The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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The shield protecting Doctor Doom had shattered upon impact, he was now exposed to all attacks. Realizing that his recovery is now jeopardized, he moved his move into action. The giant arm intended to smash the young Saiyan into the ground, but the sudden flames from Cross caused it to slip; it narrowly missed Cuki.

Doctor Doom’s eyes darted to the right to the incoming Final Kamehameha. The giant moved quickly, despite the damage, to block it. Pushed back slightly, Doom started out laughing like a manic. White energy was seemingly leaking out of his body, like a bottle having too much water. As his concentration hadn’t fully recovered, his back was exposed to literal billions of attacks launching at him at once; Doctor Doom was in no position to dodge. A gigantic shark dive in with its rugged teeth ready to tear his flesh apart.

Blow for blow, the last remaining call of Whis left upon Doctor Doom, his arm was unable to put in the strength to push back Brachi’s powerful attack and Lambdadelta’s fireworks. It ended up engulfed him like a fiery tornado, resulting a destructive explosion. The smoke kicked up upwards forming massive storm of clouds in shape of a mushroom.

Everything clears, but Doom, standing in one position, was riddled with opened holes, burn marks and scars. Left side of his face was blow off, revealing nothing more than a skull with no eyes and patches of flesh with flames searing off. He tried to muster up a word or two, but it was gibberish due to his tongue hanging out.

“What… a fool……” Doctor Doom managed to utter a statement out with a gleeful smile, despite panting heavily. “That’s…. four down.” He taunted the Breakers.
At the end of Doom's taunt came a thunderous roar from above, Vegetto erupting forward in a massive dash of surging silver energy. The flame like aura licked at the ground as he bolted forward, his right arm cocked back with violently, destructive fire boiling off into the wind behind him in the charge.

He roared at the top of his lungs once he closed the gap, throwing the punch with nearly all of his might into the exposed skull of Doom's face. The shockwave blasted the ground apart, and as the crater formed, Vegetto kept his momentum forward and angrily screamed with each fist and kick he threw in a desperate fury to pummel Doom in absolute rage.

Kassava lept up, her fists pulled back after being freed from the bondage by Bernkastel's swing. Her eyes had widened as well, managing to catch the last half Whis' farewell and widened her eyes. She cried out as well, but in seeing him disappear away, small trails of tears began to drip from the edges of her eyes. She whimpered slightly,  her silver pupils instantly fading away and reverting into her base form while she floated.

She barely had time to utter a word, however, before she heard the familiar voice ring out in her head with a happy tone.

"Ah splendid! It worked!"

Kassava blinked, glancing around. She gasped at the sudden sight of Whis floating next to her right, smiling down at her. He had changed back into his normal, godly attire, and held his scepter in one hand.

"Are you having as much fun as I am with this battle?"

To the other Breakers, Kassava seemed to be talking to no one in the middle of the air, her wide eyes looking over Whis in confusion.

" just said you were-"


Whis raised a finger to his lips, glancing to the other Breakers for a moment before turning back to Kassava.

"What I said was not a total lie, but perhaps, not the full truth: I do live on within your mind, Kassava."

He perked his eyebrows happily.

"I simply wanted to be a little more dramatic...especially to help Vegetto. He should be a much better husband now."

Kassava blinked, turning her head down for a moment to watch Vegetto's rage driven surge. She quickly turned back to Whis, her confusion strong in her expression.

"Then...what happens now?"

Whis kept his warm smile.

"We finish what we started. For now, I suppose the big issue is your emotions getting the better of you once again. Clear your mind, Kass, and remember our training. You are so close to unlocking Ultra Instinct, just a little more."
The wisps and Jack-o-lantern keep blasting doom. They are not going to let Doom recover.

Cross seems ready for doom to try anything.
Seeing Whis vanish had agitated Brachi even more, but to Gervene, it felt as if she had lost her attendant Vocat. Deciding that enough was enough, she powered a sphere of destruction in each of her four hands, before bringing her hands together, merging the spheres into a single one which promptly increased in size, at which Gervene raised her hands in the air, making the sun-like sphere grow even further in size, power and intensity. With her Energy of Destruction aura surrounding her, Gervene then added this energy to the sphere, wanting to make sure that Doom would be unable to block the attack, before tossing the attack towards him, the sphere now reaching the size of the Supernova attack utilized by Frieza and Cooler respectively, the sphere itself also acting like a temporal barrier as Bara helped Brachi recover her stamina from her last attack, using her Mend Beam discreetly to bring the amalgamate back up to speed, her Kaio-ken aura having ceased once more to conserve as much stamina as she could.
Doom’s head spun around four times from the initial impact. His neck in a twisted state, the doctor took a barrage of punches against his injured, burning body. Yet, he was cackling under his breath as Vegetto dips into the pit of rage.

It’s a joke to him.

“Are you seething in anger, boy? Is that what your personality is genuinely like?”

Doom catches Vegetto’s arms, preventing him from punching and kicking any further. He turned his neck around to its original position. “You didn’t take this battle seriously up until now. You thought it was just another mountain for your training. To satisfy that inch of a good match. And look what it cost.”

A small cell appeared on the eyehole, slowly forming into a functioning eye. “And now you want to tap into rage? No… this isn’t your rage. This is just a temporary outburst. You wouldn’t let your true personality slip out so easily…” Doom tighten his gripe on Vegetto’s arm. “But once I get rid of that trash, you’ll revel in your true desires… of a good match.” 

Doom swiftly jabbed his knee onto Vegetto’s stomach once. Doom opened his mouth, releasing a giant arm towards Vegetto’s face. Grabbing him, it slammed him onto the ground, away from Doom, before releasing him. Breathing heavily and vision becoming a blur, Doom crossed his arms. “I will give it to you Breakers; I can see why those morons [the bosses] couldn’t keep you busy for a little bit longer.”

A sudden surge of energy exploded around him. His body morphing to contain the raging powers that is swelling within him. His recovery is still not complete, Doom pushed his body to use every ounce of the voice’s power. He exhaled so much air before letting it out to collided with Gervene’s supernova blast. It tore through the attack, causing it to disperse into small particles everywhere.

He took one step forward and bolted across the platform so fast that he vanished. He reappeared in front of Kassava, punching her in the stomach. “Spacing out in the middle of the battle? Don’t you think you’re becoming a little arrogant in front of Doom?” He went to grab her throat with a tight gripe and lifted her in the air before slamming her into the ground. As Doom turned to the rest of the Breakers as he placed his feet on her back; his eyes screams exhausting, but his daunting smile signify his endless superiority of himself.

“But in the end… I, Doctor Victor von Doom, have a dream. And you’re no longer in it.” Doom roared as several giant hands came out of his mouth. Scattering about, several hands delivered rapid fire punches towards all the Breakers. One of the hands smashed through the ceiling, hurling towards one of the floating universes. It grabbed onto one and condensed in its hand as it returned, intending to smash the entire platform into nothingness—it was going to outright smash the Breakers with the universe itself.
Brachi then deployed a technique which Vegetto would also recognize if he would pay attention after Doom's onslaught just now, taking a stance where she appeared to turn her back on Doom as a fiery aura briefly surrounded her. This was the Vanisher Guard evasive technique, an ability which gave the amalgamate a few precious seconds where any attack would not inflict damage on her, allowing her to block the rapid-fire punches, although she blinked when she witnessed one of those hands grabbing and condensing a whole universe to smash them with it.
"I've encountered several 'doctors' whom were complete mad men before, but you're really taking the cake. Who let you out of the mental home?!" Brachi then said as she prepared to strike at the incoming attack to block it, while also using her senses to gauge the reaction of the others.

On the other hand, Gervene narrowed her eyes as she too had blocked the rapid-fire punches as best as she could, her Energy of destruction aura raging around her.

"You may have a dream, Doom... but in the end, it's just a dream!" The Goddess of Destruction said, generating and tossing a Hakai sphere towards the hand containing the universe, intending to erase it and help the others recover from the sudden attack, holding back just enough for them to help in keeping it back, using that ball as a last resort. 

On her turn, Majin Bara also recovered, using her Body Manipulation to nullify the dents which landed onto her body from Doom's punches, before she used her Candy Beam evasive as she spun in a circle, which would turn anyone attacking her temporarily into harmless pieces of candy if it would hit them.
The first Raune Remnant stood where he had been standing, mouth apage under his mask.

Whis is dead. And my last words to him were pridefully asking for a sheath for a fancy new sword. Just how stupid can I be? And Spina... Spina's gone, without even so much as a death scream.

"Giant mouth hands!? Just how gross are you going to get, Victor Von Puke!?" The first Remnant replied, slicing through every hand that came to attack him with strength far more enhanced than he had demonstrated before, severing the flesh like butter. He even dropped the sword onto the ground and grabbed two fingers of one of the hands, ripping it in half while screaming in his distorted voice. He picked up the sword again, white lightning arcing off of it and onto Raune's body, mingling with his Speedforce blue lightning. He began to phase his body, looking to Doom standing atop Kavassa, and let off a demonic howl. Holding onto the sword in a reverse grip, the first Remnant began to run around in circles, building up speed, wearing a groove onto the floor before charging at Doom, with his off hand's shoulder in a tackle position. Moving at the speed of light, he went in a straight line to tackle Doom off of Kavassa.

- - - - -

The second Remnant looked up from his calm waiting, still reserving his strength and managing to regain some of it through patience, despite the interruptions.

So the worthless, swordless Remnant dies, the other finishes the plan he's been working for through this fight thus far. Spina died, and so did Whis, but by different means of perishing. Despite the decrease in numbers, we all keep going.

He fired off a bullet from Stormruler, colliding into one of the hands before starting to slice through the ones that came at him, having a slightly harder time than the other Remnant but making up for it with skill rather than force. Including grabbing one hand with blue lightning, slamming it into another, and then impaling both on the ground all in one fell swoop.
Cross says "The reality is that your dream is a delusion at best Victor." as shards of ice not only negated Dooms punches on the busters but were going after doom as well.

The wisps and Jack-o-lantern were still going after doom.
Doom narrowed his eyes when he took on the light-speed tackle. He flung backwards with so much force, the ground shattered from the sheer impact. Flying back, Doom lifted his head to see Raune standing near Kassava. His back crashed onto the wall and landed on the ground, slightly arched over. “I’m not giving you anymore free passes. No more combos!”

Tightening his muscles, white energy warped around him in intense heat. Melting the ground beneath him, the white-hot flames scorched the ice shards coming at him. It managed to reduce the level of damage from the Jack-O-Lanterns raging on him.

Doctor Doom raised his arms, albeit struggling, as he pants even heavier than before. “White Reality!”

The multiple arms were stopped in their tracks because of Cross’ negation, but they were instantly revived moments after, bigger than ever. In an instant, a multitude of punches went towards Cross in all directions. One punch after another, it pushed the Lich towards the ground as it continue its assault.

The other arms went after the rest the Breakers once more, except for the one that got sliced by the second Remnant and turned candy by Bara.

One arm tightened its hand, balling into a fist, and strike the first blow on Bernkastel and Lambdadelta. Immediately right after, another arm punch her from behind to the first initial arm. Rapid fire speeds, both arms are punching Bernkastel and Lambdadelta back and forth, before slamming them in-between their fists. Just like Whis, Cross, Bernkastel and Lambdadelta are considered the threats. One arm pointed its finger at Bernkastel, charging a white beam before firing its devastating attack towards her, just about to hit her.

Another set of arms went straight for Zenta for the same reason above in a similar attack fashion. The more Doom dwindle the top threats, it’ll be easy pickings for the rest of them. Doctor Doom thought as his daunting smiles never went away. “Just a bit more… I need more strength…!” He muttered his breath.

Some of the hands scattered about and went towards the one holding the universe, taking the attack Gervene tossed. As it disappeared, the one carrying the universe rages on.
Vegetto crashed into the floor after the combo, his eyes having been wide in the blows received. He struggled his way up to his feet, coughing heavily and rising up just in time for the arm swinging towards him. His left fist raised, wiping off the small trail of blood from the corner of his mouth before his right arm shot up. In a brilliant flash of silver light, a sword shaped beam pierced through the arm in a surge forward. Splitting the appendage in two, Vegetto pulled the blade up into the air to finish slicing it in half.

His narrowed silver eyes turned towards the others, grunting heavily in frustration in blasting up after them. His arm swung viciously in attempting to cut at each arm one by one, starting with the arms flying towards Zenta.

Kassava frowned back at Whis, her arms still at her side as Doom approached.

"But how? I don't think I can."

Whis perked his eyebrows, leaning around Kassava's side and pointing towards Doom.

"Well, you can start by dodging tha-"

Kassava's eyes shot wide open from the knee to her stomach, crashing to the floor underneath Doom's grip on the back of her neck. She hacked violently, coughing up a large pool of blood from having taken the hit in base form, her pupils losing color while she trembled violently. Whis soon reappeared at her right, kneeling down and narrowing his eyes.

"Breathe, Kass! Breathe!"

Kassava coughed violently, the pressure on the back of her neck suddenly disappearing from Raune tackling Doom head on. She shut her eyes tightly, still unable to regain her vision while shaking in the small crater. She let out a small whimper, her arms trembling in failing to push herself up.

"I can't!"

Whis narrowed his eyes into a sharper glare.

"Yes you can! You have the power; just bring it out!!"


Kassava clenched her hands into fists, crushing the ground in her fingers as her upper body lifted off the ground. Resting on her knees with her arms thrown out, she let out a violent, thunderous roar masked by a voice that seemingly was not her own that shook the entire ground. The wind blasted outward from behind Raune violently, but after a brief moment, the tornadic winds and scream died out once a massive stream of bright white lights shot out underneath everyone's feet. The little particles of light illuminated the entire space, floating around in a circular fashion in the shape of a galaxy itself, brushing past their legs harmlessly while also illuminating them in the glow.

Vegetto stopped in his tracks at the sudden surge of energy, floating near Zenta and turning back to see the development on the floor. He blinked with wide eyes, watching on as Kassava slowly pushed herself up to her feet.


Kassava stood in the midst of the light show created by her energy, the galaxy shaped particles bringing a brief air of serenity and calm to the chaotic battle raging on. Her head lifted slightly up, her eyes closed but not tightly shut. Her body no longer shifted timidly from the extensive damage dealt from Doom despite the intense scars, and a small surge of wind blasted from behind everyone's backs this time. Across the area, Kassava's deep inhalation could be heard as the wind traveled from behind the Breakers and Doom's back this time. The trails of air themselves began to glow with the light, as if she were breathing in the small little galaxy itself through her nose.

In kind, the light particles themselves began to rise, an intense heat building from the sheer movement of her breathing. The whole area was coated in the bluish steam, like a misty cloud overtaking the area. It began to flow more inward with each passing breath, soon allowing the Breakers and Doom to see clearly once more. Kassava's head turned towards Doom in the midst of the calm breathing, her hair and eyebrows extensively glowing brighter and brighter as the energy pulled inward. Her eyes remained shut, but it was as if the impending stern glare was locking onto him while she firmly cracked the ground with one boot, preparing to bolt forward.
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