a second due to the speed of both participants, the second Remnant flipped the first into the air. A sonic boom rang out from the sheer speed of the super human lift and the even more super human jump, combined with a detonation an aura discharge in the form of a white ring moving outwards from the first Remnant's feet. The first went flying into the air, right for the hand carrying a universe downwards, sword glowing with lightning.

The second Remnant panted for a moment before looking around the battlefield, and sitting down, believing there was nothing left he could assist with.
(Sorry about my lateness in all this, kiddos! Here's a mega post with cool stuff.)

With Whis' body fading away before her very eyes, Cuki stood in both disbelief and shock. There was no reaction from her, almost as if her body was trying to process what she saw. When she finally realized Whis was gone, Cuki lowered her eyes to the ground and whispered something that was barely heard. The little Saiyan stared at the last spot where she saw Whis, Spina, Raune, and Detective Vegeta.

"They just wanted to go home... They just wanted to... go...home..."

Cuki stood in place as she watched Doom attack the others. The white energy that was consuming her started to move faster in order to cover most of her body. It was so much energy that some of it pooled around her body. as any sort of debris got close, it immediately got vaporized by the energy surrounding her. The white ki bubbled, eating away at Cuki's flesh and mind. Immense heat and pressure was felt radiating from her small body, her mouth still mumbling nonsense. Despite all the chaos going on around her, all she heard were the voices of her friends.

...not sure how a Saiyan suddenly looks like a cat of some kind based on your fur... It's kinda cute though.

Listen kid, don’t try too hard. You did alright. I acknowledge your strength, Cuki...

Oh my, what a delicious dish! Your culinary skills are remarkable, Cuki..!

Her right eye, the only part of her body not covered with white energy was seen full of tears as she dropped to her knees and let out a muffled scream of sorrow. The area around her body was slowly warping and distorting by the amount of energy escaping her tiny frame and how powerful it is. Similar to the form Kassava saw back when Cuki fought Demi-Fiend, the energy completely consumed Cuki and turned her into a new being with no control over its actions. Cuki grabbed her head, trying her best to regain control somehow but it was all in vain. As the small girl struggled to control herself, the last thing she remembered was seeing her hand reach out to Doom before the ki consumed and overtook her eye. From there, Cuki's vision and mind went dark.

"Well, well, what have we here..." A familiar voice rung out within Cuki's head. "Back so soon, little Cuki? And here I thought you had more control."

"I want to kill Doom..." Cuki said as she floated aimlessly in the darkness. "With your power, I can avenge my fallen friends."

"Is that what this is all about? My, you mortals are quite fickle creatures..." The Tiger god purred. "You crave power. Your desire to stop Doom is intoxicating... Yes, that burning passion. It's simply enticing."

Byakko walked out from the darkness surrounded by a white mist and followed by a beautiful white tiger. The God smirked as he approached Cuki and circled her, eyeing her down like prey. He gently wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind her and placed his chin on top of her head. He effortlessly waved his hand in front of the two before the darkness was immediately swallowed up by the white room Cuki was familiar with. His voice was low captivating as he spoke to Cuki, occasionally scratching one of her ears.

"Tell me Cuki, do all living creatures have an emotional attachment to each other?" Byakko said as he twirled a lock of Cuki's hair on his finger. "Why do you care for those who are gone? Do you believe they would've done the same for you simply because they said a couple of nice things to you? Are they willing to give it all up for the sake of a friend? For you? You are about to make a sacrifice without even knowing the answer... Perhaps we made the mortals a little too feisty or a little too stupid."

There was no response from Cuki, her blank dead stare facing the wall. Byakko chuckled before releasing Cuki and casually walking back to his luxurious chaise longue throne.

"Very well, you want the power to defeat Doom. I can easily grant you power beyond your wildest dreams, Cuki," Byakko said as he rested on his lounge throne, his icy blue stare never leaving Cuki. "But are you willing to take the risks that come with it? You barely have any control as it is..."

"What are the risks?" Cuki finally spoke up. 

The God lifted his arm to point towards the large scroll overhead. It began to shift and distort the image until both he and Cuki were viewing the battle on the outside. Cuki's eyes widen as she took a step forward, her attention snapping back to the situation of her Master and her friends. Her ears flicked upon hearing the shift in Byakko's tone; a mix of sadism and authoritative. 

"You will be completely overwhelmed with the amount of power I will shower you with, so much so that your physical body will not be able to contain it. In return, you will need to attempt to control it up to my standards. If you succeed, you will gain the power to enter my chambers on will. However, should you fail..." Byakko turned to Cuki and gave her a menacing smirk, his eyes glowing with hunger. "You lose your humanity."

"My humanity..?" Cuki said in a hushed whisper.

"Yes. The Cuki everyone knows will be gone and I will replace your steps, or rather, erase what you had. You will stay here, in my chambers, forever, watching as I live your life. Your sense of morality, vitality, and all those precious memories will fade away until you cease to be. You will lose the sense of who you are until you simply disappear here in this chamber and your friends will be none the wiser..." Byakko snapped his fingers and suddenly his white tiger pounced on Cuki and dragged her towards him by the back of her jacket. "Is this a risk you are willing to take? Is losing your humanity worth saving their lives?"

Cuki was dropped on the floor before Byakko's throne. She grunted as she quickly lifted her head to see the ongoing battle from the scroll on the wall. She saw Doom aim his sights on Bernkastel and her Master. She did not want anyone else to get hurt so she slowly pushed herself up to her feet and glaring down at Byakko who appeared to be having a thrill seeing her struggle. The Saiyan girl balled her hands into fists before thinking over her options. 

I barely had control the first time I came here and he's going to be pumping even more power, way beyond anything I will ever handle. I... I might not have a chance. No, I know I don't have a chance... If I lose then I lose my humanity... I'll lose everything. Cuki thought to herself before turning her gaze back to the fight.

"Have you made a decision, little Cuki~? Do you still want my power knowing the risk?" 

There was a small pause before Cuki finally spoke up, her voice confident.

"Let's do this."

Cuki's body slumped and appeared lifeless for a moment before she dropped on all fours and let out an ear splitting yell. Her white ki began to morph her body to give it the shape of a large flaming white tiger with Byakko-Cuki in the center. The flames were the unstable ki that instantly burned anything it touched. Cuki no longer appeared human and her entire body shook with an uncontrollable urge to stop Doom. This was no longer Cuki. Byakko-Cuki's black markings lit up slightly as she stared directly towards Doom, eyes full of rage and hostility.

Zenta crossed his arms over his chest in order to hopefully block the hit from the incoming Doom Arm. He was still weak from the attack earlier and he was trying to gather all his ki again. Thanks to Cross' magical healing spell, he felt the process speed up. As he was about to make a move, he saw the arm sliced in half with Vegetto floating nearby. He smiled at the fusion.

"Thank you Vegetto. I am in your debt. Perhaps I can aid you in--" Zenta's sentence was cut short by sensing a large amount of ki. He turned to the source and noticed Cuki in her uncontrolled state. "Cuki!"

Byakko-Cuki gave no response and immediately rushing towards Doom. However, Zenta and Vegetto were in her way, so she lifted her hand which lifted the massive paw of the ki-tiger. She slapped both fighters out of her way as she continued forward towards Doom. Zenta was sent flying before crashing through some rubble and regaining his composure shortly after. He frowned at the state of his student, knowing and remembering this type of transformation. His ears went flat, his voice was more annoyed than surprised.

"Oh my, not again..."
Doom narrowed his eyes as each of his hands is getting sliced, destroyed or obliterated by the Breakers. His concerned over the main one holding the universe in its grasp, allowed the enough ample of time for surge of powers erupting in Brachi, Cuki and Kassava. The galaxy like particles floating around, the transitional feelings of a celestial being erupting within Cuki and the ascension of levels burning within Brachi.

Eyes widened at their flowing powers that nearly engulfed the room with their fiery aura, Doom made a swift decision for his next move. He bite down, releasing the final arm that is holding the universe to act on its own as he deals with Kassava and the others rushing towards him. Unable to recover due to Cross’ interference, Doctor Doom relied on total offense against those coming towards him.

He raised one leg in the air, slamming onto the ground to taunt them. “Come on!” Doom's eyes grew in anger as he smile like a madman. Doom roared as his body gave off a glistering shine. His body bubbled when tapping more energy within his body to use. Doom crossed his arms, forcing so much energy within them that his muscles burst as string of large planets appeared in front of him.


You’re in the presence of DOOM. When DOOM speaks, YOU YIELD!

Energy erupted everywhere from his body as he roared. He pushed the line of planets, including a gigantic star at the end, towards Kassava, Cuki and Brachi. Surrounding with powerful white energy, they cannot be negated; they have to be destroyed by pure, physical force. Doom flew towards it as well, knowing that they might, no, WILL, crash through the planets to put them in an all-out brawl. Doom’s eyes narrowed in determination for a battle on a universal scale is coming to erupted the moment they crashed in a series of punches and kicks.


The hand with the universe was pushed back by the scythe, but unlike the other hands, it appeared to have a conscious on its own. It swung around erratically to remove the scythe stuck on its flesh and fling the witch off. Raising its middle finger, it began charging up the white beam, firing it towards Bernkastel in rapid succession in hopes of forcing her out of the way. It’s currently unaware that Raune is approaching it.


“Hey, Bara! Can you hear me!?”
Bara blinked as she heard a voice in her head.

"Y... yes, I can hear you... who are you?!" she asked, finding the voice oddly familiar to her.


With a deafening roar, Brachi broke through her limits as a royal blue glow surrounded her, a sudden shockwave being emitted that nearly matched the gusts of wind which Kassava's power up had produced before. As the glow died down, Brachi stood with a now blue flaming aura surrounding her, the yellow outline around it having vanished. Her hair and eyes had taken on a deeper shade of blue, and her form overall seemed to even have gained some muscle, although she retained her athletic, feminine form as to not hinder her in terms of speed. She had also noticed that Doom was sending various celestial bodies towards them, being planets and a large star, making her narrow her eyes before turning to Gervene, whom nodded at her, the Goddess of Destruction proceeding to assist Brachi by firing Hakai spheres at those bodies, knowing that those planets and stars hit by it would irrevocably be destroyed, even if they had to break through Doom's energy first.

"I pray to NO ONE, Doom," Brachi spoke as she prepared to go on the offensive, "in the end, it is YOU who has to yield!"

With that, Brachi charged forward, noticing that Bara looked as if she was planning something from the corner from her eyes, opting to ensure her Majin bestie was safe while she was at it.
Vegetto had turned his head to address Zenta, but suddenly yelped in being knocked out of the way by Byakko-Cuki charging past the two. He flipped downwards in a rapid spiral, but soon caught himself and landed with a devastating crash onto the floor that kicked up massive amounts of dirt and rock in his wake. He straightened himself upright, his silver eyes wide in watching the three Saiyan women charging forward all at once.


In a silent explosion of wind, Kassava suddenly rocketed forward in an unseen dash. The ground underneath her kicked up in the powerful surge of energy entire seconds after she had already passed, the light around her hair and eyebrows solidifying like cooling steel in the intense silver of Ultra Instinct. Her eyes shot open, the pupils matching the same color of her hair as energy rolled off them.

She reached the first planet hurtling towards her and Brachi in the dash, and in a light tap of her left fist, sent the massive orb flying up into the realms of space high above at blinding speeds. Like massive soccer balls, Kassava rapidly worked through each planet at a speed fast enough that even caught Vegetto off guard in points where he wasn't fully paying attention. The planets all spiraled out and away, the gigantic star hurtling as the final target. Kassava's fierce glare remained the same, but instead, both of her hands shot forward to grip a minuscule portion of the surface mass itself. The silver fire erupted violently around her body, and her eyes shot open in a thunderous, ground shattering roar.

In a quick motion, Kassava tore the very star itself in half and hurled each piece in opposite directions to open up the battlefield. Being the first in the line of Doom's following up barrage of punches and kicks, she quickly threw up her arms in deflecting and parrying each hit as best she could. Her silent glare followed the man intensely, never diverting off to another person or distracting show of force from another fighter.
Byakko-Cuki rushed faster to Doom, fully aware of the planets rushing right at her. She lifted her arm and, in turn, lifted the arm of the Ki-Tiger. The tiger paw clawed the large planet heading directly towards her. The planet was sliced into three pieces before being sucked into a tear the claws made in the dimension. It was the same kind of attack Cuki used on Demi-Fiend back in their fight except the rip stayed for much longer, absorbing the debris made from the three Saiyan women. Byakko-Cuki let out a mighty roar before whipping her tail to slice any other incoming planets cleanly in half, each piece getting ripped apart and absorbed by the rips in the dimension. The Ki-Beast poised herself and eyed Doom, her rage getting worse and worse. Around the Ki-Tiger's paws began to form a fire made entirely of black energy. Each step the monster took left a burning pawprint. With the final planet coming her way, Byakko-Cuki rose up to her hind legs and gripped the surface of the planet before the energy surrounded it. Within moments, the planet was shrinking down until it was the size of a pebble, promptly disintegrating in the energy it was caught in. 

Byakko-Cuki yelled in pain as it was apparent how Cuki struggled to maintain control but the Ki-Tiger rushed towards Doom, aiming to grab him within her mouth and rip him apart.

"We should not interfere with the ladies, Vegetto," Zenta said as he dusted the fur on his arms. "I believe Lady Kassava and Lady Brachi have surpassed their limits, how wonderful. I suppose we should take this moment to regather our strength, it appears Doom is focused primarily on the ladies. I have to admit, Mr. Whis is an amazing mentor. Lady Brachi is no pushover either. Ohohoho~, I suppose I have to train Cuki just a tad further."

Zenta let out a sigh of relief but kept his gaze towards Cuki specifically, no doubt worried about her actions. He feared she could become a secondary threat aside from Doom and cause more problems than what they already have. The beast sat down, legs crossed between each other and used this time to carefully and quickly gather back his ki.
Cross thinks as the wreaking effect got worst on doom "I wonder how much longer is this fight."

Its now a given that the Jacks are not going to let doom recover.
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