The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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All three Remnants merely withstood Doom’s punches, the first two using Stormruler to block the hits thanks to the weapon’s durability and their insane speed, while the third met every punch with one of his own, unburdened by a weapon.

- - - - -

I could’ve killed him. I could’ve taken this scythe and sliced his throat, exactly as Aunt Ruby did to the Grimm back home. Instead, Cuki knocks him into the air and he gets a chance to power up and kill me. Cute gesture, I guess. Shame I had to die.

“I may fall. I’m just a worthless copy, anyways.”

The third Remnant switched into Flashtime for the last time, watching everything move around him in especially slow motion. The white beam gathering in Doom’s hand, about to go off. Attacks left and right on the rest of the Breakers. If he tried, he could possibly dodge out of the way of his death. Instead, he brought Bern’s scythe into the air, and heaving it away into the air at blistering speed, slicing clean through some of the arms holding Bern in place. He with his hands still in the air, he sent out one massive, final bolt of lightning into the first Remnant’s Stormruler, giving all of his aura to the other Remnant to power up the weapon.

With his last resources given to the other Breakers, the third Raune started to run, grabbing onto the white beam a few moments after Doom fired it, adsorbing it into his body to ensure it couldn’t hurt anyone else. His off-hand, his left hand began to fade away, and his arm after, being erased. He chased after Doom, the doctor grabbing, smashing, and then throwing Cuki, and caught up to him while he was striking the air to attack Zenta, Cuki, and Whis.

The Remnant was barely half of himself, being erased, forgotten, but with two legs, one arm, and half his face remaining, he imparted a final blow, driving his hand with intense phasing right into Doom’s ribs, and slicing across horizontally. Lightning coursed across Raune as he ran, and he imparted that into Doom to send more shocks through the doctor’s body, but more than that, he phased into and vibrated his hand through both of Doom’s lungs, displacing the matter to destroy the organs.

“Just, DIE.” Was the last words he uttered before the erasure caught up to him, fading away.

- - - - -

The second Remnant, still seeing no reason to act, stayed still. One copy was still standing, after all. The first Remnant, the other copy still standing, brought Stormruler into the third Remnant’s sacrificed lightning bolt and adsorbed the energy, before dashing around and adsorbing all three faces of Doom into Stormruler, taking their energy to feed the blade and disrupt their attack.
As the flash had faded, both Vegetto and Kassava had stood in changed stances. Vegetto skidded back, having thrown up a strong defense in containing most of the blows to his forearms and shins to block. He came to a halt as Kassava dropped to one knee, coughing lightly from having failed to keep up with each blow.

Vegetto's silver eyes had turned down to her, but instantly shot open at the sight of the massive drill suddenly charging him. His gloved hands shot out, the muscles on his arms bulging violently as his fingers dug into the conal metal piece. The drill itself suddenly stopped its rotation, red blood staining the white gloves lodged into the metal from having to stop the sharp object head on. He grit his teeth heavily, the silver fire rapidly expanding outward in struggling to hold the drill back.

Kassava, meanwhile, yelped as the arms reached out to grab on her hair and legs, struggling to break free. Her free limbs shot up, managing to deflect and parry each incoming blast while she struggled vehemently with breaking out of the hold of the strange portals.

"Gah!! What the hell?!"

Whis stood tall as the blinding light took over, and once it dispersed, he emerged standing with his arms pulled in defensively like Vegetto. The air around him had been distilled; as if the shockwaves from Doom's punches were the small bubbles of distorted air floating around him, and Whis' firey aura suddenly dispelled the air backwards in a violent blast of scorching wind. His eyes had been completely shut, the silver gleam in his pupils radiating as they opened slowly once again, staring down Zenta and Cuki flying towards him.

His arms lifted, gently and lightly shifting the two bodies that came in contact past him to the right. The angle and press of his hands dispersed quite a bit of momentum gained in the flight, but Whis made sure not to disperse too much in order to push them backwards across the ground far enough to avoid Doom's next attack.

Whis pulled his arms back, keeping them at his sides. His narrowed, silver eyes tracked Doom high above and as the devastating power radiated high above in its flight closer and closer to him, Whis pulled up his right arm. His pointer and middle finger lightly pressed into his forehead, eyeing Doom specifically. At a sudden surge of energy, Whis' body seemingly shook like it was sound waves rippling in place, the massive blades of air flying past and shattering the floor beneath him. As if he were a ghost that simply floated where the attack had struck, Whis' almost incorporeal form hung in place for a moment.

His form began to disperse, the cells all seemingly flying upwards towards Doom as he soon disappeared from the naked eye. Having broken down to atoms, Whis' body flung forward towards Doom. Each molecule had a mind of its own, rapidly shooting forward as Doom was struck by more than billions upon billions of devastating strikes of small molecules empowered with the coordination to strike at Doom due to Whis' Ultra Instinct.

The molecules all aligned and reformed together behind Doom a few feet away, Whis' body returning to its normal composition and shape. The taller angel turned around, preparing for the next strike. However, as he turned to face Doom, his stern expression was slightly offset by the heavy panting audible from the last attack.
Cuki was flung directly towards her Master and her face was all cut up from how Doom dragged her across the floor. Zenta caught his student gingerly in his arms, flying back thanks to the added force from Doom. Luckily, Whis was there to help him by guiding him away from the impact. Zenta landed softly on the floor next to Whis as the angel left to perform his attack. Cuki opened her eyes, staring up at her master who shielded her from any unwarranted harm. Zenta noticed the White Cross move rushing towards him and immediately focused all his energy on his back and tails, turning his back to the attack in hopes of stopping it while he protected Cuki.

The White Cross attack was strong enough to create cracks in his 'armor' and forced the beast to hop out of the way; however, the attack broke through his energy and left a large gash on his back, causing the beast to grunt in pain. Cuki gasped before both she and her master landed farther away from the attack. She shoved herself away from Zenta and was no doubt worried about her Master. Zenta dropped to one knee, the attack and his Duo Dragon's Breath technique weighing heavy on his body.

"Master! Y-You're hurt!" Cuki whimpered. 

"Ohoho, it is but a large scratch. A large bleeding scratch," Zenta said calmly. "I believe Doom is no longer playing games with us anymore. How exciting."

"How can you be excited about something so dire?!"

Zenta slowly rose to his feet and placed a hand on top of Cuki's head, petting her ears. 

"I do not see the bad, Cuki; I only see a learning experience. Win or lose, such options are a matter of choice, yes? You decide if you win or lose this match, Cuki, not Doom. All he is to you is an obstacle," Cuki stared at her master both confused and in awe at how calm and relaxed he was. She watched as Zenta slowly took a few steps towards Doom and lowered his stance to mimic the Tiger Palm Cuki was familiar with. His smile never faded, even when he was bleeding. "Now then, care to show me how much you have grown? Or need I train you again, little Cuki?"

Cuki's eyes widen at her master's words before glaring towards Doom. The saiyan moved towards her master and parted her feet so that she was in her Tiger Palm stance. Her stance was an exact mirror of her Master, down to the position of their hands and feet and even the way their tails swayed. Cuki noticed the anomaly and realized what her Master was planning to do. Her worried expression disappeared and she showed a more confident face while being next to her master.

"Alright, Master! Let's give Doom a beating he won't ever forget!" Cuki cheered. "You ready, Master?"

Zenta smiled at his student's enthusiasm and nodded at her question. Without warning, Cuki and Zenta both bolted towards Doom at the same time. Once they reached Doom, they both took advantage of the situation created by Raune and Whis. Cuki launched her index and middle finger towards Doom's left shoulder while Zenta copied by hitting Doom's right shoulder. Each specifically aiming to hit one of Doom's pressure points to prevent him from attacking Whis or hurting the others. The Master and Student moved with grace and elegance as their attacks not only mirrored each other but covered for the blind spots of the other. It was like watching a hypnotic dance. Cuki pulled her palm back and slammed it against his chest while Zenta hit his abdomen. The impact sending a small shockwave across the area.

"That's for Raune!"
The giant drill stopped in its tracks by Vegetto; however, it began to morph around the Potara warrior. Wrapping around the fusion with its durable straps, it restricted Vegetto’s movements. Immediately afterwards, not giving him any time to react properly, it forcibly sent him flying across the current battlefield. Its intention is to head towards where Doom was currently caught in battle against four opponents.


Thanks to the combination attacks between Cross and Gervene, with assistance from Brachi, they managed to overload the Doom-Faces firing attacks towards them. After being destroyed, the energy got sucked into Raune’s Stormruler.

In the meanwhile, Spina roared angrily as he overpowered the destructive blast from the stone Doom with his own. “It’s going to take more than that to take me out!”. His own attack eclipsed over the other attack and destroy the stone Doom completely. Spina panted heavily; the instant barrage attacks took a heavy toll on his body as he descends to the ground with the other Breakers. “For some reason, I don’t feel the actual weight behind the attacks Doom is dishing out.” The old Saiyan wondered. “It’s a similar feeling I had with the Voice-Bara battle.”

Spina turned around, seeing Whis, Cuki, Zenta and Raune coming in battle against the mighty Doom. He was impressed of their skilled, but it turned soured when the third version of Raune vanished into nothingness. Even though it was not technically the prime version of Raune, the very act of Doom erasing anyone enraged the Saiyan. “We need to get in there. Some of you, assist Bernkastel and Kassava! The rest, let’s help them out!”

Spina attempted to dash straight towards the battle to put more pressure. He sense energy coming in fast behind him and jumped out of the way. “Whoa!” The restricted Vegetto nearly hitting him as he flew by.


Doctor Doom was preparing to counter the incoming attacks from Zenta and Cuki, knowing that Whis would save them. However, he felt a sudden gash on his ribcage; a high voltage shock to his system; and organs failing from third Raune’s interference, gave the Martial Artists enough time to do their attacks. Numbness settled in after each precise strike to his shoulders, leaving him unable to use his arms to counterattack. The duo continue, striking Doctor Doom’s chest and abdomen so hard, that his senses got rocked momentarily. He nearly fell to the ground but managed to keep himself steady. Yet, the sudden strikes by Whis, compounded in literal billions, left Doctor Doom being overwhelmed in blows. It left him on the floor after the destructive multitude of blows added onto the heavy toll on his body.

Doctor Doom struggled to push himself up, coughing up a mouthful of blood on the scarred floor. His vision blurred; an everlasting pain erupted on his body; and breathing became difficult to do. Yet, Doctor Doom still managed to crack a smile.

“You guys like combos attacks, don’t you?”

Mustering his strength, Doctor Doom slammed the bloodied ground hard with his bare hands. Debris flung into the air and split into particles as dripples of his blood twirl around him. It encase him like a protective barrier. “White Reality!” Doom roared loudly. A gigantic, muscular arm came out of his mouth and reached the top of the ceiling. As it took the stage, the body of Doom rested as it begins to recover. 

Without hesitation, the hand slammed the ground multiple times so violently, it caused the ground to completely shatter, and forces everyone up in the air; this was an attempt to break concentration among the Breakers no longer targeted. The hand used two fingers to grab Vegetto when he got close. No delay in its attack, it rapidly slammed Vegetto around like a rag doll, attacking Zenta, Whis and Cuki in the process. Once it finished thrashing around, it toss Vegetto so hard, he caught on fire. Hurling towards Whis to bait him on protecting his student, the arm twirls his hand to fire off White Marble Redux to tear the morphing being apart.

The giant hand balled into a fist so tightly, veins appeared around it. It went straight for Zenta, pushing him back before targeting Cuki. It launched rapid-fire punches, each with the force of a thousand supernovas, in blistering speeds. Despite its size, it moves incredibly fast. Finishing its attack, it grabbed Cuki and launched her towards the air, before firing off a white beam towards her.

Spina narrowed his eyes, realized that he need to react quickly. Remembering what Whis discussed a while back about letting your body do the talking, and see those movements in real time, the old Saiyan bolted towards Cuki. Disregarding his own safety, his body went passed the durability of high speeds. His skin were burning the faster he went to save Cuki. Spina crashed onto Cuki, knocking her away from the White Beam’s trajectory, but ended up getting caught instead.
(Sorry for my late post, had to think this one over and exam has been kicking my butt. Should be over soon tho'!)

Zenta noticed the arm coming towards his direction and jumped back, giving him a moment to cross his arms over his chest and block the damage. It was still enough to send him flying as well as do massive damage. Thanks to his previous attacks earlier, Zenta was still recovering. He flung back several meters before skidding on the floor for a few seconds. The beast quickly recomposed himself and softly landed back on his feet, skidding back only a few inches this time. His body quivered as blood fell from his mouth. The impact hurt him more than he thought as he held back the urge to show pain. As calmly as possible he cleared his throat and spat out as much blood as he could. His ears perked when he heard Cuki's yelp.

Cuki was caught in the massive barrage of punches from the fist, unable to defend herself due to how overwhelming it was for the little Saiyan. Before having time to react, Cuki saw the White Beam coming right towards her and feebly held up her hands. She charged a small ki blast in her hopes to deflect the beam as it got closer to her; however, she was quickly shoved away by Spina. The next thing she saw was an explosion as she landed on the ground with a thud. Her eyes widen, knowing that Spina took the blast for her and all she assumed was that he was erased. She stared in disbelief at what Spina did and balled her hands into fists, annoyed and heartbroken at his action. 

"Mr. Spina..." Cuki said with a whimper. "You... you stupid, old Saiyan..."

There was a sudden surge of energy coming from Cuki, similar to that of when she faced Demi-Fiend. Her body began to get coated in white energy but it appeared a little more self contained. The energy would be familiar to Kassava as well as the odd transformation Cuki was undergoing. The young Saiyan grunted, still having no control over the energy from earlier as it gradually consumed her body. It burned off her skin and took its place while Cuki struggled for control, the wave of emotion being a trigger for her. Cuki was heard struggling to keep herself from losing control as she did in the Demi-Fiend fight. The pulse of energy immediately caught Zenta's attention.

Oh my, could it be..?

Zenta gazed at Cuki and her struggle, being familiar with this energy from many eons ago. He smirked, wanting to see how Cuki handled it first hand but knew it could lead to disaster for the others. The energy sent a cold shiver down his spine, almost as if he had an experience with it. He took a deep breath to help distract him from the pain he was in and dashed in front of Cuki, keeping his back to her as he prepared to fight off Doom to protect his student. He glanced back to see his student grabbing her head in order to keep control of herself, so he spoke to her in his soothing voice.

"Now, now Cuki, surely you are not going to let this energy consume you," Zenta got no response from Cuki. "This fight will only get more difficult should you lose control, little one."

"But... Spina..." Cuki said through her teeth, the white energy slowly consuming one side of her face. "He's... gone..! Doom must... pay for that..!"

"It is as I said earlier; everything is a learning experience, Cuki. Do not let your emotions drive your reasoning. You found yourself in a situation like this before. Push back and regain control."

Cuki continued to struggle before her arms yanked at her hair, growling at her frustration. The power around her body slowly started to calm down and become less violent. However, the white energy covering half her face and body remained. She finally ripped some of her hair off the roots until she let her arms drop. Her breathing was slightly erratic while she gazed down at her two arms. One was covered with the controlling white energy and black markings while the other normal. She managed to stop the entire transformation before it completely consumed her but the energy still had a mind of its own, occasionally tugging Cuki to attack her Master and anyone who got too close. The energy was still sometimes a bit too much for Cuki to handle but her strong will kept her from attacking the others. 

Alright... steady. I can do this. I can control it..! Don't let my emotions cloud my judgment... 

As Zenta was about to make a move to distract Doom, Cuki rushed past him and reeled her energy coated arm back, slamming it directly on Doom's shield as he recovered. The first impact did nothing but Cuki relentlessly attacked the protective shield around Doom, slamming her fists repeatedly and rapidly. It was clear that she struggled to maintain control, especially by how the white energy crawled slowly across her face. Each punch gradually got stronger from her coated fist but her normal fist was broken by how hard she exerted herself. Cuki was not yet aware of her broken hand as she continued to punch the shield. As she punched, a small bit of her energy seeped into the shield, making it brittle and crack and certain places. 

Zenta noticed the cracks and fissures forming on the shield and quickly jumped into the air, timing himself so his palm would hit at the same time as Cuki's fist. The pressure between the two forces would shatter the shield into pieces, giving everyone the opening they needed to attack Doom. Zenta landed on his feet but dropped to one knee, still not fully recovered from Doom's earlier attack. Cuki let out a war cry before rushing towards Doom.
On her turn, Brachi was gathering a large amount of energy herself, spreading her arms and legs as her aura blazed around her, the Kaio-ken aura reappearing around her to boost her attack power as well as her senses, having witnessed Spina's apparent sacrifice. This alone pressed her enough to load as much power as she could in her attack, being an iconic attack which Vegetto would recognize without a shadow of a doubt as Brachi brought her hands together, before cupping them at her side, charging up even more energy as she did so, while Gervene and Majin Bara did their parts to keep Doom occupied enough for the attack to hit its mark.

"FINAL KAMEHAMEHA!" Brachi roared as she then threw her hands forward, sending a massive wave of swirling blue and yellow energy towards Doom, further empowered with a faint red glow from her Kaio-ken power as the attack soared towards Doom with immense speed, intending to strike him head on.
The wisps and the Jack-o-Lantern attacks intensified on doom. They aim to not aloud any chance for doom to recover.

Cross cast a healing spell for those that needed it.
With the ground shattered for the second or third time, the two remaining Remnants ended up standing among debris. The first Remnant looked to the second, who nodded, holding up Stormruler.

"I think it's ready."

"Then do it. No telling how unstable that thing can get."

"First, a name."

The two Remnants locked eyes, looking to the blade in the first Remnant's hand. The once black blade with blue accents and lightning had changed, forming into a larger, longer sword. The blade had taken on a pure black coloration, discarding blue, and switched from a two handed longsword into a heavy broadsword. The legendary blade had taken on a new form as a result of this battle, but it was only a copy of the real, original Stormruler held by the second Remnant. This new blade had white lightning arcing across it instead of blue, and instead of water condensation it was forming and discarding waves of dark grey power flowing off of it like foam.

The two locked eyes and spoke in unison. "Whitestorm. A fitting tribute to Doom's love of his White Attacks."

"Go!" The second ordered the first, who nodded. He sped off, running by Whis across the scattered ground with jumps and leaps as needed, speeding past the burning Vegetto headed for the Angel, and heading right into Doom's White Marble attack heading for Whis. Using his sword, the first Remnant swung it into every marble, adsorbing rather than destroying the attacks this time. Having adsorbed that attack, the Remnant stopped on one foot, gathered the lightning around himself like a lightning rod into his hand, and with activating it with a minor burst of his own, reversed his own momentum and propelled himself back towards the flying, on fire Vegetto, increasing his speed via jumps and runs to outpace and catch up with the Saiyan before he could impact Whis. With a leap, he threw Whitestorm into a patch of ground right next to Whis and with now two free hands grabbed onto Vegetto. Using one foot to launch himself off another piece of scattered land, he rapidly spun through the air like a top, swirling with enough speed to deprive the fire any oxygen to stop the burning. With just as much precision and calculated position as the rest of that stunt, Raune landed on his two feet, using the Speedforce and super strength to dig into the ground and cancel out his momentum on the spot, placing the battered Saiyan onto the ground, free of fire, at Whis' feet.

"Give him time to let Cross' healing spell undo what it can in the moment.” The first Remnant suggested. “Whis, you used some sort of magic materialization ability before. Could I get a new sheath for this?” He asked, pulling Whitestorm out of the ground it had been embedded in. The changed broadsword was simply too large to fit into the sheath once fashioned for it.
Whis continued to pant lightly, having remained floating above where Doctor Doom was recuperating. His arms hung at his sides, not even turning to see the massive arm swinging towards him with the White Marble Redux. His black robes and tall hair rippled from the wind of Raune cancelling out the attacks, and the taller angel floated back a few meters from where had been to give Zenta and Cuki room to strike at Doctor Doom's barrier.

His narrowed silver eyes watched on in the growing chaos, his attention on Doom while Raune brought the battle damaged Vegetto to the angel's feet. Vegetto, having been released in floating air due to no floor being present, grunted in annoyance as he shook his head.

"No! I can still fight...I don't need any healing."

Vegetto's body was littered with scratches and burn marks, his own silver eyes narrowed in tensing up in preparing to lunge forward. He had nearly bolted straight into a dash for Doom, but Whis' voice stopped him in his tracks.

"I can't. I need all of my energy for this final attack."

Whis' voice had been an answer to Raune, but Vegetto turned his head in confusion, perking his own right eyebrow.


Whis' stern stare remained, exhaling deeply in steadying his breathing.

"I have done all I can in this battle...but Doom becomes more powerful with each passing moment. He must be overwhelmed now, in this last, final opening."

His silver eyes shot to the side, carefully watching the massive hand as it swung a bit closer. As soon as the giant appendage had moved to a further distance, Whis' eyes turned back to Doom, his speech continuing during the movement.

"I was unsure I could even use this attack once, let alone a second. However...if I strike now with the power of the others' attacks, one more time may be enough to finally bring him down."

Vegetto's eyes widened, watching on as Whis raised two fingers to his forehead. The taller angel kept his attention forward, the silver fire erupting up from underneath his feet and encasing his body.

"Please give my sincerest regards to the remaining Breakers. I do not know the rules of this interesting reality we find ourselves in, but if this is the end, then I would like to wish them well."

Vegetto blinked once, his dual voice raising a bit in pitch in concern.

"What are you talking about?"

Whis' head remained forward, his voice flat.

"My entire body moving at the very atom requires extensive power, Vegetto. Instant Transmission has given me the ability to break myself down to that level, but if there is no more energy to pull from, the atoms themselves will cease to be. I will be able to break down and unleash one final attack on Doom, at the cost of the energy I need to bring everything back together. Without my energy to sustain them, the atoms themselves will cease to be." 

Vegetto's eyes remained wide, clenching his fists.

"No Whis! We can all combine our attacks instead, that should be enough to overpower Doom and-"

"Be silent please."

Vegetto stopped mid sentence, shocked at the very abrupt command. He stared at Whis' back with wide eyes, the flat and stern tone ringing out once more.

"It has been quite a privilege to see your growth, Vegetto, but I must implore you-"

Whis turned his head slowly, his face finally visible to Raune and Vegetto. His eyes locked with Vegetto's, and in a brief moment, the powerful and stern stare across his face gave way to his consistent, warm and happy smile once more.

"Please do take care of Lady Kassava. The detective and I have done our best...but she deserves much more from you."

Vegetto floated, still stunned in the display while Whis raised up his free hand in a farewell wave while he kept two fingers from the other hand pressed to his forehead.

"Until we meet again."

The taller angel's body suddenly morphed once again, his figure practically distorting into an incorporeal ghost. Vegetto watch on as Whis' body shot forward down towards Doom, his dual voice loudly booming out in throwing out his right arm.


Breaking down to the very atom once again, Whis' body shot forward in a devastating barrage of billions and billions of hits on the now exposed Doom. Each atom moved with grace through the onslaught of Brachi's Final Kamehameha striking Doom, landing blow after blow in the combined attack. However, as the atoms moved past Doom in their strikes, each one vanished into thin air one by one, and once Whis' final attack had ended, there was no taller angel reforming on the other side of Doom.
Bernkastel caught her scythe by the handle as it whizzed through the air to sever some of the arms grabbing her out of the portals. She grit her teeth and shouted in frustration, slicing through the arms holding her and Kassava in place. "Now that we're freed, I'll--" She turned but froze in her place upon witnessing Whis fighting Doom down to his very molecules. She heard him give Vegetto his parting goodbyes, her eyes widening in shock and she tried to lunge forward and stop him. The witch shouted in objection along with Vegetto but before she could fully articulate herself beyond a few stunned phrases, Whis cut them off.

"WHIS!!" Bernkastel yelled even as he dealt out the immeasurable number of blows on Doom. Before she knew it, he was gone with the wind, having completely faded into nothingness after his final fight. She could only stare at the spot he stood with a pallid face. "... not you too."
Waldo and his clones emerged from the attacks, but ultimately let his clones perish in the punches to conserve his own energy after using his hidden ability. The mirrors they equipped had all shattered taking the brunt of the thrashing, but he likely would've fallen down below if he didn't use his cane to stay attached to the walls.

"Bern, over here!" Lambdadelta emerged from the barrage of punches, bruised, but triumphantly holding a sphere of concentrated mass that had absorbed abundant debris created in the wake of the battle's destruction. Shards of the enchanted mirrors swirled into the voidsphere in her hand as the pink energy of her aura rolled off her body in waves, being absorbed further by the gravitational pull of the mass she was harvesting. It gained a halo around its midsection, resembling a small planet. Floating high in the air, she launched it at Bernkastel.

Bernkastel snapped out of her stunned state, narrowing her eyes to react in kind. As it propelled toward her with blistering heat from the volatile energy forming its core, Bernkastel swung her scythe behind her. The blade glowed bright green and grew in size: with a battle cry, Bernkastel swung it and threw the weight of her whole body into the motion. The scythe struck the magical meteor and met it with loud crackles of arcane electricity. She forced the blade to slice the comet open with a heavy energy pulse radiating from it. An assault of giant explosive candied pumpkins and cherry bombs erupted from the broken meteor, detonating in powerful fireworks as they rained down.

"Let's see you try to avoid all that without throwing yourself into my special aerial minefield!" Lambda shouted.

"CHEW HIM UP!!" Bernkastel shouted, turning to thrust out her arms for shadowy devil cats to lunge forth from her billowing sleeves. The devil cats morphed together to assume the form of a spectral shark, a glittering green monster with innumerable pairs of emerald eyes all over its body. Seemingly swimming through the air like it were water, the great shark opened its maw to reveal rows of jagged obsidian teeth framed around a void full of smaller eyes and teeth. Roaring, the cursed monster lurched through the air towards Doom.
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